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Post on 16-Dec-2015






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Violence and Harassment in the

WorkplaceBill 168


Almost 1 in 5 violent incidents in Canada occur at work

9/10 Victims of violence reported the violent act to police, co-workers, friends and family, but NOT their employer

Research suggests that 70% of domestic violence victims are also abused at work

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Why Should We Care?

It’s the LawCompliance with Bill 168 is enforced

by the Ministry of LabourCompliance will be a key priority of

Health and Safety Inspectors Fines up to $500,000 for an

organizationFines up to $25,000 and/or 12

months jail time for individuals

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Workplace Violence is on the Rise

A 2004 Statistics Canada Survey entitled “Criminal Victimization in the Workplace” found that 17% of violent incidents in Canada occur at the workplace.

This represents 356,000 workplace violence incidents in a 12-month period across Canada.

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Workplace Violence is on the Rise

cont’dOC Transpo tragedy in 1999. A victim of severe workplace

harassment kills 4 co-workers and then kills himself.

47 year old Aysegul Candir killed in the parking lot of the high school where she worked in Brampton by her estranged husband in 2004.

37 year old Lori Dupont stabbed to death by her estranged boyfriend while at work at Hotel Dieu Grace Hospital in Windsor even though the Hospital knew that the boyfriend had been stalking Dupont for months

Isolated incidents?

Not according to statistics!!

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Workplace Violence is on

the Rise cont’d

In 2007, there were 2,150 lost time claims from assaults, violent acts, harassment and acts of war or terrorism in Ontario.

It is estimated that bullied employees waste between 10 and 50% of their time at work defending themselves, networking for support and agonizing over their situation.

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Introduction toBill 168

Bill 168

Bill 168 was introduced in the legislature on April 20,


Received Royal Assent on December 15, 2009 and

came into effect on June 15, 2010.

The new legislation imposes significant obligations

for employers to develop and implement policies to

address workplace violence and harassment, and to assess the risk of violence in the workplace.

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Bill 168 cont’d

The Bill also imposes a duty on us to address domestic violence in the workplace, requires certain procedures that must be followed if a violent incident occurs in the workplace, and requires that workers be informed if a person has a history of violence.

Workers will have the right to refuse to work if they feel they believe they are the target of workplace violence.

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What is Bill 168?

To protect workers against violence and threats of violence at work

To ensure we address incidents of harassment

To create an environment where concerns and complaints are welcome

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Respectful Workplace

A positive, safe and healthy workplace that results in the preservation of equal dignity and creates a culture that supports an individuals’ physical, emotional and social well-being.

Not only compliance to protect individuals from harassment and discrimination; it also places an obligation on employees to maintain a workplace that supports each individuals’ physical, emotional and social well-being.

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All locations where Employees conduct business or social

activities (including after hours work events)

AND Where their behaviour may have a

subsequent impact on work relationship, environment or performance

This includes Incidents that occur by way of electronic

communication (i.e. e-mail and voicemail)

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Definitions ofWorkplace Violenceand WorkplaceHarassment

Workplace Harassment

Workplace harassment is defined as engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome.

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Not defined by intent but rather perception of:

Physical actions Patronizing or condescending behaviour or

language Inappropriate jokes and/or insults Displays of offensive materials or e-mail Behaviours which contribute to a poisoned

work environment; and Bullying (psychological harassment)

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Behaviour by a person or group which intimidates or demeans another person, and includes, but is not limited to: Abuse of power Humiliation or embarrassment Persistent and unjustified criticism Threats, or Rumours/gossip

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What IS and IS NOT


Behaviour or language that frightens humiliates or degrades

Documenting poor performance

Teasing or making someone the brunt of a practical joke persistently

A decision not to award or provide a promotion

Taking action to demote, discipline or terminate

Following up on absences

Displaying materials that are offensive or degrading

Spreading rumours and/or gossip

Setting unattainable deadlines for an increased workload

Removing areas of responsibility

Taking a firm stand on an issue with employees

Yelling, threatening and/or using profanity

Criticizing a person’s approach

Blocking request for training, leave or promotion

Denying vacation request

Excluding or isolating a person

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Every person has the right to freedom from discrimination and harassment in the workplace because of:Race


