an introduction to islamic remedies final color part 1

Ehsan Khazeni, young Persian Consultant astrologer, Author and teacher. He has learnt Vedic and Medieval astrology. He also developed Tashtar Astrology Software (The First Persian Astrology Software). He does research on remedial astrology of various streams of astrology. By Ehsan Khazeni, Iran Edited by Mummadi Sridhar Associate Editor: Yenbeeyes s the subject of this article is Islamic astrological remedies, it is better to introduce the Islamic astrology. In fact Islamic astrology is the process of Ptolemaic astrology in Islamic Point of view. They took the Greek astrology as it was. Because it was first learned through translation movement, there were many mistakes to understand it. As Carlo Alfonso Nallino says, the pre-Islamic Arabs didn’t know much about the sky. Slowly the Muslims became more eager to study the stars. Some Verses of Quran which recommended cosmic mentalities was their stimulant. Astrology and astronomy improved simultaneously with the extension of Islamic culture and philosophy. However, writings of Al-Biruni 1 were a great deal with Indian astrology but it seems that Islamic astrologers were already familiar with Jyotish. For example there are many more advanced techniques of Varshaphal in Persian manuscripts. 1 An astrologer with Al-Birunis minute predictive ability, modern India has not produced till date. - SA A

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Page 1: An Introduction to Islamic Remedies Final Color Part 1

Ehsan Khazeni, young Persian Consultant

astrologer, Author and teacher. He has

learnt Vedic and Medieval astrology. He

also developed Tashtar Astrology Software

(The First Persian Astrology Software). He

does research on remedial astrology of

various streams of astrology.


Ehsan Khazeni, Iran

Edited by Mummadi Sridhar

Associate Editor: Yenbeeyes

s the subject of this article is

Islamic astrological remedies, it

is better to introduce the

Islamic astrology. In fact Islamic

astrology is the process of Ptolemaic

astrology in Islamic Point of view. They

took the Greek astrology as it was.

Because it was first learned through

translation movement, there were many

mistakes to understand it. As Carlo

Alfonso Nallino says, the pre-Islamic Arabs

didn’t know much about the sky. Slowly the

Muslims became more eager to study the

stars. Some Verses of Quran which

recommended cosmic mentalities was

their stimulant.

Astrology and astronomy improved

simultaneously with the extension of

Islamic culture and philosophy.

However, writings of Al-Biruni1 were a

great deal with Indian astrology but it

seems that Islamic astrologers were

already familiar with Jyotish. For

example there are many more advanced

techniques of Varshaphal in Persian


1 An astrologer with Al-Biruni’s minute predictive ability,

modern India has not produced till date. - SA


Page 2: An Introduction to Islamic Remedies Final Color Part 1

The occult sciences were also influenced and transformed during Islamic era.

Greek Metaphysics and Kabbalistic techniques were somehow replaced with God names

and Quran Verses even though there are still many different methods of occult sciences

in Persian and Arabic books but the most important part especially parts which works on

transforming the world conditions and discovering secret parts of human life are based

on Quran.

Among these techniques, Jaffr is the method of finding the answer with the help of

mathematical operation on the written question and Raml (geomancy) which is the way

of gaining the answer by dropping dibs accidentally. These sciences will not work until

one gains holy support.

In Islamic thoughts, the occult sciences are the tools which their operators should

beforehand learn in Islamic sciences, theology, Philosophy and would be reliable in

ethics. So they are forbidden for ordinary people.

Among Islamic Scientists, when you hear of a person as a seer or mystic don’t suspect

that he knows both astronomy and astrology because astrology cannot be separated from

Islamic mysticism.

Though in Islam, existences of such techniques are accepted but there are many

limitations for its operators. It is really important that a master must assist you during

learning period so please consult a valid master before start to learn Islamic esoteric


Let’s start to illustrate the mechanism of Islamic remedies. I explain hereunder my

classification of the tools which are taught by great masters.

In fact during the years of my work as a consultant astrologer, many clients found their

problems solved totally. I believe that if people care about their activities, they will know

their weakness and have control over them. Worship some time each day then they will

be guided correctly and overcome many disasters.

Determinism and Authority is the subject of deep discussion in Islamic Philosophy.

Astrologically, I believe that the damaged houses would be reconstructed. Afflicted

planets are not always strict enough to close all the doors. There is a Persian proverb

which says: “Death is the only matter which doesn’t have any remedy”. Sometimes it

seems that we can’t do anything against a problem but we can at least reduce its karma.

Notice that Islam believes karma as the law of reactions. But reincarnation is not

acceptable. So, when we talk about karma in Islamic point of view, it means present life

karma is subtle life before earthly existence.

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In Islamic astrology, prenatal epoch is more than the birth chart. It would be calculated

by Hermetic method and Animador of Ptolemy and somehow different with Nisheka lagna.

Anyway it doesn’t matter how to calculate epoch time. It also doesn’t matter if you use

birth chart in any other form. As a Vedic astrologer, I would rather use the sidereal

zodiac instead of tropical. In general, occupation and transit of planets can indicate the

state of harm. It can be determined that how much remedial measure would be applied

through main chart and navamsa. We also need to detect if one can do the remedies by

himself or needs other’s help. Also, we should check the Jupiter and Saturn position to

check the native’s belief. Some native’s may use Vedic mantras or non-religious


I divided the remedies in three categories.

1- Remedies should be applied according to the problem

2- Remedies should be used according to malefic planet or house.

3- Remedies should be suggested according to transits to prevent bad effects.

