an introduction to history and culture of sri lanka by prof lakshman

History & Culture of History & Culture of Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Prof.Lakshman Madurasinghe., Prof.Lakshman Madurasinghe., PhD PhD January 2011 January 2011 Colombo Colombo

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Based on a talk given to a visiting foreign delegation in January, 2011


Page 1: An Introduction to History and Culture of Sri Lanka by Prof Lakshman

History & Culture of Sri LankaHistory & Culture of Sri Lanka

Prof.Lakshman Madurasinghe., PhDProf.Lakshman Madurasinghe., PhD

January 2011January 2011


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Page 3: An Introduction to History and Culture of Sri Lanka by Prof Lakshman


Taprobana was the historical name of an island in the Indian Ocean. It was first reported to Europeans by the Greek geographer Megasthenes around 290 BC, and was taken up by Ptolemy.

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StatisticsStatistics 65,525 sq km65,525 sq km Population ~21 millionPopulation ~21 million Sinhala, Tamil & English spokenSinhala, Tamil & English spoken Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity and IslamBuddhism, Hinduism, Christianity and Islam Executive President & ParliamentExecutive President & Parliament Roman-Dutch & English law: Islamic, Kandyan, Roman-Dutch & English law: Islamic, Kandyan,

tessavalamaitessavalamai laws laws Tea, rubber and coconut exportsTea, rubber and coconut exports Apparel and light manufacturing industriesApparel and light manufacturing industries Hydropower fully resourced ~ 40% of Hydropower fully resourced ~ 40% of

electricityelectricity ~60% of energy from fuel wood.~60% of energy from fuel wood.

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Statistics…contStatistics…cont Ethnic GroupsEthnic Groups:: Sinhalese 73.8%, Sri Lankan Moors 7.2%, Sinhalese 73.8%, Sri Lankan Moors 7.2%,

Indian Tamil 4.6%, Sri Lankan Tamil 3.9%, Indian Tamil 4.6%, Sri Lankan Tamil 3.9%, other 0.5%, unspecified 10%other 0.5%, unspecified 10%

Religions:Religions:Buddhist 69.1%, Muslim 7.6%, Hindu 7.1%, Buddhist 69.1%, Muslim 7.6%, Hindu 7.1%, Christian 7 %, unspecified 10%Christian 7 %, unspecified 10%

Languages:Languages:Sinhala (official and national language) 74%, Sinhala (official and national language) 74%, Tamil (national language) 18%, other 8% Tamil (national language) 18%, other 8%

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Earliest reference in legends - Earliest reference in legends - Skanda Purana Skanda Purana or or the rise and fall of Taraka overthrown by Hindu the rise and fall of Taraka overthrown by Hindu god Skanda. A shrine to god Skanda persists in god Skanda. A shrine to god Skanda persists in Kataragama in the South-East.Kataragama in the South-East.

In the later In the later RamayanaRamayana – the kidnapping of – the kidnapping of Queen Sita by Ravana and the destruction of Queen Sita by Ravana and the destruction of Lanka by Rama. Place names such as Sita-ela, Lanka by Rama. Place names such as Sita-ela, Sita-waka persist to this day in the central hills.Sita-waka persist to this day in the central hills.

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The Ramayana consists of 24,000 verses in seven books (kāṇḍas) and 500 cantos (sargas), and tells the story of Rama (an incarnation of the Hindu preserver-God Vishnu), whose wife Sita is abducted by the king of Lanka, Ravana. Thematically, the epic explores the tenets of human existence and the concept of dharma.


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The Homo Sapiens first appeared in Sri Lanka about 500,000 B.C. Few artifacts have been found dating back to subsequent Paleolithic culture of the second Stone age period. Stone cultures endured until about 1000 B.C.

The second phase of stone age may have ended some few centuries later with the establishment of metal. The Stone working culture was known as Balangoda Culture. They first made an impression on island life about 5000 B.C and spread through out the Sri Lanka.

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The combined work, sometimes referred to collectively as the Mahavamsa, provides a continuous historical record of over two millennia, and is considered one of the world's longest unbroken historical accounts. It is one of the few documents containing material relating to the Nagas and Yakkhas, the dwellers of Lanka prior to the legendary arrival of Vijaya.


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TaprobaneTaprobane to Greeks and Romans. to Greeks and Romans.

SerendibSerendib to Arabs from Sihala + Dwipa [island]. to Arabs from Sihala + Dwipa [island].

Early history recorded later in written chronicles Early history recorded later in written chronicles such as the such as the MahavamsaMahavamsa and and ChulavamsaChulavamsa written by written by Buddhist [Sinhalese] clergy.].Buddhist [Sinhalese] clergy.].

Subsequent reliance on stone inscriptions and Subsequent reliance on stone inscriptions and archaeological artifacts. archaeological artifacts.

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Sinhalese history is authenticated by Sinhalese history is authenticated by the concurrence of every evidence the concurrence of every evidence that can contribute to verify the that can contribute to verify the annals of any country -annals of any country -"Ceylon" Pearl "Ceylon" Pearl of the East by Harry Williamof the East by Harry William

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Nine months after attaining Buddhahood, our Conqueror visited Lanka on Durutu (January) Full Moon Day (1 B.E. or 528 B.C.).

There was a great meeting of Yakkas (devils) in the town of Mahiyangana (Mahanaga Garden), where Mahiyangana Thupa was built later times.


