yewee year 4 home learning week beginning: 15th …...yewee ye year 4 home learning week beginning:...

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Year 4 Home Learning Week beginning: 15th June

Hello Year 4 and families, I hope you are all safe and well. This week, we have prepared another timetable of activities for you to complete and all the resources you need are below. Please use it as a guide and don’t worry if you don’t get through everything! You can use our class email to contact us or send us work: If you look on Facebook, we will be posting your photos! Keep smiling, Miss Culkin and Miss Boardman.

Morning PE Maths English Topic

Monday Stretching/yoga or choose your own exercise

Times Tables Challenge 1 – Number of the week Watch Week 7 Lesson 1 on the White Rose Hub

Spelling Practice Bugclub Grammar Activity – Inverted Commas

History – Ancient Egypt See below.

Tuesday PE with Joe Wicks or choose your own exercise

Times Tables Challenge 2 – Would you rather? Watch Week 7 Lesson 2 on the White Rose Hub

Spelling Practice Reading Activity 1

Geography – Rivers See below.

Wednesday Supermovers times table dance or choose your own exercise

Times Tables Problem Solving 1 – Coloured Squares Watch Week 7 Lesson 3 on the White Rose Hub

Spelling Practice Writing Activity 1

Science – States of Matter See below for detail

Thursday PE with Joe Wicks or choose your own exercise

Times Tables Challenge 3 – Shopping Trip Watch Week 7 Lesson 4 on the White Rose Hub

Spelling Practice Writing Activity 2

PE – Get active! Use this time to be active: walk, run, cycle, scoot or even rollerblade!

Friday Supermovers times table dance or choose your own exercise

Times Tables Problem Solving 2 – Straw Shapes Watch Week 7 Lesson 5 on the White Rose Hub

Spelling Practice Writing Activity 3

Golden time – use this time to play cards, board games or draw pictures.


YEAR 4 MATHS Daily Times Tables Spend 10 minutes practicing your times tables. This can be writing your own times tables calculations, using your flash cards, playing games on TTRockstars or playing the hit the button game on top marks. Challenge 1 – Number of the Week

Challenge 2 – Would you rather?

Challenge 3 - Shopping trip

Problem Solving 1 - Coloured Shapes

Problem Solving 2 – Straw Squares


Daily Spelling Spend 10 minutes practicing 3-5 words a day from the spelling list (write them in a sentence, use a dictionary to find definitions, pyramid writing, write out 5 times etc). Go back to them each day and check if you can remember them. If you can, choose a new one. If not, keep practising! Bugclub Choose one of your books and read it carefully then answer the questions that go with it.

Grammar Activity – Inverted Commas

Reading Activity 1

Read and enjoy opening extracts from the following books in a series by Kate Pankhurst about several inspirational women. (You will need to become a member of LoveReading4Kids. Membership is free). As you read, note down unfamiliar vocabulary and use a dictionary/thesaurus, e.g. https://www.wordhipp to find out what new words mean. Fantastically Great Women Who Saved the Planet


Fantastically Great Women Who Worked Wonders Fantastically Great Women Who Changed the World Select two or three of your favourite texts read today. Create some charts showing key information and/or mind maps. For example, you could scan the texts to find important dates and create a chart or a mind map.

Writing Activity 1

Today you are going to research facts about Martin Luther King. Read the information from the following websites and watch Martin Luther King’s final speech: 'I've been to the mountaintop.'

(Note: contains American spelling). Vocabulary that you might need to explore today – equality, boycott, tolerant, entitled, segregation. Use a dictionary, e.g. to help you. Today you are going to write a quiz for your family and friends based on the life of Martin Luther King. You may choose to write using a similar format to The Chase or Who Wants to be a Millionaire, where contestants are provided with a question and three or four possible answers, but only one is correct! Try to include some of the new vocabulary you have learnt in your questions. Test your quiz out on your family at home or your friends on an online video platform with you playing the role of quizmaster!

Writing Activity 2

Today you are going to research facts about Greta Thunberg. Read the information from the following websites and watch Greta Thunberg's speech to world leaders at the UN Climate Action Summit. Vocabulary to explore: activist. Create a mini biography for Greta. (A biography is the story of someone’s life). Scan the texts to find important dates and numbers, e.g. date of birth, key ages or dates when things have happened in her life. Read sections carefully (close reading) to find out the following: • Where was Great Thunberg born? • What is she so passionate about? • Why is she inspirational? Rather than copying chunks of the text from the websites, try to put the information into your own words. If

you find any unfamiliar vocabulary, note that down and use a dictionary, e.g. to

find the definition

Writing activity 3

Today you are going to think about who inspires you. Maybe Captain Tom has inspired you. (Captain Tom Maybe a family member inspires you, or maybe a member of your local community. Perhaps you have more than one person that inspires you. Think about who inspires you and write a paragraph about who they are and why they inspire you. After researching the inspirational people this week, how do you feel? Have you been inspired? Write another paragraph to explain who and what has inspired you this week and how this might influence

your actions in the future, e.g. After reading about Greta Thunberg, it has made me consider how everybody’s

actions affect the environment. From now on, I will consider how I can help my family to be more

environmentally friendly.

Year 4 Topic History – Ancient Egypt

Watch the following clip to find out about the process of mummification before completing ‘How to Mummify a Pharaoh’ below.

Geography – Rivers

Science – States of matter

Now watch the following clip before organising the statements below so that they match up.

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