zimbabwe special edition aug sept 2014

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The Bubishi Karate Do Organization

Editor: Katherine Loukopoulos Special Edition Aug – Sept 2014

Email: kloukopoulos2001@yahoo.com © 2014 Katherine Loukopoulos

The Guests

The Master Minds: Stephen Chan Sensei & Brian Rogers Sensei

The Hero The Fixer

Ground Leaders: Willard Muchena, Chine Manyukwi, Chipo Mashingaidze, Godwin

Murambiwa, Theresa Siyamachira, Del Rusike, Pamela Marie & Thomas Moyo

In Dubai, The Hellenic Team of two linked up with „Dangerous‟ Jason, and all three got

boots on the ground! Hello Zimbabwe! Paul Danisa Sensei and Fradson Shavi Sensei among

many more warmly received us! Sept 27th

Not knowing it at the time, Zimbabwans used CASTLE Truth Serum to get „everything‟…

15 minutes of fame = two weeks of pain!

Ron Nix Sensei reviewed all Seidokan Kata while the Hellenic Team of two sat back & enjoyed!

Jason, first in line, meets the ladies from Circle-2 Zimbabwe who do outstanding

volunteer work throughout the country. Not all shown here, they are: Thelma Nhamo,

Namatirai Mounchokpou, Letwin Manjala and Edna Musiyiwa. Ron Nix Sensei had the unique

opportunity to witness them in „action‟. Sept 28th

Testosterone Extreme!

Left to right: Jason Fitzpatrick, Me, Hans – Marius Heier, Ron Nix, Godwin

Murambiwa, Rune Eirik Flordalen, Daniel Sonstevold and Dr. Andy Roosen. Sept 28th

Long overdue, Stephen Chan Sensei and I met for the first time… Sept 28th

Trivia Question # 1: What was Katherine’s favorite meal?

Elegant and eloquent, Chipo Mashingaidze Sensei made a grand entrance in her role as

Master of Ceremony…

Stephen Chan Sensei at his best!

The esteemed Director General of the Sports and Recreation Commission Colonel

Nhemachena (Retired) warmly received us.

Trivia Question # 2: Whose legs are those?

And there was dancing...

Nikos of Jindokai-Hellas let loose with Chipo Mashingaidze Sensei…

Mayhem Begins! First Class Line-up… Sept 29th

Godwin Sensei did his best to hold down Rogers Sensei; he knew it would be futile… Sept 29th

Veteran Shotokan & Kata Coach, Eugene Moody, easily had the best stretch… Sept 29th

Are these four actual killers? Aug 30th

Pinan Yondan led by none other, Ron Nix Sensei… Aug 30th

Engaged in a fight with Naihanchi Shodan! Aug 30th

First Step: Straight Lines! Aug 30th

“Achievement is not by luck or by wealth; it‟s there…” Blah! Blah! Blah! Aug 30th

Shushi no Kun Dai Survivors… Aug 30th

Cutting down someone is far more elegant than beating him down with a Bo… Aug 30th

In spite of my funny hat, Barbara agreed to become my new friend… Aug 30th

Trivia Question # 3: Whose hat is it?

Thanks to Willard Sensei‟s patience and tenacity, I was able to withdraw some cash! Aug 30th

Trivia Question # 4: Which Bank in Harare allows money to be withdrawn by tourists?

Ryu Kyu Kobudo‟s Shikodachi has one motion consisting of three continuous steps. Aug 31st

Trivia Question # 5: 1. Bo is pulled back, hip is forward. 2. Bo goes forward, the hip is

pulled back. 3. Bo returns to Kamai, the hip is _________.

Thrust with your hip; pull back with your hip… ke sera, sera… Aug 31st

Side View of our beautiful indoors dojo…

The most beautiful dojo… how can one not learn?

Trivia Question # 6: What was the meaning of the Mickey

Moose Clock?

Leading by example: The young and the young at heart, trained side by side… Aug 31st

I love this dojo!

Head Master Agrippa Sora observed

some of our Bo Class… I tried to be in my best behavior… Aug 31st

Danyaal & Naika, world class karateka, set the pace for the rest of us! Aug 31st

Trivia Question # 6: Why Hutan Sensei is being bribed?

My favorite photo…

Explained Okinawa‟s concept of a front kick… for a long time… never mind…

Zambians have strong and lightning fast legs… Aug 31st

Sometimes without knowing, we come across „silent heroes‟. Thabo Sibu Dube walked

30 kilometers to come to class… and God only knows how many more in order to go back

home… All that Thabo got was a lecture, a training tip, and a Trivia Game. I will never forget


Trivia Question # 7: What does Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Miyamoto Mushashi

and Thabu Sibu Dube have in common?

