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Grupo de Pesquisa Prismas do Direito Civil-Constitucional PUCRS/CNPq AN INTRODUCTION TO THE JURIDICAL SYSTEM, PRIVATE LAW AND CHAOS SUMMARY PRISMS OF A RESEARCH ON CIVIL- CONSTITUTIONAL LAW RICARDO ARONNE MD,PhD * Original version of text developed for IX International Chaos Conference in 2006. Remark the first invitation for Science of Law in hard sciences transdiciplinar international event. Remark, also, the start of proficuous dialog in Philosophy of Sciences. Introduction - Chaotic Opus - Fiat Chaos This text is made brief, or better yet, semibrief, for, in being semibrief and not being out of pace, it constructs meaning as it constitutes itself. In a pause. After a long and awkward dissonant fanfarre (distoant to me) in the codes of determinism from the eighthists having hurt their agonizing ‘accords’, they have not yet awaken. This is about a periodized pause in the course of the journey in which the walker (Arcane O from a Tarot more than Carl Gustav Jung’ than a Thoth’s, more rational than mystical, more mitificator than mytic), not wanting to be an errant, turns his eyes over the shoulder, inventorying the miles run, just like an * Doctor in Civil Law and Society by the UFPR, Master of Law in State Law by PUCRS, post graduate in civil legal procedure by PUCRS. Coordinator of the Research and Scientific Initiation Center at the School of Law at PUCRS, Professor and advisor in the undergraduate and graduate department at PUCRS, Leader of the research group “Prismas do Direito Civil-Constitucional” (PUCRS/CNPq), Professor at AJURIS, member of IARGS and IBDP, lawyer.

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Grupo de Pesquisa Prismas do Direito Civil-Constitucional





Original version of text developed for IX

International Chaos Conference in 2006.

Remark the first invitation for Science of

Law in hard sciences transdiciplinar

international event. Remark, also, the start

of proficuous dialog in Philosophy of


Introduction - Chaotic Opus - Fiat Chaos

This text is made brief, or better yet, semibrief, for, in being

semibrief and not being out of pace, it constructs meaning as it

constitutes itself. In a pause. After a long and awkward dissonant fanfarre

(distoant to me) in the codes of determinism from the eighthists having

hurt their agonizing ‘accords’, they have not yet awaken. This is about a

periodized pause in the course of the journey in which the walker (Arcane

O from a Tarot more than Carl Gustav Jung’ than a Thoth’s, more rational

than mystical, more mitificator than mytic), not wanting to be an errant,

turns his eyes over the shoulder, inventorying the miles run, just like an

* Doctor in Civil Law and Society by the UFPR, Master of Law in State Law by PUCRS, post graduate in civil legal procedure by PUCRS. Coordinator of the Research and Scientific Initiation Center at the School of Law at PUCRS, Professor and advisor in the undergraduate and graduate department at PUCRS, Leader of the research group “Prismas do Direito Civil-Constitucional” (PUCRS/CNPq), Professor at AJURIS, member of IARGS and IBDP, lawyer.

An Introduction to the Juridical System, Private Law and Chaos Summary Prisms of a Research on Civil-Constitutional Law


epistemological belonging picked up (for some piled up1) along his way.

Paved by the constructive deconstruction where the traveler is his own

compass. A stop syncope-like. Kind of a tumble. Between paintings. The

moment Neo takes in his hands the red pill, but still keeps his eye on the

blue one. ‘Accord’. A counted pause. Counted to count. Then, a short story

that I tell and that I pray and sing each hour and each corner. These are

always motivated pauses, as a reflexion resulting from the rolling of ideas;

eventhough fuzzy, eventhough dizzy and sabotaged ones. This is not an

exception. It tells of a journey. In progress. Ideas. Evolutions.

Revolutions. A short story about science; reasoning and passion.

It has the challenging task of proceeding a synthesis of my

studies on the Science of Chaos in Law, subtancializers of my post

doctoral duties, summarizing still the production of the Research Group

Prisms of the Civil-Constitutional Law- PUCRS/CNPq, whose pioneer

investigation lines have been unfolding the theme in the scientific-juridic

scenary at international levels, also motivating the whole reconstruction,

in progress2, of a recently presented3 and published4 text, in which I start

to face directly the Chaos issue. It is present in the referred essay, in an

explicit way5 , as well as it can be found in all my writings/work, where

determinism issues, rationality and dogmatics are the fundamental

1 Maybe this way would qualify Alan Sokal (see Sokal Alan. Rachaduras no Verniz Pós-Moderno. IN: GRECO, Alessandro. Homens de Ciência. São Paulo : Conrad, 2001, p. 18-23) Based on his known criticisms, still in the middle of the 90’s, a rigor, seen by many as extreme, was sought, as can be perceived in my book, less young than my hair may seem to give away (unfortunately). 2 ARONNE, Ricardo. Sistema Jurídico e Unidade Axiológica II - Os Contornos Metodológicos da Teoria do Caos no Direito Civil-Constitucional. Paper to be presented IX Experimental Chaos Conference, 29.06-01.07.2006 which text is presently being revised and improved. 3 ARONNE, Ricardo. Sistema Jurídico e Unidade Axiológica – Os Contornos Metodológicos do Direito Civil-Constitucional. I Congresso Sul Americano de Filosofia do Direito e IV Colóquio Sul Americano de Realismo Jurídico. Anais. Porto Alegre : EDIPUCRS, CDROM, 2005, 30p. 4 ARONNE, Ricardo. Direito Civil-Constitucional e Teoria do Caos – Estudos Preliminares. Porto Alegre : Liv. Do Advogado, 2006. 5 Specially and right in the beginning we can see (ob. Cit., p.3-4): “A falta de identidade do Direito Civil-Constitucional com os paradigmas positivistas tradicionais, traçados pelo racionalismo dos séculos passados, não é uma recusa para com a cientificidade do Direito, e sim uma percepção diferida, que deve ser explicitada, pois alinha sua coerência. Sua métrica sem dimensões. Sua razão e caos.” Or: “The lack of identity of the Constitutional Civil Law with the traditional positivist paradigms, marked by the rationalism of the past centuries, is not a refusal for the scientific characteristic of the Law, but a differed perception that has to be demonstrated once it aligns its coherence. Its metric without dimensions. Its reasoning and chaos.

