amretasgraphics blogzine

BLOOM WHERE YOU ARE PLANTED blogzine {get inspired} {unleash your creativity} {be happy} amretasgraphics ISSUE 02 jUly 2010 a week at amretasgraphics in one magazine Wallpaper Monday, Blogging Tuesday, Journaling Wednesday, Prints Thursday, Kindwords Friday, Weekend Wandering Happiness lives here

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Amretasgraphics Blogzine - Issue 02 - July 2010


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blogzine{get inspired} {unleash your creativity} {be happy}



02 jUly2010

a week at amretasgraphicsin one magazine

Wallpaper Monday, Blogging Tuesday, Journaling Wednesday, Prints Thursday, Kindwords Friday, Weekend Wandering

Happinesslives here

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Wow! I’m so happy that I’m now on the second issue of Amretasgraphics Blogzine! I hope you enjoy it as I did putting

together my creations, notes and thoughts during the week in it. It’s now become my favourite ‘weekend thing’ :-)

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Weekend Wandering + Notes

Bonus: Happy Day scrapbook prints

Wallpaper Monday

Blogging Tuesday

Journaling Wednesday

Prints Thursday

Kindwords Friday

Thank you and Credits










02 jUly2010

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These past two weekends I dedicated my time for catching up with my graphic-drawing and this blogzine.. And then, some parts of the house where I live is being renovated. So guess what, looking for a nice place to sit with my laptop and notes and books felt like a true mission this time :-)

And here I am, like so many other people in Jakarta, spending almost the whole day ‘working’, eating and drinking coffee a cafe, in a shopping mall!

It’s nice! The cafe where I’m sitting in right now, in a shopping mall within walking distance from where I live, opens at 08.00 and closed at 23.00, and so practically I have a table for myself, electricity outlet, free internet connection, and they serve good food and good cofffee!

What more, hmm, on Tuesday almost two weeks ago, 22 June, was Jakarta’s 483rd anniversary, and during the next two weeks, it’s full of discount sale, in all shopping malls in Jakarta. One of my favorite bookstores gives discount 20% storewide! And of course, my friends, I didn’t want to miss the opportunity and I finally bought Martha Stewart’s Encyclopedia of Crafts - the book I had been eyeing for sometime now :-) Lots of inspirations. And fine layout, too, as always Martha Stewart books.

+ notES

Amreta l

And eh, the cafe has two televisions, one is CNN all the time, and the other one Discovery Channel. Boy, I think I will be a regular here...

Jakarta is indeed a city which has everything you need, if you know where to go! :-)


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DayPrintandglueyour photo here

Print andglue your photo here

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Printandglueyour photo here

Print andglue your photo here

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WallpaperMondayI have three sets of wallpapers with this blogzine! Yuhuu! And I still love using my Decoflora webset for it. The first one is the “Bloom where you are planted” wallpapers. The second one is “Happiness Lives Here” and the third - the same set of wallpapers but the words are in French “Le bonheur habite ici”.

Each set comes in 3 sizes: 1280x1024, 1280x800 (widescreen) and 1024x768 pixels

You can download the wallpapers in my blog’s this week’s deal: if you want your own text to be on the wallpaper, send your request to my email: [email protected] ( don’t forget to indicate which wallpaper you’d like the text on ). It’s free of charge. PS: this offer is only valid for wallpapers featured in this issue.


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Wallpapers previewget them on

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GOOD NEWS and bad news... well, not that bad actually. I just found out that my earlier ‘tricks’ to put background tiles on Blogger do not work anymore, so this week I’m still doing trial-and-error. And as usual, I learned more ‘tips and tricks’ in addition - and should I say that’s fabulous! l

I’ll be sharing the tricks in my next blogzine, so stay tune. It consists a bit of editing Blogger html - for those who are familiar with Blogger it will be just fine.

In the meantime you can get this week’s blog backgrounds already on my blog

two-column blog backgrounds three-column blog backgrounds



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Screenshots of my Blogger-based used-books store, Garage Sale Buku( ) - another happy result of my prior trial-and-error lan adventure with javascripts, scrollable menu, captcha (anti-spam) code, and shopping cart!

Wait for my next blogzine for the step-by-step, where i got the codes, etc - all with the help of “Uncle Google” l

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JournalingWednesdayHmmm how many times I have mentioned before in my blog that I LOVE journaling? l

Well, I’m definitely not tired of it l In this issue, on the next few pages, you’ll find a sample of my current journaling model. I happen to like it so much, so now I want to share it with you. Feel free to use if you like it - and if you think it would work for you - and don’t hesitate to tweak it with your own creativity!

