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Ascend 310

DDK Installation Guide (Ubuntu,x86)

Issue 01

Date 2020-05-30


Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2020. All rights reserved.

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The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in thepreparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, andrecommendations in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied.

Issue 01 (2020-05-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. i


1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 1

2 Obtaining Software Packages.............................................................................................. 2

3 Environment Preparation...................................................................................................... 3

4 Installing the DDK................................................................................................................... 74.1 Preparing for Installation......................................................................................................................................................74.2 Installation................................................................................................................................................................................. 84.3 Common Operations.............................................................................................................................................................. 94.3.1 Uninstalling the DDK.......................................................................................................................................................... 94.3.2 Querying the DDK Version............................................................................................................................................... 94.3.3 Configuring the OpenPGP Public Key.........................................................................................................................10

5 FAQs..........................................................................................................................................135.1 What Do I Do If a Message Is Displayed Indicating pip2 or pip Unavailability During Mind Studio orDDK Installation?......................................................................................................................................................................... 135.2 What Do I Do If a WARNING or FAIL Result Is Returned in the Integrity Verification of a SoftwarePackage?......................................................................................................................................................................................... 14

6 Appendix..................................................................................................................................176.1 Overview of Software Packages...................................................................................................................................... 176.2 Open Source Third-Party Libraries.................................................................................................................................. 186.3 Change History...................................................................................................................................................................... 19

Ascend 310DDK Installation Guide (Ubuntu, x86) Contents

Issue 01 (2020-05-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. ii

1 Introduction

This document describes the method of separately installing the devicedevelopment kit (DDK) and troubleshooting of common problems. It is applicableto development in command line interface (CLI) mode.

The DDK is an NPU-based digital developer kit that can be used to build acompilation environment for projects. Different release packages integrate theDDKs of different NPU forms. The DDK of the current version contains thedependency libraries and header files of components such as the TE, DVPP, andprocess orchestration. Users can compile the project files by using makefile.

Ascend 310DDK Installation Guide (Ubuntu, x86) 1 Introduction

Issue 01 (2020-05-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 1

2 Obtaining Software Packages

Before installing the tool, prepare the following software packages:

The software packages are described as follows.

Table 2-1 Overview of the software packages

Installation Package Description Integrity VerificationFile


DDK installationpackage for non-developer boardscenarios (such asAtlas 300)



DDK installationpackage for developerboard scenarios (suchas Atlas 200 DK)


{version} indicates the DDK version number.

Ascend 310DDK Installation Guide (Ubuntu, x86) 2 Obtaining Software Packages

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3 Environment Preparation

Environment RequirementsThe DDK installation must meet the following environment requirements on thehardware and operating system (OS).

Table 3-1 Ubuntu system version information


Version Obtaining Method Precautions

OS 16.04.3 Download the required version fromhttp://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/16.04.3/. You can downloadthe desktop version ubuntu-XXX-desktop-amd64.iso or server versionubuntu-XXX-server-amd64.iso.


Python Python2:2.7+Python3:3.5+

For details, see InstallingDependencies.

Install Python2.7 or laterfor Python2and Python3.5 or laterfor Python3.Both Pythonversions needto beinstalled.

(Optional) Preparing the DDK Installation UserYou can install the DDK as any user (root or non-root).

● If the root user is used for installation, skip this section.● If you use an existing non-root user to install the DDK, run the following

command as the root user to grant the existing user with permission 750 onthe $HOME directory:chmod 750 /home/username

Ascend 310DDK Installation Guide (Ubuntu, x86) 3 Environment Preparation

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● If you want to install the DDK as a new non-root user, perform the followingsteps as the root user: This document describes how to install the DDK as anew non-root user.

a. Run the following command to create a user for DDK installation andconfigure the $HOME directory of the user:useradd -d /home/username -m username

b. Run the following command to set the password:passwd username

c. Run the following command to set the permission:chmod 750 /home/username

username indicates the user name for installing the DDK. The umask value ofthe user cannot be greater than 0027.

● To view the umask value, run the umask command.

● To change the umask value, run the umask New value command.

If the created non-root user is HwHiAiUser, the DDK is deployed on the hostserver, and HwHiAiUser is used for offline model conversion, logs are storedin the var/dlog directory on the host by default. To enable the output of logsto the screen by default, you can set the following environment variable:export SLOG_PRINT_TO_STDOUT=1

(Optional) Configuring Permissions of the DDK Installation User

When a non-root user is used for installation, perform the following operations.Skip the following operations if the root user is used for installation.

