an index to the thirty-feventh volume of ‘ the philojophical tranfaflions, for the ye a...

AN INDEX To the Thirty-feventh Volume of ‘ the Philojophical Tranfaflions , For the Y ears 1731 and 1731- A. AMyand (Claudius) three Cafes communicated by him,. >Sr n. 4 11,p. *y8. A r c u c i o, to lay Children under, 0. 422, zy6, Atwell ( Jofepb ) Conje&ures upon the Nature of intermit- ting and reciprocating Springs, n. 424, ^.301. Aurora Borealis feen in M a r y l a n d,00. 22, 1730, by Richard Lew is , 0. 418, P’ 6$. Another feen in N ew -EngOB . 22, 1730, by Greenwood,y #.418, />. yy. 8, Bahama IJlands, Natural Hiftory o£ them, 410, f. 174, y ft* 447* Bark ufed againft Mortifications, n. 426, p. 42p. Brighton(Henry) Defcription of the Water-works at London bridgey n. 4I 7> £' f* n --< ____ „ Obfervations of the Weather at for 1707, 0. 423, p. z6i. Belchier (John) of an Hydrops O v a r i j y in a Woman that had been tapped y7 Times, 0. 423, 279. I* Blon (James: Chrijlopher) Printing in Imitation oi Paint- ing and Weaving-Tapeftry, in the fame Manner as Bro - cades, 0*4tPj £> , Botanical Invitation to forward an Hiuory of the Hants or SwiJferlandybj Dr. John-Jacob Sch s ■

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Page 1: AN INDEX...AN INDEX To the Thirty-feventh Volume of ‘ the Philojophical Tranfaflions, For the Ye a r s 1731 and 1731- A. AMyand (Claudius) three Cafes communicated by him,. >Sr n


I N D E XTo the Thirty-feventh Volume of ‘

the Philojophical Tranfaflions,F o r t h e Y e a r s 1 7 3 1 a n d 1 7 3 1 -

A.AMyand (Claudius) three Cafes communicated by him,.

>Sr n. 4 11,p. *y8.Arcuccio, to lay Children under, 0. 422, zy6,

Atwell (Jofepb) Conje&ures upon the Nature of intermit­ting and reciprocating Springs, n. 424, ^.301.

Aurora Borealis feen in Maryland, 00. 22, 1730, by RichardLewis, 0. 418, P’ 6$.

Another feen in New-EngOB. 22, 1730, byGreenwood,y#.418, />. yy.

8,Bahama IJlands, Natural Hiftory o£ them, 410, f. 174,

y ft* 447*Bark ufed againft Mortifications, n. 426, p. 42p.

Brighton (Henry) Defcription of the Water-works at Londonbridgey n. 4I 7> £' f*n - - <____ „ Obfervations of the Weather atfor 1707, 0. 423, p. z6i.

Belchier (John)of an Hydrops Ovarijyin a Woman that had been tapped y7 Times, 0. 423, 279.

I* Blon (James: Chrijlopher) Printing in Imitation oi Paint­ing and Weaving-Tapeftry, in the fame Manner as Bro­cades, 0*4tPj P» £>,Botanical Invitation to forward an Hiuory of the Hants or

• SwiJferlandybjDr. John-Jacob Sch

s ■

Page 2: AN INDEX...AN INDEX To the Thirty-feventh Volume of ‘ the Philojophical Tranfaflions, For the Ye a r s 1731 and 1731- A. AMyand (Claudius) three Cafes communicated by him,. >Sr n

I N D E X.Boy, Ele&rical, n.417, p.39.Boy with a dillemper’d Skin befet with Briftles like a Brulh,

n. 424, p. 2.99*Breynius {J. P) Hift. Natural. TmUorij, quod

polonicum vulgo audit. An Account of it. 421 116.n. 426, p. 444.—— - — — Corrections and Amendments of his Hiftory of the Coccus Radicum, n. 42 p. 444.

Bulbous Plants flowering upon Water, ». 418, p. 80, 81.C.

Calculi in veftca fponte fratti, {ft per excreti .in Epift. Laurentij Heifteri. n. 417, p. 13.

Carolina, Natural Hillary of it, n. 420, p. 174, ». 42 A 447-

de Caflro Sarmento {Jacob) Letter to Dr. Mortimer, concern­ing Diamonds lateiy found in Brazil, #.421, p. ipp.

