an appeal to heaven volume 4, 2019 · autism epidemic the book every parent must read since the...


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Page 1: AN APPEAL TO HEAVEN VOLUME 4, 2019 · AUTISM EPIDEMIC THE BOOK EVERY PARENT MUST READ Since the early 1980’s the number of vaccines given to children has nearly quadrupled— and



Page 2: AN APPEAL TO HEAVEN VOLUME 4, 2019 · AUTISM EPIDEMIC THE BOOK EVERY PARENT MUST READ Since the early 1980’s the number of vaccines given to children has nearly quadrupled— and





Since the early 1980’s the number of vaccines given to children has

nearly quadrupled— and the autism rate has gone up more than 30,000

percent during the same time period. For American children the

current rate is 1 in 36. The autism

epidemic is real.In this book, J.B. Handley,

Generation Rescue cofounder and father of a

vaccine-injured child with autism, presents emerging scientific evidence linking vaccines to

immune activation events in the brain.

An unsparing, timely indictment of the American public health establishment and a direct challenge to the CDC.

Available now from Scriptures for America

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How to end theautism epidemic

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2019

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Greetings to the once lost but now found sheep of the House of Israel. “There is a Remnant there that you know nothing about. They are obscure, unorganized, inarticulate, each one rubbing along as best he can. They need to be encouraged and braced up because when everything has gone completely to the dogs, they are the ones who will come back and build up a new society; and meanwhile, your preaching will reassure them and keep them hanging on. Your job is to take care of the Remnant, so be off now and set about it.” (from Isaiah’s Job)

It is critically important that you, the Remnant, understands that we reach several different groups of people in several different ways. Some we reach by shortwave radio, some on the internet, some we visit in prison and some join in for the Sunday morning Church broadcast. But by far the greatest outreach of this Ministry is through the monthly (I didn’t say what month) DragonSlayer Newsletter. Thus, some of the material may seem repetitious. Just what is, “An Appeal to Heaven?” Well, let

me start out by saying that my prayer is that, by the time you finish reading this series of Newsletter articles, you, too, will have a greater understanding of the significance of this flag and what it means for God’s people. But first we need to understand the history surrounding its origination; history that is critically important for God’s people, (the Remnant) who are called by His Name, to understand. Realize that there is only one way to save America, and that is repentance, and we must return to the faith of our fathers. Just prior to the American Revolution, turmoil was boiling over in the colonies. The British Army, the most powerful army of its day, occupied Boston. King George was increasingly oppressing and taxing the fledgling states. The colonist’s had begun to form their own government and lay the ground work for separation from the British crown. As the colonies formed their own identities, they created flags and symbols to which the people would identify and rally.

Now, I know most of you are familiar with the Stars and Stripes flag from the Revolution, but that’s not the only flag or even the first flag to be flown. There were several banners flown by the colonies as they sought their independence. One such flag was all white in the background with a large green pine tree

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From The Ram Rod @ SFA

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2019

How To End the Autism Epidemic 2

From the RamRod 3

2019 Summer Prayer 7

An Appeal To Heaven 8

Jasher & DIRT Books 15

CO-Q-10 16

Branson 2019 Messages 20

Chaplains of he Revolution 20 21Vitamins 22S/W Schedule and S/W Radio 23

Contact SFA 24

SFA Order Form 25

Page 4: AN APPEAL TO HEAVEN VOLUME 4, 2019 · AUTISM EPIDEMIC THE BOOK EVERY PARENT MUST READ Since the early 1980’s the number of vaccines given to children has nearly quadrupled— and


From The Ram Rod @ SFA

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2019in the middle of it. It bore the words, “AN APPEAL TO HEAVEN,” across the top. I bet you didn’t know, because I can tell you that I didn’t, until I researched the history, that, in 1775, George Washington commissioned and personally financed a small number of ships known as, “Washington’s Secret Navy!” He chose the flag, the “An Appeal to Heaven,” for his ships to sail under and to be deployed against the mightiest Navy of that time. In the late spring of 1775, the Continental Army was surrounding Boston, having trapped the British Army within the city. On July 3, George Washington arrived, representing the Commander and Chief. He believed that he needed to be able to attack by sea as well as on land. The Congress in Philadelphia was nervous about forming a Navy, because they did not want to offend the British. Washington, believing it critical to their success, formed the Navy himself. Their mission was to prevent the British ships from resupplying the Army troops in Boston. Most of you are familiar with some of the mottos from the Revolutionary War era, such as, “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death,” “Don’t Tread on Me,” or, “Join, or Die.” However, although not well known today, the slogan, “An Appeal to Heaven,” was extremely popular and used often in its day.

The phrase originates back to John Locke, who in 1632, published, “The Second Treatise of Government,” saying in essence that if the people find themselves oppressed under tyranny, with no other recourse, they have the natural right to “Appeal to Heaven,” and raise up arms against tyranny. In 1774, Reverend Jacob Duche prayed the first recorded prayer of the Continental Congress, which said in part, (Make sure you pray this as you read the prayer!); O LORD, our Heavenly Father, look down in mercy we

beseech Thee, on these our American States who have fled to Thee from the rod of the oppressors and thrown themselves on thy Gracious protection. Desiring to be henceforth dependent on Thee, to Thee have they appealed for Righteousness of their Cause. To Thee do they now look for that countenance and support which Thou alone can give. Be Thou present, O God of Wisdom and direct the councils of this honorable assembly. Enable them to settle things on the best and surest Foundation (that word foundation will become very significant in future articles), that the scene of blood may be speedily closed. That order, harmony and peace may be effectually restored and truth, justice, religion and piety prevail and flourish amongst the people. All of this we ask in the Name and through the merits of Jesus Christ, Thy Son and our Savior, Amen!

