year 4 religious literacy 11

Post on 27-May-2015






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By Jayden

The First Day

God created the Earth and then he saw that there was work for him to do. On the first day God created day and night and then there was day and

night. God knew it was all very good.

The Second DayOn the second day God created the sky, which was very good .The sky was for a home for the day, night, sun and moon. Everything God made was good.

• On the third day God made plants so human beings could breathe. He created land, so people and animals could walk on it. God also made water for sea animals to live in. God said it was good.

On the fourth day God made the sun to shine all of the day and the moon to shine all through the night .God also added stars to the night. God said it was good.

• On the fifth day God created animals to live on the land and in the water. God loved everything he had made so far but God wasn’t finished yet. He still wanted to make something of his exact image.

• On the sixth day God made that splitting image of himself. He called him Adam and God saw that he was lonely so God made Eve.

• The seventh day was a day of rest. God had saw he was finished and liked what he had made.

On the seven days God had created all living things that are on Earth today. We should thank God for making us and everything that surrounds us.

• Creation is everything that God created and is still alive. God created everything that we have right now and we should love everything that we have to this day.

• I’m part of creation because I look exactly like God and I look after God’s creation. I also am part of God’s creation by making friends.

• To feed or water plants or animals and you might just save a few lives.

• To make friends and to care for everyone that you meet.

• To not litter cause some animal might think it is a piece of food and they could eat it and choke and die.

Goal:To help animals live .You can care for animals by giving them t

he correct amount of food and water..You can give them lots and lots of

exercise so they stay skinny and healthy.

.You can keep an animal, so they don’t get captured in cages.


• Dear God, Thank you for creating the Earthand the creatures that walk on it.Thank you for everything that I have and

you have created. I praise you Lord thank you for me, my family and my friends.


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