Catesby {Mark) Natural Hillory of Carolina, and the Ba~ hama lflands, n. 420, p. 174, n.

Chartarum, diver [a general, Sir Jo , n. 420,^.177. Child with the Bowels hanging out of the Belly, 422,

p. 278.Chinam, n. 422, p. 234.Clerk (Sir John) de Sty Us Vete {ft diverfts Chartarum

generibus, n. 420, p. 177.Cocci Radicum TmCtorijHift. Na n. 411,p. 116.

n. 42 6,p. 444.—---- Polonicus, ib, n. 42 5, p. 444.

Cockburn {William) of the Difficulty of curing Fluxes, n. 42c, p. }8f.

Colicus morbus Jingularis, n. 422, p. 23 Colours, by the three primitive, red, yellow, and blue, may be

reprefentcd any viable ObjcCt, 41 101.Comet fe$r\Feb. 19, 173 bn. 427, de Cometis, 8 . 4 2 2 , p. 274.Contraycrva, an Account of it, n. 421, 1 97.Corrections of the Errors of Mr. Hadley's Quadrant, n. 427,

p.372.Cortex Peruvianus ad Gangrenam, &c. n. 42 p. 434. Coventry, Gbfervations of the Weather there for 1707, 423,

**>T. *

Page 3: AN INDEX...AN INDEX To the Thirty-feventh Volume of ‘ the Philojophical Tranfaflions, For the Ye a r s 1731 and 1731- A. AMyand (Claudius) three Cafes communicated by him,. >Sr n

Curvarum Hyperbolicarum Quadrat per Sam. Klingen-ftierna, n. 417, p.47.

Cyrillus (Nichol.) Account of an extraordinary Eruption ofMount Fefuvius, in March 1730, n. 414, p. 33

D.Davis's Quadrant, n. 413, p. 2.78.Derham (William)Letter to Sir H. , concerning the

Froft in Jan. 17375 n.417, 1-----— Abftra&of the Meteorological Diaries, for 1707,

1717, 171 6,n42,3, p. 161.Defagulier's (J. 7".) Experiment of the Fri&ion of the fe«

veral Parts of a compound Engine, 423,<----- two Experiments of the FriCtion of Pullies, n. 427,A 3P4*■ ... ■ Experiment explaining a mechanical Paradox,». 4 1 P , I 2 f .

Diamonds lately found in Brazil, 421, p. ipp. Dove (John) Letter to Dr. Halley, of a Comet feen Febru­

ary 19 173LDouglas (Dr. James) Account of his Brother’s Book of the

Cure of Mortifications by the Bark, n. 4 26,p. 42p.•— (JA ) of the Cure of Mortifications by the Bark,. n. 42.6, p. 42-P-

3Buct)3em cerevifus genus, 417, 14.E.

('7obi) Account of a Book, entituled,¥ Tinted zt Confi ant inople 172,8, 42,4, A 338.

Edwards (Anne) a large umbilical Rupture, n. 411. a 211. Elettrical Attraction without any Contact, n, 426, p. 407.

----- Bodies, a Catalogue of them, 423, 2pi.Electricity, Experiments by Stephen , «. 417, 18.

«. 423, a 287* ». 426, a 3 7- —— of Water, by the fame, n. 422, 7.----- permanent, 423, a *87.—— convey’d by a Packthread 34 Foot long, hanging perpendicular, n. 417, p. z6.

----—*----- _ _ — 11 !■ 767 Foot long, carriedhorizontally, and fupported by crofs filk Lines, .A 31? and 886 Feet, ibid. p. 44.

• ------ not interrupted by a Loadftone, ibid.p. 32.■ ■ —» carried feveral Ways at once, p. 3£•

O 0 o

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Electricity convey’d from the Tube, by holding it near the Line of Communication without touching it, 33.

Elton ( John) a new Quadrant, n. 423, 173.Eye, extraordinary Tumour in it, 0. 416, p. 429. figuris quas induere , 0. 422, p, 240.

Fluxes, of the Difficulty of curing them, n.qif.p. 387. Fountain ebbing and flowing, an Artificial, 0. 424, p. 317. Freezing of Rivers proceeds rather from the Continuance of

the Cold than from the Excels of it, n. 417, 18.------ - of Water infiantaneous, an Inftance of it, 0. 418,P-79-

- ---- — at Naples at Thermomet. when at London at6f°.n. 424,/>. 33 6 .

