xplanung 2nd hunagi conference plan4all workshop, march 3, 2011, budapest dr.-ing. kai-uwe krause

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2nd HUNAGI Conference

Plan4all workshop, March 3, 2011, Budapest

Dr.-Ing. Kai-Uwe Krause

XPlanung – reason / motivation / goals

» Lossless data exchange between the actors involved in planning processes

» XPlanung belongs to Germany’s national eGovernment strategy pursued by the federal government, federal-state governments and municipal administrations “Deutschland-Online” since 2004


public agencies

real estate

planning agency


neighbour municipality


real estate

planning agency


neighbour municipality


public agencies

goals of XPlanung

» A semantically data model, describing the geometrical and logical content of a spatial plan independent from its graphical representation and an object oriented data exchange format,

» standardised object model and data exchange format supports horizontal (intermunicipal) and vertical (planner – municipality – county – federal state) coordination of planning processes,

» support electronically assisted proceeding on the granding of planning permission,

» standardised data format for e-participation platforms,» semantic description of planning data as a basis for the

establishment of services (query, monitoring, reporting) and visualisation in different software applications,

goals of XPlanung

» central storage of urban land-use plans / other plans of special urban planning legislation (e.g. formally designated redevelopment area) in a uniform semantic structure as a data base for different software applications and information systems,

» for source datasets according to a standardised data model only one schema transformation rule to a target INSPIRE datamodel (e.g. land use) have to be defined.

object model XPlanung / data exchange format XPlanGML


object-oriented data model data exchange format

• XPlanGML formalises all statutory designations for regional planning, urban planning and landscape planning used in legal planning documents

• disjunction between semantic content and visualisation

• XPlanGML relies on the international standard GML-3 (Geography Markup Language)

» The standard XPlanung represents the planned urban development from a juridical point of view.

» The XPlanung objects and their corresponding attributes represent legal planning law restrictions and regulations based on German Laws:» “Federal Spatial Planning Act” for comprehensive regional

planning at federal, federal state and county level,» “Federal Building Code” for municipal preparatory land-use

plans, binding land-use plans, project and infrastructure plans,» “Federal Nature Conservation Act” for landscape programmes,

landscape master plans, landscape plans on regional and municipal level.

» The use of XPlanGML for exchanging spatial data is just a recommendation, using XPlanGML is not regulated by law.

object model XPlanung / data exchange format XPlanGML

object model XPlanung / data exchange format XPlanGML

» Restrictions may be formulated geometrically (e.g. specification of the area where buildings are allowed or forbidden) and/or attributive (e.g. specification of a maximal height, number of storeys or occupancy index of a building)

» more information: http://www.xplanung.de http://www.xplanungwiki.de

Implementation of XPlanGML export- / import interface in AutoCAD application, e.g. WS-LANDCAD 2011

Legal binding land use plan (scale 1:1000) according XPlanung object model

Implementation of XPlanGML export- / import interface ArcGIS extension e.g.„IP Xplaner“

For visualisation a XPlanGML file the visualisation rules as defined in the target applications are responsible

XPlanGML WMS service (based on deegree framework)

visualisation of XPlanGML data as a WMS service by OGC symbology encoding definitions

Getfeature info response representing dimension indicators and textual designations

Dr.-Ing. Kai-Uwe Krause

GeodatainfrastructureLandesbetrieb Geoinformation und Vermessung | Sachsenkamp 4 | 20097 Hamburg Telefon (040) 428 26 – 5317 | kai-uwe.krause@gv.hamburg,de | www.geoinfo.hamburg.de

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