you don't get $1m in revenue or funding with a half-assed business plan

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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You Don’t Get $1M in Revenue or Funding

with a Half-Assed Business Plan

20 Minutes To Change the Way You Write Business Plans


News Flash:

You’re starting a business; you don’t need a 20 page business plan,

You need money.

Best way to get money?

Get a frigging job!

But, you don’t want a job.

You want to be an entrepreneur, and create your own job.


You just signed yourself up for the worst job on the planet,

and the hardest way to get money.

Entrepreneur Job Description:

No pay. No benefits. Long hours.

Very little sleep.Tons of problems.

It’s a real stress-fest.

Enough with the depressing comments—

let’s get back to business plans.


you don’t need a business plan, you need money.

Best way for an entrepreneur to get money?

Put a team together to: solve a problem

tell & sell products/services

to troubled people with money willing to buy your solution

& keep paying your billsuntil everyone can cash out.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Should be easy enough– let’s get started!

But first, a few questions:

Who’s on your team?What problem do you solve?

How will you market to X people and how many people will buy this year?

What are your products/services?Who is troubled & how much $ do they have?

What other similar products are available? How much $ do you need to start & run?How much cash will you have in 3 years?

Welcome to being an entrepreneur;

Welcome to being askeddetailed questions

about your business 24/7.



PartnersService Providers Customers



How will you pay me? When will I get my money back?

How can we work together? Why should

I buy this?

Why don’t you just get a real job?

It gets worse.

Family/Friends Questions

Co-founder/Employee Questions

Partner Questions

Customer Questions

Investor Questions

More Investor Questions

News Flash:

If you don’t have answers to detailed questions, you risk coming across

a bit half-assed.

Most people don’t want to:

buy from, lend to, invest in, work forstay married to, partner with, or help out

a half-assed entrepreneur;

it’s just too stressful.

News Flash:

You don’t need money to start a business,

you need answers—

You need a business plan.

You’ve got 168 hours a week—

Why not crank out a business plan in 20 hours, & use another 20 hours to make it better?

40 hours of college paper writing will separate you from most other entrepreneurs starting a business.

First 20 Hours:

5 Hours: Answer questions.

5 Hours: Talk to people & find stats.

5 Hours: Crank out spreadsheets .(no more than $1M first year)

5 Hours: Crank out a rough draft, 1 pg at a time.

Second 20 Hours:

5 Hours: Mentor edit for red flags.

5 Hours: Add more research.

5 Hours: Tighten info to specifics.

5 Hours: Make it pretty.

You want to build a $1,000,000 company,

or find $1,000,000 in funding?

Give a $1,000,000 effort.

Get started with just 40 hours.

We’re passionate about helping early stage entrepreneurs be better prepared

and able to find funding.

Carolynn Duncan801.319.4715


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