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“Your First $1,000 Online” Book 1: Getting Started

Copyright © 2009 Brian Wong. All Rights Reserved.

Legal Information & Disclaimers

The author and publishers of this guide and the accompanying materials have used their best efforts in preparing this document. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness or completeness of the contents of this program. They disclaim any warranties (expressed or implied), merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. The author and publisher shall in no event be held liable for any loss or damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential or other damages. As always the advise of a competent legal, tax, accounting or other professional should be sought. The author and publisher do not warrant the effectiveness, or applicability of any sites listed in this book. All links are for information purposes only and are not warranted for content, accuracy or any other implied or explicit purpose. The manual contains material protected under copyright laws. Any unauthorized reprint or resale of this material is strictly prohibited.

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Table of Contents

Introduction ............................................................................................. 3

What This Is About…................................................................................. 4

How You Will Make Your $1,000 Online ...................................................... 5

Selecting a Merchant to Promote................................................................ 5

Understanding Your Role In The Value Creation Process .............................. 6

TRUST: Prospects Need to Either Trust the Merchant or Trust You .............. 7

You Must Capture Email Leads and Build a List............................................ 7

Why use an autoresponder service? ........................................................... 7

You Must Build a Relationship With Your List............................................... 8

The Snowball Effect .................................................................................. 9

Other Elements That Build Trust and Reduce Risk ..................................... 10

Getting Sales As An Affiliate..................................................................... 11

The “Affiliate Marketing System” .............................................................. 11

Opt-in Page/ Squeeze Page Method Best Practice Blueprint........................ 15

The Super Affiliate Master Plan ................................................................ 16

Time to Take Action… ............................................................................. 17

Appendix: Glossary of terms .................................................................... 18

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This book is designed for one sole purpose. That is to get you to take action to make your first $1,000 online using the proven business blueprint. I want to keep this book as short as possible so you spend less time reading and more time taking action and getting results!

Once you create your first $1,000 online, you will gain the confidence to learn more and hence earn more. You can also repeat the blueprint as many times as you like. You will also find that the longer you consistently apply the process I am about to teach you, the easier it will be for you to earn an income online and your commissions will keep growing larger and larger because your email list of customers will get bigger and bigger.

It is my hope that this book will be the catalyst towards financial freedom for you and that it will change your life.

Let’s talk briefly about expectations. A lot of online marketing programs will have you believe that everyone can make millions online and that its very easy. They also seem to give the impression that you can do it overnight. That’s not my style. Let me state for the record that I don’t agree that everyone will make millions online. That’s just the truth.

However, I do believe that anyone can learn to make a decent living online by using the blueprint that I am about to share. By “decent living”, I mean that you can consistently earn an extra $1,000 to $10,000 each month just working part-time online. This program will show you exactly how.

First - a warning. You MUST TAKE ACTION. You must do the things I recommend in this book if you want to get results. Not only because without action, you will not get results (duh!) but because it is in the doing that your greatest lessons will be learnt. Once you take action, and re-read this manual again, you will make new distinctions and the words will have new meaning to you.

Most people fail at making money online because they never actually get around to taking effective action – that’s it. There may be a lot different excuses like, “I’m not good with computers” or “I didn’t have time” but the bottom line is that they didn’t take the action required.

A lot of people also fail because they make a half-hearted attempt, they keep changing their online business model, or they give up too early and conclude that online marketing is not for them or that it does not work.

This will not be you because this guide will not leave you any excuse to not make your first $1,000. Why? Because I will walk you through the entire process starting with choosing product and I’ll give you the actual web pages and graphics you need so you don’t have to figure out how to create them (Book 2). I’ll show you how to drive traffic to your websites (Book 3). And we’ll even create the sales copy and follow up email copy for you.

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Listen, the formula I am about to teach you is not new and its not rocket science either. However, it is 100% proven to make you money online. In fact, every marketer I know uses the same formula as their foundation. The best part is, this program is a blueprint for building a LONG-TERM affiliate income stream for you and not just a one-time deal.

The longer you apply these principles consistently, the larger your email list will be and the more money you will make. It will also become easier and easier as your email list and the relationship with your email list develops.

On your part, you only need to commit to stick with the program until you make your first $1,000 online and beyond! Sounds good? Let’s begin!