Before installing the DDK, you need to download dependent software with thesudo apt-get permission. Perform the following operations as the root user:

1. Open the /etc/sudoers file.chmod u+w /etc/sudoersvi /etc/sudoers

2. Add the following content under # User privilege specification of the file:username ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:SETENV:/usr/bin/apt-get

Replace username with the name of the common user who executes theinstallation script.

Ensure that the last line of the /etc/sudoers file is #includedir /etc/sudoers.d.Otherwise, add it manually.

3. Run the :wq! command to save the file.4. Run the following command to revoke the write permission on the /etc/

sudoers file:chmod u-w /etc/sudoers

Checking the Source Availability

DDK installation requires related dependencies, which must be downloaded inadvance. Ensure that the server where the DDK is installed can successfullyconnect to the network.

Ascend 310DDK Installation Guide (Ubuntu, x86) 3 Environment Preparation

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Run the following command as the root user to check whether the source isavailable:

apt-get update

If an error is reported during the command execution, check whether the networkconnection is normal or replace the source in the /etc/apt/sources.list file with a valid one.

Installing Dependencies

Run the su - username command to switch to the DDK installation user andperform the following operations to install components such as the GCC andPython on which the DDK depends:

Step 1 Run the following command to install the DDK dependencies:sudo -E apt-get install gcc g++ cmake make python-pip python3-pip python3 python

Step 2 Install the Python development environment.

1. Install the Python 2 environment.

– Environment deployment depends on pip. Install dependencies of the TEsoftware package, including NumPy (versions 1.11.0–1.16.0 are supportedand the following uses 1.16.0 as an example) and decorator. Run thefollowing commands:pip2 install numpy==1.16.0 --userpip2 install decorator --user

– Check the Python 2 environment.

Run the following commands to check the Python, pip, and Setuptoolsrespectively:python2 --versionpip2 --versioneasy_install --version

If the following information is displayed respectively for the precedingthree commands, the installation is successful:Python 2.7.12pip 19.0.1 from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip (python 2.7)setuptools 20.7.0 from /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (Python 2.7)

2. Install the Python3 (3.5+) environment.

– Environment deployment depends on the pip3. Run the followingcommands to install the dependencies (NumPy and decorator) of the TEsoftware package respectively:pip3 install numpy --userpip3 install decorator --user

– Check the Python 3 environment.

Run the following commands to check the Python 3, pip3, andSetuptools, respectively:python3 --versionpip3 --versioneasy_install3 --version

If the following information is displayed respectively for the precedingthree commands, the installation is successful:

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Python 3.5.2pip 8.1.1 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (python 3.5)setuptools 20.7.0 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (Python 3.5)


● If the pip installation is abnormal during the dependency installation, rectify the fault byreferring to 5.1 What Do I Do If a Message Is Displayed Indicating pip2 or pipUnavailability During Mind Studio or DDK Installation?.

● The version numbers in the command outputs are only for reference, which are subjectto the actual situations.

Ascend 310DDK Installation Guide (Ubuntu, x86) 3 Environment Preparation

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4 Installing the DDK

This section describes the installation method of the DDK and commonoperations.

4.1 Preparing for Installation

4.2 Installation

4.3 Common OperationsThis section describes how to install and use the DDK.

4.1 Preparing for Installation

Uploading Installation PackagesUpload the following files to any directory under $HOME as the DDK installationuser:

● MSpore_DDK****.tar.gz: DDK installation package● MSpore_DDK****.tar.gz.asc: file for verifying the DDK installation package

For details about DDK packages, see Table 2-1.* indicates the specific package. Ensure thatthe preceding two files are in the same directory.

Verifying Software Package IntegrityBefore installing a software package, you are advised to check whether thesoftware package is incomplete or damaged due to network or storage devicefaults.

In the directory where the DDK installation package is stored, perform thefollowing operations:

Step 1 Configure the OpenPGP public keys. For details, see 4.3.3 Configuring theOpenPGP Public Key.

Step 2 Run the following command as the DDK installation user to check the validity andintegrity of the software package, as shown in Figure 4-1:

Ascend 310DDK Installation Guide (Ubuntu, x86) 4 Installing the DDK

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gpg --verify "MSpore_DDK****.tar.gz.asc"

Figure 4-1 Verifying the software package integrity

● In the returned information, 27A74824 indicates the public key ID.

