zohar sharon - tel aviv-yaffo digitel residents club

Post on 12-Jan-2015






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Some people stand in line, others don’t

Tel-Aviv-Yaffo DigiTel

Residents club

A municipality’s role: to take care of the quality of life in a given city

Often IS and more often VIEWED as a: Unconnected bureaucracy , not in touch with the life of the residents

Tel-Aviv municipality has made many transactions on-line accessible, but the feeling is that this is not enough. Something has to be done to strengthen the connection and sense of partnership between the Municipality and its residents

On-line billing


… by developing INTELLIGENT, TIMELY and LEARNING communication between the Municipality and its residents

A Municipality there @ every

stage of the Circle of Life

From a Reactive Municipality to a Intelligently Active Municipality

The Challenge:How to manage customized information intelligently and deliver it to the resident at the right time and place?

Level 1: Reactive

Responds after the Resident approach

Level 2: Proactive

Information, push and activities across all channels, generically to all residents

Level 3: Intelligently Active Matching information to individual needs in accordance with the cycle of life, living area, data and personal interests

There are people standing in line some do not

Tel-Aviv-yafo Digitel citizens club

Tens of thousands residents Club members Benefiting fromTargeted individual


BenefitsPersonal Transactions

Discounts and benefits for DigiTel card holders

Personalized, geographically localized information fitted to the life stage of the citizen

Traffic and Parking

Leisure and Culture

Digitel News

Green City Design and Construction

Education and Parenting

Sports and Bicycle Social Activity Health and


, בחיים החשובים הרגעים בכלועבורך איתך העירייה

Multiple Channels of Communication

Social networks

Citizen’s Personal Area

Personal Invitation to Dogs owners - The 1st. Doggie run

Wishes for the newborn and targeted information to the new parents

Calling residents of a specific neighborhood to Decide on the nature of the renovation of their neighborhood

Sending community activities at the nearest community center to the residents home and Invite Parents whit children age 6-12 to register

Greeting Golden age citizens and getting them interested in fitted activities at the nearest community center, nearby hiking trails and etc…

Residents gets relevant text messages about traffic, Infrastructure work near your home, and discounts for performances today

Dozens of Internal Organizational Knowledge employees from all the municipal units, continuously updating information for residents


Allow citizens a choice of convenient service channels with preference for the digital and remote operation

Enable the provision of all services digitally

Maintain privacy and ensure secure transfer of information

Meet the needs for information of users and groups in the city

Envisioning the Future - digital TLV Municipality

Hundreds of residents continue to join the club every day

! רבה Thank you very muchתודה


Muchas Gracias

! Merci Beaucoup!

Köszönöm Szépen


Muito Obrig



Grazie Mille!Vielen Dank


Большое спасибо!


Zohar Sharon- chief knowledge management Tel-Aviv-yafo Municipality sharon@tel-aviv.gov.il

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