an intro to bestselling author coreene callahan

Bestselling author of the Dragonfury Novels & the Circle of Seven series. Dragonfury Novels Fury of Fire Dragonfury Novel, book 1 Fury of Ice Dragonfury Novel, book 2 Fury of Seduction Dragonfury Novel, As the only girl on all guys hockey teams from age six through her college years, Coreene Callahan knows a thing or two about tough guys and loves to write about them. Call it kismet. Call it payback after years of locker room talk and ice rink antics, but whatever you call it, the action better be heart stopping, the magic electric, and the story wicked, good fun. After graduating with honors in psychology and working as an interior designer, she finally succumbed to her overactive “Modern day, fantasy and paranormal with hot romance, Coreene Callahan has created memorable characters and a seemingly impossible situation. That is storytelling at its best!” ~Reader’s Entertainment Book Reviews Knight Awakened Circle of Seven, Circle of Seven series Coreene Callahan

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Post on 29-Oct-2014




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Coreene CallahanBestselling author of the Dragonfury Novels & the Circle of Seven series.Circle of Seven seriesKnight AwakenedCircle of Seven, book 1Dragonfury NovelsFury of FireDragonfury Novel, book 1As the only girl on all guys hockey teams from age six through her college years, Coreene Callahan knows a thing or two about tough guys and loves to write about them. Call it kismet. Call it payback after years of locker room talk and ice rink antics, but whatever you call it, the acti


Page 1: An Intro to Bestselling Author Coreene Callahan

Bestselling author of the Dragonfury Novels & the

Circle of Seven series.

Dragonfury Novels

Fury of FireDragonfury Novel, book 1

Fury of IceDragonfury Novel, book 2

Fury of Seduction Dragonfury Novel, book 3

As the only girl on all guys hockey teams from age six through her college years, Coreene Callahan knows a thing or two about tough guys and loves to write about them. Call it kismet. Call it payback after years of locker room talk and ice rink antics, but whatever you call it, the action better be heart stopping, the magic electric, and the story wicked, good fun.

After graduating with honors in psychology and working as an interior designer, she finally succumbed to her overactive imagination and returned to her first love: writing. And when she’s not writing, she’s dreaming of magical worlds full of dragon-shifters, elite assassins, and romance

“Modern day, fantasy and paranormal with hot romance, Coreene Callahan has created memorable characters and a seemingly impossible situation. That is storytelling at its best!” ~Reader’s Entertainment Book Reviews

Knight AwakenedCircle of Seven, book 1

Circle of Seven series

Coreene Callahan

Page 2: An Intro to Bestselling Author Coreene Callahan


An extraordinary blend of action, fantasy, and steamy romance, Fury of Fire brings to life a

—and the humans they protect—the fate of their world and ours hangs in the balance.battle with the Razorback dragon-shifters, intent on killing every Nightfury clan memberBut Bastian and his warriors are in the middle of a deadly captured her heart in an instant of electric connection. Myst loves her life in the human world, but Bastian has

duty.can’t bear the thought of harming her he is bound by is the most extraordinary he’s ever met, and though he shifter she must die. Myst, the woman given into his care, son, he falters, aware that for a human to birth a dragon-When the clan dictates he take a human mate to sire a all costs. For him, honor and duty always come first. Nightfury dragon clan, is sworn to protect humankind at dragon-shifters lives among us. Bastian, leader of the A clandestine race of half-dragon, half-humans known as

consequences.When duty calls, a warrior answers—no matter the

Fury of Firea Dragonfury Novel, book 1

High Praise for Fury of Fire:

Coreene Callahan really delivers with her debut novel, FURY OF FIRE. She gets an A+ from me for her fresh and exciting take on dragons. ~ Romance Junkies

"I can’t wait until my next look at the Dragonfury world. FURY OF FIRE has hot passion, deadly danger and just enough light spots that keep you on the edge of your seat hoping and worrying about what the next page might have to offer.”

~ Joyfully Reviewed

“…these Dragon Shifters are alpha males you can enjoy. I truly enjoyed them and highly recommend this book.” ~ Under the Covers

Read an excerpt on page 3

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Chapter One

The flash of strobe lights struck with the force of a hammer. Bastian squinted against the glare and scanned the dance floor, taking in the exposed skin and barely there skirts writhing to the rhythm of hardcore techno. His practiced eye picked up all kinds of trace, the faint glow of female energy swirling in dark corners. He downed another shot of Blue Label.