What This Is About…

There are many business models out there for making money online. For example, you could earn money in blogging, in Adsense advertising, in online auctions and many other online business models. All these models work.

To earn your first $1,000, you should only focus on ONE model first so as not to dilute your efforts or get overwhelmed with too much information. So to begin, I’m going to show you the fundamentals of affiliate marketing and more specifically – affiliate marketing on Clickbank.

Affiliate marketing is one of the easiest models to learn and to get results from. As an affiliate you get paid for referring successful sales to the merchant. You don’t need to create the product and it’s completely free to be a Clickbank affiliate.

Clickbank has a sophisticated system to track when someone clicks on your affiliate link and buys the product you recommend. You will be given credit for the referral and paid a percentage of the sale. Because Clickbank only promotes digital products, the margins on these products can be very high. Affiliate commissions on Clickbank are normally between 50% to 75% of the product price.

Clickbank will pay you like clockwork every 2 weeks and you have over 10,000 products to choose from. This is why I am choosing Clickbank as your starting point for making your first $1,000 and beyond online. If you need more information on Clickbank, please refer to the Clickbank Quickstart Guide in the affiliate member’s area.

In this program, I am going to show you how to promote products and build an email list in the process. I’m also going to show you the most effective ways to drive traffic to your site.

If you have trouble understanding the various terms and jargon used in this eBook, please refer to the glossary at the appendix of this document.

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Now some of you may already think you know how to do this but please go through this program in detail. Even 1 or 2 distinctions that you pick up could make a massive difference in the results you get.

Remember this truth, success in online affiliate marketing is not about trying something new every time. It’s about mastering the fundamentals. This includes learning how to drive traffic, build trust and get sales. If you master this one system, if you do it well - you will make money. Period.

How You Will Make Your $1,000 Online

For a goal to become real, I need you to be able to actually see the details of how this will happen. And not only that, you need to believe it is possible and probable for you to do it.

In order for you to earn $1,000 online in a month, you need to earn $33.33 per day ($1,000 divide by 30 days).

Most merchants on Clickbank pay between $17 to $37 for each successful referral. For simplicity, I’m going to use the 11 Forgotten Laws as our reference example. The affiliate program for The 11 Forgotten Laws pays around $44.37 per sale on the front end alone.

So to earn $1,000 in the next month, we’re going set our focus on creating an affiliate marketing system that generates at least 1 sale per day.

Another assumption we need to make is on the conversion rate of the merchant’s sales page. It is of critical importance to select a merchant with a sales page that converts.

Selecting a Merchant to Promote

As a rule of thumb, you want to select a product that is listed on the Clickbank Marketplace with a “gravity”1 that is above 30 to ensure that the sales page is one that converts. For example, if you look at the listing for the 11 Forgotten Laws, you can see that the gravity is 112.56. That tells you that there are many sales for the product by affiliates and that you can make money promoting it too.

1Clickbank Gravity This is a number calculated by Clickbank based on the sales generated by affiliates for a particular product. It is a measure of the number of distinct affiliates who earned a commission by referring a paying customer to the publisher's products. This is a weighted sum and not an actual total. For each affiliate paid in the last 8 weeks Clickbank adds an amount between 0.1 and 1.0 to the total. The more recent the last referral, the higher the value added.

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For now, we’ll assume that 1 out of every 100 people you send to the merchant’s sales page (with a gravity above 30) will end up buying the product. Although the actual rate will vary according to a multitude of factors, this is a fairly typical conversion rate for traditional direct marketing so we will use it for our illustration.

Assuming this rate of conversion, in order generate 1 sale per day, you will need to send at least 100 unique visitors to the merchant’s sales letter. Is that possible?

Consider this – there are over 1 billion people searching for information online everyday, all you need to do is to divert 100 visitors through your affiliate link to generate 1 sale per day. I do hope you see now that anyone can easily earn $1,000 online.

I will be showing you many ways to generate Internet traffic to your affiliate link in Book 3 of this program.

Understanding Your Role In The Value Creation Process

At this point, I want to share a valuable principle in wealth creation. You can earn as much money as you want as long as your provide more value in use than the price you ask for in return. So if you want to make money as an affiliate, you’d better understand your role in the value creation process.

In affiliate marketing, the value we create as affiliate marketers is in matching customers to sellers.

