an analytical approach for identification … · for order of preference by similarity to ideal...

13 771 [email protected] International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 9, Issue 5, May 2018, pp. 771783, Article ID: IJCIET_09_05_086 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed AN ANALYTICAL APPROACH FOR IDENTIFICATION OF UNCERTAINTITES AND PRIORTIZING THE FACTORS CAUSING UNCERTAINITIES IN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY USING RELATIVE IMPORTANCE INDEX (RII) T. Ganesh Anurag P.G. Student, Department of Civil Engineering, K.L.E.F, Guntur, A.P, India D. Satish Chandra Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, K.L.E.F, Guntur, A. P, India SS. Asadi Associate Dean and Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, K.L.E.F, Guntur, A. P, India ABSTRACT: Construction sector is considered as a prominent sector in back lifting the Indian economy next to that of agro-based sectors, not only acts a support in improving the economic scenario but also a complex sector which comprises lot of risks and complex processes will also include while executing the projects, Managing all the processes will be the challenging task for management team of the organisations. As we know that risk is nothing but an uncertainty or some threat which changes the entire scenario of project. Sudden occurrence of such risks will show their influence on cost, quality and duration of the project. In order to prevent such adverse scenarios, each organisation should develop an individual risk management system on its own in order to prevent effect of various risks on the project. The prime objective of this research work is to identify the various risk causing factors in the construction industry, and a questionnaire survey is conducted by selecting 25 factors on 5 point scale, and responses were collected from various experts and ranking of those factors were given through Relative Importance Index (RII). Keywords: Back lifting, complex processes, ranking, Relative importance index (RII).

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TRANSCRIPT 771 [email protected]

International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)

Volume 9, Issue 5, May 2018, pp. 771–783, Article ID: IJCIET_09_05_086

Available online at

ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed







T. Ganesh Anurag

P.G. Student, Department of Civil Engineering, K.L.E.F, Guntur, A.P, India

D. Satish Chandra

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, K.L.E.F, Guntur, A. P, India

SS. Asadi

Associate Dean and Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, K.L.E.F, Guntur, A. P, India


Construction sector is considered as a prominent sector in back lifting the Indian

economy next to that of agro-based sectors, not only acts a support in improving the

economic scenario but also a complex sector which comprises lot of risks and complex

processes will also include while executing the projects, Managing all the processes

will be the challenging task for management team of the organisations. As we know

that risk is nothing but an uncertainty or some threat which changes the entire

scenario of project. Sudden occurrence of such risks will show their influence on cost,

quality and duration of the project. In order to prevent such adverse scenarios, each

organisation should develop an individual risk management system on its own in

order to prevent effect of various risks on the project. The prime objective of this

research work is to identify the various risk causing factors in the construction

industry, and a questionnaire survey is conducted by selecting 25 factors on 5 point

scale, and responses were collected from various experts and ranking of those factors

were given through Relative Importance Index (RII).

Keywords: Back lifting, complex processes, ranking, Relative importance index (RII).

An Analytical Approach for Identification of Uncertaintites and Priortizing the Factors Causing

Uncertainities in Construction Industry Using Relative Importance Index (RII) 772 [email protected]

Cite this Article: T. Ganesh Anurag, D. Satish Chandra and SS. Asadi, An Analytical

Approach for Identification of Uncertaintites and Priortizing the Factors Causing

Uncertainities in Construction Industry Using Relative Importance Index (RII),

International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 9(5), 2018, pp. 771–783.


Risk can be defined as the event that negatively affects the project objectives such as time,

schedule, cost and quality of work. Any industry or organisation is not risk free, every

industry will have their own uncertainty (risks) depending upon the projects, comparing to

other industries or sectors the construction sector will involve various types of risks at each

and every stage of the project, Although construction sector is 2nd

largest sector in upbringing

the Indian economy, it had very poor track record of in term of managing risks as a result

sometimes it’s become failure in meeting the timeline of the project , quality and scope of the

work. As a result, a lot of suffering is inflicted to the clients and contractors of such projects

and also to the general public. Managing risks is becoming a very tough job for managing

teams in various organisations. As earlier we said that “Risk in the construction adversely