Our beautiful Training Hall…

“And we break the arm like this… and we flip him like this!” Sept 1st

“Look! It‟s Easy! Just do this!” Sept 1st

Gentle and soft spoken, Rune Eirik Flordalen of Norway, took down notes… lots of

notes! Should we be concerned? Sept 1st

Sepai Night! Kenneth Davis Sensei sported matching shoes for the event! Sept 1st

Your hips move like this… and like that… it‟s easy! Zambian Wycliffe Mushipi Sensei

(left) and Salim Dawoodjee Sensei (right) gaze in disbelief… Sept 1st

Talent – talent everywhere… we heard music and witnessed a kata competition… Sept 2nd

Tomari no Passai – Emphasis on Speed… Sept 2nd

Tomari no Passai – Emphasis on Muchimi… Sept 2nd

Tomari no Passai – Emphasis on Awareness… Sept 2nd

Trivia Question # 8: Why Katherine offered Fradson Shavi Sensei her magic wand?

Jindokai-Hellas Nikos Theodorou Sensei took a serious photo with the Zambian Team.

Danyaal and I tried to keep a straight face... Sept 2nd

BBQ and Field Trip for Teachers - Hot Baths and Plenty Sleep for Students… Sept 2nd

The best BBQ ever! The BEST chicken! A great big „Thank You‟ to the Muchena Family!

First prize for best dressed safari outfit goes to… Dr. Andy Roosen of Solomon Islands!

See a resemblance? Hans – Marius Heir of Norway „lion wannabe…‟

Trivia Question # 9: What is she thinking?

Trivia Question # 9: Name zebras’ favorite kick… in Japanese please…

Trivia Question # 10: How many stitches Ron Nix Sensei received?

“Study Hard - Play Hard”… this is Jason!

One – Two – Three… Cha – Cha – Cha… Sept 3rd

Rogers Sensei in deep thought…

“How many different ways I can cut them!”

“How many different ways I can break them!”

“How many different ways I can choke them!

Don‟t trust that smile… Rune Eirik Sensei kept detailed notes on everyone &

everything… Karate double agent! Sept 3rd

Nikos (right) reenacts bygone championship days by having Winston „Spider‟ Nyanhete

(left) as a partner… Sept 3rd

Serious about his work, impeccably straight, technically lethal, Steve Taplin Sensei also

sported clean and ironed karate Gi on a daily basis. How did he do it? Sept 3rd

First Prize goes to Daniel Sonstevold of Norway for wittiest exercise presentations! Sept 3rd

Naika and Danyaal had too much fun!

Dr. Andy Roosen, PhD, in his element! Exercise Physiology for Karate PowerPoint

Presentation! Sept 3rd

Lambros Antoniadis and Nikos Theodorou bonded instantly; in the background, Ranka

Primorac and Eleni Kouroushis were reunited old time friends. Chan Sensei was contemplating

the next lesson… and the rest, just had fun! Sept 3rd

Achievements Day

The ground shook, the walls trembled and mouths gaped when Eugene Moody Sensei

performed his Kata! Sept 4th

Dr. Andy Roosen has proven the Theory of Antigravity! Now he needs to teach it us! Sept 4th

I can‟t say anything! I‟m at a loss of words… thank you all and everyone… Sept 4th

Osewa ni narimashita! (I owe you a great deal!)

Graduation Day! Sept 4th

, 2014

Happy! Happy! Happy Greeks!

Happy Fradson and Katherine Happy Andy and Katherine

Happy Daniel, Katherine and Tiger!

Happy Japanese Sumo

Happy Steve, Katherine, and Jason Happy Rune Eirik and Katherine

Shihan Wycliffe Mushipi – True Budoka! The end of a „Big Mouth‟

Going through the paces one class at the time, practitioners took six hours of daily

instruction… not even in Harvard… KUDOS to all for a Job Well Done! Sept 4th

Sayonara Party

Words are not enough to describe the amount of work that went on behind the scenes in

order to prepare all the meals and drinks for the participants… we have not thanked them

enough! A big THANK YOU to Mrs. Muchena and her entire group for offering us a super

culinary experience…

Nikos Theodorou said it all; patiently I waited to give out the last Homework! Sept 4th

Last Homework: Commit to memory „Karate Do Sanka‟ written by Shoshin Nagamine

Sensei. This song is played on Okinawa during Opening and Closing Karate Ceremony


A knight and a princess; a gentleman and a beauty; Chine Manyukwi Sensei and Ms.

