wwii “the big one”. japan invades _____________ as a result of depression in japan,...

Post on 11-Jan-2016






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“The Big One”

Japan Invades _____________

• As a result of depression in Japan, _________________ ____________________ who promote absolute powers for the Emperor Hirohito, who wants to resolve the crisis.

• IN 1931, Japan invades: coal, iron ore, oil.

Weak Responses Encouraged More Attacks

In 1935 ________________ ____________________

• 1935 Hitler sends troops into Rhineland.

• 1936 Hitler and Mussolini sign ________________.

• 1936 Japan joins Axis.• Why were the responses

to these events so weak from League of Nations? – from Britain, and France,

the major powers?

Hitler Correctly Gauged French and British Response

• French public opinion was strongly against confrontation.

• No one wanted to go it alone.

• Both countries were ________ _______________________


Germany Expanded Without A Shot, Until ___________________


Sept. 1938

March 1939

March 1939



Shooting War Begins inPoland, Sept 1,’39

German Reichstag Celebrates Annexation of Austria

Axis Supports General Franco

• Spanish Civil War between ____________ and an unstable ____________________.

• Western volunteers support democracy.

• 1939 Fascist forces prevail.

The Non-Aggression Pact

• Secret: ______________ ____________________

• Germany wants to avoid a 2 front war…

To the chancellor of the German Reich, Herr A. Hitler.

I thank you for your letter. I hope that the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact will mark a decisive turn for the better in the political relations between our two countries. . . .

J. Stalin*

August 1939

Ribbentrop, Molotov (f), Stalin

Blitzkrieg Took Poland in 1 Month

Launched: Sept 1, 1939


The Blitzkrieg Spread• Used tank and airforce,

(________________) • Denmark in 24 hours• Norway’s ports in 2 days• Netherlands/Belgium/&


• By the end of June, most of Western Europe had been taken.

• Resistance groups form• Balkans in weeks

“Lightning Warfare”

Germans March into Paris

• ______________________________________________________________________– A new Prime Minister Henri Petain, retired WWI

general surrenders– France had to pay $ + 80% of resources + ____

___________________________________– French Jews turned over– French lands in the Pacific given to Japan

Battle of Britain: Her “Finest Hour”

• Delayed: (a big mistake) Hitler was sure Britain would surrender – bombed cities to pieces, 300-600 civilian lives lost per day, (1,000s injured daily)

• “Never was so much owed by so many to so few”• ________________• ________ – decodingmachine

In the Atlantic - Challenge US Isolationism

• Neutrality Acts 1930s – no selling of arms or lending $ to countries at war

• _______________________________– “___________________________________”– Lend and lease supplies to countries fighting

against aggressors– Undeclared war as Navy gets orders to escort

British merchant ships and shoot on sight

The Critical US-British Alliance• Begun with Lend-Lease and US

escorts of British ships in 1941• Atlantic Charter: July 1941

– They _____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________; and they wish to see sovereign rights and self government restored to those who have been forcibly deprived of them

– After the final destruction of the Nazi tyranny, they hope to see established peace which will afford to all nations the means of dwelling in safety within their own boundaries

JUNE 22, 1941______________________

What did Stalin do in the first few days?

• Hid in the Kremlin…• _________________• Molotov gave radio

speech on 22 June• 3 July: radio address by

Stalin…• “__________________


Hitler’s Biggest Mistake: Russia• Operation Barbarossa June

22, 1941• ______________________

__________________• Moscow never taken• Stalemate in the snow• WINTER, but “_______

______________” order is given

• German troops suffer

stranglehold at Stalin-grad by early 1943.

Japan Threatened American Interests

• Japan had attacked China– ______________________________________________– Threatened Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Dutch East Indies

• FDR bans sale of scrap iron, steel, oil– ___________________________________________________– Prime Minister Tojo orders an attack…

Pearl Harbor: Sunday morning Dec. 7, 1941

• 6 J aircraft carriers w/ 400 planes

“A day which shall live in infamy.” - F. Roosevelt


Japanese overran Western Pacific, but Allies stopped the tide at ______________________

• Broke Japanese code

• Then Allies began island hopping and taking back everything Japan had gained

Allies To Europe by way of…________________

• Americans and British fought Germans 1942

• ____________________________________________________________ – major shift in war

• Closed in on Axis in Africa and pushed them out– Stalin unhappy –

meanwhile Axis army complete failure in Russia @ Battle of Stalingrad ~189,000 casualties

• Sicily, then Italy first in ’43, (before France)

Allies Fight Their Way Up the Boot

• Sicily taken in a month: preview of Normandy

• __________________________________

• Germans pour troops into Italy and occupy

• Allies fight for 2 years but never take complete control until Germany itself falls

What Happened to Mussolini?

• Mussolini was arrested by Italian but later rescued by German paratroopers – Sets up Italian Socialist Republic in German-

held northern Italy, with himself as its leader. – ____________________________________


Normandy Landing: June 6, 1944

• In ___________, Allied forces took 80miles of French coastland and began heavy invasion

• Liberated Paris by August 24 – ________ _______________________________ again, German nightmare!

The German Reich Collapses

• German retreat in face of Allied press to Berlin – ___________________________

• FDR dies of cerebral hemorrhage April 28th, 1945 – succeeded by ____________

• ______________________________ with signing of papers declaring Germany’s unconditional surrender

War Not Over in the Pacific

• Allies closing in on Japan, but _________ __________________________________

• Invasion possible – ____________________________________


• Demanded unconditional surrender of Japan – They refuse

Atomic Bomb

• Truman warned Japan of “prompt and utter destruction” if they didn’t surrender

• _________________________________– Killed about 80,000

• Aug.9, 1945 dropped on Nagasaki– Kills 40,000

• _________________________________ _______________________in Tokyo Bay

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