effects the physical objectives of the project, cost and time”, and construction risks may

related to the design, political, environment, financial, and socio- economic risks. In order to

manage these types of risks each and every organisation should develop or implement an

individual risk management system. From the past mid 1980’s many methodologies had been

implemented for risk management system, and risk management is studied as one of the nine

research areas of the project management life cycle process. Risk identification is nothing but

the process of recognising the various types of uncertainties that take place in the organisation

which may cause due to the lack of management skills, stakeholder’s management,

contractor’s or engineering negligence in the site, or any other socio-economic factors in the

construction area. Delay in identification of such risks or uncertainties, may shows huge

impact on quality of the work.

It is main duty of a project manager to identify such uncertainties and to implement a

proper system to eradicate such adverse scenarios. Risk assessment is nothing but estimating

the severity of occurrence of risks and to study their impact on the projects. Both risk

identification and assessment are the integrated parts of the risk management system. Many

researchers, field experts and practisers had suggested many methodologies like PI method,

Severity index to study severity of delay and risks that occurred in the project, Frequency

index method to verify the frequency of occurrence of the risks, and IMPI based on both SI

and FI, Relative Importance Index(RII), Kendall’s coefficient of concordance (W),

Spearman's rank correlation coefficient or Spearman's rho (ρ) or rs, TOPSIS (The Technique

for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution), Complex Proportional Assessment

Of Alternatives to Grey relations (COPRAS-G method), and Analytical Hierarchy Processes

(AHP) and various statistical methodologies like AIC, Regression techniques, Fault tree

analysis (FTA) , Analysis of Variances(ANOVA) were suggested to analyse the risk severity

by comparing quality , cost and duration of projects. And project management tools like Gantt

chart, bar chart, CPM, PERT, and software’s like Primavera, MSP are used to check the risk

in project duration (Occurrence of delays in project work). The main intention behind to

choose Relative Importance Index (RII) method, as it is easy to explain / rank the severity of

risk causing factors from the responses that received by using formula.

RII = ∑W/A*N

T. Ganesh Anurag, D. Satish Chandra and SS. Asadi 773 [email protected]

Relative Importance Index (RII): - ∑W/A*N; Where, W is the weighting given to each

factor by the respondents (ranging from 1 to 5), A represents the highest weight (i.e. 5 in this

case), and N is the total number of respondents that received. By using this method it is easy

to assess the impact of risk on the project, by observing the RII value of that factor. An

organisation is said to be successful, when it achieve the quality in the output of the project

and when it fulfil the customer requirements by constructing the project as per the

specification mentioned in the Indian Standard (IS) codes, and various specifications

recommended by the various field experts.


1. To identify various risks in the construction sector.

2. Identification of relation between risk management and project performance.

3. Ranking of risk causing factors through responses by conducting questionnaire survey.


3.1. Data Collection

In order to perform the questionnaire survey 25 questions had been selected from various

factors which leads to cause of political risks, technical risks, socio-economic risk and

financial risks and 50 responses were collected. And sample question in questionnaire survey

was shown below:

Problems in Acquisition and Land use

Strongly agree (5)

Agree (4)

Disagree (3)

Strongly disagree (2)

Not applicable (1)

And each response in questionnaire survey is analysed by using Relative Importance

Index (RII)

RII = ∑W/A*N

RII= (5n5 + 4n4 +3n3+ 2n2+ 1n1) /A*N

where ∑W = 5n5 + 4n4 +3n3+ 2n2+ 1n1, (1-5) is likert scale values, and (n1, n2, n3, n4, n5 )

are the no. of responses recorded for each opinion in the questionnaire.

3.2. Field data

From the research, the factors which lead to cause of risks like Political risks, financial risks,

Technical risks, Project Management risks, and risks due to Socio- Economic conditions,

were identified.