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Not long after that, the Continental Congress made their first official call for prayer, setting aside May 17, 1776, as a National Day of Fasting, Repentance and Prayer for the colonies. In this act, they specifically mention Jesus Christ! Perhaps we, too, should set aside this day each year, May 17, as a National Day of Fasting, Repentance and Prayer for the country. Did you know that the Continental Congress even ordered 20,000 Bibles for the distribution to the American Troops? They even authorized their endorsement to be printed on the front page of the Bible Edition, “Approved for the American People, to be used in our schools.” So it is, there is nothing new under the sun! In the beginning, the American Colonies were over shadowed by oppressive forces seeking control of them. Today, a spiritual darkness is moving across this nation that is trying to control, oppress and enslave God’s people. Its desire is to extinguish the true Church’s flame, a light that once shone brightly and boldly upon the nation and to the world! We, God’s people, will either be overcome by darkness or we will rise up and overcome darkness with the greatest weapon that God has ever given His Church; prayer! May God help us to wield this Divine weapon with zeal and might. Throughout the Bible, God gives us Scriptures of encouragement. One such Scripture that supports this theme is found in Isaiah 60:1-3, under the subtitle, Future Glory for Zion. Arise, shine; for your light has come and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you. For behold, darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples; But the LORD will rise upon you and His glory will appear upon you. Nations will come to your light and kings to the brightness of your rising. One has to wonder if men that knew the LORD, like George Washington, didn’t model the, “An Appeal to Heaven,” flag, based on this Scripture? Specifically, in the Book of Genesis, Chapter 21:32-33. Abraham planted a tamarisk tree at Beersheba, and there he called on the name of the LORD, the Everlasting God. Abraham planted a tamarisk tree. What is a tamarisk tree? Could there be some

significance to this tree he planted? The short answer, what if I were to tell you that a tamarisk tree is a type of evergreen tree? Although it is only mentioned in the Bible a few times; in 1 Samuel 22:6, 1 Samuel 31:13 and of course, in Genesis 21:33. But why did he plant a tamarisk and not some other tree? There must be some significance? And indeed there is! Let’s look at what that significance is. The tamarisk tree is what we would call a Salt Cedar in America. It is found especially in soils with high salt concentration and therefore the only trees found on the shores of the Dead Sea. There are several species of tamarisk. The most commonly planted species and one which can reach a height of fifty feet is an evergreen called Tamarix aphylla. The tree grows needles rather than leaves; Aphylla means “without leaves.”

From The Ram Rod @ SFA

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During the heat of the day, the tamarisk tree secretes salt, a process very wasteful of water. The salt then dries. During the night, the salt absorbs water from the air. In the morning, the droplets of water evaporate, creating a sort of natural air-conditioning. This cooling effect is another reason for its popularity as a shade tree. However, it is an extremely slow-growing tree. The basic belief is that you don’t plant a tamarisk for yourself, you plant it for the generations to come, essentially planting the tree to say, “This is for generations to come and my future generation is going to be here!” “This shade is for the generations to come. Although I will never reap the benefits, I planted it for your benefit.” Why did Abraham plant a tamarisk? Trees were often used as memorials for great men. It is therefore appropriate that Abraham should honor God by planting the tamarisk tree, as it would be a permanent memorial of the covenant between the two. This dark, green tree would be evident from the hilltop and provide a sort of “address” for visitors and could probably be seen for miles. Just as it was in our past, so it is today. When all other remedies fail, what recourse is left? America was formed, was birthed through God’s people. Their cry was, “An Appeal to Heaven,” for Divine intervention, against impossible odds. Once again, it is time, “To Appeal to Heaven!” Once again we must raise up that banner, that symbol, that flag, not to patriotism, but of the LORD’s Army! The Church has been placed in the middle of a dark and desperate situation. We know, because our pastor told us, taught us and equipped us. You, the followers of Jesus Christ, the JEDI, Jesus’ Disciples, the Remnant, have been called and chosen for a time such as this! A time to rise up and intercede, that He would send a Great Awakening to America for the Restoration of Jesus Christ’s Church! Then and only then can this great nation be restored to its Godly Heritage! May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob bless those of you that are His, bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you, lift up His countenance to you and grant you peace. In Jesus Christ’s service first,Pastor Peter John Peters’ second,

Jonathan RR

Scriptures for America is supported entirely by your tithes and free-will offerings.Our address is; SFA, PO Box 766 LaPorte, CO 80535

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Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2019

From The Ram Rod @ SFA

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Prayer for the Scriptures for America