The first part of the journaling is of course gratitude (WOW, THANK YOU!) - which undoubtedly will make you feel good.

It would start with noticing the good things that happen to you during the day (ALL IS WELL, THINGS GO WELL) It can be as simple as a gratitude list. If you have the habit of journaling in the morning, you can use this part as a space for writing down your intentions for the day - and expect good things to happen!


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JournalingWednesday Next step, I also love nice surprises! They do not happen every day, but definitely make me smile (I call it “YOU’VE GOT SMILE!”), such as a surprise video clip from my sister featuring my one year old nephew Attila singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star following his mom (and he’s so proud showing his cute four little teeth!). I also use this space to record some cool tips, tricks and lessons I learned during the day. I count them as nice suprises too! New insights are gifts from the Universe and hey, they also make me smile! l

And yes, there’s also a very important part of the journaling where you actually have to allow the good things to happen to you, and it starts with the feeling that you’re such a wonderful person that you deserve all those fantastic things in the world! The game to play is, you will have to notice the cool things you did during the day that makes you feel ‘wow’ and fabulous. I had a lot of fun (and laughs) practicing this. It can be something you notice yourself, or even what your friends said about you, fantastic! (OH SO WONDERFUL ME). I didn’t really understand this until one day, a couple of months ago, as I was sitting together with my friend Fina, on our computers figuring out how the javascript for my add-to-cart button worked. I had never edited a javascript before, so it was quite a challenge. After sometime of trial and error, guess what, finally I got it! The add-to-cart button on my online used-book store did work the way I wanted it to! I felt so excited that spontaneously I just said “wooow, I’m soooo gooooood!” - Fina, jumping to see the screen on my computer, just looked at me and laughed, “You ARE good! You didn’t know that? Then now you know!” Then we laughed out loud together and almost like magically something shifted. I felt ‘worth it’ - and boy, didn’t it make me feel SO GOOD! The following evening I noted down what I had just experienced, again I had this feel-good excitement and since then I love playing this little game! It takes a little bit of practice because probably you’re not that used to it, but you will! I find it so effective when you say it outloud, with excitement, feel it, and note it down in your journal. You’re SO GOOD at it!! l

Next. Have you ever experienced a rough day where things didn’t go as you wished they would? I bet you have. Me too! And I found that this practice (MY FASCINATING LIFE) always gave me a tremendous help, it just takes one courageous thing: imagination. Especially when you really really want something. Imagine everything happens just like you expect them to happen. And write the experience in details, as if they already happened. One thing you must remember: what you write has to make you feel good after you finish writing it. Probably it’s a little bit difficult at first, but I’m sure after a few practices... whohooo, I’m completely addicted to it, it’s so fun! I originally learned this technique from Jeannette Maw’s Pray Rain Journaling ( ... I think I’ve already mentioned this in one of my previous blog post... but anyway, this technique is just super nice. I highly recommend that you also visit Jeannette’s website ( if you’d like to learn more. You’ll be glad you do!


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Next. I give myself a daily assignment, which is: finding an inspiration a day. It’s SO exciting. I love getting inspired. Though my safest place to get inspiration would be those ‘positive quotations’ websites, I’m having fun by finding inspiration on the street, while walking to and from work, or anywhere - you’ll never know, all you have to do is to be aware, and after awhile I feel so good to realise that beauty is everywhere - if you notice it! (INSPIRED!) Oh, suddenly I remember an old L’Oreal commercial where the gorgeous girl, very confidently looking straight at the camera, said “because I’m worth it” and claimed her world. Wooow! Memories can be inspiration too, don’t you think! In my opinion, a good inspiration would empower you to be more creative and to take action to create a happy life. So let’s get inspired, my friends!

