xantaro application integration value added & central services...xantaro technology portfolio....

Post on 13-Jun-2020






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Xantaro Application Integration

Value Added & Central Services

Xantaro Value Added & Central Services

The telecommunications industry is evolving rapidly to embrace innovative new applications and services, presenting telcos, service providers and mobile operators with a chance to expand revenue streams. Rather than doing one thing well, providers must expand their portfolios to extract maximum value from their business customers and optimise returns by adding extra services on top of underlying connectivity packages.

Telecommunications companies, service providers and mobile operators alike must also embrace emerging IP based voice, data, video, messaging, collaboration and mobile technologies if they are to effectively compete with rivals - both incumbents and over the top (OTT) players which have already proved more agile in identifying and exploiting innovative applications and services. The move from circuit-switched, time division multiplex (TDM) networks to an IP orientated architecture needs careful design and planning. Xantaro works with leading vendors to provide expertise in specific technology platforms to support integrated IP voice, video, messaging and collaboration applications.

A sample of Xantaro Value Added & Central Services delivered to customers:

Xantaro Managed Carrier Service (XMCS)

A customer from the city network carrier operates its own fiber optic network. Authentication and billing systems were required to connect end users.

Customer Requirements: n AAA / Radius Server

n Billing & CRM system with connected customer portal

n Customised FritzBox workflows for “Almost-ZeroTouch” (only a PIN)

Solution: n Xantaro developed, installed and hosted the entire

environment as a “private cloud service”.

Tools used: n CentOS Linux, corosync / heartbeat, Freeradius,

MySQL DB, CRM systems4 * ESXi servers, HW firewalls + complete system monitoring

Another customer from the city network carrier operates its own fiber optic network. Telephony, authentication and management systems were required to connect end users.

Customer Requirements: n DHCP / Radius Server

n Billing & CRM system with connected customer portal

n TELES Telephony Backend

Solution: n Xantaro developed, installed and operated the

complete infrastructure at the customer‘s premises.

Tools used: n VMWare, Redhat Linux, TELES C4 / C5, 6 * ESXi,

VCenter, Linux Cluster in the VMs

n Managed Carrier Service

n Data Storage Cloud

n DNS Platform

n High Performance Compute Cluster

n VMWare Cluster

n Mobile Edge Compute Cloud

n Xantaro Monitoring Platform

n Xantaro IOT Cloud

Xantaro Data Storage Cloud (XDSC)

A customer from the field of research and education sought an alternative to the cloud service “Dropbox” for document exchange.

Customer Requirements: n “Selfhosting” - The data must be located in its own data centre

n “Secure” - Encrypted, but also high availability and throughput

n Opensource - Virtualised - Scalable (currently 12,000 users, 25TB mirrored storage)

Solution: n Xantaro developed and delivered the complete environment, based on HA load balancer, application server, database

and file server cluster. Operation and maintenance is provided as a service service. Furthermore, the remaining VMWare infrastructure is managed (25 ESX servers, approx. 120TB FibreChannel Storage distributed over 3 data centres).

Tools used: n CentOS Linux, corosync/heartbeat, OwnCloud, Galera DB, GlusterFS

Xantaro DNS Platform (XDNS)

A large cable network provider modernised its DNS server infrastructure during operation without service failures.

Customer Requirements: n Distributed systems over several data centres,

“Standalone” must be possible

n IPv6 enabled

n Opensource, Multivendor

Solution: n Xantaro developed and delivered the complete

environment, based on HA load balancers, DNS servers and monitoring infrastructure.

Tools used: n Debian Linux, Brocade Loadbalancer, BIND +

Unbound, Stagingsystem

A customer from the finance sector modernised its DNS server infrastructure.

Customer Requirements: n Distributed systems over 2 computer centers,

“Standalone” must be possible

n IPv6 & DNSSEC Enabled, 99.99 +% Availability of the DNS resolver

n Opensource, completely virtualised, automatic configuration distribution

Solution: n Xantaro developed and delivered the complete

environment, based on HA DNS servers, orchestration, monitoring and configuration management.

Tools used: n CentOS Linux, corosync / pacemaker, KVM, BIND,


Xantaro High Performance Compute Cluster (XHPCC)

A customer in the field of research & education operates an HPC cluster for the calculation of new materials.