Merchants pay us to find them customers. And customers buy through our affiliate link because we help them find what they are looking for. That’s our role in the value chain. Simple right?

So to fulfill our role as an affiliate, we need to be familiar with the product we are promoting, we need to understand and define who would be potential buyers of the product and then communicate the product offer to them.

Its very important that you understand that you get paid for sending people who are sincerely interested in the merchant’s product to their sales letter. And you only get paid if the prospect you refer ends up buying the product.

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TRUST: Prospects Need to Either Trust the Merchant or Trust You

If you promote a product that people are already familiar with, you are more likely to make a sale. For example, when you promote the 11 Forgotten Laws to someone who has seen “the Secret”, they are more likely to buy simply because they recognize Bob Proctor as one of the teachers in the movie.

However, if you promote products where the author or the brand is not widely known to your target audience, then you need your target audience to trust you and your recommendation instead. So how do you build trust?

You Must Capture Email Leads and Build a List

The amount of trust between you and your prospect is directly proportional to the length time that the relationship between you and your prospect. The longer they’ve known about you and the more positive experiences they have with you, the stronger the bond of trust. Trust, once broken can be very hard to regain if ever at all.

There are billions if not trillions of websites online. Your prospect might come across your webpage and be genuinely interested in your product recommendation. However, for whatever reason, if they leave without buying the product, they may never return again unless you have a way to contact them again.

In this regard, you must capture your prospects email address with their permission if you want to increase your chances of a sale and if you want to develop a long-term relationship of trust.

To do so, you will need to use an autoresponder service. I’ve been using a service called Aweber for years and I can say without a doubt that they are the most valuable service I use for my online marketing business.

Why use an autoresponder service?

1. Reliable email delivery. There’s a lot of spam out there today. Internet Service Providers are constantly blocking IP addresses that send too many emails at any given time to minimize suspected spam.

Important Point: People only do business with other people that they know, like and trust. Don’t expect to sell effectively without building trust with your prospect.

Important Point: If you want to make money online long term, you must consistently build and email list using a reliable autoresponder service.

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If you sent 5,000 emails from your personal email account, chances are, your ISP will restrict your account. Because Aweber has been around for over 10 years with an excellent track record, they always get a very high email delivery success rate.

2. Customizable/ Personalize Emails. When you send your email broadcast to your list, you want to address each recipient with his or her name. Aweberhas many features that allow you to customize the emails you send to your list.

3. Automation. Aweber can automatically send pre-written and personalized follow up emails for you. This is a very big time saver and very important function if we are to manage thousands of leads in multiple lists.

4. Compliant with CanSpam Act. Aweber emails have in built “unsubscribe” links and many other features (such as “verified opt-in2”) that are compliant with the CanSpam Act so you can never be accused of spam.

5. Scalable Growth. Over time, your email list will grow to the tens of thousands. This will be your core asset as a future super affiliate. Awebercan store and keep your email list safely.

You Must Build a Relationship With Your List

Now just capturing an email address is not good enough. Just because you have an email list does not mean that these prospects will buy from you every time you email them.

I know a lot of new affiliates who learn how to capture email leads but do not effectively follow up with them. They only send emails sporadically to their list and most of the time it’s for promoting a product. This is not the best way to build a relationship with your list.

A very important step when you set up an opt-in form is that you should prepare a series of follow up emails in advance. These follow up emails are not only about promoting the product but they can also be offers or links to other material that the people on your list will find beneficial. You can send them interesting free reports and audio interviews for example.

2Verified Opt-in or Double Opt-in This is a procedure that requires the subscriber to confirm their subscription twice. First, the subscriber will enter his/her email address on your website. Next, the subscriber will receive an automated email with a confirmation link. The subscription is completed when the subscriber clicks on the verification link in the email.

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The Snowball Effect

The ultimate goal when building an email list online is to create a “snow ball” effect.

When you promote a product and build an email list at the same time, you are building a long-term asset. Its like rolling a snow ball over a hill, it starts off slow and difficult but when you get it over the hill, it get’s bigger and bigger it becomes easier and easier to make money from your list.

Let me show you an example. Let’s say you promote Product #1. In the beginning, you must work very hard to get say 5,000 unique visitors to your opt-in list. Assuming a 20% opt-in rate and a 1% sales conversion rate, you will end up with a list of 1,000 emails and get 10 sales.

