xus final review

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XUS Final Review. Team Quizzo. Betting Round included Do not shout out answers Scoring – the honors system When we go over answers, lets talk about them a bit and answer the age old question “why is this important” You may take notes by all means Study over the weekend!. Round 1. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


XUS Final Review

Team Quizzo

• Betting Round included

• Do not shout out answers

• Scoring – the honors system

• When we go over answers, lets talk about them a bit and answer the age old question “why is this important”

• You may take notes by all means

• Study over the weekend!

Round 11.militant civil rights group formed to encourage

separation of white and black communities2. she wrote The Feminine Mystique3.converted Muslim who aggressively fought for

civil rights4.group of students in Arkansas who integrated

Central High School5. invention that led to the standardization of

society in the 1950s6. policy that the US followed to stop the spread of


7. Aura that surrounded the Kennedy family8. amendment that changed the voting age from 21 to 189. separation of the races in S. Africa; US showed

disapproval with sanctions10. major accomplishment of the Ford administration:

meant to improve relations w/ the communist bloc11. scandal during Nixon’s administration that proved the

president was not above the law12. Offensive during the Vietnam New Year that proved

the Vietnamese were not about to give up; led to credibility gap

Round 1

1. Black Panthers

2. Betty Freidan

3. Malcolm X

4. Little Rock 9

5. TV

6. Containment

7. Kennedy Mystique

8. 26th Amendment

9. Apartheid

10. Helsinki Accords

11. Watergate

12. Tet Offensive

Round 2

1. The Interstate Highway Act was passed during his administration

2. This liberal Supreme Court rendered decisions that often protected the rights of the accused

3. LBJ’s domestic program that was undermined by the Vietnam War

4. This man lost the very close 1960 election some say due to a televised presidential debate

5. An extension of the Cold War that included Sputnik and landing on the moon.

6. A general feeling of confusion and hopelessness felt by many towards the end of the 1970s

7. Nixon’s idea of turning the responsibility of fighting the Vietnam War over to the Vietnamese

8. The most glaring physical symbol of the Cold War9. The energy crisis of the 1970s was created in large part

due to…10. The biggest nuclear accident in US history, contributed

to lack of faith in using nuclear energy towards the end of the 1970s

11. The discovery of these wound up being the evidence that brought down Nixon during the Watergate Scandal

12. Secret US documents leaked to the NY times in 1971 that revealed instances of government secrecy, lies and incompetence in handling the Vietnam War throughout the 1960s

Rnd 2

1. Eisenhower

2. Warren Court

3. The Great Society

4. Nixon

5. Space Race

6. Malaise

7. Vietnamization

8. Berlin Wall

9. OPEC crisis

10.3 Mile Island

11.White House Tapes

12.Pentagon Papers

Round 3

1. This brought the US to the brink of Nuclear War during Kennedy’s administration, involved Castro and Khrushchev

2. Established by Kennedy, this group successfully helps 3rd world countries build all types of infrastructure

3. Government supplied health insurance for the elderly4. Program of Kennedy’s that was designed to improve

relations in Latin America5. discrepancy between what the media reports and what

the government says6. Nixon expanded the Vietnam War into this country to

disrupt the VC’s supply lines

7. A voter registration drive in Mississippi in 1964 that resulted in the murders of 3 civil rights workers

8. Many argue that Nixon’s greatest diplomatic achievements were opening up relations with these two countries

9.This was the Supreme Court case that legalized abortion within the 1st Trimester

10. This man won the 1968 presidential election by appealing to the “silent majority”

11. This act was a result of the recognition that the office of the president had too much power when administering/starting a war – it reversed the Tonkin Resolution

12. This agency was set up during Nixon’s administration and was later important in such places as Love Canal

1. Cuban Missile Crisis

2. Peace Corps

3. Medicare

4. Alliance for Progress

5. Credibility Gap

6. Cambodia

Round 3Round 3

Round 3

7. Freedom Summer

8. Soviet Union and China

9. Roe v. Wade (1973)

10. Nixon

11. War Powers Act

12. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Round 4

1. Reaganomics can be best describe by one of these two economic terms

2. to “keep up w/ the Joneses” Americans in the 1950s bought many goods. This is called…

3. He was president at the start of the Korean War4. Landmark Supreme Court case that desegregated

schools in 1954, reversed Plessy V. Ferguson 5. segregation by law6. These individuals acted to enforce the integration of

interstate busing in the South in 1961

7. The King of Rock and Roll, 8. Jack Kerouac wrote, On the Road, which became the

most famous book of this generation9. a baby was born every seven seconds at the height of

the __________ _______.10. First use of the phrase “black power” is attributed to him 11. His “The Other America” influenced LBJ’s War on

Poverty12. He became a leader of the civil rights movement when

he organized the bus boycott in Montgomery, AL

Round 4

1. Trickle-down/supply-side economics

2. consumerism

3. Truman

4. Brown v. Board of Ed, Topeka, KS

5. De jure

6. Freedom Riders

7. Elvis

8. Beatnik generation (or beat generation)

9. Baby Boom

10.Stokely Carmichael

11.Michael Harrington

12. Martin Luther King Jr.

1. Group who went after communists in entertainment industry during the early years of the Cold War

2. This failed invasion of Cuba led to an alliance between Castro and Khrushchev

3. This plan promised Europe $13 billion in aid so that nations devastated by WWII would not fall to communism

4. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was signed by this president

5. Huey Newton and bobby Seale are most readily associated w/ this group.

6. Secretary of state who promoted of “massive retaliation” and “brinkmanship”

Round 5

7. MLK promoted this type of civil disobedience 8. Busing was an issue during integration; what president

tried to appease whites by slowing down integration via busing?

9. The Interstate Highway Act led to the formation of these; (which depleted the tax base in urban areas)

10. This act, passed under Clinton, allowed moms/dads to stay home for 12 weeks with new babies without fear of loosing jobs

11. Massacre of approx 350 under 2nd Lt William Calley during the Vietnam War

12. This was the education policy of George W. Bush


2. Bay of Pigs

3. Marshall Plan

4. LBJ

5. Black Panthers

6. John Foster Dulles

Round 5Round 5

7. Non-violent

8. Nixon

8. suburbs

10.Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

11.My Lai

12.No Child Left Behind (NCLB)

End of part I

• Add up total point so far

• Wager

• Part I bonus question category: national landmarks

What and Where is this?

Part II -- Presidents Round – list in order

1. 1945-1953 9. 1989-19932. 1953-1961 10.1993-20013. 1961-1963 11. 2001-20094. 1963-1969 12. 2009-present5. 1969-19746. 1974-19777. 1977-19818. 1981-1989

Which president?

9. Monica Lewinsky scandal10. “Read my lips; no new taxes.”11. promised a man on the moon by the end of the 1960s12. Decided to use atomic bombs to end WWII13. Was president when the U-2 spy plane incident

occurred14. He was criticized for not handling Hurricane Katrina well15. Opened up relations w/ China and the Soviet Union w/

the help of Henry Kissinger16. “The Great Communicator” and “The Teflon President”


2-Gardner is obsessed with her




6 –what Civil Rights group




10-what did they remember to do?





15-Reaction to this young boy’s murder in 1955 galvanized the Civil

Rights movement

16-election year


18-Who was killed here?





23-Who is shown?


25-What is shown in red?

26-Chief Justice

27—where and when?




End of Part IIFinal Overall Question

• Add up total points from part II

• Add to total points from part I

• Wage from total so far

• Category: Be True to your Man

The Truman Doctrine stated that the U.S. would support_________  and _________ with economic

and military aid to prevent them from joining

the Soviet sphere

And the winner is…

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