Gideon-Elite Prayer WarriorsSummer 2019

Heavenly Father in “An Appeal to Heaven,” we ask that The Holy Spirit reveal to us any ungodly strong holds that may be hindering this ministry or Your people. Father, the god of this world hath blinded the minds of many of our people and placed a veil upon their hearts and minds. Remove the veil, LORD Jesus, and let the Light of the Gospel and the Glory of the LORD Jesus Christ and all of His Truths be made manifest to Your people. Let there be a Revelation and Enlightenment of Your Word, LORD Jesus! In the Name of Jesus we cast down anything or anyone that would dare to exalt itself or himself against the Knowledge of God, especially pride and rebellion. We pray against any unknown or known ungodly strongholds and against any fear we might have of receiving the greatest gifts from God; gifts that He desires for His people to have access to. With the Authority that You have granted us, through the power of the Holy Spirit, in the Name above all other names, Jesus Christ, we bind any Demonic forces from hindering in any way what the LORD has planned for His people, this generation of true Israelites, as we seek once again to find the, “Ancient Path.” Heavenly Father, we ask that anything that is not God’s Truth be laid out in the open and we repent of any lie or deception we may have believed in the past. We ask that You grant us a willingness to remove anything that stands between You and us and the relationship that You desire, that intimate, close friendship. Again, with the Authority that You have given us and by the Power of the Holy Spirit that dwells in us. We bind any and all spells or witchcraft. We cancel any and all satanic assignments and we forbid the enemy from operating in our lives or our family’s lives. We bind the spirit of deception from speaking or showing itself and we boldly proclaim that no lies will be told against the Truth! And LORD Jesus, we ask You to bind any spirit that is not of You! Heavenly Father, we also bring before You the covenant you made with Your servant and friend, Abraham. Father, we know who we are but we do not yet fully understand that Truth. Grant us a greater understanding. Reveal to us, Your people, that are called by Your Name, the things that are hidden until the proper time; Let this be that time! We understand that You made a covenant with Your people, and that You came, “Only to the Lost Sheep of the house of Israel!” Through that covenant promise made with our Father Abraham, we claim miraculous healings, miracles, gifts, fruits, wisdom, knowledge and understanding, and the whole of the promise that You have made between You and True Israel! We call for You to, “fulfill that promise,” in the precious Name of Your Son, Jesus! Let our hearts be set upon revival of Your people and on the restoration of Your Kingdom! Let us be about the business of the building of your, “Foundation upon which the Kingdom-Order Rests!” In the Name and Authority of Jesus Christ we ask and claim it. Amen.

2019 Summer Prayer

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2019

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For some of you, you have been praying for many years for this country, for revival, restoration and restoral. For the most part, we have been addressing this by praying for the future, for things in the future to change. But what about if we prayed for America, meaning with regards to her past? What if we need to look back at the generational history and purpose of True Israel from the past? What’s critical to understand is that the purpose of Israel is not starting with us, it is continuing through us. At least that’s what God’s plan is. Everything that God does today is connected in one way or another to what He has done in the past!

So, this generational God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, He speaks in His Word of leaving an inheritance to children and grandchildren (Proverbs 13:22). He speaks of leaving them generational blessings (Psalm 37:26). But He also speaks and warns of leaving generational curses, because everything is so connected. He speaks about how we are to leave our children and grandchildren Wisdom! How do we that? We do that by

teaching our children (Proverbs). That is really our number one responsibility as parents, to equip our children with everything that they need to be successful in life. First and foremost, spiritually, including how to recognize, battle and overcome in Spiritual warfare. Second, physically, through good health practices and hygiene. Third, financially, by teaching them to fiscally responsible, to be good stewards of what God has blessed them with and teaching them how to tithe; (that no matter what circumstance in your life you are in, you may think you can’t afford to tithe, when the truth is, IN EVERY CASE, you can’t afford NOT to tithe.)

He speaks of honoring the memory of those that have gone on before us. He speaks of finding the ancient path (Jeremiah 6:16). He speaks of restoring yesterday’s foundations and repairing yesterday’s breaches (this will become much more evident in the next message). He doesn’t say, “I’m going to start over.” He says, “I’m going to go back.” It is your (our) prayers and your (our) fasting that will

allow Him to go back and heal the breaches of history! We have had it all wrong! God doesn’t plan to start over with America; He plans to restore (Acts 15:16) her to the once great nation that she was. It’s not just about us! So many of our prayers are focused on what we want right now! It

An Appeal To Heaven

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2019

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never even occurs to us how the things that are going on right now are connected to the eternal purposes of God. Our prayers don’t reflect that critical correlation. So, as Christians, the true followers of Jesus Christ, Jesus’ disciples, we pray for change now and for a better future now! But God says that what you (we) need to understand is that if your (our) prayers for today and for the future don’t line up with His purposes from the past, then sometimes God says, “I can’t do what you’re asking me to do!” You see, history is important!

What’s in your DNA is important! The blood line is important! You have some of your mother’s and father’s DNA in you and some of their mother’s and father’s DNA in you and their mother’s and father’s DNA in you. On and on it goes, back generation after generation. The truth is, you may be dealing with a curse in your life that started three or four generations ago. Or, on the other hand, you may be reaping a blessing that started hundreds of years ago, because the Blessings of the Covenant go to 1,000 generations. But, the Bible also says that the curses

would go to the third and fourth generations. So, whether you choose to realize and acknowledge it or not, history is working in you! Although the majority of you think that God, “starts over,” He never really, “starts over!” Pastor Peters may have been called home, but his prayers aren’t dead! You know what he wanted, probably better than most. Now all we need to do is to agree in prayer with him! I believe these to be God’s thoughts. Until this generation comes into agreement with what he asked me and what I promised him and what I wanted to do for him, I can’t do for him what I told him I would do for him. Not that I won’t do it, but I can’t do it! That led me to a passage I have often wondered about, in Hebrews, Chapter 11, right after we read about all of the Heroes of Faith and how God used them to do mighty things through their Faith! You know the verse I’m talking about, verse 39. Before we go there, we need to read Hebrews 11:1-2. Under the subtitle of “The Triumphs of Faith.” Hebrews 11:1-2 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Verse 2 is what I really want you to see. For by it the men of old gained approval. (Keep that in mind.) Now drop on down to verse 39. And all these, having gained approval through their faith, did not receive what was promised… What? How is that even possible? These are people that had promises from God, not just people that asked God to do certain things. It wasn’t that they waivered and didn’t believe or did

