an interview by kourosh ziabari adrian salbuchi ... 652.pdf · adrian salbuchi is an...

1 ADELAIDE INSTITUTE PO Box 3300 Adelaide 5067 Online Australia ISSN 1440-9828 Mob: 61+401692057 Email: [email protected] Web: November 2012 No 652 __________________________________________________________________________________________ AN INTERVIEW BY KOUROSH ZIABARI Adrian Salbuchi: Washington, London and Tel Aviv don’t tolerate true democracy Adrian Salbuchi is an internationally-renowned Argentine author, political analyst, speaker and radio/TV commentator. His articles are widely published and translated in different countries and he regularly appears on such TV channels and Russia Today and Press TV to comment on a variety of international issues. He is a regular contributor to the Montreal- based Center for Research on Globalization and the New Dawn magazine. He is also founder of the Second Republic Project in Argentina, which is expanding internationally. Adrian Salbuchi Salbuchi has always been one of my heroes in the Latin America and I’ve always wished to have the opportunity to conduct an in-depth interview with him on different international issues. My Spanish friend, co-warrior and activist Moises Herrezuelo who regularly translates my articles into Spanish kindly helped me in contacting Adrian Salbuchi and paved the way for the conduction of this interview. In our conversation, I discussed with Adrian Salbuchi the dominance of the imperial power over the developing nations, the role of global Zionism in shaping the international politics, and the suffering of independent, non-aligned nations under the political, media and economic pressure of the United States and its allies. " I believe that the world’s foremost problem lies in the fact that the United States of America, Britain and Allies have huge, albeit illegitimate power, so that today they rule the world; however Israel and Zionism rule the US, UK and EU," said Salbuchi in the concluding remarks of this interview. What follows is the complete text of my interview with the Argentine writer and political analyst Adrian Salbuchi.

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Page 1: AN INTERVIEW BY KOUROSH ZIABARI Adrian Salbuchi ... 652.pdf · Adrian Salbuchi is an internationally-renowned Argentine author, political analyst, speaker and radio/TV commentator



PO Box 3300

Adelaide 5067 Online

Australia ISSN 1440-9828

Mob: 61+401692057

Email: [email protected]


November 2012 No 652



Adrian Salbuchi: Washington, London and Tel Aviv don’t

tolerate true democracy

Adrian Salbuchi is an internationally-renowned Argentine author, political analyst, speaker

and radio/TV commentator. His articles are widely published and translated in different

countries and he regularly appears on such TV channels and Russia Today and Press TV to

comment on a variety of international issues. He is a regular contributor to the Montreal-

based Center for Research on Globalization and the New Dawn magazine. He is also founder

of the Second Republic Project in Argentina, which is expanding internationally.

Adrian Salbuchi

Salbuchi has always been one of my heroes in the Latin America and I’ve always wished to have the opportunity to conduct an in-depth interview with him on

different international issues. My Spanish friend, co-warrior and activist Moises Herrezuelo who regularly translates my articles into Spanish kindly helped me in

contacting Adrian Salbuchi and paved the way for the conduction of this interview. In our conversation, I discussed with Adrian Salbuchi the dominance of the imperial power over the developing nations, the role of global Zionism in shaping the

international politics, and the suffering of independent, non-aligned nations under the political, media and economic pressure of the United States and its allies.

" I believe that the world’s foremost problem lies in the fact that the United States of America, Britain and Allies have huge, albeit illegitimate power, so that today they rule the world; however Israel and Zionism rule the US, UK and EU," said Salbuchi in

the concluding remarks of this interview. What follows is the complete text of my interview with the Argentine writer and

political analyst Adrian Salbuchi.

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Kourosh Ziabari: In one of your articles, you

raised an interesting point, that if people in the

United States, France or Britain commit the

mistake of choosing bad leaders, then they will not

be the only ones affected by such a wrong

electoral decision, but millions of people in other

parts of the world will suffer from the

consequences of that bad choice. What’s the

reason in your view? What’s the source of such an

enormous amount of power that enables the

imperial powers to attack, invade, conquer and kill

at will, without being held responsible?

Adrian Salbuchi: First and foremost, we need to

understand that Real Power today does not just lie

with Sovereign Nation-States but that, over and

above, it has been usurped by a very small but

extremely powerful and dangerous clique of Supra-

National Global Private Power Masters that are

deeply embedded into the public and private power

structures of the United States, the United

Kingdom, the European Union and just about every

other State in the Western World.

These Global Power Masters operate from inside

the US, UK and EU but are not of the US, UK and

EU. They merely use and abuse these powerful

nations to promote their own interests, objectives

and agendas, notably their state-of-the-art war

technologies, financial clout and military prowess

to invade any country anywhere in the world they

so desire. They do this not based on the real

National Interest of the US, UK and EU, but on

their own supranational interests. Within this

global power structure Zionism is the key factor

that, once understood, helps to explain most if not

all of the dreadful things that are taking place in

today’s bleak, dark world. Actually, the Global

Power Masters love and honor no nation’s flag –

whether of the US, UK, or the EU countries –

except for one for which they permanently fight:

the flag of Israel.

The source of that power is the combined ability of

the Global Power Masters to use banking and

finance as their key source of leverage; the media

as their key instrument of psychological warfare;

multinational corporations as their resource,

industrial and technological platform; and all

governments – notably the US, UK and EU – as

their proxies for political, economic, financial,

diplomatic and military intervention.

Kourosh Ziabari: You once quoted the book

"Report from Iron Mountain on the Possibility and

Desirability of Peace" as writing that "world peace

is neither desirable nor in the best interests of

society, because war not only serves important

economic functions but also plays key social and

cultural roles." Who benefits from waging wars,

military expedition on the weaker and poorer

countries and plundering their resources? Why do

some powers see their survival and empowerment

in going into war with the other nations?

Adrian Salbuchi: The "Report from Iron

Mountain" very candidly explains the motivations

behind today’s New World Order even though it

was written 45 years ago. Actually, the fact that it

was written so long ago serves to prove how

consistent their long-term planning really is.

The Global Power Masters have a hierarchical,

pyramid-like power structure where things look

different depending on the level of your vantage

point on it.

Each "soldier" recruited (i.e., paid) to play their

role for this New World Order operates on a "need

to know basis" - as do intelligence agencies, for

example. Since at the pinnacle of the power

pyramid lie the Zionist and Jewish interests, they

long-ago realized that they needed to implement a

very sophisticated model and method of global

domination. Otherwise, there would be no way that

a tiny community of 16 million people (global

Jewish population according to most official Jewish

and Zionist sources) would be able to exert control

over a planet with 7 billion people. Do the math:

Jews barely represent 0.2% of global population;

in other words 99.8% of Mankind is NOT Jewish

and yet we not only live in countries where Zionist

and Jewish influence is overwhelming – the US,

UK, EU, Argentina, Brazil, Australia, Canada, Chile,

Colombia, Mexico… - but our whole world’s mental

outlook, values and beliefs are becoming more

Jewish day-by-day, thanks to their full control over

three key global Psychological Warfare weapons in

their hands:

(a) The global mainstream media,

(b) The education system in most countries, which

they control by controlling governments, and

(c) The so-called entertainment industry,

beginning with its flagship, Hollywood.

