www.investmauritius.com budget2012 eng

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  • 7/28/2019 Www.investmauritius.com Budget2012 Eng


  • 7/28/2019 Www.investmauritius.com Budget2012 Eng



    1. Editorial

    2. Investment Climate

    3. Fiscal Measures

    4. Sectoral Analysis

    i) Manufacturing

    ii) Financial Services

    iii) Tourism & IRS/RES

    iv) ICT/BPO

    v) Logistics and Distribution

    vi) Knowledge

    vii) Healthcare

    viii) Renewable Energy

    ix) Seafood

    x) Aviation Hub

    xi) Creative Industries: Film Making

    xii) Agro-Industry

  • 7/28/2019 Www.investmauritius.com Budget2012 Eng


    democratizing our economy with ease of access to nance for the development of the Micro/SME

    sector, the greater empowerment of women and enhanced training schemes for our youth.

    Investment is our engine of growth. The measures announced allow for continuity in our endeavor to

    further open our economy in terms of foreign talents and investment.

    At the same time, the scope of investment at home is being broadened, providing investors with more

    opportunities. The creation of new sectors like commercial marinas and lm making will allow new

    ventures. Specic measures aimed at revamping the nancial services, agriculture, sheries, tour-

    ism, ICT/BPO, knowledge, construction and healthcare sectors equally provide for new investment

    prospects. As a lever to boost investors condence, a total of MUR 21.2 billion will be injected in key

    infrastructure projects.

    The newly announced National Resilience Fund (NRF) totaling MUR 7.3 billion puts a special focus

    on the promotion and internationalization of Mauritius as a preferred investment destination in both

    our traditional as well as new markets including India, China and Africa. The commitment of the Gov-ernment to position Mauritius as the preferred platform for Africa is testied by its dedication to signing

    more DTAAs and IPPAs with African nations like Tanzania, Algeria and Angola as well as positioning

    Mauritius as the undisputed hub offering more connections with Africa and emerging economies.

    The investment climate is rendered safer through the creation of more jobs, the launching of a more

    inclusive housing programme and the implementation of strong social measures.

    This budget is accompanied by a six-month implementation timetable which will allow us to monitor

    our performance and progress.

    I invite you to read through the analysis made by the BOI team concerning the measures announcedby Honourable Xavier-Luc Duval in this 2012 Budget.

    Ken Poonoosamy

    Managing Director

    Dear Valued Investors,

    Articulated around the concept of Growth For The Greater

    Good, the 2012 Budget commissions the Board of Investmentto offer a unique experience for investors.

    In this special edition of our newsletter we bring you the good

    news, namely the consolidation of our competitiveness through

    growth strategies and the abolition of a series of taxes, amongst

    others the removal of the solidarity tax on dividends and inter-

    est effective on 1st January 2012 and, with immediate effect,

    the cancellation of the capital gains tax on immovable property.

    Business facilitation, a determining factor in the investment

    equation, has been given a special attention. In view of fur-ther increasing efciency, a new system aiming at reducing the

    processing time for registering properties from 15 to 2 days

    is being introduced by next week. The focus is on attractinghigher investment for the acquisition of advanced technologies

    to achieve higher productivity and greater efciency, allow-

    ing Mauritius to move towards increased prosperity by further


  • 7/28/2019 Www.investmauritius.com Budget2012 Eng



    The performance of Mauritius in several global

    indices such as the Mo Ibrahim Index of AfricanGovernance, the World Bank Doing Business In-

    dex as well as Fraser Institutes Economic Index

    Freedom positions Mauritius internationally and

    No 1 in Africa.

    1) With a view to further improve the ease of

    doing business and be among the best, a Joint

    Public-Private Sector Business Facilitation Task

    Force has been set up. The Task Force will ad-

    dress the various bottlenecks and cumbersome

    procedures faced by the business communityand devise policies that will further improve the

    regulatory framework.

    2) A new system has been implemented to further

    reduce the time for registering property from 15

    to 2 days.

    Impact on economy

    The above measure will contribute to further im-

    prove the doing business environment and do

    away with cumbersome procedures that result in

    undue delays in the issue of permits and licenc-

    es. The policies that will be devised will enable

    Mauritius to be in the Top League of the Doing

    Business Index and have the right conditions in

    place to further attract trade and investment.


    Government will appoint two roving ambassadorsfor Africa and the Indian Ocean.