Customer Requirements: n 128 Highscore / High Memory Compute Nodes

n 3 Head / Login Master Nodes

n 4 Fileserver, about 40TB Online Storage

Solution: n Xantaro operates and maintains the complete cluster; Optimisations for the special calculation programs are carried

out, new versions “from source” are compiled and imported.

Tools used: n CentOS Linux, various OpenSource tools, customer-specific software

Xantaro High Performance VMWare Cluster (XHPVMC)

A Cable Carrier customer needed a high-performance VMWare cluster for Microsoft applications.

Customer Requirements: n Integration of HP blade systems and use of Nexus


n Connection to Netapp Filer systems

n Operation on x * 10Gb Links via Nexus 5k FCoE switches

n VMs with up to 128GB RAM requirements and lowest latencies

Solution: n Xantaro developed the design, including the migration

path, and provided training for decision-makers and implementing technicians.

Tools used: n VMWare, Nexus 1000V, Netapp Filer

A customer in the area of research and teaching needed computing capacity in the international data centers.

Customer Requirements: n Robust design for high utilisation of the resources

n Server and storage VMotion across the sites

n Possibilities of implementing an SDN overlay network

n Low latency connection, high backup availability, redundancy over data centres (VSRM)

Solution: n Xantaro developed the design and built the

infrastructure at the customer and supervised the introduction of the platform into the daily operation.

Tools used: n VMWare + VEEM, VSRM, Dell Server

Xantaro Mobile Edge Computing Cloud (XMECC)

A customer from the Mobile Carrier area required computing capacities at the “edge” of his mobile network.

Customer Requirements: n Future-oriented design for an “Evolved Packet Core”

n Low-latency connection to radiostations

n Special requirements regarding depth and environment

Solution: n Xantaro developed the design and built the hardware in the testlab of the carrier. Currently, virtualised network

elements (eg vEPC) are qualified by the customer in order to plan a nationwide installation.

Tools used: n VMWare + VSAN, Arista network switches, HP server

Xantaro Monitoring Platform (XMON)

A customer from the Mobile Carrier sector was looking for a monitoring solution for its Business CPE products.

Customer Requirements: n Approx. 50,000 devices, per device min. 10 checks every 30 seconds

n SNMP Queries, Syslog Collector, and Historical Performance Data

n Graphical display of alarms on maps with “traffic lights”

n Future-Proof/-orientated design, especial for Evolved Packet Cores“ and „Enduser Portal, multiuser access with role concept

Solution: n Xantaro configured the XMON product according to customer requirements and implemented the monitoring platform

in the Core network. In addition, software adaptations have been developed for existing customer systems.

Tools used:

n VMWare, CentOS, Zabbix + MySQL DB Cluster, Elasticsearch + Logstash

Xantaro Internet Of Things Cloud (XIOTC)

n For new applications in the Internet of Things and / or “Machine to Machine”, Xantaro operates a cloud service that runs either hosted (at the customer), managed (customer-specific instance) or cloudbased (in an external data centre).

n Completely Virtualised

n HA load balancer / firewalls

n HA-MQTT broker

n HA message broker RabbitMQ

n InfluxDB and Elasticsearch

n Grafana visualisation

n Simplified JSON data format

Xantaro Value Added & Central Services - tools used:

n Apachen Centosn Debiann Elasticn Kibana

n Linux n Logtashn LoRan MariaDBn MK Check

n Nginxn Open Sourcen PHPn Puppetn Raspberry Pi

n RabbitMQn Redhatn Shorewalln Surfcatan Zabbix

Xantaro Technology Portfolio

Xantaro Value Added & Central Services is just one aspect of our technology portfolio. See below here other technology layers that Xantaro can help with. Planning your new network requires expertise at all layers, we can prepare your business for an ever changing world.

Contact Xantaro for more information: info@xantaro.net

Xantaro DeutschlandAm Sandtorpark 1120457 Hamburg+49 (0)40 413498-0

Xantaro UK20 St Dunstan‘s HillLondon EC3R 8HL United Kingdom+44 (0)20 3795 2348





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