year 9 china week 2014 yangshuo, guangxi province, china welcome

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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Year 9 China Week 2014Yangshuo, Guangxi Province,



Where your child is going…

• Yangshuo, Guilin, Guangxi Province

Staff members on the trip

Trip LeaderKathryn Barnard ( )

Additional StaffDonna Kane (9DK Form Tutor and Group 2 Leader)Angelique Gougeon (9AG Form Tutor)Danial Siddiqi (9DS Form Tutor)Gemma Archer (9GA Form Tutor)Gareth Matthews-John (9GM Form Tutor)Nico Van De CasteelePaul MurphyRachel ZhangSarah TangEmma TanRosalie Zhou

Plus….INSIGHT ADVENTURES staff members. They are brilliant with the students.


• Tutor groups will do all activities together.• 3 nights in a hotel, 1 night at Fuli Eco Camp.• Activities include:

– Biking– Kayaking or Archery – Caving– Cooking school– Abseiling – Climbing

• Food – all local restaurants and all snacks provided

Departure procedure

Group 1 – 9DS, 9GA & 9GM• These groups will

need to meet at school at 4.30am on Monday 15th September.

• Meet your tutor on the outside basketball court.

Group 2 – 9DK, 9AG• These groups will

need to meet at school at 6.30am on Monday 15th September

• Meet your tutor on the outside basketball court.

All Passports to form tutors on Wednesday 10th September.

Flight information

Group 1 – 9DS, 9GA and 9GM• 15th Sept. Hongqiao –

Guilin   FM9333 0810   1020

• 19th Sept. Guilin –Pudong MU5382 1430   1635

Group 2 – 9DK, 9AG

• 15th Sept.:  Pudong – Guilin     MU5381 1055 – 1320

• 19th Sept.:  Guilin -Hongqiao FM 9334  

11:05  13:25

Picking up procedure

Group 1 – 9DS, 9GA & 9GM

• Please arrange for your child to be picked up from DCS at 6.30pm on Friday, 19th September .

Group 2 – 9DK, 9AG

• Please arrange for your child to be picked up from DCS at 4.15pm on Friday, 19th September.

We will make contact if there are a huge delays.

More Details

• You will be able to find this presentation and the itinerary on the following link after this talk:

You can go to:• “Academic-Senior School-Upcoming China Week

2014 – Year 9" 

Emergency numbers and other material are on the website.



• No laptops / iPads / game consoles to be brought on China Week.

• Cell phones / mp3 devices are permitted, but with the knowledge that these will have limited use.

• Items will be confiscated if rules are not followed.

Medical Insurance

All students must have their own medical insurance. If anyone is having difficulty acquiring insurance for China Week, then please look online. You can easily purchase medical insurance that covers your child for the week that they will be away.

Packing list• Will be emailed to you tomorrow with all essential

China Week information.• Items of concern –

– Travel bag– Sleeping bag/Sleeping bag liner– Medication – must be labeled and given to tutor– Head torch– Rain Jacket – Band aids

• Sunscreen, hat, sunglasses and insect repellant!• Some pens and pencils.

Year 9 Inter-tutor group competition

• 9 Awkward Gorillas

• 9 Door Key• 9 Dim Sum• 9 Golden

Arrows• 9

Genetically Modified

Other Information

• Lights out at 10pm – activity dependent.

• Students will not be allowed use hotel telephones for any reason.

• Behaviour – exemplary of course!(Should a serious incident occur, parents of student/s concerned will be contacted to pick up their child.)

What happens if I smoke, drink or take drugs?

Parents will be asked to come and collect you.

There will be BIG trouble!

What happens …

… in cases of illness or homesickness?

This is what Tutors are for.

Students have been told to talk to one of us and we’ll sort it out. It’s rarely as bad as it seems at the time.

In the event of an emergency, parents will be informed as soon a possible.

Who will look after money, cameras etc?

The students will – teachers will only be responsible for passports. Money –please do not give your child too much. They will only waste it or lose it. 250 RMB is more than enough. All food is provided.

Cameras (as with money) are the child’s own responsibility. *Do not rely on the camera on the phone to take photos – remember, phones will be left in the hotel safe for most of the time.

Yangshuo town centre

Although tempting, students may not buy:• Knives• Slingshots• Weapons of any description- even fake or souvenir ones• Fireworks

If students buy them they will be confiscated and thrown away – they will not be able to take them home and there will be appropriate consequences.

What about people I don’t know wanting to talk to me?

• Be polite - but if anyone asks you to go anywhere with them, leave immediately and tell the nearest teacher.

• Always stay in a group of three –never wander away on your own and don’t let others do it either.

Anxious Parents

• Please try not to be. It is a very safe trip and we want to instill a sense of confidence and independence in the students. Please try not to pass on any worries you may have to your children.

• Tell them it will be fun, challenging and an adventure! They will enjoy it more, knowing that you are not worried about them.

• Please don’t ring them or text – they will ring you one evening if they want to.


• Don’t leave these at home!• Make sure you thank all staff.• Be respectful of everyone – we are all

doing activities that are new to us.• Patience will be needed from



Trip LeaderKathryn Barnard ( )Trip number: 136 4193 0341

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