Next cool thing: creative journaling, or a mini vision board, if you like. I collect nice pictures and inspiring words from magazines, newspapers and the internet, and then make them into a mini collage (TREASURED ABUNDANCE - CREATIVE SPACE) I also called this part ‘treasured abundance’ because I have this funny habit of collecting different leaves I saw on the street while taking a walk. There are lot of them, many kinds of plants and trees. I’m trying to focus on the abundance of the world, you know (blush). I also try to give a good vibe to the receipts of my purchases, collecting them in the mini collage...(can you believe it!!) - together with e.g. tickets, tea bags (I love trying out different kinds of teas), candy wrappings, etc. Somehow this reminds me to be thankful and how lucky I am to be able to buy and to enjoy those things I wanted... now I have a positive feeling whenever I see those receipts (and tea bags!) l

Ah yes, I also created a space to write down the progress you’ve made, if you have small projects or goals (BETTER THAN YESTERDAY - PROGRESS MADE) Normally when I have ones, I would just list them and write down the little steps I did during the day (for example, books I am reading). I prefer to have a separate journal for this when I have bigger projects or goals. Probably we’ll talk about this in the next blogzine.

And the last section of this journal, (it’s also a cool one l ) , it’s a space for celebrating how wonderful you are today! Do something good for yourself every day, give yourself a gift, you deserve it! (FOR A WONDERFUL ME, TODAY I TREAT MYSELF).

PS: when you try out this journaling model, you will find whether you’d prefer to have separate journal for each section, or to put them together in one big journal. You can print out the journaling pages from this blogzine or just write down the headings in your notebook yourself. Use the one that suits you most, the one that makes you feel good! PSS: now that I have many journals, and they are very heavy collectively (and somehow, because of the creative journaling, I still love looking at them from time to time) - I started a new habit of scanning the pages and store them digitally in an external hard disk. So, practically, I can carry them all out everywhere l

Hope you enjoy the tips and have fun!! Happy journaling!!


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Day and date:

WOW, THANK YOU!for today...

All is well, things go well

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Fantastic finds! Suprises! You’ve got smile!(also tips, tricks and lesson learned during the day)

Oh so wonderful me!

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My fascinating life

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Treasured abundance - creative space


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Better than yesterday - progress made

For wonderful me, today I treat myself

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PrintsThursdayEnjoy a few prints I made for this issue!! :-) Hope happiness is on the way to you right now!

You can print them from this blogzine or download them in my blog

pssstt:Did I tell you (on the blogpost, of course ;-)) that you can add your text to the ‘blank’ print? And if you don’t know how, ASK ME to do it for you, it’s FREE OF CHARGE!

Just send your request to my email ( [email protected] ) - with your text, and your preferences of text colour(s) and font.

P.S.: offer valid only for the prints in this issue

P.S.S: the full size of these prints are A4, you can print them smaller as well (two or four in one page) - like the happy bears prints in the picture below:


I printed the pictures to four in one page, which made them postcard size, and put them together

in one frame :-)

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Printables below are postcard size if you print them full size - can be used as gift-tag if you print them

smaller (print two or four in one page)

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A little work, a little playTo keep us going - and so, good day!

George Du Maurier

Fling open the doors, let the earth song inThe seasons of sunlight, the rain and the wind

Let there be no barriers to the abundance withoutLet it enrich the life and the living within


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KindwordsFridayThe dream begins most of the time with a teacher who believes in you,

who tugs and pushes and leads you on to the next plateau,sometimes even poking you with a sharp stick called truth.

Dan RatherThe Camera Never Blinks

Whoever you are, there is some younger person who thinks you are perfect. There is some work that will never be done if you don’t do it. There is someone who would miss you if you were gone. There is a

place that you alone can fill.

Jacob M. BraudeBraude’s Source Book for Speakers and Writers

Even when I was in the orphanage, when I was roaming the street try-ing to find enough to eat, even then I thought of myself as the greatest actor in the world. I had to feel the exuberance that comes from utter

confidence in yourself. Without it, you go down to defeat.

Charlie Chaplin

The only devils in the world are those running in our own hearts.That is where the battle should be fought.

Mahatma Gandhi

See your life as a fantastic growth school. Everything that you experience, both good and challenging, has come to you to teach

you the lesson that you most needed to learn at that particular stage of your evolution as a person. Understand this truth, and keep asking yourself, “What opportunity does this person or situation represent” in terms of your personal growth. This is a great source of inner peace.

Robin SharmaThe Saint, The Surfer and the CEO


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a week at

Otherwise stated, all graphics and pictures in the blogzine are by Amreta.

You can view and download this magazine via

Fonts used in this issue are: - Alexandria - Ronita - Love Ya Like A Sister - Pea Leigh Leigh - Rage - Parma Petit - Pea Karen Doodle - Stencil - SketchedAlphabet sources: | | | |