your stress busters - etc stress... · introducing "stress-busters" treat...

Post on 12-Aug-2020






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Rocky enjoys his very rare treat of vanilla ice cream cone as well. He only gets these on special occasions - Kristin

I have a 6 year old Pitbull Rocky; Rocky enjoys doing “alligator crawls”, somersaults, and flips - Kristin

This is Spike, working from home - Lori

Here are my guineapigs--Silverbell is the gray one... and Pancake is the brown one.

Martyna <3's Silverbell and Pancake

Beazle, Scootie, and Elena hangin in the hammock.

Beazle and Scootie (the pug) with their ears up - Elena

Beazle eating applesauce - Elena

When the mop is your enemy - Lori (Click to watch)

"PLEASE tell my mom to leave me alone and let me sleep! If I take one more walk I am going to SCREAM!!" - Juanita

An uplifting image from Jenn

I take breaks to do fun activities with my daughter. - Deepika

We tried this real cool 3D image projection from Google browser and take pics with wild animals. - Deepika

Here’s a video of me. My daughters Birthday was yesterday and we CELEBRATED.

Healthy regards,


Thanks to everyone for sharing! Here’s our next Stress-Buster:

Your Stress-Busters:

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