An Introduction to the Juridical System, Private Law and Chaos Summary Prisms of a Research on Civil-Constitutional Law


guidelines. As a matter of fact, the theme is not new for Law.6 The

paradigm7 is new placed under the spotlight. It is also new the moment in

which the so- called exact sciences meet one another, especially in the

face of transdisciplinaryly complex and challengely irreverent Science of


Maybe such conditions have been the reason for the non-

deserved and lovely invitation by Professor Elbert Macau, full time

Researcher at Laboratory for Mathematics and Applied Computation of the

National Institute for Space Research, to present a paper together at the

IX Experimental Chaos Conference, acknowledgedly the most important

international event about dedicated to the theme of Experimental Chaos.

These have certainly been the reason for such pauses and this short story,

aiming at something opposite to simplification. Not less certain is the fact

that I have been taken by surprise as much of by pride before the 6 SANTOS, Boaventura Souza. Um discurso sobre as ciências, 3a. ed. São Paulo : Cortez, 2005, p. 14. 7 KUHN, Thomas S. A estrutura das revoluções científicas. 5a. ed. São Paulo : Perspectiva, 1998. p.126 : “As revoluções políticas iniciam-se com um sentimento crescente, com freqüência restrito a um segmento da comunidade política, de que as instituições existentes deixaram de responder adequadamente aos problemas postos por um meio que ajudaram em parte a criar. De forma muito semelhante, as revoluções científicas iniciam-se com um sentimento crescente, também seguidamente restrito a uma pequena subdivisão da comunidade científica, de que o paradigma existente deixou de funcionar adequadamente na exploração de um aspecto da natureza, cuja exploração fora anteriormente dirigida pelo paradigma. Tanto no desenvolvimento político como no científico, o sentimento de funcionamento defeituoso, que pode levar a crise, é um pré-requisito para revolução”. Or: “The political revolutions start with a growing feeling, frequently restricted to a segment of the political community, that the existing institutions have ceased to answer adequately to the problems posed by a group that they helped create. Similarly, the scientific revolutions start with a growing feeling, also frequently restricted to a small subdivision of the scientific community, that the paradigm has ceased to function adequately in the exploration of an aspect of nature, whose exploration was before directed by the paradigm. Both in the political and scientific development, the feeling that something is malfunctioning, which can cause a crisis, is pre-requisite for a revolution.” (A.T.) 8 It is evoked, still current, the initial words by Gleick, originally written in 1987 (GLEICK, James. Caos – a criação de uma nova ciência. Rio de Janeiro : Campus, 1990, p. 4): “Hoje, uma década depois, o caos se tornou uma abreviatura para um movimento que cresce rapidamente e que está reformulando a estrutura do sistema científico. {...} Em todas grandes universidades e em todos os grandes centros de pesquisas privados, alguns teóricos relacionam-se primeiro com o caos, e só em segundo lugar com as suas especialidades propriamente ditas. {...} A nova ciência gerou sua linguagem própria, um elegante jargão de fractais e bifurcações, intermitências e periodicidades, difeomorfismo folded-towel e mapas smooth noodle. {...} Para alguns físicos, o caos é antes uma ciência de processo do que de estado, de vir a ser do que de ser. Agora que a ciência está atenta, o caos parece estar por toda parte.” Or: “Today, a decade later, chaos has become an abbreviation for a movement that is rapidly growing and that is reformulating the structure of the scientific system. […] In all major universities and in all major private research centers, some theoreticians relate first to the chaos and only secondarily to their areas of expertise. […] the new science has generated its own language, an elegant jargon of fractals and bifurcations, intermittent and periodicity, difeomorfism folded towel and smooth noodle maps. […] To some physicists chaos is firstly a state process science, which is going to be rather than being. Now that science is on alert, chaos seems to be everywhere.” (A. T.)

An Introduction to the Juridical System, Private Law and Chaos Summary Prisms of a Research on Civil-Constitutional Law


prestigious invitation to collaborate with the event, a call promptly

accepted. As the Polish poet Helena Kolody would say: a call to a trip in

the mirror.

We shall walk again through the words of James Gleick9, for,

underneath any stone looked at by Science, in any horizon its sight rests,

and there lies the Chaos. It is not different in Law. In Brazil there are

popular sayings (noting that eventhough risking neologism by obliteration,

they are lame) about the unpredictability of the judges’ minds. I do not

totally accept them, however I must point out, as a militant, that I do not

know a single lawyer who has never been surprised by an unexpected or

aberrant judicial decision, for instance.

We must recognize that even in the face of the most stable

jurisprudence, there are casual deviations. We must also recognize that

such deviations are, in a macroperspective, probabilistic. They have

configurations. One must note that nothing is unpredictable, in this

movement of jurisprudence; nothing is determined either. We are to

realize that in the approach of the growing deviation microperspective, we

investigate the reasons by which the solution of the respective issue

follwed a certain path (trajectory), which, in the process internal logic, can

be chained to the initial conditions, observed in the concrete case (topic).

We must note as well that the Law imprints an artificial notion of time and

reversibility, which has been revisited by the jurisprudence in the post-

modern times; reconstructing the theme of damage and urgency tutelage,

just to set a few initial examples.