Now you promote Product #2. You now start with a prospect list of 1,000 emails. Instead of getting all the traffic yourself, you already have a head start of 1,000 people. Let’s say you repeat the process and get 1,000 new email leads and 10 more sales. Now you have a customer list of 20 people and a prospect list of 2,000 people. When you start to promote product 3, you already begin with 2,000 leads.

Do you see that over time as you promote more and more products, you will end up with a very large email list and customer list? This is the snowball effect.

Eventually, you will get a point where your list is so large that you can make thousands of dollars of sales just by sending a single email to your list!

Remember that you must always build trust and never abuse your email list to ensure that your business continually grows from strength to strength.

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Other Elements That Build Trust and Reduce Risk

Now we are going to go over a list of things to build trust online. If these elements are built in to the merchant’s sales letter your job will be a lot easier.

If these elements are missing from the merchant’s sales letter, this is not a bad thing either. If you truly believe that the product is of good quality and worth promoting, you have an opportunity to create some of these elements on your pre-sell page. This makes you stand out from other affiliates.

Here’s what to look out for on the merchants sales page:

1. A Brand or Personality that is known and trusted. As mentioned earlier, if the product you are promoting has a recognizable author or brand, it makes it easier for you to build trust and get sales.

2. Give samples of the product. A way to ensure that your prospect is assured of buying something that they know will benefit them is to give a sample of the product. If the merchant can provide a few free chapters or even create a video demonstration of the product on the sales page - that will help close sales. If this is not available, you could buy the product yourself and create a review to pre-sell the product.

3. Testimonials. Testimonials are very important. Prospects like to know that REAL customers have bought the product before and are satisfied with the results. Video testimonials are best, followed by audio and written testimonials with pictures.

4. Guarantee. There’s no better way to remove risk to the prospect by offering a good guarantee. This way, the risk of the sale is entirely on the merchant rather than the buyer. The merchant sales page should display a product guarantee prominently to show that there is no risk to the buyer.

5. Trust Badges. In some of my tests, I have found that adding a third-party trust badge like “Verisign” or “Trustee” badge on a sales page can increase conversions by as much as 25% or more in some cases.

6. Communication/ Support. Some buyers like to make inquiries and ask questions before they buy. Having a good customer support system that responds fast is a very powerful way to increase trust and sales.

7. Website quality/ First Impressions. Finally, you should also look at the overall impression that the website delivers. Does it load fast? Does it have professional graphics? All of these factors contribute towards building more trust and hence increasing the sales conversion rate.

Now that we have covered the key concepts, let’s move on to the mechanics of how to set up your affiliate system.

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Getting Sales As An Affiliate

The secret behind affiliate marketing is that there are no secrets. In order to sell something online or offline, the principles are the same. You need to drive targeted traffic to a system where you can present an offer, the offer needs to be compelling to the prospect and you need to gain the trust of the prospect in order to get a sale.

In Book 2 of this course, I am going to go over how to setup your Affiliate Marketing System in detail. In Book 3 of this course, I will show you how to get Internet traffic to your system.

The “Affiliate Marketing System”

The “affiliate marketing system” I am referring to is a website or series of web pages designed to communicate the merchant’s offer to your prospect. At the simplest level, you can simply drive traffic directly to your affiliate link. Additionally, there are many other creative ways to get your prospects to click on your affiliate link.

Here’s an overview of some of the most popular methods.

The Direct Linking Method:

Traffic Sales Letter

As mentioned, direct linking is the easiest method. You will drive traffic directly to your affiliate link and send prospects straight to the merchant’s sales page. The pros here is that you can set up direct linking campaigns very quickly and easily. The cons here is that if the prospect does not buy the program straight away, you will lose this lead and your traffic generation effort would have been wasted.

I generally would only recommend direct linking if the merchant’s product has a recognizable brand or personality behind it. Otherwise, there can be a lot of “leakage” where your hard-earned traffic will view the offer and move off without buying the product and you end up with nothing.

I would also caution against using direct linking if you plan on using Google Adwords to promote the program. The reason here is that Google only allows one ad per domain. If there are other affiliates

Traf(ic Offer Sales

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promoting the same program with Adwords, you may end up driving the advertising costs up unnecessarily.