● If the message Good signature is displayed without WARNING or FAIL, thesignature is valid and the integrity verification is passed.

● If WARNING or FAIL is displayed, the verification fails. Rectify the fault byreferring to the handling suggestions described in 5.2 What Do I Do If aWARNING or FAIL Result Is Returned in the Integrity Verification of aSoftware Package?.

● In actual operations, MSpore_DDK****.tar.gz.asc must be replaced with the verificationfile of the actual installation package.

● The integrity verification can be performed only when the software package andthe .asc file are stored in the same path.


4.2 Installation


The operations required in 3 Environment Preparation and 4.1 Preparing forInstallation have been completed.


Switch to the DDK installation user and perform the following operations:

Step 1 Run the following command to decompress the installation package:tar -zxvf MSpore_DDK****tar.gz

In actual operations, MSpore_DDK****.tar.gz.asc must be replaced with the actualinstallation package. For details about the decompressed files, see Table 6-1.

Step 2 Run the following command to install the DDK:bash install.sh DDK installation directory

The DDK installation directory is automatically created during the installation. Forexample, if the installation directory is set to $HOME/tools/che/ddk, thetools/che/ddk directory is automatically created during the installation.Alternatively, you can specify an installation path.

If the message "Successfully installed the DDK!" is displayed, the DDK has beeninstalled successfully.

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After the DDK is installed, the profiling function under the installation path $HOME/tools/che/ddk/ddk/toolchains/profiler is unavailable. If you need to use the profilingfunction, install Mind Studio and the DDK by referring to Ascend 310 Mind StudioInstallation Guide (select an installation guide based on the Mind Studio server).


4.3 Common OperationsThis section describes how to install and use the DDK.

4.3.1 Uninstalling the DDKTo update the DDK version, uninstall the current version and then install a newversion according to the installation procedure described in 5.1. This sectiondescribes how to uninstall the DDK.

Go to the DDK installation path, for example, $HOME/tools/che/ddk/ddk/scripts.Run the following command as the DDK installation user to uninstall the DDK:


If the following information is displayed, the DDK is uninstalled successfully:

Info: ide_daemon pem uninstall succStarting to remove ddk dir.

4.3.2 Querying the DDK VersionAfter the DDK is installed, you can view the DDK version number in the DDKinstallation directory.

For example, if the installation directory of the DDK is $HOME/tools/che/ddk, runthe following command in the $HOME/tools/che/ddk directory to view the DDKversion number:

cat ddk_info

Figure 4-2 shows the return result.

Figure 4-2 Querying the DDK version

In Figure 4-2:

● VERSION: Indicates the version number of the DDK. The query result variesaccording to the actual situations.

Ascend 310DDK Installation Guide (Ubuntu, x86) 4 Installing the DDK

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● TARGET: Indicates the running environment of the DDK, which is ASIC orAtlas DK.

4.3.3 Configuring the OpenPGP Public Key

Prerequisites● The public key is configured by the DDK installation user.

● The GnuPG tool is installed on Linux.


– If the GnuPG tool has been installed, run the gpg --version command inthe shell. Information in Figure 4-3 is displayed:

Figure 4-3 Command output

– If the GnuPG tool is not installed, install the tool by following theinstructions provided in its official website https://www.gnupg.org/.

Configuring a Public Key

Step 1 Obtain the public key file.

Go to the OpenPGP download page and click the download link, as shown inFigure 4-4. The file download page is displayed.

Figure 4-4 Click to download the file.

The KEYS file is the public key file, as shown in Figure 4-5.

Figure 4-5 Selecting the KEYS file

Ascend 310DDK Installation Guide (Ubuntu, x86) 4 Installing the DDK

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If you want to switch to the English interface, click in the upper rightcorner.

Step 2 Upload the downloaded KEYS.txt file to the Linux OS where the DDK is located,

for example, /home/username/openpgp/keys.

Step 3 Import the public key file.

Run the following command to go to the directory that contains the public key fileKEYS.

gpg --import "/home/username/openpgp/keys/KEYS.txt"

Figure 4-6 Import the public key file.

/home/username/openpgp/keys indicates the absolute path of the public key file KEYS.username must be replaced with the name of the DDK installation user.

Step 4 Run the following command to view the import result:gpg --fingerprint

Figure 4-7 Checking the import result

Step 5 Verify the public key.