The themes system, determinism and rationality stand out as

the most intriguing of the Philosophy of Law10 , nowadays; mainly because

9 GLEICK, James. Caos..., ibid. 10 In parallel, related to economy, working with fractals, in many of his texts: MANDELBROT, Benoït; HUDSON, Richard. Mercados financeiros fora de controle – a teoria dos fractais explicando o comportamento dos mercados. Rio de Janeiro : Campus, 2004. Com caos e complexidade na economia: GLEISER, Ilan. Caos e complexidade - A evolução do pensamento econômico. Rio de Janeiro : Campus, 2002.

An Introduction to the Juridical System, Private Law and Chaos Summary Prisms of a Research on Civil-Constitutional Law


of the ‘new’ Civil Code11 - reborn as an elder from the shelves of the

National Congress- and its possible effects in the Brazilian jurisprudence.

Likewise, complexity stands out as well as the multiple relations and

connections among the sciences in the reality of life, facing a concrete

man in search of his role before the others and his world. Reality printed

on the pages of lawsuits and newspaper.

Complexity forces the Law operators to know the details of

unexpected areas of knowledge, due to the content of the lawsuits,

because of the presence of experts and specialized technicians to support

them. The final word about the sanity or someone’s paternity may not

come from either a neurologist or a geneticist. It may come from a judge.

It may entirely contradict the conclusion of a report. The price? A good

foundation. Reason. Rationality. The means? System and discourse.

Remedies? Resources. Trajectory? Chaotic. Fear? Non determination.

Instability. Would someone like it to be any different? History answers


Nonetheless, Law can be called upon to certify if the budget

plan of the Federal Union is adequate. It can state if a certain technique,

employed by a neurosurgeon that preceded an intervention, was the most

adequate or not. It can even say if an individual is or not a good father

that deserves to receive the custody of his children. Also, if the design

project of a car was correctly developed or not, and, if it weren’t enough,

if the responsible people from the company were or not aware of the flaw

before launching the product into the market! Observe that all the

situations pointed out, are, at least theoretically, a daily reality for the

Law operators. And the questions must be answered. Correct or not, the

11 For my criticism, more detailed and with franc convergence with the theme in question see: ARONNE, Ricardo. Código Civil anotado. Direito das coisas, disposições finais e legislação complementar selecionada. São Paulo : Thomson, 2005, p. 17-25 and , also, ARONNE, Ricardo. Titularidades e apropriação no novo Código Civil brasileiro - Breve ensaio sobre a posse e sua natureza. IN: SARLET, Ingo Wolfgang. (org.) O novo Código Civil e a Constituição. Porto Alegre : Liv. do Advogado, 2003, p. 215-220.

An Introduction to the Juridical System, Private Law and Chaos Summary Prisms of a Research on Civil-Constitutional Law


non liquet, is not possible for Law.12 One may ask about the reasonability

of what I evoke. And he will have to answer it. According to his incapacity

of being apart (5th article, XXXV, Brazilian Federal Constitution/88). Fear?

Vertigo? No. Chaos.

Several bridges begin to be established within the Sciences.

Several possibilities of investigation open up to new horizons, quite often

paradoxical, just like life, like man and the relationships he establishes

between him and the environment. Maybe a new Humanism. Certainly a

new page in the history of Existentialism. Obviously a new paradigm on


The studies so far summarized have had their scientific rigor of

investigation refreshed by the known, and largely, valid criticism from

Sokal and Briecmont13, whose meaning may not have been correctly

understood by scientific community, in general, despite their many further

explanations. I hope not to be condemned for criticizing icons like Lacan,

Derrida, Aronowitz, Delleuse and Virilio.

The technical language which we make use of (which we

appropriate ourselves would be the term most inadequate to the text,

although very much employed by Sokal), is justified by epistemological

precision and it has an ample methodological support, clearly made

available to enlighten comprehension. It translates jargon a lot less

hermetical than a social scientist is used to use, especially from Law,

without distancing itself from theoretical tools traditionally available. The

language facilitates a lot the construction of the referred transdisciplinary

bridges, with multiple benefits. Without impostors. Without


12 Already working with principiology, despite the absence of able system notion, considered later: ARONNE, Ricardo. O princípio do livre convencimento do juiz. Porto Alegre : SAFE, 1996. 13 Specifically in: SOKAL, Alan; BRIECMONT, Jean. Imposturas Intelectuais. São Paulo : Record, 1999.

An Introduction to the Juridical System, Private Law and Chaos Summary Prisms of a Research on Civil-Constitutional Law