Kourosh Ziabari: The 16th summit of the heads

of state of the Non-Aligned Movement was held in

Iran almost two months ago. I saw that you wrote

an article about it. What do you think about this

movement and the role it can play in resisting and

countering the threats posed by the global

superpowers to the developing nations? Can this

movement promote itself as an alternative to the

undemocratic structure of the United Nations which

is in the hands of a few veto-yielding powers?

Adrian Salbuchi: As an Argentine follower of the

very lucid political doctrine and teachings of our

former president Juan Domingo Perón, I can only

hail all countries that support treading a non-

aligned path. When Perón first came to power in

1946, in a world that was just splitting into two

major power blocks – the US and its allies, and the

former USSR and its allies – Perón was the first

Statesman to come out with what he called the

"Third Position", i.e., Argentina would neither align

with nor become subservient to the US nor the


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He kept to his guns; Argentina became the key

power in the region; in 1951 Perón started a

movement towards political (not just economic)

union with Brazil and Chile (dubbed the ABC

Movement), but the global and local Powers That

Be promptly had him ousted by treacherous liberal

pro-US military Argentine army and navy officers

in September 1955. At the time, Winston Churchill

was Prime Minister of Britain and is quoted to have

said in Parliament that "the ouster of the Tyrant

Perón is the most important event for Britain since

we won World War II".

Ever since then, Argentine has slumped into

greater and greater decay and decadence down to

our present horrific predicament under the

Kirchner Government who call themselves

"Peronists" but are, in fact, the complete opposite:

they as Social Democrats.

Now the Non-Aligned Movement has had many

internal changes and challenges. It has tried to

adapt as best it could as the Cold War years went

on and as governments in each member country

changed. It has been a contradictory movement

which was all but scrapped after the demise of the

USSR, however now many countries are coming to

realize that Non-Alignment’s new definition would

be: "Non-Alignment with the Supra-National

Power Masters and their Zionist Controllers".

There lies the key foreign policy decision that

every country needs to make, and that includes

the US and UK.

Thankfully, and for different reasons, two key

global powers have chosen to put a brake on the

global Western Hegemons: a reborn Russia and a

streaming-forwards China.

We see this today in Syria and also in Iran. Thank

God Vladimir Putin is still in power in Russia even if

only for the purpose of maintaining this

geopolitical balance of power.

The Non-Aligned Movement is not, however, the

organization our countries really need. It can,

however, serve as a transition so that the "flame

won’t go out" of the Non-Alignment Movement, but

we need to erect this in a much more forceful

manner so that a new truly Independent Free

Nations of the World Entity gradually sweeps away

today’s totally useless United Nations.

Russia, China, Iran, India and Brazil are the key

countries for such a new multinational

organization, followed and supported by regional

confederations of countries in Africa, Latin

America, Central Europe and Asia.

Kourosh Ziabari: The Global War on Terror

marked the commencement of a new era in the

world’s political developments. As a result of this

deadly campaign, thousands, if not millions, of

people lost their lives, thousands of others were

orphaned, displaced and forced to immigrate.

Many political commentators see this War on

Terror as a war on the developing nations and

more particularly, a war on Islam and Muslims.

What’s your assessment of the War on Terror,

which seems to be underway thus far, its

consequences and results?

Adrian Salbuchi: The only War on Terror I can

understand is the war that free and peaceful

nations today wage as we are all systematically

attacked on the political, financial, PsyWar,

diplomatic and military fronts by the US, UK, NATO

and Israel. Israel is the foremost terrorist entity in

the world.

A little bit of history: Israel was born out of

terrorist organizations whose leaders then went on

to become their political establishment.

Terrorist group "Irgun Zvai Leumi" led by

Menahem Beguin bomb-attacked the King David

Hotel in Jerusalem in 1947 killing almost a hundred

people, marking the first such bomb attack on an

occupied public building in modern history, that

was later repeated countless times including the

Israeli Embassy and AMIA Jewish Mutual bomb

attacks in Argentina in 1992 and 1994, and the

September 11 attacks in New York.

Terrorist "Stern" Group led by Itzakh Shamir

assassinated UN Special Envoy Folke Bernadotte in

1948 because he wanted to ensure the Palestinians

had their own Nation-State.

Terror militias "Hagganah" and "Lehi" killed,

maimed and forcibly drove millions of Palestinians

from their historical lands. These terror

organizations merged in 1948 to become Israel’s

Armed Forces, hypocritically dubbed "Defense


The Global Power Masters’ present War on Islam

has two key components:

(1) Geopolitically, they need to grab Arab territory

in Palestine to safeguard Israel; and in Libya, Iraq,

and Afghanistan to safeguard oil and – very

importantly – they cannot tolerate a powerful Iran

unmasking them permanently.

(2) Philosophically, Islam is a religion that places

Divinity – Allah – at the center of man’s existence

whilst the Global Power Masters impose Money and

Gold at the center of man’s life. They have their

own Demiurge which they call YHWH which is what

most other people identify with Satan. Materialism

in the West reigns supreme which means they

cannot tolerate a culture like Islam where men’s

consciences cannot be bought and sold for money.

Kourosh Ziabari: In one of your articles, you

pointed to examples of different skyscrapers and

tall towers in countries such as Russia, Venezuela

and Spain taking fire and suffering considerable

damages. You, however, mentioned that these

towers did not collapse the way the Twin Towers of

the World Trade Center broke apart as the

hijacked planes of the American Airlines Flight 11

and United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into them

one after the other on September 11, 2001. Do

you want to conclude that the 9/11 events was a

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premeditated false flag operation? Do you share

the viewpoints of people such as David Ray Griffin

or Peter Dale Scott that the Israeli regime was also

involved in the attacks?

Adrian Salbuchi: Oh, absolutely. The collapse of

the World Trade Center – especially of Tower 7

that was not hit by any airplane and yet perfectly

and neatly collapsed into its own fingerprint on

that dreadful day - defies the laws of physics and

basic common sense.

In the US, there are associations of architects,

physicists, chemists, engineers, airplane pilots all

demanding to know the truth about 9/11 because

the "official government story" is totally absurd.

They accuse those of us who unmask the Global

Power Masters and Zionism as "conspiracy

theorists," and yet they impose upon the world the

"Number One Absurd Conspiracy Theory": 19

allegedly "Muslim" suicide pilots who could hardly

fly single-engine propeller Cessna’s, easily hijack 4

jetliners with plastic knives (!) over the most

secure airspace in the world, ram 2 of those jets

into the WTC and third one into the most guarded

building in the world – the Pentagon – with

uncanny precision and at high speed, whilst the

fourth one "crashes" into a field but leaves no

debris; and all of this masterminded and controlled

by some nut hiding in a cave in Afghanistan; who

is "captured" ten years later, killed and, ooops!!

We dropped his body into the sea…!"

Can you imagine something more stupid than that?

