yaohua brian bian archiportfolio 20150326

Post on 08-Apr-2016






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My name is Yaohua Bian and I have completed both of my bachelor and masters degrees of design in architecture at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). I am currently looking for work at an architecture studio.

When I was studying my Bachelors of Design in architecture at UTS three years, I have began to work for different architecture practices and participated in various extra-curricular activities such as the UTS ‘USA Architecture Study Tour’ and SONA Super-studio - of which I was the first time to get insight into many great architectural precedents in USA and had an interview with the world well-know deconstructive architect Frank Gehry. I was always worked at Enter projects on a part-time basis, which is a small and super innovative architecture office in Sydney. These experiences gave me a better understanding of drafting and construction principles and an overview of the tasks involved in residential design in Sydney.

Since completing my Bachelors I have been applied for a half -year Internship in an Urban Planing institution in Beijing in 2012. It was the first time that I started to realise the great ex-penses and the lack of methodology of urban development in today’s China. The old always be considered as the bad, and they are eliminated to make room for the ‘new’. However, I was fascinated to its great ancient architectural history at the same time. Over seven years working and living in Australia, I think that the city of Sydney has its strong identity that old well coex-ists with the new development. It was rewarding experience, it gave me an opportunity to think in bigger scale into the pro-cesses of working with diverse team of people in two different countries- from architects, the partners, to other peers.

It is undeniable that architectures are the ones who shape this world in which we live in; epitomizing Winston Churchill’s quote- ‘we shape our buildings, thereafter they shape us’- I believe the role of architecture reaches beyond designing just building itself, rather creating a responsive mechanism which interacts with its surroundings to be synergetic and more importantly, contributing to a greater picture for the city.

Up until now my relationship with architecture has been one of

work experiences locally.





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