yemen by: mr. warner. history people have lived on the land for thousands of years. islam became...

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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By: Mr. Warner

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People have lived on the land for thousands of years.

Islam became the official religion in 628 A.D.

Post WWI, Yemen became an independent country.

People have lived on the land for thousands of years.

Islam became the official religion in 628 A.D.

Post WWI, Yemen became an independent country.

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23.8 million people.68% of the people live in rural areas.The majority of the citizens are Arab.

Some small groups of African, Indian, or Pakistani descent.

Tribal CountryAll native Yemenis belong to a tribe.Tribes are based on regions.

23.8 million people.68% of the people live in rural areas.The majority of the citizens are Arab.

Some small groups of African, Indian, or Pakistani descent.

Tribal CountryAll native Yemenis belong to a tribe.Tribes are based on regions.

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This man is wearing a jambia. The jambia is a symbol of manhood that is worn under the belt. These are worn to traditional dances and weddings.

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A father stands with his family in Northern Yemen. Men in Yemen may have several wives.


Multiparty democracy with an elected president.

Current president: Ali Abdallah SalehLegislative power

301-seat House of RepresentativesShura Council (appointed by the president).

Sheiks (tribal leaders) Have power to resolve disputes between villagers

and keep peace. As a result, law is undermined by tribal loyalties, a

heavily armed populace, and distrust of the government.

Multiparty democracy with an elected president.

Current president: Ali Abdallah SalehLegislative power

301-seat House of RepresentativesShura Council (appointed by the president).

Sheiks (tribal leaders) Have power to resolve disputes between villagers

and keep peace. As a result, law is undermined by tribal loyalties, a

heavily armed populace, and distrust of the government.

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This is a political party emblem (General People’s Congress). Many citizens cannot read, so symbols are very useful.


One of the poorest Arab nations.Economic struggles have in turn caused

poor health care and educational services.

Tourism is significantly reduced due to kidnappings.

Oil & natural gas are the most valuable natural resources.

Currency is called the “Yemeni rial”1 U.S. Dollar = 227 Yemeni Rial

One of the poorest Arab nations.Economic struggles have in turn caused

poor health care and educational services.

Tourism is significantly reduced due to kidnappings.

Oil & natural gas are the most valuable natural resources.

Currency is called the “Yemeni rial”1 U.S. Dollar = 227 Yemeni Rial

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EducationEducation The Qur’an was the only thing taught before WWII. Modern School System:

Primary school (6 years) Intermediate school (3 years) Secondary school (3 years)

Students who do not finish school usually become: Laborers Farmers Factory workers Shopkeepers

Literacy Rate: 77% (Male), 41% (Female)

The Qur’an was the only thing taught before WWII. Modern School System:

Primary school (6 years) Intermediate school (3 years) Secondary school (3 years)

Students who do not finish school usually become: Laborers Farmers Factory workers Shopkeepers

Literacy Rate: 77% (Male), 41% (Female)

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Here is a school teacher and his students. Kids of different ages are in the same class and there are more boys than girls in school.

Country & Development Data

Country & Development Data

203,849 square miles of landReal GDP per capita: $2,335Life Expectancy:

61 (males)64 (females)

203,849 square miles of landReal GDP per capita: $2,335Life Expectancy:

61 (males)64 (females)

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(Yemen Map) #729202. Clipart School Edition. Web. 26 May 2010.

(Yemen Outside) #34830383. Clipart School Edition. Web. 26 May 2010.

(Islam Symbol) #20794856. Clipart School Edition. Web. 26 May 2010.

(Oil Can) #1658994. Clipart School Edition. Web. 26 May 2010.

"Yemen." CultureGrams Online Edition. ProQuest, 2010. Web. 26 May 2010.

(Yemen Map) #729202. Clipart School Edition. Web. 26 May 2010.

(Yemen Outside) #34830383. Clipart School Edition. Web. 26 May 2010.

(Islam Symbol) #20794856. Clipart School Edition. Web. 26 May 2010.

(Oil Can) #1658994. Clipart School Edition. Web. 26 May 2010.

"Yemen." CultureGrams Online Edition. ProQuest, 2010. Web. 26 May 2010.

ReferencesReferences Man Wearing Jambia. 2004. Photograph. Collection of

CultureGrams. ProQuest, 2010. Web. 26 May 2010. Family. 2004. Photograph. Collection of CultureGrams.

ProQuest, 2010. Web. 26 May 2010. Political Party Emblem. 2004. Photograph. Collection of

CultureGrams. ProQuest, 2010. Web. 26 May 2010. Schoolteacher and His Pupils. 2004. Photograph.

Collection of CultureGrams. ProQuest, 2010. Web. 26 May 2010.

"Flag of Yemen." Image. CultureGrams Online Edition. ProQuest, 2010. Web. 26 May 2010.

Man Wearing Jambia. 2004. Photograph. Collection of CultureGrams. ProQuest, 2010. Web. 26 May 2010.

Family. 2004. Photograph. Collection of CultureGrams. ProQuest, 2010. Web. 26 May 2010.

Political Party Emblem. 2004. Photograph. Collection of CultureGrams. ProQuest, 2010. Web. 26 May 2010.

Schoolteacher and His Pupils. 2004. Photograph. Collection of CultureGrams. ProQuest, 2010. Web. 26 May 2010.

"Flag of Yemen." Image. CultureGrams Online Edition. ProQuest, 2010. Web. 26 May 2010.

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