And yet that is what mainstream Americans

believe – Homer Simpson is a good archetype of

their class. This fairy tale allowed Bush and Obama

more than a decade of war, destroying

Afghanistan, Iraq, which Baby Bush himself

admitted had nothing to do with 9/11, Libya and

other free countries in the Muslim World. Also,

every time an event like 9/11 occurs, there are

two key questions we must ask:

(a) Who Benefits from the attack, and

(b) Follow the money trail…

Clearly the Muslim world has been the key victim

of 9/11; Israel however got the US and NATO to

fight its proxy wars against Iraq, Afghanistan,

Libya and now they’re aiming at Syria and Iran. No

wonder the folks who prepared the "War on Terror"

myth are the same ones who in the late nineties

prepared strategy documents for Israeli Prime

Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Douglas Feith,

David Wurmser, Paul Wolfowitz and others, and,

more importantly, prepared PNAC (Project for a

New American Century) which is a veritable

blueprint for the conquest of the whole Muslim

World adopted as official foreign policy Baby Bush

as those same planners then became his key

Pentagon and State Department officials.

Kourosh Ziabari: What’s your viewpoint

regarding the underground detention facilities

which the United States set up after the 9/11

attacks in Guantanamo bay in Cuba and Abu

Ghraib in Iraq? There have been several reports of

inhumane torturing and abusing of the detainees

who are being held there without legal proceedings

and under false pretexts. What’s your viewpoint?

Adrian Salbuchi: This is typical of the double

standards maintained by the US in just about

everything they do. They speak about the "rule of

law" but then kidnap, arrest and jail people

without any legal framework whatsoever. They

speak about "human rights" but then torture and

water-board people to get them to "confess" just

as the Inquisition did centuries ago. They speak

about "democracy" but their own government is

now clamping down violently on any American

citizen that begins to wake and speak up against

the fact they are now living in a police state.

Kourosh Ziabari: Countries such as Iran, Cuba,

Venezuela and Syria which have come under the

fire of the United States’ psychological and

economic warfare are paying the price for their

independence and disobedience to the policies of

the superpowers. Are these countries and other

nations targeted by the America’s Total War, as

you put it in one of your articles, the victims of

their non-alignment with Washington and its allies?

Adrian Salbuchi: Yes. Washington, London and

Tel Aviv do not tolerate any country that decides to

live under a true Democracy (not the "Made in

USA" Bush-Clinton-Obama version), and who want

to live their own religious, cultural, moral and

political values, which requires they reject all the

poison, decay and perversion that Hollywood and

the Western Media vomit on the entire world

through decadent TV, movies and the press.

Baby Bush was honest about this when he said in

October 2001 that every nation had a decision to

make, "You’re either with us or you’re with the

terrorists." The point is that US and its allies are

the main platform from where the Global Power

Masters make Total War on all of Mankind,

including their own people.

Kourosh Ziabari: What’s your viewpoint

regarding the massive propaganda campaign

against Iran over its nuclear program? The

Western public sees Iran in the light of stereotypes

and clichés which the mainstream media have

created of Iran. They are simply unaware of Iran’s

rich culture, history, civilization and traditions.

What’s your take on that? How is it possible to

acquaint the world with the concealed realities of


Adrian Salbuchi: That is a very tough problem

because, as I say above, one of the Global Power

Master’s greatest victories consists in the

dumping-down of national populations the world

over, especially in the US. Ignorance thus reigns

supreme today amongst all populations, which

means they can be easily duped into supporting

wars against foreign countries they know

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absolutely nothing about. Of course, since they are

maintained in a hypnotic state by the media they

never actually realize this… Not yet, anyway.

That’s why the main counter-movement that we

can all do from each and every country in the

world - even from inside the US, Britain and

Europe - is to show the other side of the coin, to

make people listen to the other bell; to explain,

educate, and show them evidence that the Truth

lies elsewhere, and that they are being led by nose

by these global Pied Pipers into a deep sea where

they are being purposely drowned in ignorance.

One last point, if I may: often, very complex

problems can be reduced to one simple formula

which then helps us to better understand the


I believe that the world’s foremost problem lies in

the fact that the United States of America, Britain

and Allies have huge, albeit illegitimate power, so

that today they rule the world; however Israel and

Zionism rule the US, UK and EU.

When people grasp this simple concept –

US/UK/Allies run the world, but Israel/Zion

run the US/UK/Allies - then the daily news

reports become that much easier to understand.

Interview by Kourosh Ziabari

10 October, 2012.


Kourosh Ziabari is an Iranian journalist and

media correspondent. He writes for Tehran Times

and Press TV. In 2010, he received the national

medal of Superior Iranian Youth from Iranian

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for his media

activities. He is a member of World Student

Community for Sustainable Developments. His

articles and interviews have been published in

more than 10 languages in Canada, Poland,

Belgium, UK, Egypt, Italy, France, Spain, Germany

and the United States.


Here is some interesting material from our Archive – still on the Internet, and still relevant in view of the 12 October 2012 Bali bombing 10th anniversary,

and of the 15 October 2012 event, the day on which Töben’s bankruptcy took legal effect!

Starting with first principles and the scientific method

America FirstBooks Featuring ebooks that find a truer path in uncertain times

William B. Fox Archive

Mission of Conscience Book III Contents

Page 6: AN INTERVIEW BY KOUROSH ZIABARI Adrian Salbuchi ... 652.pdf · Adrian Salbuchi is an internationally-renowned Argentine author, political analyst, speaker and radio/TV commentator


Chapter 34

Saving Dr. Toben,

Handling Real Nazis, and Countering the Holocaustianity

Intellectual Blackjack *

First posted Mid-Feb 2010

Last updated 20 Sept 2010

* "Ninety-five percent of the work of the intelligence agencies around the world is deception and

disinformation," von Bülow said, which is widely propagated in the mainstream media creating an

accepted version of events. "Journalists don't even raise the simplest questions," he said, adding, "those

who differ are labeled as crazy."

--From the online article "9-11, Mossad, the CIA and `False Flag Operations'"

“Israelis love their Shoa [Holocaust], for the Shoa is no doubt their best selling Hasbara (propaganda)

product. It somehow allows them to kill en masse and to do it indistinguishably while insisting that it is they

who happen to be the victims.”

--PM Netanyahu’s UN Speech – The Pathology Of Evil.” By Gilad Atzmon September 29, 2009

In October 2008 we were beset with a terrible

shock. Dr. Fredrick Toben, an Australian citizen

and fellow 9/11 Truth Activist, was arrested while

passing through London Heathrow’s Air Port simply

for stating his opinions on historical issues on the

Internet. In this case, the arrest dealt with a

German EU arrest warrant issued over his

willingness to question irresponsible Jewish

exaggerations and embellishments pertaining to

the "Holocaust" story. Toben had previously visited

Capt. May in his home in Houston in 2007 and

supported Capt. May’s work on his web site.

It was bad enough that British police were willing

to arrest a man for his political opinions. However,

we could easily imagine how things could get even

worse. If national sovereignty and citizen rights

have become such a joke that an Australian citizen

can be nabbed in London Airport over a German

warrant, what is to prevent a day from coming

where police will try to arrest 9/11 Truth activists

in their homes in America because of something

they publish on the Internet that someone in some

other country (starting with Israel, of course) does

not like?

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As a matter of fact, American police did arrest

Ernst Zündel, a Holocaust skeptic, at his home in

Tennessee on a German warrant, and deport him

Germany where he was tried and imprisoned. They

also arrested and deported Germar Rudolf in his

American home and deported him for trial and

imprisonment as well.

These individuals had a tad less legal protection

than people born and raised in America. Although

they were married to U.S. citizens, both Zündel

and Rudolf were born in Germany and qualified as

first generation immigrants. Still, the reader should

be able to see where this trend could lead some

day, particularly after my discussion in Chapter

31 about Department of Homeland Security

initiatives to brand a wide range of conservative

Americans as potential terrorists.