From the beginning of the beginning- the Division of the beginning

Rationality and system have always been a dear theme to

Law, especially to private law, since modernity.14 Scientificism, dressed

up as jusracionalism reached it, in the aurora of the XIX century, by the

hands of names like Savigny, father of the School of History; especially

when it became embodied in the great codifications, standing out the

constant monuments from the extreme temporal opposites of the time-

the Code (1803), a product of the School of the Exegesis in France, and

the BGB (1896), a product of the German Pandects. The notion of system,

then, got integrated to Law, with immanent essentialist, clearly not

noticed by many authors, exactly because Law and system started to be

identified (one from the other).15

This progressive identification became important to the

forgetting of its typical complexity in the face of what was called the

dogma of completeness16; that has highlighted the way of our research in

terms of the architecture of the system. Contrary to what may seem, the

juridical system can be studied in its inertial or dynamic state17, like the

anatomy and physiology, with reciprocal results. Linguistics takes back its

original role, for, principally in the discussion of the merging paradigm, it

has occupied a fundamental role in the Human Sciences, as it was given

to the Mathematics in the Exact sciences. Eventually, the Theory of

14 See: CANARIS, Claus-Wilhelm. Pensamento sistemático e conceito de sistema na ciência do direito. Trad. A. Menezes Cordeiro. Lisboa : Fund. Calouste Gulbenkian, 1989. 15 Idem, ibid, with special emphasis throughout the translator’s text. 16 By all those who devote to the topic, see: BOBBIO, Norberto. Teoria do ordenamento jurídico. Trad. Maria Celeste dos Santos. 6.ed. Brasília : Ed. UNB, 1995. In relation to the complexity and the interconnection of Law and politics, visited by the author’s critical and acid philosophy and sociology, complements are formed in the light of his ideas: Estado, governo, sociedade : para uma teoria geral da política. São Paulo : Ed. Paz e Terra, 1995; Liberalismo e democracia. 6.ed. Brasília : Ed. Brasiliense, 1994; O futuro da democracia : uma defesa das regras do jogo. 6.ed. São Paulo : Paz e Terra, 1986; e em especial O positivismo jurídico. Trad. Edson Bini. São Paulo : Ícone Ed., 1995. 17 Nonetheless we support the idea that interpreting a rule is to make it possible it in the light of certain values, there is a theory concerning this structure, which extremely important to us, once in the view of the Philosophy of Science we are discussing a new paradigm, with practical implications in Law mainly in Civil-constitutional and its procedure. This way a distinction between interpretation and hermeneutics makes legit for us its significance. Here a research group forms a school of thinking. And takes its role and its place.

An Introduction to the Juridical System, Private Law and Chaos Summary Prisms of a Research on Civil-Constitutional Law


Communication and Symbology. Signs. On the course of the reunion of

knowledge derived from the Complex Thinking instead of from the

simplicity of the Metaphysical Dialectics which is in the root of Cartesian

language. Dissociations come from the prism for comprehension; dialogic.

Deconstructing to rise again without destroying. Exhumation of the

premises to understand the pathologies of discourse.

We should not, however, lose sight of our study on Civil-

Constitutional Law.1819 We must not lose contact with the reality ground in

order not to forget the attrition, easily avoided in Newtonian formulas,

repeated by the Civil Law aligned to the traditional orientations.

Therefore, the commitment of our research is directly related to its

practical results in Law and in the Society. It is committed with the

construction of an including Social State, plural and democratic able to

realize the fundamental rights, in spite of the constant attacks to the

Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988. Furthermore, including a concrete

and complex man in it idealized in the light of human dignity as a

transforming value.

Back to the point in which a cut was made. This identification

pointed to a certain direction: to dialog the aspect of closure and

completeness of the system, while paradigms of security in Law. This

matter was inconclusive until the XX century. By its side there was its

siamese issue posed by the metaphysics, in a deterministic fashion, in

terms of irrationality of values and the need to empty its operation in the

Science of Law.

18 For reference see: TEPEDINO, Gustavo. Temas de direito civil. Rio de Janeiro : Renovar, 1999. Especificamente em nossas matrizes: ARONNE, Ricardo. Por um direito civil-constitucional. Idem. (org.) Estudos de direito civil-constitucional, Porto Alegre : Livraria do Advogado, 2004, p. 11-15, no Vol. 1 e 2. 19 Always of fundamental influence to the group. FACHIN, Luiz Edson. Teoria crítica do Direito Civil. Rio de Janeiro : Renovar, 2000.

An Introduction to the Juridical System, Private Law and Chaos Summary Prisms of a Research on Civil-Constitutional Law


The genial laboratory theories, fruit of Cartesian rationalism

are still strong and present, operated by Kelsen20 in the first half of the

only century that watched two world wars devastate Europe; they can be

pointed as a sign of agony of a dogmatic deterministic positivism of

kantian matrix21 , that had long revealed insufficient to describe the

beauty and horror of the concrete man.22

It is important to make it explicit that the theme of systems

theory23 has been along the centuries in the agenda of the scientific date

book of the General Theory of Law, holding many meaning and definitions,

even in the search of its denial. The theme must be placed in the light of

the Schools that sew it together, and quite often transcend the frontier of

Law, as in the case of Luhmann.24 He must be read in order not be

assumed by the argument of authority or similar resources, all very

common among the Human Sciences. One should look for scientific rigor

and practical empirical possibilities 25. Communicative reason instead of

instrumental reason. 26

20 Specifically see: KELSEN, Hans. A teoria pura do direito. Trad. João B. Machado. 4.ed. São Paulo : Martins Fontes, 1995. ; O problema da justiça. São Paulo : Martins Fontes, 1996.; Teoria geral das normas. Trad. da ed. alemã de 1979 por José F. Duarte. Porto Alegre : Fabris, 1986.; Teoria geral do direito e do estado. Trad. João B. Machado. 2.ed. São Paulo : Martins Fontes, 1992. In sintesis: MATTA, Emmanuel. O realismo da teoria pura do direito. Belo Horizonte : Nova Alvorada, 1984 21 About the topic: BARZOTTO, Luis Fernando. O positivismo jurídico contemporâneo. Porto Alegre : Unisinos, 1999. 22 In this sense, considering the necessary limits of prudence and contextualization of the century of conception: PASCAL, Blaise. Pensamentos. São Paulo : Martin Claret, 2004. We suggest this edition, despite restrictions, in view of the excellent text of Humberto Rohden (Pascal e a humanidade, ob. cit., p. 11-38). 23 Important reference, further beyond Parsons or Luhmann, despite presenting several distinctions related to our perspectives of systematic architecture: VASCONCELLOS, Maria José Esteves de. Pensamento sistêmico – o novo paradigma da ciência. 4a. ed. Campinas : Papirus, 2002. 24 LUHMANN, Niklas. Sociologia do direito. Rio de Janeiro : Tempo Brasileiro, 1983.v.1 e 2. 25 SÖHNGEN, Clarice Costa. Epistemologia e metologia científica. IN: ARONNE, Ricardo. Direito Civil-Constitucional e Teoria do Caos – Estudos Preliminares. Porto Alegre : Liv. Do Advogado, 2006: “Nos últimos duzentos anos, houve a predominância da racionalidade cognitivo-instrumental da ciência e da tecnologia em detrimento de outras lógicas de racionalidade. Ou seja, a ciência moderna adotou o modelo do sujeito epistêmico e rejeitou o sujeito empírico. Isso resultou na separação entre o sujeito e o objeto de conhecimento.” Or: “In the last two hundred years there has been a predominance of cognitive instrumental rationality of science and technology instead of other logics of rationality. That is, modern science has adopted the epistemic subject model and has rejected the empirical subject. This has lead to a separation between the subject and the object of study.” 26 For a better summary allow me to suggest: ARONNE, Ricardo. Summa Habermaseana: Uma Introdução ao Pensamento de Jürgen Habermas or Fundamentos Epistemológicos dos Sistemas Axiológicos Instáveis para a

