an introduction to python - lists, part 2

An Introduction To Software Development Using Python Spring Semester, 2014 Class #11: Lists, Part 2

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Page 1: An Introduction To Python - Lists, Part 2

An Introduction To Software

Development Using Python

Spring Semester, 2014

Class #11:

Lists, Part 2

Page 2: An Introduction To Python - Lists, Part 2

4 Steps To Creating A Python List

1. Convert each of the names into strings by surrounding the data with quotes.

2. Separate each of the list items from the next with a comma.

3. Surround the list of items with opening and closing square brackets.

4. Assign the list to an identifier (movies in the preceding code) using the assignment operator (=).

“COP 2271c” “Introduction to Computation and Programming” 3

“COP 2271c”, “Introduction to Computation and Programming”, 3

[“COP 2271c”, “Introduction to Computation and Programming”, 3]

prerequisites = [“COP 2271c”, “Introduction to Computation and Programming”, 3]

COP 2271c Introduction to Computation and Programming 3

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Page 3: An Introduction To Python - Lists, Part 2

How To Access A List

• A list is a sequence of elements, each of which has an integer position or index.

• To access a list element, you specify which index you want to use.

• That is done with the subscript operator ([] ) in the same way that you access individual characters in a string.

• For example:

print(values[5]) # Prints the element at index 5

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Appending Elements

• Start with an empty listgoodFood=[]

• A new element can be appended to the end of the list with the append method:goodFood.append(“burgers”)

• The size, or length, of the list increases after each call to the append method. Any number of elements can be added to a list:goodFood.append(“ice cream”)goodFood.append(“hotdog”)goodFood.append(“cake”)

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Page 5: An Introduction To Python - Lists, Part 2

Inserting an Element

• Sometimes, however, the order is important and a new element has to beinserted at a specific position in the list. For example, given this list:friends = ["Harry", "Emily", "Bob", "Cari"]

suppose we want to insert the string "Cindy" into the list following the fist element, which contains the string "Harry". The statement:friends.insert(1, "Cindy")achieves this task

• The index at which the new element is to be inserted must be between 0 and the number of elements currently in the list. For example, in a list of length 5, valid index values for the insertion are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. The element is inserted before the element at the given index, except when the index is equal to the number of elements in the list. Then it is appended after the last element: friends.insert(5, "Bill")This is the same as if we had used the append method.

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Finding An Element

• If you simply want to know whether an element is present in a list, use the in operator:

if "Cindy" in friends :print("She's a friend")

• Often, you want to know the position at which an element occurs. The index method yields the index of the fist match. For example,

friends = ["Harry", "Emily", "Bob", "Cari", "Emily"]n = friends.index("Emily") # Sets n to 1

• If a value occurs more than once, you may want to find the position of all occurrences. You can call the index method and specify a starting position for the search. Here, we start the search after the index of the previous match:

n2 = friends.index("Emily", n + 1) # Sets n2 to 4

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Removing an Element

• Pop

– The pop method removes the element at a given position. For example, suppose we start with the list friends = ["Harry","Cindy","Emily","Bob","Cari","Bill"]

To remove the element at index position 1 ("Cindy") in the friends list, you use the command:friends.pop(1)

If you call the pop method without an argument, it removes and returns the last element of the list. For example, friends.pop() removes "Bill".

• Remove

– The remove method removes an element by value instead of by position.friends.remove("Cari")

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Concatenation and Replication

• The concatenation of two lists is a new list that contains the elements of the first list, followed by the elements of the second. For example, suppose we have two lists:

myFriends = ["Fritz", "Cindy"]

yourFriends = ["Lee", "Pat", "Phuong"]

• We want to create a new list that combines the two. Two lists can be concatenated by using the plus (+) operator:

ourFriends = myFriends + yourFriends

# Sets ourFriends to ["Fritz", "Cindy", "Lee", "Pat", "Phuong"]

• If you want to concatenate the same list multiple times, use the replication operator: (*). For example,

monthInQuarter = [1, 2, 3] * 4

# The list is [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]

• One common use of replication is to initialize a list with a fixed value. For example,monthlyScores = [0] * 12

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Equality Testing

• Use the == operator to compare whether two lists have the same elements, in the same order.

• For example, [1, 4, 9] == [1, 4, 9] is True, but [1, 4, 9 ] == [4, 1, 9] is False.

• The opposite of == is !=. The expression [1, 4, 9] != [4, 9] is True.

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Sum, Maximum, Minimum

• If you have a list of numbers, the sum function yields the sum of all values in the list. For example:

sum([1, 4, 9, 16]) # Yields 30

• For a list of numbers or strings, the max and min functions return the largest and smallest value:

max([1, 16, 9, 4]) # Yields 16min("Fred", "Ann", "Sue") # Yields "Ann"

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What Happens When You Copy A List?

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Solving The Copying Problem

• Sometimes, you want to make a copy of a list; that is, a new list that has the same elements in the same order as a given list.

• Use the list function:prices = list(values)

• Now, values and prices refer to different lists. Right after the copy, both lists have the same contents. But you can modify either without affecting the other.

• The list function can be used to make a list out of any sequence. For example, when the argument is a string, you get a list of all characters in the string:

characters = list("Hello") # The list is ["H", "e", "l", "l", "o"]

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What We Covered Today

1. Appending

2. Inserting

3. Finding

4. Removing

5. Concatenating

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What We’ll Be Covering Next Time

1. Lists, List algorithms

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