The whiskey went down smooth. His mood headed in the other direction.

“Anything?” Rikar slid into the booth across from him.

“Did you expect there to be?” He glanced at his friend, registering the shimmer in Rikar’s pale eyes. The iridescent glow meant one thing. His friend had fed, taken his ease in an obscure corner of the club with a willing human female. No surprise there. Dragonkind appealed to women, and his first in command never wanted for company.

Rikar palmed his microbrew and took a pull from the bottle. “Pick one and be done with it, for fuck’s sake.”

If only it were that simple. In the quiet of their lair, his decision—and the rationale behind it—had made perfect sense. Now, surrounded by thumping bass and the swell of perfumed female flesh, Bastian wondered what had possessed him. It wasn’t that he didn’t want a woman. Hell, he enjoyed them as much or more than his brothers-in-arms did, but the thought of taking one to mate made his blood run cold. “I still have time.”

His friend threw him an amused look. “You’ve less than a week.”

“Lay off, Rikar.”“Hey, it’s your crazy-ass plan, not mine.”Yeah, crazy. That pretty much summed it up. But it

didn’t matter. His hands were tied. The war had gone on for so long that Bastian had lost count of the casualties. Centuries of fallen comrades, of hunting and being hunted. It would never stop. A clean victory was an impossibility for either side now. With only a handful of warrior dragons left, little choice remained but to replenish their numbers…and that meant breeding the next generation.

The idea sat like a stone in his stomach. He wanted a mate like another hole in his head, but he must lead by example: be the first to commit, to have a son, to lose his female in childbirth.

Read an excerpt from…Fury of FireBastian swirled the ice in his glass. Christ. He didn’t even know what she looked like and yet, he mourned her. Already felt sorry for the life he would take. It wasn’t murder. Not really. He would never willingly hurt a woman, but that didn’t change what he must do. To save his kind he must breed, and females never survived birthing Dragonkind.

“You take too much on yourself, B. Dragonkind is healthy enough.” Glacial eyes flicked over the scene before returning to him. Bastian read the censure in his friend’s gaze as well as the truth. Rikar knew, just as he did, there was no other way. “You should feed. It’ll improve your mood.”

No doubt, but the suggestion left a bad taste in Bastian’sBastian’s mouth. He only indulged when forced by hunger and desperate need. Foolish, maybe, but despite his nature he disliked taking what didn’t belong to him. Women deserved better than to be used and have their memories wiped. Besides, the low-level energy in the club wasn’t enough. One of the oldest of his kind, he required a female capable of drawing pure power from the Meridian to feed him.

The electrostatic current nurtured Dragonkind, an all-male race born of human females. Without the energy exchange, his kind would starve to death. And the only way to draw from the source was to get close to a female. So close, bodies clashed and skin met skin. Not that any ever complained. Begged for the pleasure he gave? Always. But never once in all his years had one objected. Even now, the women closest to him watched, waiting for the slightest encouragement.

Normally, he took what they offered, but not tonight. Tonight was about leadership. About showing the

warriors under his command that sacrifices needed to be made for the greater good of the race…

Thank you for taking the time to read an excerpt of FURY OF FIRE. If you would like to read more, please visit

For more details, visit my websitewww.

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searching for a second chance in a magical world of assassins, warlords, unearthly beasts, and

Dramatic and fast-paced, Knight Awakened is a stirring love story between two people

the magical amulet entrusted to her care. But when Barbu’s assassin comes for her, she realizes her only chance of stopping the warlord’s rise to power is to convince this enigmatic—and handsome—hunter that she is more valuable alive than dead.

choice. Now she is running for her life, desperate to protect brutal murders of her beloved mother and sister leave her no Afina Lazar never wanted to become high priestess, but the

good—if he can resist the long-dead conscience that stirs to life when he meets his beautiful mark.

The bounty on his target’s head is enough to set him up for for something more, vowing to start anew after one last job. from an early age to be an elite assassin. But now he longs Torn from his family when he was a child, he was trained For Xavian Ramir, killing is the only life he has ever known.

to be thwarted by a woman. He unleashes his best hunters to track her down and bring her to him—dead or alive.

vanished without a trace. But Barbu hasn’t come this far only ways, and the high priestess needed to crown him has opposes his rule, the Transylvanian people despise his brutal the throne remains out of reach. The king of Hungary Transylvania. But in spite of his bloody triumph, his claim to In AD 1331, warlord Vladimir Barbu seizes control of

Knight Awakened Circle of Seven Series, book 1

5 Stars for Knight Awakened:

“Assassins, shape-changing dragons, and plenty of action drive the plot of this magical romantic fantasy that will keep fans of the subgenre on their toes and nicely launches a seven-book series.”