An Appeal To Heaven

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2019

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anything wrong, but according to the Scripture, they didn’t receive! But if you carefully read the last part of the verse, He gives us the answer, essentially saying that I didn’t want them to be complete without you! Let’s go ahead and read Hebrews 12:1-3 from the Amplified Bible (AMP). Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses [who by faith have testified to the truth of God’s absolute faithfulness], stripping off every unnecessary weight and the sin which so easily and cleverly entangles us, let us run with endurance and active persistence the race that is set before us, [looking away from all that will distract us and] focusing our eyes on Jesus, who is the Author and Perfecter of faith [the first incentive for our belief and the One who brings our faith to maturity], who for the joy [of accomplishing the goal] set before Him endured the cross, disregarding the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God [revealing His deity, His authority, and the completion of His work]. Just consider and meditate on Him who endured from sinners such bitter hostility against Himself [consider it all in comparison with your trials], so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. You see, the promises God makes might take 100 or even 200

years to fulfill. It may be two or three or more generations before that promise is fulfilled. But ultimately, He is fulfilling the promise that He made with the person He promised it to. Only it might be through his children or grandchildren, as God doesn’t see it as different generations, that blood is in that blood, that seed is in that seed. That’s when the thought occurred to me that there are things that God started, but He cannot finish them, unless this generation picks up the Prayer, the Purpose and the Destiny!

We need to be the generation that says that we will grab hold of the reigns and continue on (remember what Genesis 21:33 said) so that we will call on the Name of the LORD, the Everlasting God, to finish what He started! That got me to wondering, what revelation are you and I walking in today that may have been birthed by and someone interceding one hundred or more years ago? Some intercessor, that never really knew how or when God would do it, offered up a prayer! You mean like Pastor Peters for me? That someone he may have never known who would one day be called upon to take control of a ministry that he put his whole life into and finish what he started! Now, I didn’t ask for it. In fact, the thought never even crossed my mind, but for some reason God answered that prayer, pulled me up out of the mire, washed me in His Blood and gave

An Appeal To Heaven

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2019

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me the Gift of the Holy Spirit! As an extra bonus, He united me with my wife and her family. How much of what I have brought in the past has been the fruit of someone else, that payed a price in the past so that Word of God could go out in the future? So, I don’t know if all of that makes sense to you, but I can tell you that it does to me. If this is correct, then what we need to be doing is asking for God to restore us to His Path, the Ancient Path, if you will, that He started America on a long time ago! A type of Synergy (meaning) 1. The interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects. 2. Or in layman’s terms, it’s the multiplying of power when two or more work together. For example, let’s say I can lift 100 pounds and you can lift 100 pounds, but together we can lift more than 100 pounds. We might be able to lift 300 or even 400 pounds. That’s because God is so into unity and us working together that He created a law. If you do it together, I will multiply what you can do. That formula works in just about everything you can think of. However, if you do it separately, you will see only a slight increase, hence the evangelical efforts of the denominational churches. But if you do it together, God says, I will multiply that power! Do realize that if the churches in the land would grasp this one concept of working together for a common goal (SYNERGY), I believe we could turn this country around almost immediately. It works a lot like prayer! One praying has some power, whereas more than one praying brings additional power (Matthew 18:20). A whole nation of Christians praying in agreement, now that’s awesome power! That’s the power of the Prayer Chain and the miracles that we see on a regular basis. But I want more. More healings, more deliverances, more Godly relationships, more damaged relationships restored, more good jobs and more indwelling of the Holy Spirit! More of the greatest gifts of the Holy Spirit being exhibited and distributed in the proportion that He deems appropriate, every day; more coming to repentance and to be born again of the water and the Spirit through full immersion Baptism! But it can work the same way, in a smaller scale, right in your own home. Let’s say the patriarch is praying, there is some power there. But now his wife comes alongside him in agreement, then there’s more power. Then the children join in, believing in