The Review Page Method

Traffic Review Page Sales Letter

The Review Page Method is where you drive traffic to a review page. The review page can be a stand-alone webpage or a blog post or an article.

A review is meant to be an objective explanation of the pros and cons of the merchant’s product. You can even compare several competing products in a particular market niche.

At the end of the review, you can place your affiliate links for each of the products reviewed and recommend one main product as the product of choice.

The benefit of the review page is that you can simultaneously promote several similar products (assuming they each have an affiliate program).

This method is best used when there are many competing products with different features and pricing. For example, there are many different software for cleaning the file registry in PCs. You could compare the features of 3 or more different registry cleaner software

This is an example of a review page

that compares and rates several PC Registry Cleaning


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and giving a rating for each when it comes to say pricing, ease of use and effectiveness. Ultimately you would recommend one as a winner.

Pre-sell Page Method

Traffic Pre Sell Page Sales Letter

The Pre-sell Page Method is very similar to a review page but differs in the sense that you are openly endorsing or recommending the merchant’s product only.

The purpose of the pre-sell page is almost equivalent to a testimonial leading to the product sales page. The effect is to create social proof that the merchant’s product is actually effective and of value. For example, if the product is an eBook about how to lose weight, you could create your own before-after weight-loss story in your pre-sell page.

The Pre-sell Page Method is also useful for products that are more complex in nature and requires further explanation that is not apparent on the merchant’s sales page. For example, if it’s a software of some

This is an example of a presell page

where the affiliate is sharing her own

unique story of how the eBook helped

her to lose 43 pounds.

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sort, your pre-sell page can explain how your have used the software to your advantage and the results you obtained.

Opt-in Page/ Squeeze Page Method

Traffic Opt-in Form Pre-Sell Page or Sales Letter

This last method of managing your affiliate campaign involves driving traffic to a name squeeze page. The goal of the Squeeze Page is to capture email address of the prospect with their permission to contact them in the future.

Typically, to ensure a high conversion rate, you will need to offer an “ethical bribe” that is relevant to your target audience. By this I mean you will offer to give the subscriber more information or a free report or a video on a particular topic in exchange for their email address.

This method allows you to contact your lead later on via a follow up email. The benefit of this method is that once you capture the leads email address, your follow up email can lead directly to the merchant’s sales letter, a review page, a pre-sell page or to a campaign for a different product altogether.

I actually use all the four methods of promotion above for my affiliate campaigns. However, in this program, I am going to focus heavily on using the Opt-in Page method because your main priority is to build an email list when you are just starting out.

This is an example of a squeeze page or

opt-in page that offers an ethical

bribe in exchange for the visitors emails address.

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Opt-in Page/ Squeeze Page Method Best Practice Blueprint

The blueprint I am going to share with you is the most fundamental of all affiliate marketing. That is, we will drive traffic to an Opt-in page, build a list and follow up with our list via email.

You can see how this works in the following diagram:

A lot of affiliates do not bother to build a list in their promotional efforts and that is really a big mistake. You cannot become a super affiliate without having a big email list that is responsive.

I like using an opt-in form as my landing page because it helps me to filter out people who are not seriously interested in the product that I am promoting. If a prospect is not willing to sign up on your squeeze page, then it’s quite likely that your prospect would not buy the product either. This is assuming that your squeeze page is highly relevant to the main product you are promoting.

Now a lot of people know the theory of how to build an email list but generally get stuck when it comes to creating an effective squeeze page and follow up email sequence. Some people say that they get stuck when it boils down to the “technical” stuff.

Not to worry, in Book 2 of this course, I will give you everything you need to get started. However, this is only meant to save you time. I do recommend you take the time to learn how to create these web pages yourself for future programs.

Squeeze Page Thank You

(Check Email)



Offer an "Ethical Bribe" e.g. free PDF report, audio interview, video..etc

Make sure you instruct your subscriber to click on the

confirmation email.





Auto Email


Auto Email


Auto Email





Affiliate Link







Deliver the "Ethical Bribe" to build trust and demonstrate

value being offered.

Pre-written and personalized

emails that are sent every 2 days

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The Super Affiliate Master Plan

Before I conclude this part of the program, I want to make sure that I set you on the path to becoming a “super affiliate”.