~ Library Journal

“Callahan deftly weaves a fresh tale of good versus evil, gathering a unique fighting force, including some were-dragons, that will keep fans eager for the upcoming sequels.”

~ Publishers Weekly

Read an excerpt on page 5

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Chapter One

Transylvania – 1331 A.D.

It was twilight when he made his move, the moment day folded into dusk, the space between light and shadow. He’d watched her all day, marked her progress through the marketplace between stalls and calling vendors, watched her and the little one go about their business never knowing he sifted like a phantom in their wake. A hunter tracking his prey. Now, concealed by the twisted limbs of large beech trees, he watched from across the clearing as she ushered the girl-child over the threshold and closed the planked door behind them.

His gaze centered on the tiny stone cottage. Xavian Ramir absorbed every detail—the thinning thatched roof, the crumbling chimney, the missing mortar between the stones, and the aging wheelbarrow beside the small garden—then scanned the shadowed forest beyond as he’d been trained to do. Study the angles. Flesh out the target. Define the variables. Old habits died hard. An unfortunate truth for the woman preparing to eat her evening meal.

He smelled the stew. Rabbit, most likely. The decadent aroma mingled with the grey curl of wood smoke as it escaped, twisting up to meet a darkening sky. His stomach growled. Xavian ignored the discomfort and distracted himself by picturing her. Raven hair spilling over the curve of her shoulder, she stirred the pot, hazel eyes intent on its thickening contents. Aye, he’d been close enough to see them, memorize their shape, the exotic up-tilted outer corners framed by dark brown lashes. He saw the supple curve of her cheek, the lushness of her lips, and imagined them wrapped around something other than the wooden spoon she no doubt used to taste the gravy.

The muscles roping his lower abdomen tightened. Aye, she was a tidy little bundle, but that didn’t explain why Vladimir Barbu, new lord to Transylvania, wanted her. Hunted her, had gone to extremes to find her. Not entirely, at least. The recently ascended voivode might want the lass in his bed, but Xavian guessed the reasons the warlord had hired him struck closer to the coffers than his heart. What did she have that Vladimir wanted?

Read an excerpt from…Knight Awakened’Twas a question that bothered him more than he liked.

Curiosity was a luxury, one he couldn’t afford. For an assassin operating at the top of his game, the curse of conscience signaled trouble…the kind he wished he’d never met. But now that he’d been bitten, the bug—the need to know—burrowed beneath his skin, festering until he itched to solve the mystery. So now he must decide. What was more important? The coin he needed to see countless boys rescued and his fledging academy through the coming winter, or her life. He hated to choose. A mother. Jesu, he hadn’t expected that. He flexed his hand and felt the gash on his forearm throb with the movement. The injury was courtesy of a brother-in-arms, the latest in a long line of those sent to kill him.

“Ram?” the soft voice, vibrant with the fullness of youth, came from behind.

Qabil. His new apprentice, borrowed without permission. Hell, borrowed. ’Twas a matter of opinion, one the old man would dispute with his dying breath. Mayhap stolen was a better word. Xavian’s lips curved, finding satisfaction in the theft. But as much as he relished the blow to his former master, thankfulness took precedence. Qabil hadn’t been with the bastard long enough and still possessed the wonder of innocence, and despite himself Xavian was grateful the lad had been spared.

Xavian glanced over his shoulder, dipping his chin to acknowledge the call. With a flick, he undid the buckle in the center of his chest, slid the double harness from his shoulders, down his arms, and handed the twin swords he favored to Qabil.

The lad blinked, alarm darkening his eyes. “But—”“Hold them,” he said, not wishing to explain he didn’t

want to frighten the woman or her child. His presence—his size and strength—would do that well enough without being armed to the teeth. The fact he was rarely without the weapons made him itch to strap them back on. He felt exposed without the curved blades on his back, though it meant naught in the scheme of things. He needed her occupied, unsuspecting while he made his decision…

Thank you for taking the time to read an excerpt from KNIGHT AWAKENED. If you would like to read more, please visit

For more details, visit my website,

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