Place of Origin




Creed (religion)

Sex (gender)

Sexual orientation


Record of Offences

Marital Status

Family Status


Can be either intentional or unintentionalResults in a person being treated unequally

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Workplace Violence

The exercise of physical force by a person against a worker, in a workplace, that causes or could cause physical injury to the worker;

An attempt to exercise physical force against a worker, in a workplace, that could cause physical injury to the worker;

A statement or behaviour that is reasonable for a worker to interpret as a threat to exercise physical force against the worker, in a workplace, that could cause physical injury to the worker.

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Forms of WorkplaceViolence

Violence by Strangers

Violence by Customers/Clients

Violence by Co-workers

Violence by Personal Relations

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Questions to ask ourselves

Could this behaviour be perceived to be unwelcome and/or offensive?

Would a “reasonable person” have known that the conduct was not welcome or offensive?

Have these actions humiliated, embarrassed, demeaned or harmed somebody else?

Is it a series of events or a single incident?

Note: A single serious incident may constitute harassment

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Violence and Domestic

Violence Policy

Obligation to disclose relevant information about anyone with a history of violent behaviour to others who may be impacted where there is a risk of violence at work

Obligation is to disclose relevant information about the risk when you are aware or reasonably should be aware of the risk of violence

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Violence and Domestic

Violence Policy cont’d

Reasonable measures to protect workers include: domestic violence training, security measures such as installation of a

panic button or additional door locks, developing a safety plan with potential


Workers have the right to refuse unsafe work

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Employees Are

Expected To…

Promote and Contribute to a Respectful Workplace

Refrain from any violation of this policy

Report incidents where violations of this policy have occurred to any person with leadership and/or supervisory responsibility; and

Cooperate fully in any investigation

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Harassment and Respect in the

Workplace Policy

The policy must provide measures and procedures that allow workers to report incidents of harassment and,

Explain how the employer will investigate and deal with any complaints

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Additional Communicati

on Requirement


Employers are required to disclose personal information about those with a violent past

Confidentiality will be protected however, workplace safety is priority #1

Risk assessments will be conducted and communicated to staff

If you believe there is a risk of violence, please inform your manager and/or HR

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Bill 168 – The Specifics

Specifics of Bill 168

Harassment Program Development

We have also developed a harassment policy to address workplace harassment

The program includes measures and procedures for: reporting incidents of workplace harassment to

managers and/or HR; and describing how we will investigate incidents or

complaints of workplace harassment.

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Specifics of Bill 168

Violence Risk Assessment We must assess the risks of violence by

taking into account common risks at similar workplaces and risks that are specific to the our business.

The results of the assessments must be provided to the Management Team.

We will reassess risks of workplace violence as often as is necessary.

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Specifics of Bill 168

Training of Supervisors and Staff Bill 168 requires the employer to

provide information and instruction to all staff and Supervisors on the contents of the workplace violence and harassment policies and programs.

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Assess the potential for workplace violence that: Can arise from the nature of the workplace; Can arise from the type of work or conditions of work;

Common risks that are similar in the industry.

Requirement to reassess the risk of workplace violence as often as necessary to ensure that the policies and programs protect workers.

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Commitment for safety to all


Statement reflecting no tolerance Definitions of workplace violence and

harassment Behaviours constituting violence and

harassment Responsibilities of stakeholders Process for making complaints

Investigation process Corrective action Safe place provided if needed Confidentiality and discretion Reprisals and non-retaliation

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Informal Internal Complaints

Formal Internal Complaints

External Complaints & Resources

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Informal Complaints Resolution


1. Employee approaches person and asks that the behaviour stops

2. Employee keeps a record of discussions and any other incidents

3. Employee approaches leader, if problem persists and/or uncomfortable

Employee can speak to management or HR at anytime

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Formal Complaint Process

1. Employee issues complaint in writing to management or HR within 30 days of incident

2. Management immediately forward complaint to HR. Complaint will be investigated in an impartial and timely manner.

3. Investigator will arrange to interview complainant and notes will be taken

4. Complaint will be investigated thoroughly with any necessary consultation with other employees

5. Report including recommendations will be discussed with complainant’s manager

6. Investigator will provide both the complainant and the alleged with a written response.

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Key Points to


Use common sense and good judgment: if in doubt, don’t do it

Think before you say it or send in an email

Behaviour that does not rise to the level of unlawful harassment may still violate ACTA’s policy

Whether conduct is unwelcome depends on the other person’s perception and how a reasonable person would view that behaviour, not your intention.

