zoning and its impact

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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Zoning and its Impact. Ty Hubicki , Jennifer Montoya, Angelic Sinova , Brett Christner. What is Zoning?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Ty Hubicki, Jennifer Montoya, Angelic Sinova, Brett Christner

A legislative method of regulating land use by the division of a political subdivision into districts and the enactment of local regulations to control buildings and uses within the district.


Regulating Private Land for the Public Good

What is Zoning?

• Designate selected land uses and building requirements to appropriate areas in the community.• Keeping a constant and visually

pleasing setting

• To prevent incompatible uses.• Prevent interference with

existing residents or businesses.

• To insure coordination of infrastructure services• Commercial, business,


• To protect quality of life (health/safety)

• Direct, manage and control growth

Purposes of zoning

• height of buildings

• use of green space

• density (number of structures in a certain area)

• use of lots

• types of businesses.

Specific examples

• Controls on land use begin mid-nineteenth century due to health/safety concerns

• Nations first building code

• Fire of 1871

• Did not provide adequate protection

• Early 1910’s

• Priority for city officials to address concerns to aesthetics and property values.

• Chicago turns towards adopting a city wide zoning ordinance in response to NYC zoning ordinance of 1916


• May 1, 1893

• Changed Chicago from an industrialist city to a more “inviting” city

• Proved that city had risen, prosperous and strong, from the ashes and was ready to take its place in the front rank of the world's great cities

The “White City”

Urban Development in ClevelandNew England Puritan Culture on the Shore of Lake Erie – Western Reserve of Conneticut

Mark Hanna – Republican Party kingmaker

John D. Rockefeller – first billionaire

Western Reserve of Connecticut map

Cleveland Urban Politics: Thomas L. Johnson

Elected mayor of Cleveland in 1901

Urban government provided few public services at the time

Progressives, led by Johnson, set out to “redeem” municipal government

Municipal public services expanded Associated with low fare for street cars

“White City” of the Chicago Exposition Influences Cleveland’s Development

Cleveland Architectural Club sponsored competition for formal grouping of Cleveland’s Public Buildings (1895)

Enabling legislation passed by Ohio state legislature facilitates the Cleveland Group Plan

Mayor Johnson Implements

“Group Plan”

Influence of Baron Haussman strong “Haussmanization”

Private land subjected to public good

Fitted into the progressive ideology

Public buildings arranged around a Mall – laid out on 44 acre site

Nearly a century of sporadic efforts – but largely realized

Cleveland “Group Plan”Urban Mall

Issues of “Zoning”Exclusionary Zoning: prohibit low- and

moderate-income housing

Housing Discrimination

• Minimum lot sizes and Floor Space requirements

• Large-lot zoning imposes burden on low-

and moderate-income people

• Limited- Growth Zoning

• Strict Subdivision Requirements

Exclusionary Zoning Continued Strict building Codes

Prohibit Subsidized Housing

•Refuse all attempts of

subsidized housing • New York

Discrimination in Housing• Fair Housing Act 1968

• Mount Laurel I• New Jersey Supreme Court in 1975 - Southern Burlington County

N.A.A.C.P. v. Mount Laurel Township. Plaintiffs challenged the zoning ordinance of Mount Laurel Township, New Jersey, on the grounds that it operated to exclude low and moderate income persons from obtaining housing in the municipality.

• Mount Laurel II• After an appeal by the plaintiffs, the decision of Mount Laurel II

created specific requirements that every town in New Jersey must provide its “fair share” of the regional need for low- and moderate-income housing. Towns would have to provide a “realistic opportunity” for such housing.

Fair Share Housing Act and the Opening to New Jersey suburbs to the Poor

Inclusionary Zoning

Fair Share Housing• Mount Laurel, NJ

• Doctrine that prohibits economic discrimination against poor by the state and municipalities in the exercise of their land powers

• First case of its type and is regarded as one of the most significant Civil Rights cases in the United States since Brown vs. Board of Education (1954)

Euclid, Ohio vs. Amber Realty Co.Decided by U.S Supreme Court in 1926• Zoning as important and legitimate exercise of police powers

• zoning restrictions on the use of the land could be supported by valid considerations of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare, made in the interest of preserving the character and quality of the neighborhood.

1. How did the “White City” influence other cities?

2. In what ways did the White City change the layout of Chicago?

3. What kind of “zoning area” is this?

A. Commercial

B. Industrial

C. Residential









http://www.teachingcleveland.org/index.php?option=com content&view=article&id=794:the-abolition-movement-in-northeast-ohio&catid=257:the-abolition-movement&itemid=56

http://www.teachiingcleveland.org/index.php?option=com k2&view=itemlist&layout=category&task=category&id=168&itemid=285




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