an innocent man was assaulted by the police

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Post on 08-Apr-2018




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  • 8/6/2019 An Innocent Man Was Assaulted by the Police.


    An innocent man was assaulted by the police.

    Manikkam Sandanam, aged 48 years, father of 4 children, is an estate worker;

    He resides in 35th Division at Srikadura Watta, Janapadaya, Mathugama.

    As he was sick on June 7, 2010, he did not go to work and was at home. Whenhe was preparing to light the oil lamp to perform his worships, two unknown

    people came and asked him to go with them. He said that he had to light the

    lamp and perform his prayers. But one of them told him to forget about it and

    join them without delay. When he asked them as to what was the reason for

    such hurry and they said that there were two bags of manure to be delivered to

    Jagath Mahathaya's section.

    He explained to them that as his daughter and he were not well, he could not go

    for work for a couple of days. Without considering his inability, they insisted

    and compelled him and also promised to pay him for the job.

    But Sandanam did not accept and suggested to find some one e lse for the work

    if it was very urgent.

    Then they sawed him a handcuff and told that if you were taken handcuffed in

    front of others it would make you be very ashamed. They told him that they

    have come to take him to the Matugama Police Station to take a statement and

    mentioned that the OIC is waiting at the lowland.

    As he understood that the unknown persons were from police, he agreed to go

    with them and told them that he was not scared to go to the police station

    because he did not commit any crime.

    He put on his shirt given by his daughter and went with them. They took both

    Sandanam and Devaraj, who was also there arrested by the police, to the jungle.

    After going to a certain distance, police left Sandanam and a PC at a side and

    took Deveraj alone deep into the jungle.

    After a while, Sandanam heard Deveraj shouting, 'Oh God, don't hit me.' Thenafter a short while, it was ordered that Sandanam also to be brought into the

    jungle. When Sandanam was taken he saw that Deveraj was handcuffed. A

    policeman pointing a place asked Sandanam as to that was the place where they

    brew arrack. But Sandanam rejected and confirmed that his non -involvement in

    any job of arrack brewing.

  • 8/6/2019 An Innocent Man Was Assaulted by the Police.


    Then a policeman who introduced himself as S.I. Wickremarachchi, slapped

    him saying, 'don't lie to me'. As the slap was very strong, he felt his cheek

    became senseless, and started to faint. The police ordered both of them to walk

    forward. However, as he was assaulted severely Sandanam could not do so, and

    said he could not. Then a policeman who was having a pole in his hand, beathim by the pole. He begged to the policeman not to batter him and assured them

    his non-involvement in any crime.

    When moving through the jungle, they had to climb an upper land, where

    Deveraj could not do so, due to the pain of the assault and further his hands

    were cuffed. Hence, Sandanam helped and gave his support to climb. While

    walking they came across a rubber estate where policemen asked them once

    again about the brewery. As they denied and said about the ir non-involvement,

    they were assaulted and Deveraj screamed and begged as he could not bear the

    pain. The leeches in the jungle were scrawling in their bodies and Sandanam

    removed them and also the leeches which were sticking in the body of Deveraj.

    After that, the policemen took both, Sinadanam and Devaraj in his motor

    bicycle to the Matugama police station. The relatives of Sandanam were already

    assembled at the police station.

    At around 3.00 p.m. Sandanam was taken out of the police cell and one

    policeman recorded his personal information and got his signature to a book

    without reading or explaining it to him.

    Sadanam requested the police to release him, but they replied although it was

    urgent for him, they were not worried about.

    At 6.30 p.m. Sandanam was released on bail and he was told to be present

    before courts on the 17th

    . The police also told that the HQI was on leave till 12th

    and he could meet him on the 12th


    On June 12, 2010 around 6.30 p.m. after long hours waiting, he met the HQI.

    Sandanam explained all to the HQI. HQI asked him whether he could recognize

    the police officer who arrested and brought him to the police station. He said he

    could identify if he saw him. Then one policeman came there and Sandanam

    was asked whether he was the person who assaulted both Sandanam and

    Devaraj and brought to the police station. Sadanam replied positively pointing

    that policeman.

  • 8/6/2019 An Innocent Man Was Assaulted by the Police.


    The HQI inquired that policeman about Sandanam and his previous

    involvements in offenses. Then HQI said to Sandanam that they won't file a

    case on him and also told him to inform the police if he knew any persons who

    make and sell arrack. He left him go home.

    But Sandanam was not happy and was scared that the police would file a suitagainst him. He took a letter from the head of the estate and went again to meet

    the HQI. He questioned him as to why he came and asked about the relationship

    between him and the woman. Sandanam told to him that she was her daughter.

    Then the HQI looked down ashamed. Sadanam gave him the letter he br ought

    from the head of the estate. He read it and threw it away. The HQI told him that

    the police will not file a case against him and asked him to be relaxed.

    Harshi C. Perera and M.L.A.M Issmail