The factors causing major risks in the construction projects were tabulated as follows:

An Analytical Approach for Identification of Uncertaintites and Priortizing the Factors Causing

Uncertainities in Construction Industry Using Relative Importance Index (RII) 774 [email protected]

Table 1 Various Risk Causing Factors in Construction Industry Factors Causing Risks

1 Problems in Acquisition and Land use

2 Risk due to administrative policies

3 Risk due to technical expertise

4 Risk due to redesign and alterations as required by rating systems

5 Unexpected issues in Transportation & storage of materials

6 Problems in Site Mobilization

7 Delays and Rework due to design alteration

8 Problems with site execution procedures

9 Inadequate duration of activity

10 Delay in identification of Schedule errors of project activities

11 Temporary demand of increase in price of materials

12 Pressure from political parties

13 Non availability of resources

14 Loosing of critical staff at crucial point

15 Impact of weather condition on completion of project

16 Variation of cost from current position to after completion of work

17 Selection of Contractual systems

18 Project manager abilities in handling and management of risks

19 Lack of Co-ordination between PM and Engineer

20 Sudden Change of Financial Situation

21 Financial Capabilities of Management

22 Experience of Project Manager

23 Improper allocation of Risks

24 Lack of proper co-ordination between clients and Project management

25 Hiring of Unskilled labour

3.3. Data Analysis:

Relative Importance Index (RII): Relative Importance Index is calculated for each of the

indicators and ranked accordingly. The RII derived to summarize the importance of each


Where, W = weighting as assigned on Likert’s scale by each respondent in a range from 1

to 5 (1- not acceptable, 2- disagree, 3- strongly disagree, 4- agree, 5- strongly agree), where A

= Highest weight (here it is 5); N =Total number in the sample

Formula for RII: - RII = ∑W/A*N; where ∑W = 5n5 + 4n4 +3n3+ 2n2+ 1n1

RII = ∑W/A*N; where ∑W = 5n5 + 4n4 +3n3+ 2n2+ 1n1

RII = (5(15) + 4(33) + 3(1) + 2(1) + 1(0)) / 5*50

= 0.848

T. Ganesh Anurag, D. Satish Chandra and SS. Asadi 775 [email protected]

3.4. Research Methodology Flow chart:


As per survey, response of factors were analysed in detail as follows:

Figure 1 Pie Chart Representing the Expert Response

to the Factor Which Leads To Cause of Risk in Site


Figure 2 Pie Chart Representing Expert Response to

the Factor Which Leads To Cause of Administrative


Problems in Acquisition and

Land use

Strongly agree Agree

Strongly disagree Disagree

Not Acceptable

Risk due to administrative


strongly agree Agree

Strongly Disagree Disagree

Not Acceptable

An Analytical Approach for Identification of Uncertaintites and Priortizing the Factors Causing

Uncertainities in Construction Industry Using Relative Importance Index (RII) 776 [email protected]