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2019

An Appeal To Heaven

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the fact that their father is the patriarch and trusting that what he is praying is right and proper. There’s no doubting, no second guessing. Brothers and sisters, now that’s power! Why do you think the enemy has targeted the destruction of our families and specifically of our wholesome, sanctified marriages? Do you really think it’s by accident or that they just ran out of other things to target and destroy? NO! They know and understand the Word of God better than most Christians. Think about this! Now I know I could agree in prayer with those around me, or those that are members of the Body of Christ. But it never occurred to me that I could agree with those prayers from previous generations, the prophets and apostles and even more recently, men of God who paid a great price to preach and teach the Truth! And if we did, then God would multiply the power, through synergy. For the LORD is our judge, The LORD is our lawgiver, The LORD is our king; He will save us. Isaiah 33:22 NASB Did you know our nation’s government was founded on this verse? The way it was supposed to be, as ALL government was to flow through God, the Judge, the Law Giver and the King! Our founding fathers studied the Word of God and they believed that every government on earth should be patterned after the Government of Heaven. He is our Law giver, the Legislative Branch. He is our Judge, the Judicial Branch. He is our King, the Executive Branch! Somehow, I don’t remember learning that in my, “Knowledge of the Constitution Class,” in school 40 years ago. Do you? But here’s the thing. If you’re going to agree and intercede for what God and those that served Him were doing back then, then you are going to have to know what it was that they were doing back then. Remember, Scripture teaches us that our God is the Everlasting God! Our God is the God who’s outside of time, who created time and who’s not ruled by time. He is the God of yesterday, today and forever, but is not controlled by it. So the question then becomes, why wasn’t Abraham satisfied with using the names for God that he had used in the past, like Yahweh, Elohim or El Shadiah? Why did he choose to use the title, “Everlasting God?” (Genesis 21:33) Well, the truth is, Abraham had just gone through twenty-five pretty rough years. Remember, he received the promise from God that God would give Abraham a son (Genesis 18) through his wife, Sarah, and through that son, God would give him a multitude of nations (Genesis 17). That through this son, all the nations of the earth would be blessed! You can bet that Abraham was like you or me and thought that this was going to happen next week. But then a year went by, then two, then five, then ten years went by. Abraham was

An Appeal To Heaven

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2019

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getting up in his years and Sarah had always been barren. They realized that they needed a miracle for something to happen, something that had never happened, to give Sarah the ability to conceive. Then, well, you know the story. They come up with a plan, let’s do this through your maid servant, Hagar (Genesis 16). Ishmael was born. Abraham said to God, “Here, here is my son, now do what You promised me.” But God said, “No, I told you it was going to be through Sarah. I’m not going raise up Ishmael as the one.” It even came to a point and time when Sarah and Abraham had given up completely. How do we know that? Because the last time God came and told them that He was going to do this, they both laughed a cynical laugh at God. Abram, 99, and Sarah, 90, were appealing to God to let Ishmael be the one, believing in their hearts that it wasn’t going to happen. But, we know that God worked with them and their unbelief and that they became stronger than ever in their faith. We also know that they did waiver in their faith prior to that point. Not only did Abraham impregnate his wife’s maid servant, he lied twice about Sarah to kings and said that she was his sister, not his wife; if you want her, you can have her. I can honestly say I never did quite understand that part, still don’t really. We don’t like to talk about those things that Abraham did, we like to keep them hidden. But God doesn’t keep anything hidden. I think, if truth be known, God wanted us to know that Abraham didn’t start out as an unwavering, covenant-keeping friend of God. Abraham, through his trials and errors, became an unwavering, covenant-keeping friend of God! Even Abraham had some ups and downs along the way and he even failed at times. God had to help him. Abraham was no more perfect than you or me. God had to help this man get through the

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hard times and worked with him so that he could finally get him to the place where God could do, through him, the things that He said he would do. So, looking back, not only was Abraham a man that walked in unbelief at times, he was also a liar (Genesis 20) and he was even a covenant breaker. Let this be encouraging to you, the Remnant! It sure is to me. See, God didn’t call Abraham based on the fact that he was perfect or even on the belief of things that he could do. God called him to do this based on what God knew He could do in him. God knew that Abraham didn’t have the faith, but He also knew that He could and would bring Abraham to that faith. God knew that Abraham wasn’t a covenant keeper, but He also knew He would nurture him to become a covenant keeper. God knew that Abraham was not necessarily His friend, but He also knew that in time, Abraham would be a good friend. As a matter of fact, God knew, when He spoke the prophesy to Abram (Genesis 12 & 14), exactly when and where Abram was going to fail Him. God knew that He would have to do something sovereign and supernatural to keep those kings from laying with Abraham’s wife, Sarah. But God said, “My faith wasn’t in you, Abraham. My faith was in Me. My faith wasn’t in your ability, My faith was in My ability. Because when I made the promise, I said that this is

what I can do through this man.” Then Abraham says, “I failed back there, but You’re the God that can reach back in time and heal history! When I messed things up, You straightened it out, You navigated me through Hagar and Ishmael (Genesis 21) and the kings and the lies (Genesis 20). You broke all of it off of me and You cleansed me and ultimately, the end result, was God said, “This is my friend.” (James 2:23) rr

Remember to join us on Wednesday nights for “Wednesday Night Prayer Meetings,”7 pm mtn., 8 pm central, 9 pm eastern.

Join us for “COFFEE with the Wranglers,” Saturday mornings at 7 am mtn., 8 am central, 9 am eastern.

An Appeal To Heaven

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2019

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“Jasher,” in Hebrew, means “the upright,” or, “correct record.”

The most important value of this book is the large quantity of additional detail it gives to

various accounts in the Old Testament. This book gives more details on Noah,

Nimrod, Abraham, Joseph and Potiphar’s wife and more.

Translated from the Hebrew into English and then first published in English in


Dirt to Soil, by farmer Gabe Brown, shares the story of desperation and hope, offering readers a wealth of innovative solutions for growing soil, restoring the

health of our ecosystems and making a profit from a family farm.