Last, but not least, we could clearly see how these

thought control measures relate to the deification

of raw Jewish power, and efforts to suppress public

knowledge of the Mossad-CIA orchestration of

9/11 and other false flag attacks.

Many political writers have observed how the

Holocaust story serves as the ultimate weapon to

justify the Jewish state, an intellectual black jack

that Zionists freely employ to promote extreme

feelings of white guilt. The Jews have gone well

beyond parlaying this into hundreds of billions of

reparations dollars paid by Germany. In terms of

total direct and indirect aid costs, Israel has

extracted over three trillion dollars worth of

support out of the U.S. A.

Jewish writer Norman Finkelstein has also

documented in his book The Holocaust Industry:

Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish

Suffering how professional “Holocaust survivors”

scam billions from the public. In his book Gold

Wars: The Battle Against Sound Money As Seen

From A Swiss Perspective former Rothschild banker

Ferdinand Lips described how leading world Zionist

leaders made deliberately bogus charges against

the Swiss as part of a campaign to knock

Switzerland off the gold standard and score

undeserved reparations.

The Holocaust religion promoted by Jewish groups

has become a vital Strategic PSYOP for Zionism.

“PSYOP” means “Psychological Operations” or

propaganda warfare (or disinformation) employed

for hostile purposes. It is “strategic” because it

indirectly suppresses all criticism or resistance to

Jews, ranging from publicly identifying the Mossad-

CIA role in 9/11 to any form of white nationalist

philosophy that might impede global Zionist


Certainly one implication of the Holocaust

intellectual blackjack is the idea that if anyone

resists Jewish lies and demands for payoffs, one is

automatically an “anti-Semite” and is therefore

trying to move society in the direction of some day

rounding up all Jews, throwing them into

concentration camps, and exterminating them all.

Therefore, the world owes the Jews a highly

privileged living, should treat them like gods, and

give them a free pass on all their worst behavior.

Expressed differently, a major reason why we had

the 9/11 inside job in the first place is because

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Americans failed to act as adequate "counter

predators" to stop the "Holocaust" mythology

"predator" operation to begin with. Americans

failed to challenge the lies before they spread like

a cancer and became institutionalized, such as in

the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C.

Remember, we are dealing with a psychopathic

power elite. An important characteristic of

psychopaths is that whenever they are in the

"down" position, they will stop at nothing to lick

ones boots. This is because they have no real pride

or consistent set of internalized principles.

Conversely, when they are in the "up" position of

power over you, they will not hesitate to put their

boots in ones face and tell the worst lies if they

think they can get away with it. Once again, they

have no consistent set of internalized principles to

restrain their exercise of power. They rarely if ever

feel any genuine sense of either gratitude or

shame. In fact, if left unchecked, they are capable

of unlimited evil.

Appeasement is usually perceived by psychopaths

as weakness. It usually just eggs them on. After all

the trillions America has lavished on Israel, its

leaders respect Americans even less today than

they did fifty years ago, as evidenced by all the

continuing false flag operations documented in

this Mission of Conscience series.

If Americans continue act as suckers for not only

irresponsible Holocaust exaggerations, but also the

"G.W.O.T.," this will egg on America's

psychopathic power elite to create even bigger and

more dangerous deceptions that will do even more

damage to America, if such is possible.

Although this ranks as one of the most unpleasant

chapters to write in the whole Mission of

Conscience series, I am left with this "Go Ahead!

Go ahead!!!" feeling, reminiscent of the lines

spoken by Michael (actor Robert De Niro) to Nick

(Chris Walken) while being forced to play Russian

Roulette by their Viet Cong captors in the

movie Deer Hunter. Bottom line, there is no way

we are going to break out of the propaganda

Matrix of lies created by Alien and Predator --and

put a stake through the heart of false flag attacks

and enemy Info War-- until we deal with the

biggest lies of all like the Holocaustianity PSYOP

issue, no matter how unpleasant this task may be.

I use the term “strategic PSYOP” in the same

sense as the distinction between “tactical” and

“strategic” in military operations. For example, if

you are a frontline infantry officer in time of war

worried about being overwhelmed by enemy tanks,

your “tactical” weapons might include hand-held

anti-weapon weapons designed to knock out

specific tanks you can see within your defense

zone. In contrast, strategic weapons might include

Air Force bombers that take out enemy ball

bearing plants that comprise a major constraint on

enemy tank production. Strategic weapons would

tend to generally reduce the overall number of

enemy tanks, without necessarily reducing the

number of tanks you as an infantry officer might

face on your own particular front.

Similarly, as a strategic PSYOP, Holocaust-related

guilt programs promoted by Zionists enhance a

general climate of intellectual intimidation against

any public criticism of bad Jewish behavior. They

generally impair the ability of traditional American

conservative groups concerned about America’s

dwindling white population to develop effective

political organizations and exercise their

Constitutional rights in the face of Jewish


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The Holocaust story has become a virtual religion,

and as such has arguably become one of the most

powerful Info War PSYOP weapons every created.

Willis Carto, publisher of The American Free Press,

made note of this in the Afterword he wrote titled

“Why Is `The Holocaust Important?’” to Best

Witness prior to publication of the book in 1994:


The question is often asked of Holocaust

revisionists by the naive, "Why are you bothered

by 'The Holocaust,' which is ancient history? You

must be a little crazy to doubt it; do you also

believe the Earth is flat? Are you a violent anti-

Semite to doubt all the eyewitnesses? Everybody

in their right mind accepts it. Let people like Mel

Mermelstein have their holocaust if they want it.

What's the difference?" . . .

The common perception of "The Holocaust" is what

is important, not the definition of it (as found in

Chapter Three) because perception, not reality is

the stock in trade of all salesmen, advertisers,

public relations professionals, political campaign

managers, "Holocaust" promoters and other

merchandisers. People in the mass are moved by

their perception of the truth, by deep and profound

psychological motives and by authority, not by the

truth itself, which is normally unknown to them.

Exploiting the moral sensibility and the feeling of

guilt which is always close to the surface in

Christians, Americans are constantly reminded that

Israel rose "from the ashes of 'The Holocaust'"

(etc.) and that it is their moral responsibility to

continue to ensure "Israel's survival." Israel, we

are assured, is "America's closest ally," and "the

only democracy in the Middle East." The result is

that American taxpayers continue to shell out

billions each year as if buying modern-day

indulgences. . . .

Quite literally, and without exaggeration, "The

Holocaust" is a religion. The faithful vigorously

reject any and all facts perceived as contrary to

their faith and their ugly dogma has the internal

consistency only of a revelation taken on faith, not

a logical story based on commonly accepted facts,

not what history is supposed to be. The alleged

facts of "The Holocaust" are contradictory; its high

priests cannot agree on the details even among

themselves, which is why they frantically

discourage debate and know nothing else other

than to try to ignore or smear those wanting to

confront them.

"The Holocaust" is a trigger concept that produces

a Pavlovian response. By calling up an image

implanted in the minds of the targeted subjects it

induces a pliable attitude enabling the

professionals who have implanted the image to

manipulate the subjects. That the term has in

reality little meaning which corresponds to the

facts is immaterial; it is the religious attitude of

guilt, worshipful horror and fear that counts. This

syndrome, which precisely fits Hitler's famous

definition of the "Big Lie" in his Mein Kampf, has

cost Americans far more than mere money and the

cost increases daily...