An Introduction to the Juridical System, Private Law and Chaos Summary Prisms of a Research on Civil-Constitutional Law


If in theory the theme does not tame itself, it must be recalled

that its relevance lies empowered by the practice, for it modifies the

application of Law by the interpreter, reflecting upon all jurisprudence.

Once Law is a system, the way it is conceived can define its way of

application. 27 It is, for example, as one handles the notions of closing and

opening an ordering that the matter of blanks is faced. Thus, the way the

themes not disciplined by the law are solved in court, more open to the

richness and indetermination of life and its finitude, is important to the

blank and its filling. The ‘smallness’ of man and his possibility of

transcending.28 The immortality of thought that only keeps some meaning

in the certainty of the limits of its mundane existence.29

The theme about the systems theory is very dear to the

research lines of Prisms; in dialog with the multiple works in this field,

standing out are the contributions of Ilya Prigogine30, Edward Lorenz,

Stephen Hawking31, Benoït Mandelbrot32, Murray Gell-Mann33, Henri

Poincaré34, among so many other writers from areas as diverse as human


Teoria do Caos. IN: ARONNE, Ricardo. Direito Civil-Constitucional e Teoria do Caos – Estudos Preliminares. Porto Alegre : Liv. Do Advogado, 2006. 27 For a sincronic hystorical analysis, in Family Law: TASSINARI, Simone. Do contrato parental à socioafetividade. IN ARONNE, Ricardo. Estudos de direito civil-constitucional. Porto Alegre : Liv. do Advogado, 2004, Vol. 2, p. 19-105. Regarding ownership: ARONNE, Ricardo. Propriedade e domínio: reexame sistemático das noções nucleares de direitos reais. Rio de Janeiro : Renovar, 1999. 28 SÖHNGEN, Clarice Costa. Epistemologia e metodologia científica: uma perspectiva pluralista. IN: ARONNE, Ricardo. Direito Civil-Constitucional e Teoria do Caos – Estudos Preliminares. Porto Alegre : Liv. Do Advogado, 2006. 29 PASCAL, Blaise. Pensamentos. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2001, p. 200: “O homem não é senão um caniço, o mais fraco da natureza, mas é um caniço pensante”. Or: “Man is nothing but a rod, the weakest one in nature, but he is a thinking rod.” (A. T.) Pascal in this book using the dialogical thinking, instead of the dialectics, ends up revealing that the opposites simultaneously antagonist and complementary are part of unalienable human condition. What in a large scale, is later followed by Nietzsche and Hanna Arendt, he notices in the “human condition” the coexistence of greatness and misery, understanding that corrupted nature is inseparable from greatness. They are opposite and complementary conditions. Man’s greatness is his faculty for thinking and his fragility his misery. 30 PRIGOGINE, Ilya. O fim das certezas: tempo, caos e as leis da natureza. São Paulo : UNESP, 1996. 31 HAWKING, Stephen. A brief history of time – from the big bang to black holes. NY : Bantam Books, 1988. 32 MANDELBROT, Benoït. The fractal geometry of nature. S. Francisco : J. Wiley, 1982. 33 GELL-MANN, Murray. O quark e o jaguar – aventuras no simples e no complexo. São Paulo : Rocco, 1996. 34 POINCARÉ, Henri. A ciência e a hipótese. Brasília : UNB, 1988.

An Introduction to the Juridical System, Private Law and Chaos Summary Prisms of a Research on Civil-Constitutional Law


In what concerns the systems, the topic is quite ample. It

includes the notion of time35 and reaches the fundamental matter related

to the integration and stability of the system. There are integrating and

non-integrating systems living in nature and in Law. In this respect the

current studies about dynamics are fundamental to better determine the

behavior of the rules and principles in the system and the way that

conflicts and antonyms take place. Once again the relation of time within

Law and out of it, it deserves a separate chapter in an inventory of

research as in the proposed framework. The matter about the opening of

the system gets amplified, as well as its communication with the

Discourse Theory and a countless number of other areas of knowledge

from which the system was isolated.

Who Systematizes the System? Attracting the Attraction. Monitoring the Rappa.

Still in the operation with systems, to better control the

deviations, especially in the area of discourse, to which the main role is

reserved, it is possible to clearly and efficiently deal with the idea of

attractor and strange or chaotic attractor, derived from Lorenz, applicable

in Larenz36, based on Canaris and the current principles theory, well

represented by Dworkin37, Canotilho38 , Alexy39 and Hesse40.