    The roving ambassadors will contribute to better

    position Mauritius at the regional level and in-

    crease the network of Double Taxation Avoidance

    Agreements and Investment Promotion and Pro-

    tection Agreements which is crucial to further pro-

    mote trade and investment in the region. Theseinvestment agreements will provide more inves-

    tor condence and use Mauritius as the platform

    for investment structuring into Africa.

    Tax Policy to boost Investment and Growth

    Abolition of solidarity tax on dividends and


    Abolition of Capital gains tax on immovable


    Abolition of municipal tenants tax

    Removal of land transfer tax on the sale of

    immovable property by nancial institutions.

    Tax holiday of Freeport operators will be

    carried forward indenitely.

    Consolidating Agriculture

    Full VAT refund on agricultural machinery, equip-

    ment and tools that will be purchased in 2012.

    Harnessing benets of our seas

    VAT refund on shing gear, outboard and

    inboard engines of up to 25 hp and VHF radios.

    VAT refund on semi-industrial shing ves-

    sels by cooperatives.

    Medical Tourism

    Restoration of VAT exemption on cosmetic sur-


    Supporting SMEs

    Banks will be allowed to claim the deduction from

    tax, in respect of SME bad debts without the need

    to have recourse to the courts.



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    Sound and responsible scal stewardship

    Extension of solidarity levy on telecommuni-

    cation companies for more than one year to end

    in 2013. The levy will also cover management

    companies in the Global Business Sector. The

    levy will be 10% of chargeable income and will

    be applicable for 2 years ending in 2013. 40% increase of annual rental values for in-

    dustrial leases of state land.

    Removal of Annual double deduction for

    marketing and promotional expenses granted to

    a company in the tourism sector/engaged in ex-

    port activities.

    Tax administration

    Extending coverage of Tax deduction at

    source to: Fees paid to lawyers, doctors and dentists

    Rental and other intermediaries on behalf of

    property owners

    Fees paid to minor operators

    CSR will be computed as 2% of chargeable

    income instead of 2% of book prots.

    Increase of income exemption thresholds

    by 15,000 for each of the six categories of in-

    come tax payers.

    Housing Units

    Exemption on payment of land conversion

    tax, registration duty and land-transfer tax.

    Removal of land transfer tax for the next

    two years on the construction of housing estates

    comprising at least 5 units, at a maximum price of

    2.5 million rs each.

    Full exemption on registration duty for rst

    time buyers under the scheme



    1. A Sponsored Pre-job Training Initiative is intro-

    duced under the following conditions:

    The duration of training should not exceed 6


    HRDC will pay 60 percent and the prospective

    employer 40 percent of the training costs, and

    A monthly stipend of 6,000 rupees per trainee

    will be paid on a 50:50 cost sharing basis.

    2. The banking sector has agreed to the release

    of 3 billion MUR at an affordable interest rate of3% above the repo rate, that is 8.5 %.

    3. New loans to SMEs at the DBM be capped at

    the repo rate plus 3 %, that is 8.5 %.

    4. To further support the SMEs as well as other

    borrowers, Government is abolishing the inscrip-

    tion fee leviable on registered loans.

    5. Exemption of Registration duty ranging from

    1,000 MUR to 10,000 MUR on loans not exceed-ing 1 million MUR.

    6. An additional 175 units in industrial estates are

    being developed at ve sites. They will be avail-

    able to a wide array of SMEs, including mechan-

    ics, carpenters, metal workers, manufacturers

    and furniture makers.

    7. Government is also granting entrepreneurs

    seeking deserve assistance up to 20,000 MUR

    monthly towards their expenses, subject to their

    proposal being approved by the Mauritius Busi-ness Growth Scheme (MBGS).

    8. All facilities under the LEMS will be extended

    to December 2014.

    9. A guarantee scheme under the NRF to enable

    SMEs to get insurance cover on their exports as

    well as on local sales is introduced.


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    10. Access to crches to some 2,000 children

    will be provided in Mauritius and Rodrigues to

    children whose parents could not otherwise af-

    ford it giving them the same opportunity in life

    as for well-off children. To this end 1,500 rupees

    per month for a child up to 3 years old will be of-

    fered to poor families accompanied by a social

    contract with the NEF.

    11. Companies will now be able to use their CSR

    fund, to provide free of charge, crche and kin-

    dergarten facilities for their employees earning

    less than 12,000 rupees per month.


