year 3 totley primary school home learning pack week 13 ... · in today’s lesson you are going to...

Post on 07-Jul-2020






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Year 3

Totley Primary School

Home Learning Pack

Week 13



English - Friday

In today’s lesson you are going to start writing your story. Use the checklist, WAGOLL, VCOP

board and your plan to help you.


In the far corner of the cave, Sarah saw the scruffy haired man. He was sharpening a piece of flint.

“Hello, thank you for helping me!” said Sarah kindly. “What is your name?”

The man made a strange grunt that sounded like, “Stan.”

Sarah smiled shyly at him.

“I wanted to say thank you for helping me down. Would you like to come to my house for tea?”

Stan looked blank. Suddenly, Sarah wasn’t sure if it was a good idea. I mean…whatever would her parents think? She couldn’t

have Stan turn up to dinner with rabbit skins around his waist!

“A-ha! She had an idea! Feeling excited, Sarah led a very bemused Stan up to the top of the pit and all the way to her house.

While her mum and dad were busy gardening, she raced upstairs and sifted through her dad’s wardrobe. She flung a crisp white

shirt, a pair of smart, black trousers and a spotty tie in Stan’s direction.

Sarah and Stan sat at the dinner table waiting for her parents. Sarah hoped her new friend would keep his feet under the table

since she had forgotten he didn’t have any socks on his dirty, hairy feet.

“This is Stan!” Sarah told her parents.

As she explained what had happened, her parents faces changed from worried frowns to grateful smiles. Stan showed them all

how to sharpen a flint and they all showed Stan how he could use a knife and fork to eat his dinner. They proudly showed Stan

their family photographs and then had to stop a very excited Stan trying to draw all over the walls with a piece of chalk from

behind his ear.

After dinner, Stan decided he would return to his cave home even though Sarah’s parents had offered him the spare room at

their house. Stan was happier at his own home where he could hunt for his food and draw pictures on his walls. Sarah still visit-

ed him every day in his cave home though to bring him a present or two. And Stan would visit Sarah’s house once a year to have

a luxurious bath.

Toolkit skill to include Tick if included

Ambitious vocabulary choices

Fronted adverbials

Prepositional phrases





























Friday Guided Reading

Friday: Moving onto Year 4

As you will moving to Year 4 in September, we thought it a good time to reflect on all the great activities and memories you have of Year 3 but also to think about all the exciting things about Year 4.

My favourite memories of Year 3

The one memory that sticks in my mind about Year 3 is __________________________



My favourite trip or activity in Year 3 was ___________________________________



Things to look forward to about Year 4

I think Year 4 is going to be exciting because _________________________________



Do you have any questions about Year 4? Send these to your teacher and I am sure we can answer them to help you feel more reassured and less nervous!

My question about Year 4 is ______________________________________________



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