The first Group is often used when the problem is visible in native’s life and in many

cases their reason is to solve that problem. These remedies could be applied independent

of birth chart and easily can be determined by horary astrology.

The second category is often about to remedy the afflictions in advance. Such remedies

specially would apply for younger clients.

Sometimes in Islamic astrology, horary astrology is more important than birth chart.

During afflicted periods of planets the karmic problems of planet will be more visible. I

usually tell people about future significant times to act more carefully or set a session to

reconsider about their karmas.

Arabic Names Of God As Mantras

here are several names of god mentioned in Quran and other Islamic sources.

They are powerful words which can make many positive effects on body, mind

and soul. If you change your inner life, your outer life will also change. There

are 99 names which are mentioned in Quran and many other names which come from

other sources. The approval of these names needs a high skill in Islamic numerology but

some of them are allowed for public use. The names should be said in an exact number

which are calculated for special persons for specific reasons. It is said that the name is the

treasure map and its number is the steps to reach it. Also the names are the key and the


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numbers are its jags. For using a name you should use the prefix “Ya” instead of “Al”.

For instance: The name “An-Nour” means the light and related to the Sun. Repeating the

word “Noor” with the sound “ya” as prefix (pronounced “yaa nour”) in 256 times will

decrease the bad effects of debilitated or afflicted Sun. A mother can call the name “Al-

Musawwir” during pregnancy to deliver a healthy child. In the next parts, I will

introduce a lot of names and will suggest a simple method to use them.

Using Verses of Quran

here are several books to describe the influences of verses of Quran. There are

some Surah’s (Chapters) in Quran which are named astrologically and also

there are chapters named as “Sun”, ”Moon”, ”Signs”, ”Star”, etc. There are

many verses which implicate the astrological meanings. The starting chapter “Alfaateha”

contains seven verses which each verse relates to a planet. There are many

recommendations of donation for forgiveness from dead people. Many people avow to

read entire Quran after their problem is solved. There are also some specific verses

related to each ascendant. Quran contains more than 6000 verses which many of them

are using as remedies. For example reading verses 54-56 of the 7th chapter 70 times with a

cup of water in a specific way is applied for nullification of black magic. The Throne

Verse is the 255-247th verse of 2nd Chapter; it is widely used for protection. Throne Verse

is highly recommended for everyone who may feel trouble of evil spirits.

Such techniques will be discussed later.

Using Combined Spells

This is the most complicated but the most powerful remedy. Combined spells are usually

provided by putting some God names and parts of verses together. Usually first part is

calling a name and the next part is sworn to a verse. As the verses are God, words are for

a specific matter. Here it needs high skills to calculate the correct names and numbers.

Remedial Functions

This part is very similar to LalKitab Remedies. Prof U.C. Mahajan in translation of Lal

Kitab wrote: This book was once very popular in India, Pakistan, Iran and many other

countries. Actually, I couldn’t find any Persian version of the red book but there are

hundreds of years that such remedies are written in Persian and Arabic books. Some of

them really works and some seems superstitious. They are in both positive and negative


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forms. In positive form religious journeys, nourishing birds and animals, burning

incenses, and knocking to woods are simple remedies which are very popular.

The negative form is almost ignored because many of them are painful acts and used for

dark reasons so I will not go further.

Donate, Charity, Fast, Sacrifice

There is a famous word about charity: “Charity can remedy seventy types of disasters.”

It’s very common among Muslims that when they feel danger, had a bad dream or after a

misadventure they offer donations. For ordinary people only the purpose is important but

astrologically charity can be scheduled. According to planetary configurations it would be

suggested to donate products related to the planet or to contribute it to people related to

that planet.

Devotion For Intervention

It’s very common among Shia to prepare religious sessions. In Quran Sessions each

person reads a part of Quran so the whole Quran will be read several times. There are

many sessions for asking intervention of great souls. They usually are held in birth of

Shi’a Imams. These sessions are usually held ensemble and those who have not enough

money will avow for a part.


Retraction means pulling back from sins. Skilled astrologers can determine if a native

falls in sins or not, so that they can prescribe Retraction to stop karmic acts. All of us

may do faults unknowingly hence Retraction is always necessary for everyone.

As Quran says:

"And o my people! Ask forgiveness of your lord, and turn to him (in repentance): he will

send you the skies pouring abundant rain, and add strength to your strength: so turn ye

not back in sin!" Hudd-11-52

Talisman and Magic Squares

Sometimes it would suggest carrying a written blessing. This Bless should be written in a

specific time with certain material and conditions. Sometimes it should be written on a

paper with saffron or engraved on a planetary metal. It may be some verses of Quran or

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magical Squares. Indians call it as Kavach. The number of squares, its content and

direction of writing depends on the goals of the operator. In the more advanced steps, the

name of the native and his mother would be included to make the talisman exclusive.


The Usage of gemstones in Islamic remedies is somehow different. In fact the crave cuts

on the gemstone is more important. There are many symbolic talismans which have

specific effects. For example there are gems which should be prepared in planetary

exaltations. The rings should be held in high esteem and should not be used anywhere.

Some of them have spells for activation. It is believed that each talisman has a guardian

to protect its owner.


s already mentioned, one should not use all the remedies together because it

may be really harmful. Each remedy has its own quality and using all together

may have unknown effects. The astrologer should detect the quality and

estimate the necessary remedies and also should detect the native’s tolerance. The

remedial process should be done in a time span and not at once. Also the native should be

checked several times during remedies and stop or replace the technique if a remedy

seems to be harmful. The useful remedies should be continued for a while after problem

is solved.