Frozen (f.) Letter to Dr. Jurin^ concerning rtie Small- Pox at Haftings, n.419, p. 108.

Friction of the feveral Parts of a compound Engine, an Ex­periment to fhew that it maybe reduced to Calculation,

n. 422, p. 292.------ of Pullies, two Experiments by Dr. ,n. 42^, p. 394-

Froft in January 17!!, a Letter concerning it from William Derhamn.417. p> 1 6.

G.Gale (Roger) Extra# of Clerk's Difiert. de veterum, &

dherfis Chart arum gencrikus, n. 420,/?. 177.Gangrena, See. Cortice peruviano cur at a 0. 42(5, p. 434.Gfc, 0.422, p. 233.Gingerly Oil, n. 42^, p. 234.Grumman, 42,2*/>. 231.Graj; (Stephen) Experiments concerning Electricity, 04 417,

p- 18, 0. 422,/;. 227, 0. 423, />. 287, 0. 425, />. 397. Greenwood (jfaac) of an Aurora Bor0. 418, p. r.

H. ' ; • '...Hadley (John) new Inflrument for taking Angles, 0. 420,

P- »• 42f? A 34i-— —— Obfervations made for the Trial of his Qua­

drant, (with Corre&fons of the Errors) 0. 427,^. 341. Halley (Dr. Edmund) Propofol for finding the Longitude at

Sea within a Degree, n.^n^p. 187.Haftings, anAccount of the Small Pox there, 0.419,^.108.

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Heifler (Laurentm)Hijl, Calculi vefica fponte Rurethram excreti n. 41 p. 1^ ^

Hogdfon (James) Catalogue of the Eclipfes of the four Satel- htes of Jupiter,for the Year 173a, n. 4,P, p. Iop fori7?35 *• 4^4, p. 321,

Hopkms (.7.) of an extraordinary large Horn of the Stag- iin , ta<en out of the Sea on the Coaft of ,n% p* 2yy%

Horn, an extraordinary one of the Stag-kind taken out of the oea on the Coalt of Lancajhirc, n. 422, 0 207 Brnfimimiliarn) Account of the Contrayerva, ». 4ii,

Hoxton (Capt. P/alter) Some Obfervations made ?t Sea ». 42 3, 71.178. *' " of an unufual Agitation in the MagneticNeedle, 417, p. f3.

Human Body ele&rical, 0. 417,/). p,(Dr. 7 ) Epifi. ad J a c . d c

g u l a r i , 422,/. 236. JHydrops Ovary,a Cafe of one in a Woman that had been

tapped 77 Times, ». 423, .279.I.

Jaggery, n. 422, p. 231.Instrument,a new one fbr taking Angles, n. 147n- 4zhP-341-

Ipecacuanha, its Ufe in Diarrheas,n. 427,^ 387 Jupiters Satellites, a Catalogue of the Ecliplefc of them for

the Year 1732. 0. 419, p. iop, for 1733, 424,r ' Satellitum Immerfiones & Obf. Pekini,

iyi9,n.4io,p. i$2, Jnn.ijzo, 424, 31 <S„K. '

Kegler {Ignatius) Obf. Eclipfis S, i f 3 ^ 1730, ». 420, I7P-

------*-------Satellit jovis Obf ib. 182, 0. 424, U6.Klein {Jac. Theod) of the Foffile Skull of an Ox : The

Plica Polonica, and a large Tumour in the Eye, n. 416, P.41J. ■

Klwgenftterna {Samuel) CurvarumHyperbolic arum ,n. 4 T 7 ,^4 f

i&ofmac etj Polonis, n. 411, p. 217,

I N D E X .

O 0 o 2 Laurel-

Page 6: AN INDEX...AN INDEX To the Thirty-feventh Volume of ‘ the Philojophical Tranfaflions, For the Ye a r s 1731 and 1731- A. AMyand (Claudius) three Cafes communicated by him,. >Sr n

L.Laurel-fFater a Poifon,#. 418, p. 84. n.

_____ mix’d with Brandy for a Dram,/^ p. of....------ . kills by Clyfter, ib.p. 8 9._____ fome Antidotes propofed, ib. 100, n. 410,/). 172.

Lauro-cerafus, the diftilled Water of its Leaves a Poifon,n.418,^.84, n.42.0, p. 1 3* . r . . f . .