35 The rationalism that originated in the XIX century did not consider time and existence. Thus as the Code intends to be complete and have universal and extemporal validity, physics, both in the Newtonian and quantic theoretical models (which are respectively equivalent to the Exegesis School and the Pure Theory of Law, as heirs of Kant), they ignore that which Ilya Prygogine (Étude thermodynamique des phénoménes irréversibles. Liège : Desoer, 1947, passim) called the arrow of time measuring the phenomenon inexorably extemporal, of irreversibility, not absorbed by physics, so far. Now the Trans disciplinary bridges promoted by the overcoming of metaphysics, bringing the scientific dialog to a new plataform of rationality, offered by the intersubjectivity, are able to found a new methodological instance where not even the the frontiers between the Exact and Human Sciences recognize themselves, without being transposed. 36 LARENZ, Karl. Derecho civil : parte general. Trad.da 3.ed., Miguel Izquierdo. Madri : Rev. de Derecho Privado, 1978; specially Metodologia da ciência do direito. Trad. da 5.ed. alemã revista, por José Lamego. Lisboa : Calouste Gulbenkian, 1983. 37 DWORKIN, Ronald. Los derechos en serio. Madrid : Ariel Derecho, 1985; O império do direito. São Paulo : Martins Fontes, 1999; The philosophy of law. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1986. 38 CANOTILHO, José Joaquim Gomes. Direito constitucional. 6.ed. Coimbra : Almedina, 1993. 39 ALEXY, Robert. El concepto y la validez del derecho. Trad. Jorge M. Seña. Barcelona : Gedisa, 1994.

An Introduction to the Juridical System, Private Law and Chaos Summary Prisms of a Research on Civil-Constitutional Law


The rules, roughly speaking, operate like bottle-necks to the

concrete conformation of values, providing calibers of variable density to

discourse. Limits to the interpreter, with mechanisms of self-support in

the juridical system, concreted through the procedural resource

instruments and in the composition of the corresponding supreme courts.

A system in macro scale, predictable, however not deterministic at all, as

it found in the jurisprudence. Dynamic and unstable. A chaotic system.

Undetermined, at times, at certain cuts in the micro scale. A system much

more probabilistic than founded by certainties of result whose efficiency,

in many ways, is a also variable. Paradoxically it is deeply conservative.

The attractors, hereby supported in the juridical rules,

guarantee a certain trajectory to discourse; the object in the Newtonian

paradigm is in the place of dynamics for the observer. The formulas to the

solution of first degree antinomies and the like link the discourse of the

applicator conformation to an axiomatic script previously sewed (in

formulas and social equations) by the legislator to the conduction of the

decision. The Code while a closed system, aims at immunizing the

environment juridical system, ‘bringing in the ideal conditions’ to apply the

law as conceived in its text. It tries, entropically, to construct itself as a


If it weren’t for the abstraction and artificiality, conductors of

the accumulation of unlimited richness and the abuse of economic power

derived from the absent State, minimum, that restricts existing

conditions; maybe the classic project of juridical positivism would not

have succumbed loudly, coming back neo-dressed in the discourse of

globalization and impotence, throned by the economic value of efficiency.

The interpretation of Law is an open process to the most diverse

influences to which the interpreter is exposed. Economic situation.

40 HESSE, Konrad. A força normativa da constituição. Trad. de Gilmar F. Mendes. Porto Alegre : Fabris, 1991; Escritos de derecho constitucional. Madrid : Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, 1983; Elementos de direito constitucional da República Federal da Alemanha. Trad. Luís Afonso Heck. Porto Alegre : Fabris, 1998.

An Introduction to the Juridical System, Private Law and Chaos Summary Prisms of a Research on Civil-Constitutional Law


Cultural condition of the interpreter. His/her state of balance, from the

emotional to the neurological sphere. Prejudices, several pressions,

especially the media.

The juridical rules, in the traditional proposition, aim at

isolating this, in relation to the interpretation. Ideal conditions. Neutrality.

Inexistent conditions in the stage of life. A stage whose misotheism

reduces to the market scenery, but it is plural and taken by subjective

actors whose non-linear improvised script writes the novel of chaos,

sometimes a tragedy sometimes a comedy.

The original coded system is a stable one a priori, although

sensitive to the initial conditions to axiological elements that construct the

corresponding action to be diluted and the discourse that reveals it. Even

in those cases, deviations can be observed derived from a topical richness.

From the stability chaos can also come up. Various scientists have had the

boldness of recognizing this, while many others shut themselves up before

the deviations found in unstable systems. Most of them have simplified it.

Avoided it. And now they cannot help but see, for the light goes through

their eyelids this happens to the jurists, only now, at least formally. It had

been observed and studied; we just did not know its name. We did not

have the bridges to make the crossing. The bridges are here now. Their

names: chaos.

Although the living of rules is presided by dialectic rationality it

is also not determinist. Second degree antinomies come up quite often

rationally not sane, without resorting to the principles. Facing a concrete

case it is natural that for the conformation of a decision, the content of a

certain command, a concept, kind or presumption be expanded or

reduced. This happens even in the face of a denser and more causal rule,

though absent of antinomy.

An Introduction to the Juridical System, Private Law and Chaos Summary Prisms of a Research on Civil-Constitutional Law


The rules are rich with chaos41. If visible in the rules, it is in

the rich soil of the conflicting existence of the principles. In the paradigm

elected for the operation, methodologically identified to Canaris42, that

germinates the plan of our investigations. In search of the making of a

positively designed society by axiological, democratic and plural

parameters, constitutionally structured, its nucleus of legitimating rests

there43 in the reading and dialog with the jurisprudence of this task.

In Canaris it is identified the epistemological horizon of our

studies, in spit of the amplification of the confront with certain excussions

resulting from concrete not tame diversities; among which we can

mention the difference between our respective countries, the control

techniques used in the constitutionality as well as the cultural meaning

itself of the Teutonic and Brazilian federalism with practical reflexions in

Law44. It is a primary identification. A result collected in prisms.