Theresa Siyamachira. Chine Sensei is wearing an elaborate and very long „scarf‟ made of tiny

shells – a gift from Dr. Andy Roosen, Solomon Islands. Sept 4th

Nix Sensei and I got T-shirts & Sweat shirts; daughter Muchena won everyone‟s heart! Sept 4th

It‟s dancing time!

I‟m moving to Scotland!

After a little bit of SAKE…

After a lot of CASTLE beer…

Oseiwa ni narimashita… (I owe you a great deal!)

I‟m moving to Scotland! Off to Chengeta & Pamuzinda Game Parks, Sept 5th

& 6th

Kenneth and Mccrae Sensei feeling happy and free… Chengeta, Sept 5th

Just like Soap Operas…lunch was served on the lawn… Sept 5th

And off to the „lion‟s den‟… we went… Sept 5th

Trivia Question # 11: What did Nikos and Katherine realized for the first time?

“Indiana Jones Match This!”

Bullets included?

Made new friends…

Back in Harare… Karate Mayhem Continues… at the Old Hararians Dojo…

Coffee & cakes after Greek Orthodox Mass, Harare… Sunday, Sept 7th

Jason Fitzpatrick Sensei was an instant HIT with the kids! Sept 7th

Hamahiga no Tunfa in two easy lessons! Participants learned really fast… Sept 7th

Nikos taught Hakusho no Kun. Who needs language when we can sweat together? Sept 7th

Ms. Eleni Kouroushis, the artist Ms. Lito, the artist‟s mother


Each piece is one of a kind!

Place your orders in time for Christmas: elenik@zol.co.zw

Patient Warrior!

Trivia Question # 12: What is the writing on Chine Sensei’s belt?

Knee above the belt & toes flexed is the same in Hakusho no Kun and in Mae geri… Sept 8th

Last lesson… Sept 8th

WANTED ALIVE! REWARD: 1,000.000 Euro



We had just enough time for some Kumi Bo… Sept 8th

Last class group photo! Sept 8th

Last Kampai with „Truth Serum‟ CASTLE before boarding the plane! To the last minute

Chine Manyukwi Sensei and Paul Danisa Sensei were model gentlemen! Sept 9th

Memories, gifts and souvenirs… Back in Athens, Sept 10th

”Well, back the UK after 24+ hours travelling! Thank you Emirates for a good 2 flights but it's a

long time just sitting - well done Ron Nix for coping with flying to Okinawa, and even more well

done to Andy Roosen for the return to the Solomon!!

A big thank you to all my friends in Zimbabwe for hosting such an excellent seminar, it was an

incredible gathering of talent and a real privilege to be part of it! The seniors who graded were

awesome and, in particular, the individual presentations by Andy Roosen & Jason Fitzpatrick

were outstanding. Let's not forget Eugene Moody who, after an injury layoff, nearly killed

himself in grading - an indomitable spirit!! And Luka Phiri who broke his Bo with the power of

his delivery & unflappably just got another one & carried on. So many people I could mention -

Kenny Davis & Mccrae Loney who made the perfect 'double act', Ron Nix who was both

awesome & amazing, Katherine Loukopoulos who was a mixture of severity, no compromise,

yet little miss softy!! Jason, not only deadly but also a great raconteur, and - of course - the

indomitable, imperturbable, unflappably, incredibly talented Chan San who is the guiding spirit

& inspiration behind Jindokai. Well done Godwin, Frad & Willard plus their team of helpers.

Forgive me if I have missed anyone out - there are so many worthy of mention. Finally, people

who epitomized the spirit of Zimbabwe & Old Hararians - Winston Nyanhete aka Spider,

extremely talented, essentially modest and a sincere & caring teacher, little Nakai - intelligent,

capable, indomitable (blood thirsty!?) yet so sincere, and Lerato - who is already planning the

next tournament season!

Now I'll shut up!!”

Brian Rogers


In 2012, Stephen established his own Jindokai organization with dojos and 1000 students in

several countries. „Jin‟ is a Confucian value to do with „benevolence‟, and expresses Stephen‟s

commitment to the martial arts as a form of outreach and sharing. „Jin‟ is a Confucian equivalent

of Aristotle‟s idea of happiness being the performance of public good. In both traditions, the

educated person has an obligation to be benevolent. Through „Jin‟, Stephen seeks to combine the

impulses of both his academic and martial lives. The Jindokai is a consultative organization in

which all instructors have a voice without pompous hierarchies. Stephen has fought all his life in

many countries for transparent constitutional rule. He seeks that also in his martial life.

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