Brown has become the voice and face of regenerative agriculture around the world, reshaping the future of

agriculture. Available from Scriptures for America Ministry.

See the order form for details.

Click Here To Order $12.00

Click Here To Order $19.95

More Great Books For You

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2019

Page 16: AN APPEAL TO HEAVEN VOLUME 4, 2019 · AUTISM EPIDEMIC THE BOOK EVERY PARENT MUST READ Since the early 1980’s the number of vaccines given to children has nearly quadrupled— and


Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a vitamin-like substance found in virtually all cells of the human body, including the heart, liver, skeletal muscles and in most plant and animal cells. As an antioxidant, CoQ10 protects proteins, LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, and mitochondrial DNA from oxidative damage. As a participant in the production of cellular energy, CoQ10 helps ensure the body’s biggest energy consumers, the heart

and the brain, are well fed. Thanks to these two crucial functions, CoQ10 helps maintain blood pressure already within normal limits. It also supports the integrity of the heart muscle, increases circulation to the heart, improves exercise capacity and supports a normal heart rhythm. Additionally, it may protect against mild memory problems associated with aging. Of course, none of these benefits can be realized if CoQ10 isn’t absorbed. Research indicates that the body takes up only a small fraction of traditional powder-based (crystalline) CoQ10. The CoQ10 Absorption Dilemma CoQ10 is highly lipophilic (fat-loving) and in its powdered, crystalline form is practically insoluble in water. This makes the absorption of typical CoQ10 supplements: Poor: Less than 1% of orally administered CoQ10 permeates the aqueous environment of the gastro-intestinal tract into the blood. Highly variable: Some individuals absorb considerably less CoQ10 than others. Strongly dependent on stomach contents: Foods rich in fat enhance absorption. Making matters worse, CoQ10 is a large molecule, contributing to its poor absorption. Plus, when CoQ10 is produced commercially, crystals are formed that melt when they reach 118°F or 48°C. Upon cooling, CoQ10 recrystallizes, which frequently results in even larger crystals and further lowers CoQ10 bioavailability. [This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.] ENHANCED CO-Q-10 from Vibrant Vibrations is a patented, oil-based formulation of CoQ10 in the ubiquinone form with clinically proven enhanced absorption. How is this enhanced absorption achieved? The answer is simple, and you may have learned it in high school chemistry: like dissolves like. Because CoQ10 is lipophilic, the scientists who developed ENHANCED encapsulated CoQ10 in an oil-based formulation to give it partial solubility, while adding specific antioxidants to stop

The Crucial Natureof Co-Q-10

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2019

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recrystallization, thus enhancing its absorption. Ubiquinone CoQ10 Provides Multiple Health Benefits CoQ10 functions as a carrier to transfer electrons across the membrane of the mitochondria, the energy-producing “factories” within cells, to drive production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), or cellular energy.* Heart muscles have the greatest concentration of mitochondria, 5,000 per cell, which is one reason why CoQ10 is so important for cardiovascular function.* In its reduced form, ubiquinol, CoQ10 acts as an antioxidant to protect proteins, LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, and mitochondrial DNA from oxidative damage.* Research has shown that CoQ10 supplementation exerts a sparing effect on vitamin E in healthy subjects, helping to maintain its

antioxidant state. It also reduces levels of lipid peroxidation and thus supports cardiovascular health. Several factors can deplete CoQ10 levels in the body: Aging, certain medications, such as statin drugs and certain disease states. Rice Bran Oil Allows for Lymphatic Absorption CoQ10 crystalline powder does not dissolve completely in the lipid portion of the small intestine. The solution? Add fat. Not just any fat, however. Rice bran oil naturally contains gamma oryzanol, a plant sterol with lipid-like solubility. As a result, it enables the CoQ10 to be absorbed through the lymphatic system as a fat.

Tocopherols and Carotenoids Prevent Recrystallization A form of vitamin E, tocopherols enhance the biological function of CoQ10, which in turn helps maintain the antioxidant state of vitamin E. Carotenoids are antioxidant phytonutrients that give orange vegetables like carrots and sweet potatoes their characteristic hue. Both tocopherols and carotenoids interfere with the recrystallization of CoQ10, allowing for better absorption. ENHANCED-CO-Q-10 has enhanced bioavailability compared with CoQ10 crystalline powder. In a randomized, placebo-controlled study, 36 volunteers, aged 22 to 58, with normal CoQ10 levels and no previous history of CoQ10 supplementation, were divided into three groups: CoQ10 crystalline powder (in a two-piece hard shell capsule), ENHANCED-CO-Q-10 (as a hermetically sealed soft gel), or a placebo. In the first phase of the study, researchers determined steady state blood levels of CoQ10 by measuring fasting blood levels one week before supplementation began and again on days 0, 15, 30, and 45 (15 days after the end of supplementation). In the second phase