"The Holocaust" is alive and growing, not dead and

fading. It affects every American every hour of the

day and more so today than yesterday. It impacts

on every financial decision made by the

government and on most decisions made by

private parties. Like it or not, "The Holocaust"

must be faced and questions must be asked.

Continued acceptance of the image by the

unthinking, or manipulation by the corrupt and/or

cowardly, is no longer acceptable by conscientious

and decent Americans, including Jews.

The ability of Jewish pressure groups to pressure

the German legal system to conduct witch hunt

trials of Holocaust skeptics, combined with the

reluctance of individuals in high places across

Western countries to refrain from challenging

Jewish lies for fear of being called “anti-Semitic” is

ultimately nothing more than a kowtow to raw

Jewish power. On this level, it is no different than

the Mongol practice of making subjugated Russian

emissaries kowtow by falling on their faces before

the court of their conquerors during the "Mongol

Yoke" period in Russian history. The "Holocaust"

marks the final "Jewish Yoke" period of American

history, before the neo-Jacobin American empire

eventually collapses like the former Soviet Union.


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The Holocaust story itself qualifies as a “soft” false

flag operation from the way it has been overblown,

just like the Von Brunn shooting incident that will

be described later. A soft false flag operation so

greatly amplifies upon and twists kernels of truth

that it possesses most of the characteristics of a

regular false flag operation.

The Holocaust story itself has repeatedly shifted.

Jewish groups at first said over two million died at

Auschwitz, then later admitted the number is less

than a million. Extrapolation from records captured

by the Soviets or archived by the Red Cross and

other sources estimate between 100,000 to

300,000 deaths at Auschwitz, with perhaps as few

as 50,000 Jewish dead. (Other published sources

have ranged from 9,000,000 to as little as 38,031


Initially Jewish groups claimed that Dachau near

Munich was an extermination camp with gassings,

and now admit that there were no extermination

camps in Germany. In addition, now many

scholars observe that the Germans used Zyklon B

gassings to delouse their own soldiers as well as

concentration camp inmates to prevent the spread

of typhus from lice, and not for extermination.

Lastly, Holocaust stories that Jews were turned

into soap bars, lamp shades, and shrunken heads

have now been completely discredited.

There are even accounts surfacing now that

completely contradict Jewish whoppers. The

Germans provided a swimming pool and bordello

at Auschwitz for Jewish "health and comfort." A

Jewish hospital functioned in Berlin throughout the

war. Jewish "holocaust survivor" and key activist

Elie Wiesel voluntarily chose to join Germans in

retreat rather than wait for the advance of Soviets

who "liberated" concentration camps. Jewish

embellishment of their persecution to shamelessly

milk public sympathy is a very old story that goes

back to ancient times. An alert published by Capt.

May, covered later in this chapter, addresses this


Ironically, if Jews keep pushing irresponsible

Holocaust exaggerations and other big lies, to

include the 9/11 Global War on Terror mythology,

this could ultimately backfire and validate the kind

of "Nazi" attitude that Jews fear the most, namely

that many Jews are a dangerously subversive and

deceitful people who require separation for public

safety purposes. People who play the victim card

run the risk of arousing subconscious suspicions

that there may be some valid reasons for the

victimization. This is one reason why Nordic

peoples, who I will discuss towards the end of this

chapter, tend to act on the other end of the scale

by emphasizing straight talk, stoicism, and

modesty in their traditional cultures.

In Sept 2008, Capt. May developed pneumonia. He

wound up in the hospital under intensive care for

over a month. At one point he was so close to

death that immediate members of his family were

summoned to his bed side.

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Fortunately, he pulled through. He was already at

a stage of his ALS where over 80% of its victims

are dead. Although Capt. May was too weak to

speak, his wife read to him drafts that I created

regarding the Toben alert. He nodded yes

repeatedly. Yes, he agreed that something had to

be done. Yes, he supports Dr. Toben’s right to

doubt elements of the Jewish Holocaust story. Yes,

he approved my draft for publication with his name

on it.

It was not hard to get Leon Smith, owner of

the Lone Star Iconoclast, to publish the alert

either. Leon Smith had already been a continuous

burr under King George Bush’s saddle by

publishing The Iconoclast in Crawford, Texas,

literally only a few farm roads across from Bush’s

western White House. His basic position, also

repeated in the Henrik Holappa case mentioned

in Chapter 23, is that he does not care what Toben

thinks as long as he retains the right to express his


In October, I published a co-authored work

in The Iconoclast. I also sent it out to most

members of the British, Scottish, Irish, and

Australian Parliaments.

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Dr. Fredrick Toben

Orwellian Alert!

British Crackdown

Threatens Us All

Maj. William B. Fox

Dr. James H. Fetzer

Capt. Eric H. May

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October 24, 2008 Dr. Fredrick Toben, an Australian citizen and historical revisionist

scholar, was arrested and imprisoned while passing through London’s

Heathrow Airport on Oct. 1. He was en route from the U.S. to Dubai. British

authorities are trying to enforce an EU warrant issued by the German

government that criminalizes anyone who publishes material online “of an

anti-Semitic and/or revisionist nature.”

Rev. Ted Pike, a major American pro-First Amendment activist, states in

“Toben Grabbed: International Hate Laws Bite Down”that “Every American,

especially Christians, should protest this outrageous attack on freedom of

speech. Although most Americans do not think like Dr. Toben, his arrest is

just a taste of what will come—for Americans like you and your family—if

we do not defend freedom now.”

In his article “Extradition Will Make Dr. Toben a Martyr,”author Chris Huhne, British Liberal

Democrat Shadow Home Secretary, may be squeamish about Toben’s ideas, but he at least stands

like a man for his civil liberties. He stated: “Dr Toben is accused in Germany but his offence is to

post on an Australian web site. Germany has taken on itself the role of censor, because of the

capacity to download content in Germany. It is hard to see where such an attempt to extend

jurisdiction might end, or what its chilling effects on freedom of speech might ultimately be.”

Indeed, if Dr. Toben gets deported to Germany, one can easily imagine how some day U.S.

citizens changing planes in EU countries may also become vulnerable to jail time for expressing

controversial opinions on the Internet. In fact, they may even get extradited from America without

ever boarding a plane if current trends continue. Ominous indictors include Abu Ghraib torture,

extraordinary rendition to places like Guantanamo, the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act,

National Security Presidential Directive-51, domestic martial law exercises, and the proposed

H.R. 1955 “Homegrown Terrorism and Violent Radicalization Act.”

In “Thanksgiving for Thought Crime,”Capt. Eric May noted that while proponents of H.R.

1955 claim that their purpose is “…nominally aimed against `terrorists,’ their real target is the

Internet, which they conflate with everything from the militia movement, anarchism and anti-

Semitism to Islamo-Fascism and terrorism.”

In “A Dawning Dictatorship?”Capt. May described how the White House prevented Oregon

Congressman Peter DeFazio from looking at secret annexes inside NSPD-51.

