year 9 transition into year 10 year 9 curriculum information

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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Year 9 Transition into year 10

Year 9 Curriculum Information

Available qualifications

GCSEs – examination focusBTEC courses – coursework focusASDAN – vocational coursework focus

KS4 Curriculum

English Language English Literature Mathematics Science Core Science Additional RE PE PSHE/SMSC

Core Subjects

Modular v linear courses

Modular coursesIn the past GCSE assessment was like jumping from one lily pad to another – gaining marks in small bitesize chunks, with the opportunity to go back to resit.All modules were distinct and limited in contentand assessment.

Linear coursesNow the GCSE assessment is mainly at the end of the two year course. This means there is a need for deeper learning, regular practice of skills and recall in committing to memory large amounts of information.

Linear v Modular courses

Focus on Progress of all students

The Government has introduced new performance measures for Schools and Academies.These new measures assess the progress made by each child from the initial level they enter secondary school, to the one they have at the end of Year 11.Eventually all attainment will be measured in numbers as student move up the levels ladder each year.

GCSE English and Mathematics

• Priority must be given to passing English and Mathematics

• (Most courses in further education and career choices ask for passes in English and Maths)

• Additional lessons may be provided where this is needed.

• This reduces option subjects from 4 to 3 for some students.

New GCSEs English, English Literature and Mathematics

Year 9 are the first group being prepared to take the new GCSEs in English Language, English Literature and Mathematics. Grades will be awarded in numbers rather than letters.

Approximate equivalent grades9=A** 8=A* 7=A 6=B 5=C+ 4=C 3=D/E 2=F/G 1=G 0=U


English Baccalaureate

Subject combination:EnglishMathematicsScience or Computing

Plus One of the Humanities: Geog or History And a Modern Foreign Lang: German or French

Encouraging students to study a modern foreign language

Students from across the UK will have a qualification profile with GCSEs from the Ebacc group of subjects, including a modern foreign language

There is evidence that studying a foreign language enhances students cognitive ability and gives the autonomous brain function a work out.

The new exams with the assessment all at the end of the two year course will require memory work and the regular practice of language learning will encourage this.

Once a pupil has learned one language it is easier to learn another. Lots of Universities look favourably on those students who have

studied a foreign language and encourage students to do a third year abroad – which is supported by grants from the EU through the Erasmus scheme.

Ebacc Qualification

An option must be chosen from Column A

Not allowed to choose 2 from 1 block

Further Guidance and adviceBTEC ASDAN FUNCTIONAL SKILLS courses

Btec courses and Asdan units give students the chance to progress at their own rate and as they are based on coursework they do not present the hurdle to achievement which external examinations can pose for some. Statistically those students with Special educational needs move through the relevant levels well.

Year 9 Careers information, advice and guidance

•Investment in IAG in tutorials, theme days, with speakers and opportunities to explore relevant websites. Also Connexions interviews regarding post 16 options

•Planning for a week of work experience in Year 10.

Year 9 Options Pathway

•Options week where all students will be informed by KS3 subjects of the options at GCSE

•Taster day where students will be able to sample subjects not taught at KS3

•Completion of a ‘Passport’ for eachsubject and an assembly giving guidance on how to choose your options.

Next Step

•Begin to think about the benefits of taking the Ebacc option for your child.•Knowing that each student will have to take either History, Geography, French or German – begin to think which subject(s) your child might like to take next year.•Begin looking at Post 16 information and checking whether a GCSE subject is a requirement for your child to be able to study the subject of their choice at A level.


On the 19th January you will be invited to the Year 9 Options evening with your son or daughter to discuss the subjects with staff and begin the process of finalising GCSE choices.

We are committed to providing a curriculum which meets each child’s needs, maximises their attainment and allows them to move on to the next stage in their academic, personal and spiritual journey.

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