I.aywell near Brixamin Dev onflow e->a Defcuption of us ebing and flowing, n.414, p>3° 3* 0

{Richard) of an ^#rwi »• 4i°> <>9-JLiwr, an extraordinary Impoflumation of it, 0. 420,/). 184. Lonitude, a Propofal for finding it at Sea within a Degree,

by Dr. Halley., n. 411, p. i8f.Loofenefs, the Difficulty of curing it, ». 4 if, p. 386.

M. 'Macbiti (John) an uncommon Cafe of a diftcmper’d Skin,

Madden (Thomas)Account of two Women poifon’d by the Ample diftill’d Water of Laurel Leaves, is'c. n. 418,

Magnetic Needle, an Account of an unufual Agitation, B.417. p■ f3-

Magnetifm of Steel, n.423, />• 294.Marcel {Arnold) Abltraft of his Letter to Dr. , of

the Magnetifm of Steel, 0. 423,/*. 294.Met (fey(Dr. Richard Middleton) Account of P. s

Hift. Nat Cocci Radicumfinttmjy&c.0. 421, 216.Maupertuis{Petrus Ludovicus)de , induete pojfunt, Problem If. cum conjettura de , £#* aliquando prodeunt veldeficiunt v & deannulo 422,/>. 240.Metals receive the ele&ric Virtue, 0. 417, 22.Meteorological Diaries, for 1707, 1717, 17165 abtlratted by William Derham, n.42 3,/>. 261.

Meteorologies Obf. P atari] habit, 0. 421 ,/>. 201.. _ _ Ephemerides Ultrajettin, ^000 1729, 0. 425, p. 377, 1730, 0.426,/;. 408, 1731, p- 417;

Michelottus {PetrusAntonias) de ingenti Sanguinis Fomitu per- quam gelidijfmisbrumali tempore potionibus curato, 419,


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Middleton (Capt. Chrijlopher) Obfervations made in nine Voy­ages to Hudfon's Bay, n.418, p.71, 76. *

Miller {Philip) Experiments relating to the Flowering of Bulbous Plants upon Water, 0. 418, p.

MoonEcliple, Obfervation in NJune 18, 1721 n.423, p .iy i . ' 5

Morbi ultrajem graffantes.Anno 1719, n. 42 c, fry, andfeq. n. 425, p. 408.

Mortar, the. Method of making the beft at Madrafs in - India, by Jf. P y k e , n. 422,/>. 231.

Mortifications cured by the Bark, 0. 426,7.429.Mortimer {Cromwell)Account of /<? Eton's Printing and Wea­

ving, 0. 419, p, 101.Account of Natural Hi (lory of

Carolina, See. 0. 420, p. 174, 426, 7. 447.------------------Experiments concerning the poifonousQuality of Laurel-Water, 0.420, 1 63.

Mufchenbrcek (Petrus v a n ) E p h e Ultrajeftime, Anno 17*9,0. 4**5 P• lf%AnnisijjoSc 1731,0.426, 7.408.

MufcularMotion, 0. 424,/?. 329-.Muta farrica, 0. 424, p. 339.

N.N e r v e s , a Fluid in them, 0.424, 7. 327.

----- do not contrad themfelves, ib.p, 328,New-England,Obfervations of the Weather there for 1717,

0. 423, 7.262, for 1716, ib.p. 263.Nicholls {Frank) of a Polypus refembling a Branch of the

Pulmonary Vein, coughed up, 0.419, p 123.O.

Obfervations of Latitude and Variation from Java-head to- St. Helena, y/000 17H, 0.424, 7. 331.— made for the Trial of Mr. Hadley's Quadrant,0. 427, p. 341 •

— taken in nine Voyages to Hudfon's Bay, by Capt.C. Middleton,{hewing the Variation of the Compals,

&c. 0.418,7). 71.Obfervations on the Weather, in a Voyage to Hudfon's Bay,

by Ca'pt. Middleton, n. 418,7. 76.Ox, a large Foffile Skull of one, 0. 426,7). 427.


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I N D E X.

Paradox, a Mechanical, that two Bodies of equal Weight do not lofe their JEfuilibrum, by bang removed, one ia.thet from the other nearer to, the Center, 0.419, p. 1 2f.