The Crucial Natureof Co-Q-10

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2019

Page 18: AN APPEAL TO HEAVEN VOLUME 4, 2019 · AUTISM EPIDEMIC THE BOOK EVERY PARENT MUST READ Since the early 1980’s the number of vaccines given to children has nearly quadrupled— and


of the study, peak absorption rate was determined by measuring fasting blood levels of CoQ10 before and five hours after taking a single 30-mg dose of the nutrient. Phase I: Steady State Basal Blood CoQ10 Levels Over 30 Days of Supplementation 2.2 x Higher Steady State Levels: After 30 days, blood CoQ10 levels of the CoQ10 crystalline powder group rose by 76% (0.85 μg/ml to 1.5 μg/ml) whereas those of the ENHANCED group rose by 165% (0.85 μg/ml to 2.26 μg/ml); meaning ENHACED boosts blood levels of CoQ10 2.2 times better than CoQ10 crystalline powder. 2 Weeks to Near-Peak Levels: CoQ10 levels approached peak plasma levels after two weeks and then rose more slowly for another two weeks. On-Going Supplementation Needed: Once supplementation ceased, plasma CoQ10 levels dropped back to baseline levels after two weeks, indicating the need for on-going supplementation. Phase II: Peak Absorption Rate 5 Hours After Ingestion 2.5x Higher Peak Absorption: CoQ10 levels of the CoQ10 crystalline powder group increased 0.19 μg/ml (average absorption of 3.4 μg/ml), whereas those of the Enhanced group increased 0.48 μg/ml (average absorption of 9.3 μg/ml), meaning a single dose of ENHANCED increased blood CoQ10 levels 2.5 times more than CoQ10 crystalline powder. 2.6x Higher Total CoQ10 Absorption: After five hours, the CoQ10 crystalline powder group had absorbed just 693 μg/ml CoQ10, while the ENHANCED group had absorbed an impressive 1,813 μg/ml, 2.6 times more. Better Absorption Means Increased Energy When the subjects’ CoQ10 levels rose, the practical results of supplementation were clear: The placebo group experienced no change in energy. Only 30% in the CoQ10 crystalline powder group felt such an increase. Yet a full 83% of subjects in the ENHANCED group noticed an

increase in energy.* That’s not surprising, because CoQ10 feeds the mitochondria, the tiny energy producers within cells. Who Should Take ENHANCED-CO Q-10? ENHANCED-CO-Q-10 is the perfect nutritional supplement for anyone who:•  Is over 40. With age, people produce less CoQ10 and become less efficient at converting ubiquinone (the form of CoQ10) to ubiquinol (the form used by the body to neutralize free radicals and create energy in the form of ATP). However, those who are young and healthy can easily make this conversion. Therefore, taking ubiquinol may be an unnecessary expense for this population.•  Need a boost in energy. One of the primary benefits of CoQ10

The Crucial Natureof Co-Q-10

Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2019

Page 19: AN APPEAL TO HEAVEN VOLUME 4, 2019 · AUTISM EPIDEMIC THE BOOK EVERY PARENT MUST READ Since the early 1980’s the number of vaccines given to children has nearly quadrupled— and


is to increase energy production.* In a randomized, placebo-controlled study, 83% of subjects taking ENHANCED noticed an increase in energy, compared to just 30% of those taking CoQ10 crystalline powder.*

•  Is Taking Statins. Certain medications, such as statin drugs, and certain disease states can deplete CoQ10 levels in the body. Supplementation can restore CoQ10 stores to normal levels (at least 0.8 μm/ml).

•  Wishes to strengthen cardiovascular or brain health.* Because of its role in energy production, CoQ10 supports the functioning of organs with a high demand for energy, such as the heart and brain. The heart muscle in particular is in constant need of a ready supply of energy to efficiently pump blood throughout the body. In fact, the majority of cardiac tissue is abundant in mitochondria, requiring ample and consistent levels of CoQ10 for proper functioning.

•  Is looking for a non-dietary way to increase CoQ10 levels. Most people don’t eat enough foods containing CoQ10, such as fatty fish, organ meats, and whole grains, to raise blood levels of the nutrient. In fact, the average dietary intake of CoQ10 is only 3-5 mg a day, much lower than what’s needed to have any effect on CoQ10 concentrations.

ENHANCED-CO-Q10 has been clinically proven to achieve significantly higher plasma concentrations of CoQ10 compared with CoQ10 crystalline powder.

Order today…see the Order Form 60 Softgels $30.00 120 softgels $60.00

For this NL only, SPECIAL 60 softgels for only $25.00 For this NL only, SPECIAL 120 softgels for only $50.00

Scriptures for AmericaPO Box 766, LaPorte, CO

The Crucial Natureof Co-Q-10

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The 2019 Branson Family Reunion, with the theme of, “An Appeal to Heaven,” was a great success, with Holy Spirit filled messages, worship, fellowship, healings and blessings. The nine messages presented encouraged, edified, educated and convicted those attending. They are now available, as a 9-CD set, to you, the Remnant, for a donation of $40.00.

Also, are you flying your, “An Appeal to Heaven,”

flag yet? Send us a picture of yours flying!

Click Here To Order $20.00

The Chaplains and Clergy of the RevolutionBy JT Headley

The ministers of the Gospel, over 200 years ago, prepared the colonies for the struggle for independence.

It was their vigorous preaching and active participation in the war itself that gave the religious sanction and inspiration for

the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. These messages are of special significance, first and foremost because they counteract the neutralizing preaching of today that tells Christians they should not become involved

in such matters. The Pastors then properly expounded the Word of God to the people.