There are also amplifications to the view of Canaris, the same

way as it happens to Habermas in the matrix from Prisms. We try to give

a greater texture to the notions of an axiological system to better deal

with principiological post-modernist paradigm, unarguably transforming

and revealing for Law.45 The epistemological apparatus gets amplified

significantly, as it can be seen here. The methodology also has its

significant variations without caring about its extent.

41 SÖNHGEN, Clarice da Costa. Hermenêutica e lingüística IN: ARONNE, Ricardo. Direito Civil-Constitucional e Teoria do Caos – Estudos Preliminares. Porto Alegre : Liv. Do Advogado, 2006. 42 Specially the work of: CANARIS, Claus-Wilhelm. Pensamento sistemático e conceito de sistema na ciência do direito. Trad. A. Menezes Cordeiro. Lisboa : Fund. Calouste Gulbenkian, 1989. I highlight, certainly that I would be supported by the author, that the text of Prof. Antonio Menezes Cordeiro, which illustrates the book, may as a preparation for the introduction, has a special value as a doctrinarian work, made similar in importance to the text it should serve as a coadjuvant. It should be read and suggested. 43From the beginning as a source, we suggest the extensive work of . Ingo Wolfgang Sarlet (PUCRS e Max-Planck), specially on the topic of fundamental rights and the principle of human dignity. 44As a role of the local institutions and its value facing the federal, for example, or a discussion on the content of the directive called federative pact. 45 See: ARONNE, Ricardo. Por uma nova hermenêutica dos direitos reais limitados: das raízes aos fundamentos contemporâneos. Rio de Janeiro : Renovar, 2001. The topic is revisited in Sistema e unidade axiológica, ob. cit., passim.

An Introduction to the Juridical System, Private Law and Chaos Summary Prisms of a Research on Civil-Constitutional Law


Once traced a pale idea about the system ant its axiological

nucleus, which must be necessarily reviewed and deepened, it is

important to highlight that the discourse is the system’s kinetic element,

in the extent that it gives communicative visibility to the values and

consequent movement of ideas together with the corresponding mappings

of signs, signified and signifier, in the concrete conformation of a horizon

of interests, conflicting or not, distinguishing between the contentious

jurisprudence and the voluntary one from the common one, in distinctive


Here resides the importance of deconstructive philosophers

from the Discourse Theory46 and the Communicative Action47. Specially,

among an open circuit, authors like Morin, Foucault, Gadamer, Heidegger,

Perelman, Derrida, Nietzsche, Saussure, Pascal and Wittgenstein (I and

II), for their dialogical rationality48 immanent from the principles, whose

living is kept in case of conflict, in detriment of an excluding dialectics49

of the nothing or everything logic present in the rules50. In them the

axiological matters relate to an interrogative spiral that obeys another

kind of structure. To the term we question critically the methodology and

the interpretation premises in order to verify its correctness. Correctness

in the sense of the best interpretation, among many possible one, in a

concrete case.51 The best direction, among many, for that specific

discourse. Topic. Relative. In the light of the system. Under the influence

of its attractors, even in the blank/gap. Still here there are the strange

attractors by Lorenz. There are values. There is no anomy. There is no

axiological vacuum. 46 As an introduction to the topic: SÖNGHEN, Clarice Costa. A Nova Retórica e Argumentação - A Razão Prática para uma Racionalidade Argumentativa de Perelman. IN: ARONNE, Ricardo. Direito Civil-Constitucional e Teoria do Caos – Estudos Preliminares. Porto Alegre : Liv. Do Advogado, 2006. 47 ARONNE, Ricardo. Summa Habermaseana: Uma Introdução ao Pensamento de Jürgen Habermas Ou Fundamentos Epistemológicos dos Sistemas Axiológicos Instáveis para a Teoria do Caos, ob. cit. 48 PASCAL, Blaise. Pensamentos. Ob.cit. 49 KANT, Imanuel. Fundamentação da metafísica dos costumes. São Paulo : Martin Claret, 2003. 50 ARONNE, Ricardo. Sistema e unidade axiológica, ob. cit., passim. 51 An important reading in this sense, it is also full of elements of implicit chaos: PASQUALINI, Alexandre Câmara. Hermenêutica e sistema jurídico. Porto Alegre : Liv. Do Advogado, 2000.

An Introduction to the Juridical System, Private Law and Chaos Summary Prisms of a Research on Civil-Constitutional Law


For this operation we must learn from the deconstructors as

much as we provide them with a model for the performance to be

constructive, structuring and functional, without been recognized as

structuralism or functionalism in any pure sense. That is, dialogically. In

the whole and in the part. Chaos and complexity. No complexes. No

chaos. Fatally. Fractally.

Life and linearity - from the Juridical Cubism to the Epistemological Renascence

The studies that start from the topology reaching the fractals

begin to have, as it can be intuited, a relevance to Law. For reasons that

are ubiquitous in the space reserved for the text, it is impossible to face

all the array of possibilities that the fractals offer. Several are already

disperse along the preceding lines, or they are directly explored by

Mandelbrot (the father of the fractal concept) in Economics. For example,

in what refers to the scale cuts whose amplifications distort the content in

case there isn’t a capable operator as an instrumentalist to notice if a

certain original decision is a deviation or if it reveals a trend in the

jurisprudence. Also, to notice if a deviation is, in fact, a methodological

error or if there are external influences, revealing the system’s instability.

To know if a case will follow a trend or if it will have a deviation. How?

Why? When? Apart the inverse question, what matters is to modify the

trajectory or even the jurisprudence’s trend.