    Capacity Building initiatives will mitigate the chal-

    lenges caused by the shortage of skilled labour

    by: 1. Increasing the participation rate of those

    not involved in the workforce;

    2. Increasing the value of work performed by

    those already in the labour market;

    3. Raising the skill level of those entering the


    It is expected that in 2012, some 8,000 unem-

    ployed will be covered by these schemes.

    Greater access to nance will enable SMEs to

    cover new operations locally and overseas, in-

    crease available resources for local investment

    increase their productivity and enhance their


    The provision of modern industrial infrastructure

    to operators will ensure efciency in production

    but also help them receive and send products

    to and from other companies in the supply chainand deliver their products to their end market.

    The increased access to foster homes for chil-

    dren will remove obstacles to employment, in

    particular as concerns women.

    Financial Services : The Linchpin of our


    BOI is mandated to actively promote the export of

    nancial services out of Mauritius as well as at-

    tract new nancial players to invest locally. To this

    end, BOI will further consolidate its presence in

    key markets including the USA, Europe and India

    as well as leverage on new and upcoming ones

    including China, Africa and Middle East. We will

    adopt an aggressive marketing strategy to en-

    sure increased visibility of the Mauritius Interna-

    tional Financial Centre (MIFC) in these markets.


    1. Appropriate legal framework will soon be set

    up to promote Foundations, Private Occupational

    Pensions and New concept of Trusts.

    2. The Government will continue to protect the

    countrys best interest with regards to the India/

    Mauritius Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement.

    3. The Code Civil Mauricien will be amendedto allow for appropriate legal framework which

    would govern leasing of both immovable and

    movable property especially nance leasing.

    4. With regards to insurance sector the legislation

    allowing local assets to be insured with a foreign

    based insurance company is being abrogated in


    Financial Services is one of the major pillars of

    the economy and will continue to be the linch-pin of our economy. The setting up of an appro-

    priate legal framework to promote Foundations,

    Private Occupational Pensions and New concept

    of Trusts will further consolidate the product of-

    ferings of the Mauritius International Financial

    Centre (MIFC) and will enhance condence of

    investors using the MIFC as a wealth and as-

    set management jurisdiction. In addition, the an-

    nouncement to repeal the Legislation that catered

    for local assets to be insured with foreign based

    insurance company by 2013 will no doubt give a

    boost to local insurance and will encourage newinsurance companies to serve the sector.

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    The proposed amendment to the Code Civil

    Mauricien will provide more comfort to leasing

    companies and entice international leasing com-

    panies to enter the Mauritian market.

    Key Facts

    The Financial services industry contributed anextent of 13% to Mauritian GDP in 2010. The

    sector grew by 4.3% last year. As at March 2011,

    11,731 people are employed in this industry. In

    2010, FDI in the nancial sector reached MUR

    4.7 billion while domestic private investments

    amounted to MUR 29.3 Bn.

    Hospitality & Property Development

    In line with stated aim in the budget of encour-

    aging investment, government priorities in thisbudget for the hospitality and property develop-

    ment sector are laser-focused on:

    Fiscal Measure

    The abolition of tax on gains from the sale of im-

    movable property (capital gains tax) to reinstate

    the competitiveness of the Mauritian real estate

    sector in the international arena Abolition of mu-

    nicipal tenants tax to ease the cash ow of en-



    The abolition of the capital gains tax will:

    restore the image of Mauritius as a jurisdiction

    with a stable scal platform

    make the residential real estate sector compris-

    ing of the IRS and RES more liquid and an attrac-

    tive asset class for institutional investors

    exempt small landowners transferring theirproperty in a company for RES project will not be


    create positive spillovers and reposition Mau-

    ritius as an attractive location to invest and own

    secondary homes

    Boosting investment in the construction in-


    Reducing the time to register a deed on acquisi-

    tion of an immovable property from 15 days to 2days using an electronic platform

    Allowing holders of permanent residence permit

    to buy an apartment so as to give a boost to the

    construction industry


    The central task of this measure is to lift the con-

    struction industry and to attract more FDI through

    the acquisition of apartment by non-citizens.