● The validity of the OpenPGP public key must be verified based on the publickey ID, fingerprint, UID, and the publisher of the public key. The publishedinformation of the OpenPGP public key is as follows:

– Public key ID: 27A74824

– Key fingerprint: B100 0AC3 8C41 525A 19BD C087 99AD 81DF 27A7 4824

– UID: OpenPGP signature key for Huawei software (created on 30th Dec,2013) <support@huawei.com>

After the information is verified, you can set the trust level for the public key

● by running the following command:gpg --edit-key "OpenPGP signature key for Huawei software" trust

Information similar to the following is displayed. Enter 5 after Your decision?,which indicates I trust ultimately. Enter y after Do you really want to setthis key to ultimate trust? (y/N).

Ascend 310DDK Installation Guide (Ubuntu, x86) 4 Installing the DDK

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Figure 4-8 Setting the trust level for the public key

Step 6 Run the quit command to exit.


Ascend 310DDK Installation Guide (Ubuntu, x86) 4 Installing the DDK

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5 FAQs

5.1 What Do I Do If a Message Is Displayed Indicating pip2 or pip UnavailabilityDuring Mind Studio or DDK Installation?

5.2 What Do I Do If a WARNING or FAIL Result Is Returned in the IntegrityVerification of a Software Package?

5.1 What Do I Do If a Message Is Displayed Indicatingpip2 or pip Unavailability During Mind Studio or DDKInstallation?


During the installation of Mind Studio or a DDK, the system displays a messageindicating that the pip2 or pip is unavailable and exits the installation, as shown inFigure 5-1 and Figure 5-2.

Figure 5-1 Message indicating pip2 unavailability

Figure 5-2 Message indicating pip unavailability

Ascend 310DDK Installation Guide (Ubuntu, x86) 5 FAQs

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Possible Causepip2 is not updated during pip re-installation.

Solution 1

Step 1 Run the su root command to switch to the root user and run the pip listcommand. If no error message is displayed, the pip is available. If an errormessage is displayed after the pip2 list command is executed, the pip2 isunavailable.

Step 2 Run the rm /usr/bin/pip2 command as the root user to delete the pip2.

Step 3 Run the ln -s pip pip2 command to create a soft link from the pip2 to pip.

Step 4 Run the pip2 list command again. If no error message is displayed, it indicatesthat the fault has been rectified.

If the pip and pip2 are still unavailable, see Solution 2.


Solution 2If the pip installation is abnormal during the dependency installation, run thefollowing commands in sequence:

sudo apt-get remove python-pip python3-pipwget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.pypython get-pip.py --userpython3 get-pip.py --user

5.2 What Do I Do If a WARNING or FAIL Result IsReturned in the Integrity Verification of a SoftwarePackage?

If a WARNING or FAIL result is returned in the integrity verification of a softwarepackage, the verification fails. Rectify the fault by referring to the handlingsuggestions described in Table 5-1.

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Table 5-1 Verification result examples

Verification ResultDescription

Displayed Information VerificationResult


Thesignatureverification issuccessfulwithoutexception.

gpg: Signature made Thu Jan 9 15:29:062014 CST using RSA key ID 27A74824gpg: Good signature from "OpenPGPsignature key for Huawei software (createdon 30th Dec,2013) <support@huawei.com>"


Thesignatureverification fails.

gpg: Signature made Thu Jan 9 15:29:062014 CST using RSA key ID 27A74824gpg: BAD signature from "OpenPGPsignature key for Huawei software (createdon 30th Dec,2013) <support@huawei.com>"

FAIL Downloadthe targetfile again.

The publickey cannotbe found.

gpg: Signature made Thu Jan 9 15:20:012014 CST using RSA key ID 27A74824gpg: Can't check signature: public key notfound

FAIL Downloadthe publickey again.For details,seeConfiguringOpenPGPPublic Keys.

Thesignatureverification issuccessful,but thepublic keyis notultimatelytrusted.

gpg: Signature made Thu Jan 9 15:29:062014 CST using RSA key ID 27A74824gpg: Good signature from "OpenPGPsignature key for Huawei software (createdon 30th Dec,2013) <support@huawei.com>"gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified witha trusted signature!gpg: There is no indication that thesignature belongs to the owner.Primary key fingerprint: B100 0AC3 8C41525A 19BD C087 99AD 81DF 27A7 4824


Afterconfirmingthat key ID(27A74824),set the trustlevel ofHuaweipublic key to5. Fordetails, seeConfiguringOpenPGPPublic Keys.