For the theme not to be launched into a vacuum I pinpoint

another reference in terms of the relationship between Law and the

fractals, for it fits best to for the synthesis. Kelsen, among his innumerous

contributions to the General Theory of Law, revealed his grundnorm

recognizing of the decodification and publicization of the Private Law, as

An Introduction to the Juridical System, Private Law and Chaos Summary Prisms of a Research on Civil-Constitutional Law


the principle of formal solution in the system, to avoid entropy

guaranteeing its coherence.52

From this principle derived the formula, correct and useful, for

the source hierarchy, supported by the Constitution, followed by treats

and complimentary laws, on top of the ordinary legislation, bills and

interim measures that are followed by regulations and minor rules. This

structure became known and it is present in the international doctrine, in

a pacific way, since the beginning of the XX Century.

What happens is that, in the modern times, this formula does

not reflect anymore the complex reality of the juridical phenomena,

although it cannot be pointed as wrong, it cannot be considered as an

exact one. It is an approach. A simplification. Being Law conceived as a

non-linear, unstable, complex and dynamic, with its characteristics

already briefly appointed, its meaning results constructed in concrete. At

this point, important conclusions concerning the meteorology and chaos

have been evaluated by Lorenz, and before him by Póincaré53, it is not

made pret-a-porter.54

A principle that has kept preponderance for a certain solution

can be revitalized in another one according to the situation to be solved,

presented to Law. And there is no possibility of non liquet for Law to turn

its back to the respective jurisdictional, denying jurisdiction. Law will

always have to provide an answer when it is called. That does not happen

to all areas of knowledge.

Law is like life. We hardly recognize linearity as natural. It is

more common in the prepared environments to isolate from others:

laboratories and codifications. For the desperation of some, God is not a 52 See KELSEN, Hans. A teoria pura do direito. Ob. cit. 53 For summary: GLEICK, James. A ciência do caos. Ob. cit. 54 Just to explain the roots of the paradox that originates from the attentive look, the conclusions proposed in dynamics of the system are only possible for conducting a study of its static condition. It is important not to summarize the perception. They are necessary complementary studies.

An Introduction to the Juridical System, Private Law and Chaos Summary Prisms of a Research on Civil-Constitutional Law


geometrician. The tree tops are triangles, oranges are not perfect circles,

our skin is not a flat surface, and the world was not designed with a ruler

and a compass. Maybe by the pace of rules, but never by them. Always

free-hand. Possibly by a left hand.

Law reflects this. Kelsen, just like a Di Cavalcanti (accordingly

to the diversity of intentions, sensitivity and matrixes), painted the

juridical universe with the colors of an abstraction which may look pale or

too screaming. Human relationships are not expressed of a cubist orbit

reducing the details of existence. With pyramidal forms.

Law keeps fractality. It has a plastic able to shape to the

concrete case up to the limit of axiological resistance, of its distortion. This

refutes the simplifications of the traditional theory, visible all over in

modern sciences. Varying accordingly, the meaning of the incident rule

may also vary, for all the system varies in its dynamic of axiological unity

that guarantees the material coherence, avoiding entropy. The

preoccupation/concern of the modern juridical science was with a merely

formal parameter of coherence. Kant’s influence. Direct influence from the

metaphysics. We shall overcome it. The system is sensitive to the initial

conditions and to the environment. This reflects in the whole and the

parts. Nothing is linear. Maybe, at certain situations, we try hard to have

linearity. Nonetheless, coherence and material unity are desired.

Pointing out to a certain point - The search for a re-start as an end

This is the point I make that I present to you as a short story,

veridical and on progress, like a clear river that meets the ocean. It also

finds in a certain epistemological horizon a home. A land whose citizenship

is denounced by the rigorous method and consistency of research. A

carefreeness towards the dogma, facing the immovable fact of

uncertainty. The uncertainty of the paradigm that now is split among

An Introduction to the Juridical System, Private Law and Chaos Summary Prisms of a Research on Civil-Constitutional Law


other areas of the human knowledge. In chaos. Its methodological

dwelling. The complex unity that reveals itself in Prisms.

If chaos is not determist, for sure is not stochastic either.

Eisntein used to pray for the same god of Kelsen. It is the god of the

judges, society or economy. The traditional Law, especially civil, worshiper

of the cold law fetishist of the codes closed to reality, has succumbed,

evaporated, gone. Like Hendrix in his own dejects, building his decadence.

His worshipers still dialog with this corps that has not progressively

answered, for decades, on the OUIJA board of jurisprudence. It is about a

psychic doctrine. Spiritually. Kelsenist who listens to a nineteenth-century

jurisprudence. Hard. Cold. Dead. Embalmed in the Civil Code.

Despite the indetermination as a piece of data, a lawsuit is not

decided randomly as throwing darts55 before an irrational process that is

apprehensible of understanding because of such subjective measure or

game. On the contrary, it rips the doors of another field of rationality, in a

platform privileged facing the scenery of the XXI Century.

In the non-repetitive historical spiral the new science meet

again too late, fruit of a long formal distance in the modernity. They

return with the scars of secular lacerations in their flesh. They come back

mature for the conscience of their losses. They come back, paradoxically,

not to a new start but for a re-walk. It is not the same river. It is gone. It

is new without being so. Of course, we do not consider the end of

specializations, as it is not possible to deny the complexity through

simplification (back then ignorant and today perverse). If indeterminism,

in the metaphysical patterns, ruined the modern thinking as a legacy, a

trace of reason was left for the post-modernity: Chaos.

Allea jacta est, Caesar said as he crossed the Rubicon. After

four millennium, in the light of the current scientific bushidô, before a new

55 STEWART, Ian. Será que Deus joga dados ? A nova matemática do caos. Rio de Janeiro : JZE, 1991.

An Introduction to the Juridical System, Private Law and Chaos Summary Prisms of a Research on Civil-Constitutional Law


Rubicon, paradoxically immemorial, he would add: -In famulus. Servitus

ad calculum non peregriniatur oraculorum. A visionary? No, just well


A Brief Rhetorical & Epistemological References

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