    Bolster tourism industry and marina develop-


    Setting up the appropriate legal framework for

    marina development and operations so as to po-

    sition Mauritius as an attractive sailing destina-

    tion in the region and to further diversify the exist-

    ing tourism package

    Development and adoption of an ofcial rating

    system to grade hotel operators

    Introduction of a green certication to label ho-

    tels for sustainable management and operations

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    Hotels and tourist residences running at a lost

    will be not be liable to pay the environment pro-

    tection fee in 2012


    Mauritius being strategically located within the

    Indian Ocean, having a beautiful coastline, anumber of small islands near the shore as well

    as other islands much further away (Rodrigues,

    Agalega), an ever expanding tourist industry, a

    growing number of buyers for IRS villas and a

    sizeable number of boats, a marina industry

    would add to the existing offer to tourists, IRS/

    RES buyers and local people. Mauritius has all

    the prerequisites to become an attractive sail-

    ing destination in the region. We are very keen

    to diversify our existing tourism package, which

    includes activities related to shopping, business,green tourism, health and golf, with a new prod-

    uct, namely sailing tourism.

    Key Facts

    The contribution of Hotels and restaurants to

    GDP in 2010 amounted to 7%. Last year, 915,000

    tourists visited Mauritius and the projection is

    980,000 tourists in 2011. Tourism receipts for

    2010 reached MUR 39.5 Bn.

    The number of residential units sold under IRS/

    RES has been on a constant rise over the past

    years to reach 577 units sold in 2010.

    Giving a push to Emerging Sectors - ICT/


    The ICT/BPO industry is one of the promising

    sectors and the Budget has laid major emphasis

    on the development of this key pillar of the Mau-

    ritian economy. The Budget highlights that efforts

    should be laid upon attracting investment and

    enhancing our promotion capacity in this sector.

    Focused and targeted promotion campaigns will

    therefore be carried out in our traditional markets

    such as Europe, India and South Africa as well

    as in emerging destinations such as China and



    1. To address the shortfall in manpower in the

    sector, foreigners earning a monthly salary of Rs30, 000 will be eligible for an Occupation permit

    2. Government will open connectivity to give long

    distance telecom operators the right of access

    to connect to international gateways via our two

    landing stations.

    3. The ICT Act will be amended to allow the ICT

    Authority to intervene more effectively to ensure

    competition and competitive pricing of services.

    4. A submarine bre cable will be laid to link Rod-

    rigues to Mauritius.


    The ICT-BPO industry is today facing a major

    challenge in terms of availability of skilled man-

    power. This issue is hindering the growth plans

    of existing companies and also discouraging

    entry of new companies. By relaxing the ceiling

    of the Occupation Permits for workers in the in-dustry and also allowing foreign students to work

    a maximum of 20 hours a week, companies will

    be able to meet their immediate needs for skilled

    and specialised resources. This will also allow the

    ICT-BPO industry to surf the next wave of value-

    addition and sustain its dynamic growth.

    The Budget addresses the issue of connectivity.

    Long distance telecom operators will have the

    right of access to connect to international gate-

    ways through the two existing landing stations.

    This will enable businesses to be able to connect

    to multiple service providers and enhance com-

    petitiveness in the sector.

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    Furthermore, through the amendment of the ICT

    Act, the ICT Authority will be conferred more

    power in ensuring that prices are competitive and

    also as per international standards.

    Rodrigues will also benet through connection to

    a submarine bre optic cable thus ensuring ac-

    cess to high and reliable bandwidth and triggeringthe development of a vibrant ICT/BPO industry.

    Rodrigues can thus serve as a complementary

    destination to Mauritius for back ofce services.

    Key Facts

    The ICT/BPO industry has witnessed a signi-

    cant transformation over the last 10 years with

    a GDP contribution averaging 6.4% in 2010. For

    the year 2011, GDP contribution would increaseto 6.8% and it is forecasted that by 2015, GDP

    contribution will average 8%. Over the last few

    years, the ICT/BPO industry has witnessed dy-

    namic growth rate averaging 25%. The indus-

    try employs presently around 15,000 people.

    Freeport sector


    Tax holiday of Freeport operators which should

    end in 2013 will now be carried forward inde-



    A zero per cent corporate tax as from 01 July

    2013 will provide more certainty to Freeport oper-

    ators and enhance Mauritius as a regional trade,

    marketing and distribution platform. This meas-

    ure will denitely give a strong boost to the sector

    and help in further increasing cross border trade.

    Key Facts

    The logistics and distribution sector contributed

    9.6% to Mauritian GDP in 2010. Its growth rate

    for the past ve years has always been positive

    (+2.5 % growth in 2010). As at date, the logis-

    tics and distribution sector generates 4,500 direct

    jobs and 13,000 indirect jobs. Last year, domes-

    tic private investment in this sector amounted to

    MUR 354M while its FDI amounted to MUR 58M.