...By faith conquered kingdoms, performed acts of righteousness, obtained promises. Hebrews 11:33

Available now from Scriptures for America

for a donation of $12.00, including shipping. See the order form for details. Click Here To Order $20.00

2019 BransonMessages

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Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2019

Much Needed Vitamins

Vitamin B12 benefits your mood, energy level, memory, heart, skin, hair, digestion and more. Vitamin B12 is also an essential vitamin for addressing adrenal fatigue, multiple metabolic functions, including enzyme production, DNA synthesis and hormonal balance, and maintaining healthy nervous and cardiovascular systems. Because of its wide-reaching roles within the body, a vitamin B12 deficiency can show up in many different negative symptoms, many of which are very noticeable, such as potential chronic fatigue, mood disorders like depression, and chronic stress or feeling run down. CLICK HERE TO ORDER

Beat the Flu The health benefits of Vitamin D are both preventative and reparative. Individuals with a suitable level of Vitamin D in their diet and those who supplement are typically much better equipped to fight off colds and ailments. There are links to preventing many types of diseases by consuming adequate Vitamin D. On sale now, buy 2, get 1 free! CLICK HERE TO ORDER

Potassium Iodate

Have some on hand, just in case….

Available from SFA Ministry. For details see the order form, or order online at


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Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2019

S/W Schedule & Radios

Frequency Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 9.475 10:00AM-10:00PM 9:00AM-9:00PM 8:00AM-8:00PM 7:00AM-7:00PM 5.830 10:00PM-10:00AM 9:00PM-9:00AM 8:00PM-8:00AM 7:00PM-7:00AM

Phone number to listen in: (712)-775-5613

SFA-1103 SW Radio: This high quality world receiver receives all the sta-tions in shortwave spectrums; Scriptures for America frequencies 9.475 and 5.830 come in loud and clear; plus side bands, SSB. This unique digital radio starts FM from 76.0MHZ. The SFA-1103 can decode (SSB) Single

Side Band broadcasts though its SSB circuitry, 1 kHz tuning steps and clarifier. It is much better than other radios costing much more and in a smaller size. This radio also comes with 3 Ni-MH AA rechargeable bat-teries, and an AC adaptor. The SFA-1103 uses LCD to simulate the analog dial on the radio. $119.00.

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Scriptures For America Ministry PO BOX 766,

LaPorte Colorado 80535 USA Office # 307-742-7582

Email [email protected]

Satellite and Internet Radio BroadcastingWe are broadcasting on the internet & satellite (audio) 24 hours per day,

7 days a week, heard all across North America and the world! The satellite is digital audio, Galaxy 19, KU band, Transponder 5.

Church Broadcast & Video StreamingThe Sunday morning Church services

at the LaPorte Church of Christ are video streamed live to our website,

www.scripturesforamerica.orgfrom 08:30am until noon, Mountain time.

(a high-speed internet connection is suggested). IPhone and Ipad accessible.

You can also attend our ‘Early Morning Church(the previous weeks’ sermon) at our website from

6:30—8:30 am, Eastern Time.

Visit our Network website, for the complete programming schedule and archives.

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Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Volume 4, 2019

SFA Order Form

Please fill in the following, and mail to SFA, PO Box 766, LaPorte, CO 80535: Name_________________________ Address_____________________________________ City, ST, Zip________________________ E-mail _________________ QTY ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE LINE TOTAL NEW How To End the Autism Epidemic book $19.95 NEW An Appeal To Heaven Prayer Flag flag $20.00 2019 Branson Family Reunion 9 CD Messages CD’s $40.00 NEW Vaccines, Autoimmunity... and Childhood Illnesses book $25.00 B-050 Murder by Injection by Eustace Mullins book $25.00 SPECIAL Warnings on Vaccinations Packet (2 CD’s by Pastor Peters AND informative pamphlet) packet $10.00 NEW BOOK Dirt to Soil: Regenerative Agriculture Book $19.95 NEW Non-Toxic Housecleaning book $12.95 B-043 Chaplains and Clergy of the Revolution book $12.00 B-042 The Book of Jasher book $12.00 M-9 GOD SAVE AMERICA AGAIN DVD DVD 10/$10.00 (INCLUDES AN AWESOME NAVY BLUE T-SHIRT ALSO) BR-005 Strong’s Concordance of the Bible reference $45.00 NEW ENHANCED CO-Q-10 60 SOFTGELS SPECIAL $25.00 NEW ENHANCED CO-Q-10 120 SOFTGELS SPECIAL $50.00 Prosta-Plus 90 tablets (prostate support) bottle $35.00 SALE PROSTA-PLUS BUY 2, GET 1 FREE SPECIAL $70.00 K-12 Oral Probiotics bottle $35.00 M18 Multi-Blend Oral Probiotics bottle $35.00 SALE Vitamine D3 - Buy 2, get 1 free SPECIAL $40.00 P-IOD Potassium Iodate 200 tablets tablets $20.00 VitB100 Vitamin B-100 TR 100 tablets 100 $30.00 VitB270 Vitamin B-270 TR 270 tablets 270 $55.00 BR-001 Bible in Modern English - Ferar Fenton Bible Bible $36.00 Anointing and Un-Anointing Oil oil N/C Earthpaste Toothpaste (please specify flavor; wintergreen, peppermint, spearmint, cinnnamon or lemon) tube $8.00 PUB-1 Public Law 97-180 $3.00 Donation for Scriptures for America Worldwide Ministry _____ Donation for BIBLE WORLD WIDE _____ Total Enclosed _____

Thank you for your prayers and financial support.