zambia registrar press release to suspend mmd

Post on 06-Apr-2018






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8/2/2019 Zambia Registrar Press Release to Suspend MMD 1/4


AS; Chief Reg1~-'L-rnr of SO(""'1etiec:for .lrhp Rpnlr1 - - - ' t i r~ '--"_.1.'- _'--' _a... _ _ v-<.. _ \..J __ L.~_,--" VJ:-.lU_IJ __ ,--,

(r7 .,.. T 1 "1' ~/i'h 1 ('Iff - nO~201 LaIl"'lbla, 1 nave this 1- i - I 1 oav or vlarch. .6 1 .• J J

in exercise of the powers vested in nle by

Section 13 (2) of the Societies Act; Chapter 119

of the LaViS of Zambia and regulations therein

cancelled the registration of the Movement of -:;

Multi-Party Democracy (MIVID) for non

compliance with the Societies Act.

By copy of th is order signed under my hand

this day, the Movement for Multi-Party

Democracy (MJ\1D) shall (ease to operate as a

Political Party in the Pepublic of Zambia.

The circumstances that has led to thecancellation of registration. of the Movement for

M ultiParty Democracy (l\1IVID) arises from

among other reasons r lOY1-pa=Trnent of statutory

fees totaling to 1(390; 980,000=00. TIlls drastic

decision. has been. taken as an act for great

8/2/2019 Zambia Registrar Press Release to Suspend MMD 2/4

- 2 .


Amorig the many reminders served Oil the de-

registered Political Party include a I\Jotice of

Default for non-payment of Annual Returns

and Statutory fees and charges in form of

Change of Office Bearers dated 16th November,

1993 signed by 1VIr.C.lVI.D. Zulu) Registrar of

Societies tb.en.

The other Notices of DefauJt includes that

dated 8th May, 2000 signed by a Iv Ir. R, Sakala

Registrar of Societies then and other remindersOf default dated 2nd F·e-o'ruarv 2f)un7~·':a-:r-rJ bv n'- .La~ __ _ U__) U 01::) -'-CU J c_

IVIr. Jcries J. Mwelwa. Registrar of Societies/ u

then among other m.any reminders.

Members of the Press. several other reminders

ncluding mirie dated 27th December. 2011 and

8/2/2019 Zambia Registrar Press Release to Suspend MMD 3/4

1 ~ 10-:-1, e-r dntPd ')"1st l - - ; ' - e l ,1~1.~ -r~ 2n - < I n ye c : : 1"'1 p,c t i : -p ,I j TL~_ L.L 1.. c~----' L J.. .t, U-Lv~--"_"--'. ,V _~ 1- ,'--fJV l.." -- / '-' -L ,

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th= former Tl111no- Partv t--r; settleLhe- - : L - ~ ~~-~S '--- ~ - 1.. ~- ~- - '-../-~~~-b.J... - '-. J L'- l..L-L" ---' l..~_

ccrued bill lias beerl d.shonour ed by tr1e

ovement for 1\1u lti -Party Dcmocracy. Ill_steadf -IJ0,\!.;na 'L ' hp 1~);1 1 th p T \ l l ' uf'"\1Prne 1 - < - - 1 1 - fo r T \ I T -u .. l L - 1 - P0rtv

-_ .!.. GL.J -"1-Lb --"---' LL.:-.L, J..1.."---'_, \ ,-,1-_L ~- - - _.- -- - u__... J

r-,~ r>r;-" r- 'x r \f T \ I T 1 \ I f D .) r-- -" LP.Q' - i- C =i'"l ,r" ,--Y0. 'I" ,\!i = ,,-r. - r . • • . SLJC1..11U--,lO_,-,)'


'j u~LvI

L' ',,-,,1..1..S0-50 _1..',-",'"::)01.

obday Kabwe and Co1 1 1 .Pany

orrc suondc nces on their behalf• J..

11 t f .1" t - < J '1 J r- t1quauy no racuita ed setuerneru or ne

to receive

who have

-he effect of this DIy decision is also to rrullify

3 seats in. Parliament held by the Movement

or Multi-Partv Democracv (MMD) as at today. IJ J \ I

shall in view of this decision be informing the

arned Honourable 1 \ 1 1 " < Sneaker of the. .

ational Assembly Dr. Patrick Matibini to take

ote of this development.

urt her , I \1 \11s1'1 to send a strong warriing to

rrina reuisterec oraan ization s Churchcs T\JC·D----' -.~.Lb b.L t... - - b LJ'--A. 1.. .•. ~, ~ c/__ ---'--, - ~

rnrnel1tal Organ.ization.s/ Political Parties

8/2/2019 Zambia Registrar Press Release to Suspend MMD 4/4

aridto operate


": " 1Ule

Dated this l/jth day of March, 2012 at Lusaka.

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