Figure 3 Pie Chart Representing Expert Response to

the Factor Which Leads To Cause of Risk Due To

Improper Allocation or Recruitment of Unskilled

Employee in Organisation

Figure 4 Pie Chart Representing Expert Response To

The Factor Which Leads To Cause Of Risk Due To

Improper Execution Of Plan And Negligence Of Site

Engineer And Contractor

Figure 5 Pie Chart Representing Expert Response To

The Factor Which Leads To Cause Of Risk Due To

Improper Planning And Improper Resource


Figure 6 Pie Chart Representing Expert Response to

the Factor Which Leads To Cause of Risk Due To

Negligence of Site Engineers and Contractor

Figure 7 Pie Chart Representing Expert Response to

the Factor Which Leads to Cause of Technical Risk

Figure 8 Pie Chart Representing Expert Response to

the Factor Which Leads To Cause of Construction Risk

Risk Due To Technical


Strongly agree Agree

Strongly disagree Disagree

Not Acceptable

Risk due to redesign and

alterations as required by rating


Strongly AgreeAgreeStrongly disagreeDisagreeNot Acceptable

Un expected issues in

transportation and storage of


Strongly agree Agree

Strongly Disagree Disagree

Not Acceptable

Problems in Site Mobilization

Strongly agree Agree

Strongly disagree Disagree

Not Acceptable

Delays and rework due to

design alterations

Strongly Agree Agree

Strongly Disagree Disagree

Not Acceptable

Problems with site execution


Strongly agree Agree

Strongly Disagree Disagree

Not Acceptable

T. Ganesh Anurag, D. Satish Chandra and SS. Asadi 777 [email protected]

Figure 9 Pie Chart Representing Expert

Response to the Factor Which Leads to Cause of

Risk Due to Improper Planning

Figure 10 Pie Chart Representing Expert

Response to the Factor Which Leads to Cause of

Project Management Risk

Figure 11 Pie Chart Representing Expert

Response to The Factor Which Leads to Cause

Of Risk Due to Improper Planning And Cost


Figure 12 Pie Chart Representing Expert

Response to the Factor Which Leads to Cause of

Political Risk

Figure13 Pie Chart Representing Expert

Response to the Factor Which Leads to Cause of

Risk due to Improper Resource Allocation

Figure 14 Pie Chart Representing Expert

Response to the Factor Which Leads to Cause of

Organizational Risk

Inadequate duration of activity

Strongly Agree Agree

Strongly Disagree Disagree

Not Acceptable

Delays and rework due to

design alterations

Strongly Agree Agree

Strongly Disagree Disagree

Not Acceptable

Temporary demand of increase

in price of materials

Strongly Agree Agree

Strongly Disagree Disagree

Not Acceptable

Pressure from political parties

Strongly Agree Agree

Strongly Disagree Disagree

Not Acceptable

Non Availability of resources

Strongly Agree Agree

Strongly Disagree Disagree

Not Acceptable

Loosing of critical Staff at a

critical point

Strongly Agree Agree

Strongly Disagree Disagree

Not Acceptable

An Analytical Approach for Identification of Uncertaintites and Priortizing the Factors Causing

Uncertainities in Construction Industry Using Relative Importance Index (RII) 778 [email protected]

Figure15 Pie Chart Representing Expert

Response to the Factor Which Leads to Cause of

Risk Due To Climatic Conditions

Figure 16 Pie Chart Representing Expert

Response to the Factor Which Leads to Cause of

Project Management Risk

Figure 17 Pie Chart Representing Expert

Response to the Factor Which Leads to Cause of

Organisation Risk

Figure 18 Pie Chart Representing Expert

Response to the Factor Which Leads to Cause of

Project Management Risk

Figure 19 Pie Chart Representing Expert

Response to the Factor Which Leads to Cause of

Project Management Risk

Figure 20 Pie Chart Representing Expert

Response to the Factor Which Leads to Cause of

Financial Risk

Impact of weather condition on

completion of project

Strongly Agree Agree

Strongly disagree Disagree

Not Acceptable

Variation of cost from current

position to after completion of


Strongly agree Agree

Strongly disagree Disagree

Not Acceptable

Selection of Contractual


Strongly agree Agree

Strongly disagree Disagree

Not Acceptable

Project Manager abilities in

handling and management of


Strongly agree Agree

Strongly disagree Disagree

Not Acceptable

Lack of co-ordination between

PM and Engineer

Strongly Agree Agree

Strongly disagree disagree

Not Acceptable

Sudden change of Finanicial


Strongly agree Agree

Strongly disagree Disagree

Not Acceptable

T. Ganesh Anurag, D. Satish Chandra and SS. Asadi 779 [email protected]

Figure 21 Pie Chart Representing Expert

Response to the Factor Which Leads to Cause of

Financial Risk and Organizational Risks

Figure 22 Pie Chart Representing Expert

Response to the Factor Which Leads to Cause of

Project Management Risk

Figure 23 Pie Chart Representing Expert

Response to the Factor Which Leads to Cause of

Organisational Risk

Figure 24 Pie Chart Representing Expert

Response to the Factor Which Leads to Cause of

Project Management Risk

Figure 25 Pie Chart Representing Expert Response to the Factor Which Leads to Cause of Project

Management Risk and Organisation Risk

Financial Capabilities of


Strongly agree Agree

Strongly disagree Disagree

Not Acceptable

Experience of project manager

Strongly agree Agree

Strongly disagree Disagree

Not Acceptable

Improper Allocation of Risks

Strongly agree Agree

Strongly disagree Disagree

Not Acceptable

Lack of co-ordination between clients

and Project Management

Strongly Agree Agree

Strongly disagree Disagree

Not Acceptable

Hiring of unskilled labour

Strongly agree Agree

Strongly disagree Disagree

Not Acceptable

An Analytical Approach for Identification of Uncertaintites and Priortizing the Factors Causing