Lastly, consider the cases of Ernst Zundeland Germar Rudolf.Although both individuals were

born in Germany, they were living in America with spouses who were American citizens before

they got deported back to Germany andimprisoned for their publicly stated views on Holocaust


Two fundamental issues involved here are:

The right of any individual to engage in scientific, rational inquiry on any issue.

The preservation of national sovereignty to shield citizens from alien, irrational, or malevolent laws of foreign powers.

Maj. William


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Regarding the first issue, consider Sylvia Stolz, a German defense lawyer

who was prosecuted and imprisoned by a German court for zealously

defending Holocaust revisionist Ernst Zundel. She accused the court of

“fleeing the truth.” German free thinker Horst Mahler summed up this

Orwellian affair as follows: “If Defendant A, who is charged with lying and

must therefore be punished, presents evidence that he has told the truth, he is

punished a second time, and this time his attorney is punished for defending


Regarding the national sovereignty issue, Huhne points out that: “Dr.

Toben has not committed an offence under British law or indeed under the law

of 17 of the 27 European Union member states.”He also describes how

Belgium has asserted its sovereignty by balking at deportation orders issued

by fellow EU nation Poland involving such issues as abortion and euthanasia.

Dr. Toben is a free thinker who has fearlessly explored other important issues besides

Holocaust revisionism. He ran one of the first web sites to archive works by Capt. Eric May that

exposed 9/11 as a likely CIA-Mossad inside job. May also suggested that petrochemical

explosions in the greater Houston area could be part of a dress rehearsal pattern for a repeated

“9/11” terror event designed to justify war against Iran and domestic martial law.

The Iconoclast subsequently showed its concern for the patterns identified by Capt. May in its

editorial “Time to Investigate Houston is Now.”

Dr. Fredrick Toben visiting Captain Eric H. May, stricken

by terminal ALS, at May's home in Houston, TX, Oct 2007

Dr. Toben also supported Capt. May’s exposure of the 10-12-2002 Bali bombing as a

likely Asian version of “9/11” probably executed by Israel’s Mossad with passive or active

support from elements of the CIA, MI-6, and Australian intelligence. The Australian

government used this bombing as a pretext to pass repressive “anti-terror” laws and

embroil itself along with the U.S. in Middle Eastern military adventures.

Capt. May also views the March 11, 2004 Madrid and July 7, 2005 London bombings as more

examples of false flag “terror fixes” designed to support the goals of certain interconnected power

elites within America, Britain, and Israel. See more Capt. May archived at The Lone Star

Iconoclast and also listed at America First Books.

Dr. James


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The latest news on Dr. Toben’s case can be found at Lady Michele

Renouf’s web site. Another hearing will likely be held Nov. 11. This gives us

additional time to mobilize global protest against this international outrage.

Please find more information on points of contact for protest in Rev Ted

Pikes’ article “Toben Trial Delayed.” Please also see an overview of the

general nature of thought crime threats in the Rev. Ted Pike archive.

Free speech cannot be defended by silence. * * * * * * * * *

Captain Eric H. May is a graduate of the Houston Honors College, a former

U.S. Army intelligence officer, and is currently the political-military special

correspondent for the Lone Star Iconoclast, archived


Dr. Fetzer, a former U.S. Marine officer, is currently professor emeritus,

Univ. of Minn., Duluth, and founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth.

Maj. Fox, also a former Marine, is a Harvard Business School honors graduate with diversified

business experience, and is currently publisher of America First Books. For more articles

about false flag terror, please refer to archived works of Capt. May, Maj. Fox, and Dr. Fetzer at

Recommended Additional Reading from Best Witness: "The Cult of Death" by Michael Collins Piper

"Why Is `The Holocaust' Important?" by Willis A. Carto

This alert was more suppressed than our other

alerts. Patti Woodard, the Ghost Troop message

board moderator, tried to post it twice to the

Portland Indy media web site, and it got knocked

off twice. I submitted it to OpEdNews, having

already successfully submitted the prior Wall

Street “Jokers Gone Wild” alert, and it got


I then posted it to my web site. Initially it showed

up under both Google and Yahoo, but then a day

later it disappeared from web search engines. It

only showed up at a posting made by Arthur

Topham out of Radical Press and a

posting that I made. Other postings made by Patti

Woodard and myself were being blocked.

Undeterred, Patti kept posting the article at more

than a dozen other sites. Although my web site

posting remained blocked, we finally got up to a

full page of the first Google search.

All of this meant to me that we were really hitting

the enemy where it hurts. They would not try to

suppress us if it weren’t effective.

Capt. Eric H.


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Rev Ted Pike weighed in on this issue with his own take on Holocaust hysteria which I found effective:

“What `Toben’ and Holocaust Deniers Really Believe:”

What They Really Say Actually, Holocaust reductionists agree that a

holocaust of 72 million dead worldwide did occur

during World War II and Jews were a part of it; but

not six million.

Reductionists don’t deny that Hitler and Nazis

hated Jews. The Nazis had experienced an abortive

Jewish Bolshevik German coup in 1918-19 under

Rosa Luxemburg; they knew Jewish activists and

financiers had been behind world revolutionary

attempts to overthrow Russia and western

Christian civilization. They also knew this spirit of

revolution emanated from Talmudic Judaism. As

anti-Communists, the Nazis violently opposed

Jewish left-wing activism. Toward that end,

without Christian perspective and restraint, they

persecuted and murdered countless Jews.

Yet, Holocaust reductionists contend that most

Jewish victims died as a result of war’s

devastation, not a systematic program of

extermination. It is historical fact that in the last

months of the war extreme food shortages caused

near starvation in Germany. Massive typhus

epidemics ravaged Axis detention camps.

Reductionists say these influences, not just Nazi

cruelty, were the largest causes of the horrific

spectacle of emaciated prisoners and heaped-up

bodies viewed by Allied deliverers.

Especially in World Wars I and II, tales of

unspeakable atrocities were circulated by

governments, media and military on both sides.

This was to incite such rage in combatants that

they could remorselessly machine gun or bayonet

opponents who shared their own Christian,

European heritage. Yet, during World War II

Zionist-dominated media conditioned the Allies to

believe Jews were being decimated. It is not

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surprising then that Europe's liberators, arriving at

Dachau, Auschwitz, etc. and viewing such scenes

of horror, reflexively blamed a systematic Nazi

murder campaign. Reductionists say gas chambers

existed in the camps to fumigate the lice-bearing

typhus-infested clothing of thousands of prisoners

and staff, not to murder living Jews. They also

point to an interview by Jewish researcher David

Cole with the archives director of Auschwitz . He

casually admits that the present “gas chambers” in

Auschwitz I, which helped make Holocaust

“believers” out of hundreds of millions until the

21st century, were actually built by the post-WWII

occupying Russians in 1948. (Download David Cole

video here [66MB]) Similarly, reductionists say

crematoria were used to dispose mainly of typhus-

diseased bodies, not to exterminate Jews. They

point out that in the last years of the war Germany

carefully guarded every ounce of fuel to energize

the war effort; they would not waste it just for the

fiendish pleasure of burning millions of Jewish


I have briefly stated the major reductionists’

arguments, not necessarily to maintain them, a

task which would require much greater

documentation. Rather, I want to simply represent

their position accurately—something Zionist-

dominated and Christian media is not honest

enough to do.