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Buddha’s second visit

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Alexander the Great- Greco-Buddhistic Culture- Global Perceptiveness

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Vijaya, originally from North India arrived in Sri Lanka in 543 BC. Traders and fisher folk from South India who visited Sri Lanka during the late centuries BC also made the island their permanent home. The intermingling of the new arrivals produced a harmonious multicultural society. 


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Buddhism arrived from India in the 3rd century BCE, brought by Bhikkhu Mahinda, who is believed to have been the son of Mauryan emperor Ashoka. Mahinda’s mission won over the Sinhalese monarch Devanampiyatissa of Mihintale, who embraced the faith and propagated it throughout the Sinhalese population. The Buddhist kingdoms of Sri Lanka would maintain a large number of Buddhist schools and monasteries, and support the propagation of Buddhism into Southeast Asia.


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Sangamitta brought to Sri Lanka a cutting of the Bodhi Tree under which the Buddha attained enlightenment.

She planted this in Anuradhapura, where it still survives today, garlanded with prayer flags and lights. Other bodhi trees, grown from cuttings of the Anuradhapuran tree, now spread their branches beside many of the island’s temples.

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Another event that served to intensify Buddhism in Sri Lanka was the arrival of the tooth relic (of the Buddha) at Anuradhapura in AD 371. It gained prominence not only as a religious symbol but also as a symbol of sovereignty – it was believed that whoever held custody of the relic had the right to rule the island. Modern-day presidents, prime ministers and governments see it as their duty to protect the relic and the rituals that surround it. It now lies in the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic (Sri Dalada Maligawa) in Kandy.

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FA HIEN (414 A.D)The Chinese pilgrim spent two years in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) mostly at Anuradhapura then a famous center of learning was the furthest point from his home in his 15 year old odyssey.He writes about Sri Lanka in his works

"This country is an oasis, prosperous and happy; it's people are well-to-do; they all have received the faith, and find their amusement in religious music.

COSMOS INDECOPLEUSTES (545 A.D)The se-faring nations knew Sri Lanka from very early times because of its positions on the trade routes. The Greeks called it Taprobane. Cosmos the Greek merchant from Alexandria gives us the fullest account of Sri Lanka. 

"The island being as it is , in a position, is much frequented by ships from all parts of India and from Persia and Ethiopia and it like wise sends out many of it's own and those from remote countries like china and other trading places..."


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In 1505 Portuguese came here and some settled here forming a small group that came to be known as European Burghers.

The Dutch traders came here in 1602 who soon gained monopoly over the spice trade in Sri Lanka.

They were replaced by the British power in 1796 and from 1802 Sri Lanka came under the British colonial rule. 

In 1948 Sri Lanka became an independent member of the British Commonwealth

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Ethnic GroupsEthnic Groups:: Sinhalese 73.8%, Sri Lankan Moors 7.2%, Sinhalese 73.8%, Sri Lankan Moors 7.2%,

Indian Tamil 4.6%, Sri Lankan Tamil 3.9%, Indian Tamil 4.6%, Sri Lankan Tamil 3.9%, other 0.5%, unspecified 10%other 0.5%, unspecified 10%

Religions:Religions:Buddhist 69.1%, Muslim 7.6%, Hindu 7.1%, Buddhist 69.1%, Muslim 7.6%, Hindu 7.1%, Christian 7 %, unspecified 10%Christian 7 %, unspecified 10%

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Sinhala-Hindu New Year- Sinhala-Hindu New Year- AprilApril

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Buddhist Festivals

Duruthu Perahera :- Held on the poya day in January at the Kelanyia Raja Maha Vihara in Colombo and second in importance only to the huge Kandy perahera, this festival celebrates a visit by the Buddha to Sri Lanka.

Vesak :- This full moon day is a day of the great significant for the Buddhists around the world for it marks the Birth, Enlightenment, and Decease of the Buddha.

Poson Poya :- The Poson full-moon day in june is a celebration of the bringing of Buddhism to Sri Lanka by Mahinda.

Kandy Esala Perahera :- The Kandy Esala Perahera, the most important and spectacular festival in Sri Lanka, is the Climax of 10 days and nights during the month of Esala, ending on the Nikini full moon. This great procession honours the scared Tooth Relic of Kandy. Smaller peraheras are held at other locations around the island

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Hindu Festivals

Thai Pongal :- This is a Hindu harvest festival, held in mid-january, to honour the Sun God.

Maha Shivrathri :- In late February or early March the Hindhu festival of Maha Sivarathri commemorates the marriage of Shiva to Parvati.

Kataragama :- This festival is held at Kataragama, where devotes put themselves through the whole gamut f ritual masochism. Pilgrimage from Jaffna via Batticaloa to Kataragama takes place.

Deepavali :- Also known as the festival of lights, Deepavali festival takes place in late October or early November. Thousand of oil lamps will be lit to celebrate the victory of good over evil and the return of Rama (the legendary character of the Hindu epic Ramayana, believed to be an incarnation of Vishnu) after his period of exile. Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth is worshipped on the third day of the festival.

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Christian Festivals

Easter :- The Christian Good Friday holiday usually falls in late March. An Easter passion play is performed on the island of Duwa, off Negombo.

Christmas during December

 Muslim Festivals

Most of Muslim festivals are also closely connected to religion. The main Muslim festivals are the Milad-un-Nabi or the birth of the Prophet Mohammed in December, Id-ul-Fitr marking the end of the holy fasting during the month of Ramadan, and the Haj festival when Muslims make their pilgrimages to the holy Muslim shrine in Mecca.