Uncertainities in Construction Industry Using Relative Importance Index (RII) 780 [email protected]

As per RII analysing of the survey, results in the given below table has been observed,

from analysis it was identified that risks due to political pressures, financial situation, in

efficiency of project managers, risk due to hiring of unskilled labour, and disturbances in the

organisation, improper resource management and for in case of construction of infrastructure

projects selection of contractual systems will show high impact on the construction of the

projects. Of course change of weather and change of financial scenarios also show high

impact on the quality cost and duration of the project.

Table 2 Relative Importance Index (RII) values for all the factors Factors causing Risk RII value

1 Problems in Acquisition and Land use 0.848

2 Risk due to administrative policies 0.820

3 Risk due to technical expertise 0.836

4 Risk due to redesign and alterations as required by rating systems 0.816

5 Unexpected issues in Transportation & storage of materials 0.792

6 Problems in Site Mobilization 0.824

7 Delays and Rework due to design alteration 0.564

8 Problems with site execution procedures 0.792

9 Inadequate duration of activity 0.780

10 Delay in identification of Schedule errors of project activities 0.764

11 Temporary demand of increase in price of materials 0.764

12 Pressure from political parties 0.816

13 Non availability of resources 0.860

14 Loosing of critical staff at crucial point 0.860

15 Impact of weather condition on completion of project 0.820

16 Variation of cost from current position to after completion of work 0.760

17 Selection of Contractual systems 0.796

18 Project manager abilities in handling and management of risks 0.880

19 Lack of Co-ordination between PM and Engineer 0.812

20 Sudden Change of Financial Situation 0.892

21 Financial Capabilities of Management 0.872

22 Experience of Project Manager 0.860

23 Improper allocation of Risks 0.852

24 Lack of proper co-ordination between clients and Project management 0.820

25 Hiring of Unskilled labour 0.816

T. Ganesh Anurag, D. Satish Chandra and SS. Asadi 781 [email protected]

Figure 26 Graph representing RII values of risk causing factor

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Problems in Acquisition and Land use

Risk due to administrative policies

Risk due to technical expertise

Risk due to redesign and alterations as required by ratingsystems

Unexpected issues in Transportation & storage of materials

Problems in Site Mobilization

Delays and Rework due to design alteration

Problems with site execution procedures

Inadequate duration of activity

Delay in identification of Schedule errors of project activities

Temporary demand of increase in price of materials

Pressure from political parties

Non availability of resources

Loosing of critical staff at crucial point

Impact of weather condition on completion of project

Variation of cost from current position to after completionof work

Selection of Contractual systems

Project manager abilities in handling and management ofrisks

Lack of Co-ordination between PM and Engineer

Sudden Change of Financial Situation

Financial Capabilities of Management

Experience of Project Manager

Improper allocation of Risks

Lack of proper co-ordination between clients and Projectmanagement

Hiring of Unskilled labour

Risk / Uncertanities causing factors in Construction Industry

An Analytical Approach for Identification of Uncertaintites and Priortizing the Factors Causing

Uncertainities in Construction Industry Using Relative Importance Index (RII) 782 [email protected]

This research identifies various risk factors which effect the growth of construction and

study on Relative Importance Index (RII) is done in order to rank the major factors leads to

cause of the risk in the construction field. Factors like in ability of project manager, change in

the financial scenario, sudden exit of project manager, improper resource management, and

changes in environment conditions and also in socio-economic conditions shows high impact

on the quality of the project and after observing all these, this paper suggests that a proper risk

management system with various new methodologies and techniques should be arranged in

the organisation, and it is main responsibility of the project manager to monitor the

performance of project regularly for better output and to meet the customer satisfaction,

because of the proper monitoring and controlling only the quality of the project will be

obtained, As successful completion of projects with quality output will help the sector to

sustain for long time and development of nation will also takes place.


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