By November, Captain May was out of hospital,

back at home, and able to speak and operate his

computer by voice command once again. I traveled

from my place at that time in South Bend,

Washington to Capt. May’s home in north Houston

in late November and ended up staying at his place

an entire month. Much of our work during that

period will be covered in the next chapter.

Fortunately all the international flak raised over Dr.

Toben’s incarceration caused him to be released in

November so that he could return to Australia. Dr.

Toben commented on his 50 days of incarceration

on Hesham Tillawi’s current issues TV:

Dr Toben 50 days in prison in London.

Interview with Hesham Tillawi

Unfortunately, the persecution of Dr. Toben was

far from over. Australia’s Jewish community

descended upon Dr. Toben again with continued

persecution, as reflected in the following 28 April


Fredrick Töben after penalty submissions

made on 28 April 2009

Narrator: Local academic Toben, notorious for

denying the Holocaust, has apologized to the

Federal Court for refusing to remove anti-Semitic

material from his web site. But he is still facing a

huge fine or prison for contempt.

Second Narrator: Dr. of Philosophy Fredrick

Toben has been found guilty of twenty four

charges of contempt for breaching court orders

forbidding him from publishing anti-Semitic

material on his web site. In the Federal court this

morning, for the first time, he apologized and

promised to remove the offending material.

Dr. Fredrick Toben (being interviewed). “What

we have is an apology to the court for having

upset the court. And the web site will continue. But

it will not feature, well, I will have to seek advice

on this.

Narrator: “This afternoon, it appeared he

complied. In court, he explained, it wasn’t easy.”

“For me, telling the truth and obeying the law is a

difficult thing to do.”

Narrator: The court can either fine or imprison Dr.

Toben, but he says he has no assets to pay any

fine, let alone the $220,000 in costs that are being

sought. So prison is a very real prospect.

Dr. Toben: So if we in Australia lose free

expression, where our thoughts and our opinions

are criminalized, we may as well be dead.

Narrator: You will find out his fate next month.

* The Wikipedia entry for Jan 2010 gives us the rest

of the story as of the date of this book:

Töben has frequently been called a Holocaust denier,[4][5] and has been accused of antisemitism,[6]although he regularly denies these assertions. He was convicted of "offending the memory

of the dead" inGermany in 1999, for his Holocaust-denial activity there, for which he served seven months in prison.[7] In April 2009, Töben was found guilty of contempt of court for breaching a court order to refrain from publishing material which "vilifies Jewish people".[8] He appealed against the sentence, but on 13

August 2009 The Full Court of the Federal Court of

Australia rejected his appeal, and he started his 3 month jail sentence.[9]

* The reader should note the use of the

propagandistic terms “Holocaust denier” used by

Australia’s controlled media.

For starters, the term “Holocaust” originally meant

“burnt offering.” This gives the confinement of

Jews in German internment camps a catastrophic

religious connotation that is very subjective in

nature, and may or may not be in accord with the

facts. After all, as Alexander Solzhenitsyn observes

in Two Hundred Years Together, over 75% of the

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Communists responsible for the mass murder of

some 60 million Russians and Ukraineans were


Perhaps the Germans confined a number of Jews

to internment camps who were in fact highly

psychopathic, treasonous, subversive, and

dangerous individuals, not a whole different from

the Zionist neocons who orchestrated 9/11 and

who are setting up America to get “Stalingraded”

in the Middle East today (see Chapter 37). Nor

have Israeli soldiers who ghoulishly kidnapped

Palestinians to steal their organs attained the

moral high ground, not to mention the Jews who

run organized crime in America or the Israelis who

run the global white slave trade from the “Holy


Furthermore, should the internment of over

110,000 Japanese Americans by FDR during WWII,

or the internment of millions of German civilians

and POW’s by the Soviets both during and after

WWII (often with a very high death rate) also be

called a “Holocaust”?

What about current plans by the Zionist power

elite to achieve global population reduction

through false flag pandemics - see Chapter 36 or

place a substantial portion of the U.S. population in

FEMA camps - see Chapter 31. Should we

consider their attempts to exterminate or

confine us a "Holocaust" as well?

And why does Abraham Foxman, head of the

Jewish ADL, sneer at Armenian efforts to have the

world recognize their genocide at the hands of the

Turks and Jews? Is it that Armenians, Russians,

Ukrainians, Germans, and other Gentiles must be

considered subhuman "cattle" - or "goyim" - who

do not deserve recognition for their suffering,

whereas the entire world somehow owes Jews a

living and must worship them instead as some kind

of divine, self-anointed, self-Chosen Master Race

of Old Yahweh?

Dr. Toben does not “deny” that Jews suffered a

high level of fatalities within German internment

camps. He simply questions the number of deaths

and circumstances under which many Jews died.

Despite this, controlled news sources create the

false impression that Toben apologized for his

views, when in fact he simply apologized for

upsetting the court. There was no effort in news

stories to examine the actual facts behind the

Holocaust-related issues that Toben addresses.

Between February and June 2009, Capt. May wrote

about the Holocaust PSYOPs side of the Info War.

First, he published a series of three articles in

February stemming from Jewish attempts to

dictate to the Catholic Church how to run their own


I have reproduced these three articles below,

namely his 3 Feb 2009 article "The Panzer Pope

and Holocaust Heresy," his 6 Feb 2009 article

"Questioning The Protocols of Zion'", and his 9 Feb

2009 article "Double Trouble for Holocaust

Heretics! — An article review with links — ."

I think all three of these articles taken together,

along with additional references that I provided,

provided an excellent "intellectual rabbit hole" into

one of the greatest PSYOPs in history. Short URL for this web page:

Töben Grabbed:

International Hate Laws

Bite Down

By Rev Ted Pike

6 October 2008

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About four years ago, much of the world was

shocked when three controversial historians were

seized and imprisoned by “anti-hate” thought

police. Holocaust reductionists Ernst Zündel,

Germar Rudolf, and David Irving all served jail

time for the "speech crime" of suggesting the total

number of Jewish dead in World War II might not

be six million or necessarily caused by gas


On October 1, well-known historian Dr. Fredrick

Töben, an Australian, was seized for the same

“crime” at London's Heathrow airport. He is now

being held and will probably be deported to

Germany. There, he faces almost certain

conviction and imprisonment.

How will we respond to this latest assault on the

free speech liberties of us all?

There is not much time to answer that question.

Töben’s bail hearing is October 10. His final

hearing is October 17. [Editor's Note: This has

been postponed to Oct 29th]. If he is delivered to

German authorities, there is virtually no hope for

his freedom.

Every American, especially Christians, should

protest this outrageous attack on freedom of

speech. Although most Americans do not think like

Dr. Toben, his arrest is just a taste of what will

come—for Americans like you and your family—if

we do not defend freedom now.

International Hate Crime Enforcement

Töben’s case is a terrifying precedent. He did not

commit a crime in Germany, so why is he being

deported? A European Union (EU) warrant says

that because his writings have traveled by internet

into Germany, he violated German speech laws!

This means an international warrant may be

served against a person because his "internet

presence" is everywhere. England does not yet

forbid questioning the numbers and methods of

the Holocaust, but it is cooperating with the EU. It

claims it is treaty-bound to deliver anyone EU


Töben’s arrest is also an ominous precedent

because he faces deportation and trial for the

"crime" of anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism is loosely

- and falsely - defined by society and even modern

dictionaries as criticism of Jews or matters Jewish.

