your body. your language

Post on 16-Aug-2015



Self Improvement



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Your BodyYour Language

Based on a TED talk by Amy Cuddy“ Your Body Language shapes who you are .”

Language is a more recent technology. Your Body Language, your eyes, your energy will come through to your audience even before your start speaking.

Peter Guber Entrepreneur

Having a Bad Luck at

Success ?

What could be the problem?

Then maybe it’s time you took a look at yourself.

If you see a bit of yourself in them then that’s your problem right there!

Body Languagedetermines

how we judge others,how they judge us andwhat the outcomes are.

But we forgot the most important audience.


We are also influenced byour thoughts. our feelings. our physiology.

our non-verbals.

So what could be the Solution?

Interested in Power DynamicsAnd the non-verbal expressions of power and dominance.

Let’s Meet,

Amy believes that our success is dependant on how we express

power and dominance.

How dowe showpower and dominance?

It’s about opening up.

All over the animal kingdom its about expanding.

Its the same for us too.When we feel powerful we,make ourselves BIG,we stretch out,take up space.

Where as when we feel powerless.

We do the exact opposite.We make ourselves small.

Powerful vs Powerless

We have a tendency to compliment the other person’s non-verbals.

So where does this POWER

come from?

Amy found that this power was related to gender as well as amount participation by an individual.

So she started wondering if we can ,

Fake power?to increase our participation.

We know, Our minds change our bodies.But

Does our bodies change our minds?

But How?

Comparing the minds and bodies of both Powerful and Powerless people,

Amy found that they differ both

mentally and physiologically.

Mentally,Powerful people are,More confident.More assertive.More optimistic.They take more risks and think abstractly.

PhysiologicallyThere was a difference in the level of

Testosterone and Cortisol hormones.

(Dominance) (Stress)

Power is not only about dominance it’s also about how stress reactive you are.

An experiment of Role Changing

It was found thatBy Faking it they felt more powerful.

High Power Posing

Power Posing had significant hormone changes in their body.

People judge high power posers more positively.

So next time before you face a stressful situation.Take a minute

Make a power pose.Get your testosterone up. Get your cortisol down.

Show them who you truly are!!

Amy Cuddy shares her story on how she realised,

“You should not fake it till you make it,fake it until you become it”

It’s time to make yourself feel powerful .

Try a power pose & Share the Science.

Recap● What is the problem we face?● How it effects us?● The powerful and the powerless.● How they differ?● Faking the power. ● What we should do?● Fake it till you become it.

Thank You .


Created by Nived R Nambiar, MEC Cochin, during an internship by Prof. Sameer Mathur, IIM Lucknow.

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