
Post on 19-Aug-2015






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Incomplete Chara Profile


(Hi guys! I'm planning a potential oc for a KnB story and was hoping to get some advice on what I have so far.)Fandom Kuro!o no Basu!e"ame Inada #achiyo"ic!names #a$chan% #achi% #aya&ge '(Height (')*'+,cm-eight ')'l.*(/!g"ationality 0apaneseFamily 1other (Inada "ana!o)% father (Inada 2eruhi!o)% younger .rother (/ yrs) (Inada 1asamune)% mother's cousin ("a!atani 1asaa!i)3airing "*& (friendship w* 2a!ao and 1idorima)4trengths5 6esponsi.le 7ue to ta!ing care of 1asamune from a young age% #achiyo has a great sense of responsi.ility. 4he is always loo!ing out for those younger than her (and even some older). 4he is the !ind of girl that always holds doors open and helps her elderly neigh.ours out with manual la.our.5-ea!nesses*Faults5 "osey & .y$product of her sense of responsi.ility% #achiyo has the urge to !now what is going on at all times and hates .eing out of the loop. &s such% she often stic!s her nose into other people's private (and potentially sensitive) .usiness forno reason other than to 8gure out what's happening.5 &uthoritative #achiyo is used to .eing the senpai*older si.ling*the one that calls the shots. 7ue to this% she has a hard time .ac!ing down and letting someone else ta!e the lead. In a group% she has the urge to manage everything herself and .ecomes an9ious if she isn't the one in control. However% this only applies when there is the (perceived) need for a leader% such as in a group pro:ect. If she is :ust hanging out with friends this trait doesn't surface as much% although she still disli!es .eing challenged directly.&ppearance3ersonality5 Family$;riented 7ue to the limited amount of time she gets to spend with her parents% she treasures any and all family time she can get with them. 4he greatly appreciates how hard they try to ma!e time for their children% !nowing how much their careers mean to them. &t the same time% she resents them :ust a little deep down inside for (in her eyes) choosing their careers over their children. 4he cares deeply for her younger .rother (the feeling is mutual)5

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