Thecorrespondingsource filecannot befound.

gpg: no signed datagpg: can't hash datafile: No data

FAIL Downloadthe targetfile again.

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Verification ResultDescription

Displayed Information VerificationResult



gpg: Signature made 04/24/13 10:50:29 CSTusing RSA key ID 133B64E5gpg: Expired signature from " OpenPGPsignature test key <support@huawei.com>"gpg: Signature expired 04/25/13 10:50:29CST

FAIL Downloadan updatedtarget file.

Thesignatureverification issuccessful,but thepublic keyhas beenrevoked.

gpg: Signature made 06/13/13 11:14:49 CSTusing RSA key ID 133B64E5gpg: Good signature from " OpenPGPsignature test key <support@huawei.com>"gpg: WARNING: This key has been revokedby its owner!gpg: This could mean that the signature isforged.gpg: reason for revocation: Key is no longerusedgpg: revocation comment:


Downloadthe latestpublic keyand anupdatedtarget file.

Thecorrespondingsignaturefile cannotbe foundin thesource file.


Downloadthesignature filecorresponding to thetarget file.

Ascend 310DDK Installation Guide (Ubuntu, x86) 5 FAQs

Issue 01 (2020-05-30) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 16

6 Appendix

6.1 Overview of Software Packages

6.2 Open Source Third-Party Libraries

6.3 Change History

6.1 Overview of Software PackagesFor details about the decompressed DDK installation package, see Table 6-1.

Table 6-1 Overview of the software packages

Installation Package Content Description

MSpore_DDK-{version}-<uihost arch.os>-<hostarch.os>-<devicearch.os>.tar.gzFor details about theparameter description,see Table 6-2.

ddk.tar.gz DDK installation package

install.sh Installation script

check_sha.sh Script used to verify theintegrity of the precedingfiles. This script isautomatically called toperform integrity checkduring the execution ofinstall.sh.

Table 6-2 Naming rules of the DDK installation package

Parameter Description

{version} Version number

<uihost arch.os> CPU architecture, OS, and version on the UI host side, forexample, x86_64.ubuntu16.04 and x86_64.centOS7.4

Ascend 310DDK Installation Guide (Ubuntu, x86) 6 Appendix

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Parameter Description

<host arch.os> CPU architecture, OS, and version on the host side, forexample, x86_64.ubuntu16.04 and x86_64.centOS7.4

<device arch.os> CPU architecture, OS, and version on the device side, forexample, aarch64.ubuntu16.04 and aarch64.miniOS● Device-side architecture of the DK form (Atlas 200 DK),

for example, aarch64.ubuntu16.04● Device-side architecture of the non-DK form (Atlas 300),

for example, aarch64.miniOS

6.2 Open Source Third-Party Librariescereal

cereal is a header-only BSD-licensed C++11 serialization library. It is designed to befast, light-weight, and easy to extend. cereal takes arbitrary data types andreversibly turns them into different representations, such as compact binaryencodings, XML, or JSON. The version currently used is 1.2.2.

For details, visit the cereal official website at http://uscilab.github.io/cereal/.

gflagsGoogle GFlags (GFlags), the Global Flags Editor, contains a Python-friendly C++library that implements command-line flags processing, replacing systems likegetopt(). The version currently used is 2.2.1.

For details, visit the GFlags official website at https://github.com/gflags/gflags.

glogGoogle glog is a library that implements application-level logging. This libraryprovides logging APIs based on C++-style streams and various helper macros.Similar to assert defined in the standard C library, it provides more outputinformation and flexibility.

For details, visit the glog official website at https://github.com/google/glog.

opencvOpenCV (short for Open Source Computer Vision Library) is a library ofprogramming functions mainly aimed at real-time computer vision. This cross-platform library sets its focus on real-time image processing, computer vision, andpattern recognition programs. The version currently used is 3.4.2.

For details, visit the OpenCV official website at https://opencv.org/.

ProtobufProtobuf (short for Protocol buffers) are Google's language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for serializing structured data. It is useful in

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developing programs to communicate with each other over a wire or for storingdata. The version currently used is 3.5.1.

For details, visit the official website at https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/.

6.3 Change HistoryRelease Date Description

2020-05-30 This issue is the first official release.

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