www.mittnorden.net the mid nordic committe is one of the eight border regions which the nordic...

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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The Mid Nordic Committe is one of the eight border regions which The Nordic Council of Ministers finances. - North- and South Tröndelag counties in Norway- Jämtland and Västernorrland counties in Sweden - Ostrobothnia, Central Ostrobothnia, Central Finland and South Savo counties in Finland.

The Mid-Nordic development cooperation was established in 1987. The priorities in the cooperation are:- culture- energy- environment- growth/children and youth

ProMidNord – project

Sustainable Development in the Mid Nordic Region

Interreg IIIB Baltic Sea Region –



Project part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) within the BSR INTERREG III B Neighbourhood Programme


Project duration: august 2004 - july 2007 Total budget: approx. 3,3 M€

- Lead Partner: The County Council of Västernorrland - the project includes totally 26 different partners fromthe Mid Nordic Region.- a wide partnership: regional authorities, municipalities, national agencies, universities, science parks etc.- further information: www.promidnord.net


The project is devided in 5 WorkPackages


Included regions:


The top goal of the project is to develop and market the MidNordic Region -potential, based on natural resources and environmental qualities.

1) strengthening the transnational co-operation within MNR, politically and through co-operation between regional centres, universities and science parks2) strengthening the knowledge and the ability to compete within the environmental sphere 3) develop MNR's natural resources for sustainable energy production 4) engage young people to improve the conditions for future development 5) use culture to strengthen the identity


Together these activities will contribute to a sustainable development thus also strengthening BSR and EU.

Transports being important will be developed in co-operation with the ongoing I IIIB project NECL.

WP –responsibilities are devided between different regions:

WP1: The County Council of Västernorrland, Hans GillgrenWP2: South Savo, Timo J. LehtonenWP3: South Savo&Central Finland Tytti LaitinenWP4: South-Tröndelag, Karen HavdalWP5: North-Tröndelag, Clas Rønning


WP no. 1

Titel Strengthening the MNR as a macroregion and introducing joint Spatial Development as a method

Strategic focus To make the MNR an eco-sustainable, effective and competitive region that can appear in an European and BSR context as an strong actor.

Planned results Strengthening the political level. Joint strategy to develop a macroregion. Establishing a city network URBNET. Common development work between MNR-cities Sundsvall, Östersund, Trondheim. An ongoing learning process of macro-region co-operation.

Result indicators

Establishment of a network of politicians.Compiling of a development strategy for MNR, based on strategies from municipalities, sub-regions and EDSP/VASAB. Promotion of MNR in several languages.Joint strategy for Sundsvall-Östersund-Trondheim (SÖT).

outputs and their quantifications

Young participants in the politicians´network. MNR development strategy having been politically processed in most subregions. Conferences/exhibitions on MNR carried out in 4-5 cities. All major cities in URBNET. SÖT-strategy politically processed.

Responsible partner

County Administrative Board of Västernorrland

Involved partners

All partners involved


WP no. 2

Titel Eco-competitiveness

Strategic focus

Develop Mid Nordic Region as a pilot region of environmentally responsible business activities.

Planned results

Increased cooperation and marketing between enterprises of environmental technology, increased eco- and energy-efficiency in tourism and industry, raised level of co-operation and post graduate and polytechnics education in organic food and farming

Result indicators

Number of enterprises, authorities etc in Eco Business Network (ENRES), decreased energy and rawmaterial consuption in pilot tourist sites and eco-industrial park areas, number of students attending research school and student exchange.

outputs and their


ENRES network, catalogue of the enterprises in ecobusiness, website, agenda of network, report of eco-efficiency in two big tourist sites (ski center and spa bath). Report of eco-industrial park. Reseach school and student exchange program.

Responsible partner

Regional Council of Etelä-Savo

Involved partners

The County Councils of Jämtland and Central Finland, Almi Business Partner Västernorrland, County Administrative Board of Västernorrland


WP no. 3

Titel Sustainable Energy Development

Strategic focus Increase and Promote the use of RES & RUE while aiming at 100% fossil fuel free Region

Planned results 1) Energy Agenda Declaration in Mid Nordic Region, 2) Regular Energy Awareness Actions in the Region, 3) Sustainable development in traffic and Awareness of Energy Performance for Buildings Directive(EPBD) in the Region.

Result indicators

1) Nr. of regions involved in Agenda Declaration, 2) Increased knowledge regarding to energy issues both among decision makers, companies and public => Sustainability is a factor in decision making, 3) Actions in EPBD and sustainable traffic taken.

Outputs and their quantifications

1) Energy Agenda Declaration (in written) for Mid Nordic Region, 2) Processes, information and material for further use about saving energy, sustainability etc. 3) Regional information about business opportunities of EPBD and traffic.

Responsible partner

The Regional Council of South Savo

Involved partners

Regional Councils of Ostrobothnia, Västernorrl, Jämtland and Sör-Tröndelag, SÖT-municipalities, Road Adm. Central NO,SE, Energy B Trondheim


WP no. 4

Titel Youth, Regional Development and Democracy

Strategic focus Strengthen the regional identity, the concept of sustainability as a common theme, and the political involvement of the youth.

Planned results Better knowledge of the Nordic Eco Belt, and thus a stronger regional identity. Politicians with better confidence. Tools on how to involve youngsters in processes. Make students job makers, not job takers

Result indicators

Number of politicians involved in a network. Number of students involved in school exchange. The satisfaction rate of participants. A collection of good practices in entrepreneurship in schools, and from involving youngsters in democratic processes.

Outputs and their quantifications

32 politicians involved. 800 students. 80% of the participants should be satisfied with the project. 3 best practices distributed to schools. 3 best practices regarding involvement distributed to the relevant political authorities.

Responsible partner

County Council of Sör-Tröndelag

Involved partners

The County Councils of the MNC


WP no. 5

Titel Culture and cultural heritage as a means for sustainable development

Strategic focus Presenting a broad cultural variety to strengthen the identity and convey the values of "Sustainable development in the Mid Nordic Region"

Planned results Creating an increased understanding of the cultural identity and the cultural heritage in the MNR, through cultural events supporting other actions in the project and bringing people together

Result indicators

A number of events, a number of cultural workers being engaged in the activities, number of spectators, listeners (the size of audiences), reports in media on cultural activities

Outputs and their quantifications

Exhibitions, theatre production, cultural heritage and archaeology seminar, seminar on design

Responsible partner

The Nord-Tröndelag County Council

Involved partners

The County Councils of the MNC


Further information:

- The County Council of Västernorrland:Project Coordinator Christer NylenTel. +46 611 557 751e-mail: christer.nylen@lvn.se

Internet: www.promidnord.net

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