I really don’t know who coined this phrase and I’m not even sure if there is a standard definition for it. Personally, I define a super affiliate as someone who has a responsive email list that is larger than 10,000 people and some body who has made a name for himself or herself in affiliate marketing for a particular niche market.

Having a responsive list of over 10,000 people means you will be making very good money. Many successful list owner’s estimate that the average value of each email subscriber in their list is roughly equivalent to $1 per month. So if you have a list of 10,000 emails, you can expect to earn around $10,000 per month if you actively monetize your list.

The second part of my definition is that you need to be known as a successful affiliate. Some may argue that this is not necessary but I feel that it is in order for you to enjoy some of the main benefits as a super-affiliate. What are these benefits you ask?

The benefits of being a super affiliate include:

1. Getting invited to launches. As you know, the launch phase of a new affiliate program is always the best time to get involved. This is when there is little competition and there is a lot of buzz around the product. By being known as a “super affiliate” many merchants will seek you out and you will not run out of opportunities to promote.

2. Get preferred treatment. Yes, some merchants are willing to give preferred commissions to affiliates whom they know for a fact will produce results for them. You may also get access to special JV competitions that offer very lucrative prizes including holidays, giant home theatre systems and Rolex watches just to name a few that I have seen.

3. Get access to review copies. Many merchants will also be happy to give you their paid product for free as a review copy to get you to promote their products. They are less likely to offer this to affiliates who are unknown.

4. Able to do email swaps. Being a super affiliate with a responsive list, you are able to do email swaps where you can cross promote with other list owners. Meaning by promoting a particular program for a merchant, you can negotiate to have them promote your affiliate link at a later time.

5. “Next Level” Opportunities. Finally, being a super affiliate opens many doors to “next level” opportunities. For example you can begin teaching affiliate marketing, creating your own products, speaking engagements or even become a JV broker.

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So you see, if you are serious about creating a long-term lucrative income stream in affiliate marketing, you need to set your sights at becoming a super affiliate eventually.

Time to Take Action…

Now that you have a good overview of what you need to do, let’s stop talking about it and get you taking some action towards it! Time for Book 2.

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Appendix: Glossary of terms

Affiliate Commission

The affiliate commission is the cash reward for referring successful sales to a merchant. Affiliate commissions are normally represented as a percentage of sales. So for example, if an affiliate program offers 50% commission on a $97 product, you earn $48.50 per referred sale.

Affiliate Link

The affiliate link is a unique web address or URL that tracks all your referred traffic and referred sales. Clickbank uses a unique format for creating your affiliate link. These are called “hoplinks”.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing (also known as “referral marketing” or “incentive marketing”) is an Internet business model where affiliates are paid for referring sales to merchants offering the affiliate program.

Affiliate Product

The affiliate product refers to the product offered by the merchant for sale online.

Affiliate Program

The affiliate program is an incentive based program that rewards affiliates for driving successful referrals to the merchant.


An autoresponder is a special software program that allows marketers to collect email address to build an “opt-in list”. The autoresponder also allows marketers to send personalized and automated emails to subscribers.


Clickbank is a third-party service that provides online payment processing to Internet merchants. Clickbank also manages and tracks affiliate sales to these Internet merchants.

Clickbank Marketplace

Clickbank Marketplace is a current listing of all the products being sold on Clickbank sorted by category. In the Clickbank Marketplace, you can find information on the merchant’s sales page, important statistics like the percentage commission being offered to affiliates, gravity, percentage of sales referred by affiliates and you can also generate your affiliate link directly from the Clickbank Marketplace if you want to promote a particular product. Inactive products are removed.

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Clickbank Gravity

Number of distinct affiliates who earned a commission by referring a paying customer to the publisher's products. This is a weighted sum and not an actual total. For each affiliate paid in the last 8 weeks Clickbank adds an amount between 0.1 and 1.0 to the total. The more recent the last referral, the higher the value added.

Merchant/ Publisher

The Internet merchant or publisher is the owner of the affiliate product.

Opt-in List

The opt-in list or simply “list” refers to the database of emails collected by the marketer with permission of the subscribers.

Sales Page or Sales Letter

The sales page or sales letter of the merchant is the main page where affiliates will refer traffic. This page will describe to affiliate product to prospective buyers.

Squeeze Page or Opt-in Page

The squeeze page or opt-in page is where marketer offers some information or content in exchange for the prospects email address.

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