See, What is Anti-Semitism? Jewish watchdog

groups such as the Anti-Defamation League – ADL

- use it as a smear term to silence opposition.

Now, incredibly, governments of Europe wield it as

a basis for arrest, deportation, and imprisonment.

Germany: History of Twisted Hate Laws

Dr. Töben was seized for exercising free speech

and free thought because of a dark agenda. After

the Third Reich collapsed in 1945, Jewish activists

saddled post-WWII Germany with thought crime

laws so stringent that anyone who doubted the 6-

million figure—even an overheard Australian

tourist—could be arrested and

jailed. This happened to Dr.

Töben in Germany in 1999;

he spent seven months in

prison for expressing his

views to German citizens.

Israel's Knesset continues to

ponder legislation that would

empower Israel to demand

deportation to Israel for trial of anyone who

publicly doubts the 6-million figure. The ultimate

objective of ADL-inspired hate and thought crime

laws is to make "anti-Semitism" an internationally

indictable offense. Watch, Hate Laws: Making

Criminals of Christians. Their goal is to

internationally enforce the definition of “anti-

Semitism” now held by the U.S. State Dept.'s

Office of Global Anti-Semitism.

According to this definition, the New Testament's

claim that Jewish leaders killed Christ is anti-

Semitic! Unthinkably, this puts a hate crime noose

around tens of millions of Bible-believing

Christians. See, US Government Condemns

'Unintentional' Anti-Semitism.

Are Christians "Domestic Terrorists"?

Ernst Zündel was deported to Germany by Canada

on the charge of being a "domestic terrorist"

because he questioned establishment history about

the Holocaust. Sen. Edward Kennedy, ADL, and

now the FBI allege that "hate crimes" are a form of

domestic terrorism. See, FBI: Rising Hate Law

Gestapo?. In Canada, it’s a hate crime to publicly

allege Jews had Christ killed; it is punishable by at

least a $5,000 fine, with imprisonment for repeat

offense. In the US, Bible-believing Christians,

considered anti-Semitic by our own government,

could similarly become "hate criminals." The next

step is to also be labeled domestic terrorists under

Homeland Security and its ADL-sympathic Jewish

czar, Michael Chertoff.

Thus the net is slowly tightened by ADL and

international “anti-hate” laws to bind Christians,

thought/hate crimes, terrorism and anti-Semitism

into one despised package. This will help fulfill

Christ's prophecy concerning His church in the last

days: "And you shall be hated by all men for my

name's sake." Luke 21:17.

Hate Crimes Tribunal in Jerusalem

Already in Israel a revived Sanhedrin aspires to

become an international legal body capable of such

prosecutions. This Sanhedrin was founded in 2004

under the predominant leadership of Rabbi Moshe

Halberstam, "a man steeped in the secrets of the

Kabbalah." See, "The Sanhedrin Initiative" It is

now led by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, world-renowned

Kabbalist and Talmudic scholar.

Recently this Sanhedrin issued court judgments

supporting proliferation of Israel's illegal

settlements in the West Bank, opposing war

Page 20: AN INTERVIEW BY KOUROSH ZIABARI Adrian Salbuchi ... 652.pdf · Adrian Salbuchi is an internationally-renowned Argentine author, political analyst, speaker and radio/TV commentator


between Israel and Iran, and against Israel's

participation in the Chinese Olympics. Convening

"as an international court of law," its 71 judges

condemned China's murder of dissident athletes

and citizens and profit from medical sale of their

body parts. Considering itself "sovereign" over

Chinese objections, it exhorted China to submit

itself to Talmudic Noahide laws, which forbid such

behavior. See, "Sanhedrin Against Beijing


The Sanhedrin wants power as an international

court like the UN or International Criminal Court.

Its ambition is to preside over the whole earth and

judge "according to the laws of the Torah" -

Talmud. See, "The Nascent Sanhedrin"

Embodying this sense of prerogative, Israeli

Knesset member Rafi Eitan recently suggested that

Israel might kidnap Iran’s president and bring him

to trial in the Hague as a war criminal. See, "Israeli

minister: It's OK to kidnap Ahmadinejad". If the

Sanhedrin's international authority is realized, trial

would take place not in the Hague but in

Jerusalem. There, the Sanhedrin will attempt to

enforce Jewish-created hate laws and Talmudic

Noahide law worldwide.

Talmudic laws mandate capital punishment for

"idolaters." Sanhedrin 55a, b, 57a. See, Coming

Jewish 'Utopia' Ruled by Noahide Laws. According

to the Talmud, this includes Christians who affirm

an idolatrous "three in one" conception of God and

worship the "false prophet" Jesus. The Talmud

says Jesus now languishes in hell, writhing in

boiling semen - Gittin 56b, and His followers

deserve death - Abodah Zarah 26b: Sanhedrin


Why Protest?

Why should American Christians protest the arrest

of Dr. Töben and the violation of international law

to which ADL hate laws aspire? Dr. Töben’s arrest

paves the road toward eventual mass indictment of


The Bible says Christians will be ruthlessly

persecuted someday, with deportations to Israel.

Jesus prophesied of His followers that someday evil

Jews "shall lay their hands on you, and persecute

you, delivering you up to the synagogues, and into

the prisons…" - Luke 21:12.

That day will come sooner if assaults on freedom,

such as Dr. Töben’s arrest, are uncontested.

At first they came for the racists, but I was not a


Then they came for the Holocaust questioners, but

I never questioned anything I was told about the


Then they came for bigoted, homophobic

Christians, but I was "tolerant" of the gay


Then they came for "anti-Semitic" Christians who

believed the Jews killed Christ. But I believe we all

killed Christ.

Finally, they padlocked all churches, liberal and

evangelical, burned our Bibles, and took us away.

No one was left who would hear our cries.


Call the Crown Prosecution Service – CPS -

which arrested Toben: 011 44 20 7796 8500

Call the three largest parties in Parliament:

Labour Party: 011 44 87 0590 0200

Conservative Party: 011 44 20 7222 9000

Liberal Democrat Party: 011 44 20 7222 7999

Tell them: "Please free Dr. Frederic Toben

from arrest and extradition for the 'thought

crime' of questioning the methods and

numbers of the Holocaust."

Or, come here at and email or

fax our longer message to political leaders in


All phone numbers listed as for USA callers, if

calling from another country use your country’s

international calling prefix instead of “011”.


Rev. Ted Pike is director of the National Prayer

Network, a Christian/conservative watchdog


Let the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith

teach you how they have saddled 45 states with

hate laws capable of persecuting Christians:

Learn how ADL took away free speech in Canada

and wants to steal it now in the U.S. Congress.

Watch Rev. Ted Pike's Hate Laws: Making

Criminals of Christians at

Purchase this gripping documentary to show at

church. Order online for

$24.90, DVD or VHS, by calling 503-853-3688, or

at the address below. TALK SHOW HOSTS: Interview Rev. Ted Pike on this

topic. Call (503) 631-3808. NATIONAL PRAYER NETWORK, P.O. Box 828, Clackamas , OR 97015

* Short URL for this article: *

Flag carried by the 3rd Maryland Regiment at the

Battle of Cowpens, S. Carolina, 1781

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