Demonstrate respect – a civil, professional and healthy workplace begins with each of us, every day.

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Everyone has access to a copy of the Violence and Harassment policy from management

The Management Team will be reviewing our office and determining what risks are present and what we need to do to ensure everyone’s safety

The incident report can also be acquired from Management

It is everyone’s responsibility to make sure that we have an environment free from violence and harassment – not only a responsibility but the law

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Any Question


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For Discussi


Suzie was working late in the ACTA office one night, by the time she was ready to leave she was actually alone in the office (her manager did not know that she was working late). During the latter part of the day, a customer had come in to pay and Suzie had $2,500 in cash from the customer. It was December so by the time she left it was very dark outside. She had parked her car in the underground parking so had to walk through the lot to the door. All of the overhead lighting had burned out a couple of weeks ago. Suzie was very nervous walking out to her car.

What are the issues?

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Walter starts working at ACTA in the ABC team. Walter is a quiet man with a lot of body hair. All the members of the ABC team have been given nicknames over the years, Pillsbury Dough Boy (due to size), Pork Chop (due to nationality). Even Management uses these nicknames to address people. Walter became nervous about the nickname the group was creating for him. When young the kids at school called him Werewolf and he was very anxious not to draw this attention to his bodily hair. Walter confided in his Manager that this would cause him a great deal of anxiety should anyone come up with that name. The next day his team members began to refer to Walter as Werewolf, when he corrected them and stated that his name is Walter, the team ignored him and said everyone has a nickname and if he is part of the team he needs to participate. Walter began to withdraw from the group, his performance deteriorated and he ended up on medical leave.

What are the issues?

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Beth and Elmer are new employees at ACTA. Jack, a long term employee, likes playing practical jokes on people. At first it was things like unscrewing the doorknob on the washroom so that it fell off in Beth’s hand when she closed the door. He often uses an Elmer Fudd voice and asks Elmer if he would like to share some “wabbit” stew for lunch. He likes to tell blonde jokes and looks at Beth whenever he does (she is blonde). Both Beth and Elmer have complained to their manager, who tells them Jack is a good guy and is just having fun. He says Jack does this with all new employees, so maybe they should lighten up and pull a few pranks on Jack themselves. Things, however, got out of hand when Jack let the air out of one of Elmer’s tires. Elmer was furious and called Jack a “stupid jerk” saying he was going to complain to management. Jack said “Go ahead, management won’t take time out of their busy schedule to listen to some dumb blonde and Elmer Fudd complaining about a joke. Beth quit work the next day. Elmer is very unhappy and constantly worried about what Jack is to going to do next.

What are the issues?

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Tim starts working at ACTA in the XYZ team. Tim is a tall and very attractive man and in a committed relationship with his fiancé, Hannah. Tim despite being very good looking, struggles with the work and cannot seem to catch on to what he is supposed to do. The other members of the team (all women) begin to get frustrated because he just doesn’t seem to understand and proceed to discuss the situation with the manager, Julie. Julie defends Tim, saying that he will catch on, he just needs more time and besides “he is not too hard on the eyes”. She then starts working closely with Tim to train him personally on how to do the job. Tim begins to feel uncomfortable with the “extra attention” that he is receiving from Julie, but doesn’t know what to do. One afternoon, he is in Julie’s office working on a file and Julie tells him not to worry about the file, she would take care of it, it was okay just to sit there where she could get a good look at his abs. As Tim was leaving her office, Julie rubbed up against Tim and suggested they should get together for a drink after work. Tim has not shown up to work again.

What are the issues?

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