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    Procedures have been reviewed to speed up is-

    sue of student visas for foreign students. Foreign

    students will be allowed to take up employment

    on a part-time basis for up to 20 hours a week.

    1. Infrastructure will be developed to increase ac-

    cess to education.

    2. Land will be earmarked by SLDC in Rduit for

    the setting up of campuses of renowned foreign

    tertiary education institutions.

    3. Government will encourage the setting up of

    private nursing schools.


    Speeding up the procedures for granting of stu-

    dent visas and allowing students to work part time

    up to 20 hours will help to reinforce the image of

    Mauritius as an ideal destination for foreign stu-

    dents. This will result in a signicant increase in

    the number of foreign students.

    In the same vein, with students allowed to work

    part time, critical shortage of manpower in grow-

    ing sectors like ICT/BPO, nancial services and

    tourism can be addressed.

    The availability of serviced land for setting up

    of campuses will give a boost to investment in

    higher education and contribute towards Govern-

    ment vision of transforming the education sector

    into a pillar of the economy.

    The setting up of private nursing schools will

    further contribute towards making Mauritius a

    Knowledge hub.

    Key Facts

    The knowledge sector contributed to over 4% of

    GDP over the last four years (+4.3% expected

    for 2011). This sector has grown by 4.1% in 2010

    compared to 2009. As at end of December 2010,

    total employment in the knowledge sector stood

    at 25,486. FDI ows to this sector reached MUR

    18M in the year 2010.



    1. The VAT exemption on cosmetic surgery has

    been reintroduced to give a boost to medical

    tourism activities.

    2. Employees will now be able to use their month-

    ly NSF contributions made by their employers to

    the National Savings Fund (NSF) as payment for

    private health insurance.

    3. The Medical Council Act will be amended toreview the criteria for registration of general prac-

    titioners and specialists.

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    4. Government has committed funds for the pre-

    registration training of some 375 qualied medi-

    cal graduates from both local and foreign univer-



    The VAT exemption on cosmetic surgery willmake the cost of elective procedures for medical

    tourism more competitive. Given that cosmetic

    procedures account for a signicant share in ow

    of foreign patients, this measure is expected to

    signicantly increase the number of foreign pa-

    tients travelling to Mauritius.

    Contributions made by employers to the Nation-

    al Savings Fund as medical insurance will give

    a new impetus to the private healthcare sector.

    Demand for private healthcare will increase thusresulting in more investment by private health-

    care institutions.

    The review of the Medical Council Act will help

    to ensure that Mauritius has the appropriate tal-

    ents to support the development of the growing

    medical hub.

    Key Facts

    The Healthcare sector currently contributes to 3.7

    % of the GDP and has witnessed a stable growth

    over the last four years. The growth rate of the

    healthcare sector in 2011 is 6.3% compared to

    2010. Total number of people employed by the

    Healthcare sector in 2010 is 13,654.

    Medical Tourism sector

    With a substantial increase of foreign patients,

    from some 8,000 in 2009 to more than 10,000 in

    2010, the Mauritian Healthcare sector is evolv-ing in a regional medical hub with a special focus

    on cardiology, orthopedics and cosmetic & plastic


    Renewable Energy


    1. A framework will be set up to enable productionof ethanol for blending with gasoline.

    2. 318 MUR will be allocated to the MID initiative,

    consisting of 118 MUR for renewable energy, 100

    MUR for solar water heaters and 100 MUR for

    the MID Fund.

    3. The scheme for purchase of electricity from

    Small Independent Power Producers is being ex-

    tended from 2 megawatts to 3 megawatts as a

    result of its success.

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    4. Government will further encourage the com-

    posting of solid waste by more than doubling the

    amount of waste earmarked for this purpose from

    90,000 to 190,000 tonnes a year.


    The above measures t within the vision of Gov-ernment of Mauritius in line with the MID initiative

    for sustainable development. The framework for

    the production of ethanol for blending with gaso-

    line will add value to the cane industry while at the

    same time bringing environmental benets and

    increase self-sufciency in energy and will lead

    to additional investment and the use of new tech-

    nology. Production of electricity from renewable

    sources by individuals will help transform Mauri-

    tius into a sustainable island. Investment will also

    increase in recycling activities further contributingto the efcient and productive disposal of waste.

    Fisheries / Seafood


    1. Government will invest in cutting edge tech-

    nologies to better harness the economic potential

    of our marine resources.