Percy™ {Andreas) Obf. Ecliffi Solis i f Jul. 1730, n. 410,

p_’79, ___Immerf. & EJovis Obf.Peklni 1729, ib.p. i8z, Anno 1730, n. 424,^. 316-

Plants, Catalogue of Fifty, n.4*7»f- h Piicce Poloniescafus rarijimus, #. 4i?> P- f 0’ 4265

PlicaPolonicano real Difeafe, butowing toNaftioefs, n.417,

Marchio Polenus (; Johannes) Summanum Obfervationum -teorologicarum Paiavij habit n. 421, 201.

S g r S S X i i . o f i h l S — , v„„ , » » g M

p z I d " s a c s * * ® " “ » • * 4A THT

Printing in Imitation of Painting, 4*9’ l-°l \ aPyke (Jfaae) of making Mortar at in Eafi-India,

n.422. />. 231.

^ev^one^fortaking Altitudes' wtlrout 1m Hori- zon, by Elton, 423’ 273*

R.M (7«M Account of alargeUmbilical Rupture, £ 4H,

Rmd(Ifaac) Catalogue of yo Plant?, «* 4X7> I? w* 4225

Robie {Thomas) Obfervations of the Weather m ,

A iU fo 'r’ . < * b , 7* *►

/!,«; ( D ? j £ S ofe Antidotes to the Poifon of Laurel- Water,». 418, j . ioo.

S«;-5f7to (OSm) Uv-tno Richard , of the ^

Page 9: AN INDEX...AN INDEX To the Thirty-feventh Volume of ‘ the Philojophical Tranfaflions, For the Ye a r s 1731 and 1731- A. AMyand (Claudius) three Cafes communicated by him,. >Sr n

I N D E X.Sanguinis vomitus ingens perquam ,

n. 4ip,/>. i2p.Saturni Annulus, ». 422, p. i f f .

Shipton ( J o h a n n e s )de ufu Corticis ad Gangrenam 6cc.». 42<5> P' 434.

JS&tff*/ (Thomas) Letter to Sir Hans , of an extraordinary Impoftumarion of the Liver, ». 420,/?. 184,

diflemper’d, befet with a kind of Brifties like a Bruih, n. 424, p. 2pp.

Small-pox, an Account of it at , by Prewen, 41P,y>. 108.

•Ww Eclipfis Julijif , 1730, Pekini, n. 420, p. 17p.Sphacelus, See. Cortice Peruviano 426^.434*

Spirits, nervous and animal, ill named, #. 424, p. 3 30. Sprengell (Sir Conrad) Letter concerning the Plica .

^.417,^.51.Springs intermitting and reciprocating, ». 424,/>. 301.

—— — ——— near Brixam, in , ». 424,A 3 3 •

jSW, its Magnetifm, ». 423,^. 2p4#*— imparts Magnetifm to other Steel, #.423, p. 196.

St elite, qua aliquando prodeunt vel deficiunt, n. 422, />. 274. Stomachy a Stri&ure in the Middle of it, in a Girl, 0.422,

p. 260.Ele&rical, 417, p. 22.(Alexander) Experiments to prove the Exigence of a

Fluid in the Nerves, 0. 424, p. 327. de Stylis Veterum, Sir John Clerk, 0 . .42O , p. i f f .

T.Tapejlry weaving it in the fame Manner as Brocades, 0.41 p,

p. 101.Toddy, 0. 4 2 2 , p. 2 3 7 .Trezvald(Martin) Letter relating to an extraordinary In-

Itance of the almoft inftantaneous Freezing of Water $ and of Tulips and other bulbous Plants flowering much fooner when their Bulbs are placed on Bottles filled with Water, than when planted in the Ground, n. 418,

Tube made Ufe of by Mr. Gray, in his Eledrical Experiments > a Defcription of it, 0.417, p. 20.

Tuhhfat ilkibar, a Turkijh Book, 0. 424, p. 338,Tumour of the Eye, a large one, n, 426, p. 42.p>


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V.Variation, Obfervations of, n. 424, 331*

-------- of,the Coropafs, »• 4i8> P- 7l;Valcr ( Abrahamus) Plicapolonica cafus rarijjimus^n.^ij,p. Vegetables E lectrical,417, 2rl. . ; rVej'uvius,Mount, an extraordinary Eruption of, in March

Upmilflerin Efex, Obfervations of the Weather there [for 1707, for 1717, ib.f. 162., for 17163 th.

p.z63.Urine, an extraordinary Suppreffion of it, in a Woman, m 42i-

p. 2.f9* W.WaterEleCtrical, n. 41a, p.

Water-works at London-Bridge, by Brighton, n. \vj,

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