    2. Funds will be committed to:

    Replenish lagoons by releasing at least 300,000

    sh ngerlings, and thousands of sea cucum-

    bers in various areas, including Bambou Virieux,

    Grand Gaube, Albion and Pointe aux Sables; and

    Encouraging the setting up of coral farms & reef


    3. All registered shermen will henceforth benet

    from VAT refund on shing gear, outboard andinboard engines of up to 25 hp as well as VHF


    4. Fishermen grouped in cooperatives will also

    benet from VAT refund on semi-industrial shing


    5. The 10 percent customs duty on refrigerated

    vehicles is also removed.


    The introduction of state-of-the-art technology

    and equipment will greatly optimize activities re-

    lated to the shing industry. Replenishment of the

    lagoon will increase the supply of sh in the mar-


    The creation of coral farms for producing corals

    and coral cuttings will spearhead the develop-

    ment of a new export industry, creating jobs in

    various elds as well as contribute to the replace-

    ment of bleached corals in the reefs and ensurethe protection of the marine eco-system.

    Aviation Hub


    Position Mauritius as an aviation hub by increas-

    ing connectivity to African countries.

    Air Mauritius is exploring the possibility to expandits network of partnerships with other airlines.


    The successful development of Mauritius as an

    air hub will entail the following:

    i) Improve connectivity to high growth economies

    in Africa and Asia.

    ii) Making it easier and more economical for tran-sit passengers to connect through Mauritius;

    iii) Developing SSR International Airport as an

    integrated retail and shopping paradise destina-


    Creative Industries: Film Making


    Government is introducing a lm framework to

    encourage the setting up of a lm industry to

    attract international lm producers of repute. A

    rebate of 25 per cent on all qualied production

    expenditure will be provided to stimulate the in-

    terest of lm makers.


    The following benets are expected from this new

    engine of economic growth:

    1. Facilitate better synergies, transfer of know-

    how and technology between local and interna-

    tional lm makers;

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    2. Facilitate the development of integrated lm

    studios in Mauritius;

    3. Provide a boost to the outsourcing of digital

    lm animation industry;

    4. Growth in ancillary sectors such as crafts,

    transport and travel, catering and accommoda-tion (including out of season).

    5. Showcase Mauritius as a world class tourist

    destination especially in previously untapped




    1. Small planters and breeders will obtain full VAT

    refund on agricultural machinery, equipment and

    tools that they purchased in 2012.

    2. The payment of an 80 percent advance to sug-

    ar planters as soon as their crops are sent to the

    mill will be maintained.

    3. Allocation of funds for continuing the pro-

    gramme of re-grouping small planters, de-rock-

    ing their lands and providing irrigation.

    4. The Agricultural Marketing Board will nance

    seed purchases.

    5. Resources to improve market intelligence for


    6. Budget for food security is being increased by

    about 50% to 150 MUR

    7. A new freight rebate scheme will be introducedthat will involve a 25% cost- subsidy element to

    be shared equally between producers and ex-


    8. The Fair Trade certication facilities shall be

    extended to all sectors of the economy, includ-

    ing producers of owers, vegetables, fruits and



    The above measures will provide further boost toboth the sugar and non-sugar agricultural sectors

    whereby VAT refund on agricultural machinery,

    equipment and tools will benet some 23,000

    sugar cane planters, some 6,000 horticultural pro-

    ducers and some 5,000 animal breeders, includ-

    ing cattle and pig breeders. Additional resources

    provided for the re-grouping of small planters will

    increase the land area to further improve agricul-

    tural productivity. Seeds purchase nancing will

    further contribute to attaining self-sufciency in

    the supply of potatoes, onions and garlic to con-sumers. Improving market intelligence will be

    crucial to avoid under-production which drives up

    prices for consumers and over- production which

    depresses farmers income and threatens future

    output. The new freight rebate scheme will en-

    courage farmers to produce quality fruits, vegeta-

    bles and owers for the export market.

    Key Facts

    The contribution of agroindustry to GDP amount-ed to 3.6% in 2010. The sector employed 45,200

    people as at December 2010. Domestic private

    investment in this industry amounted to MUR 1.7

    Bn last year. For the year 2011 and as at date,

    FDI in agroindustry amounted to MUR 176M.

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    Board of Investment

    Level 10, One Cathedral Square Building

    16 Jules Koenig Street

    Port Louis


    Tel: (+230) 203 38 00

    Fax: (+230) 208 29 24

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