an overview of advanced computer architecture · advanced computer architecture weimin zheng aug....

An overview of Advanced Computer Architecture Weimin Zheng Aug. 24, 2009

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An overview ofAdvanced Computer Architecture

Weimin ZhengAug. 24, 2009


1. Overall situationA discipline for graduate students, aimed to discuss the advanced theories, technologies, and approaches with regards to computer architecture.Takes large-scale parallel computing as the core, covers the traditional fundamental knowledge, the emerging technology and approaches, including:

Performance speed-up model, interconnection and communication, division and SchedulingParallel memory, cache coherence, memory consistencyNetwork storage, Cloud computing, Multi-core technology

1. Overall situation

Some of the students are from the CS Department, Tsinghua University, some from other departments of Tsinghua University, and even some from the Physical Academy of Northth China.


11%14% CS in Tsinghua

Others in Tsinghua

Physical Academy of North China

1. Overall situation

Teaching philosophy: pay equal attention to fundamental knowledge and academic frontier. Assessment: Exam(30%) + Survey(70%)

Lecturer assigns several topics, each student selects one from them and finishes the surveyExcise students’ competence of reading material, thinking and summary, expressionSeveral outstanding surveys arise each year

1. Overall situation

About survey: e.g., in 2007, 14 topics, the profile of # of students involving each:Topic Student # Topic Student #

Cache coherence 4 Multicore 11

Grid computing 8 Power consumption 2

P2P computing 5 Clustering 20

Parallel programming 4 Dependable systems 4

Program flow 1 Network storage 7

Memory model 1 Performance testing 1

Memory consistency 1System virtualization 4

2. Class features

a. The content is updated timelycovers wide professional spectrum, involved research activities are extremely active, new knowledge arise constantly.Besides conveying fundamental knowledge, follow new research achievements and update the contentRealize the philosophy- fundamental knowledge and academic frontier.

2. Class features

b. Put our group’s research achievements into the classOur achievements are at the frontier. lecturer has a deeper grasp of knowledgeTeach research methods from perspective of the research process

Network storageCloud Computing。。。。。

2. Class features

c. international exchangesBased on Tsinghua University’s broad platform for international exchanges, introduces international advanced course content, improves the curriculum system

Prof. Frans from MITAnalysis and optimization of the performance of multicorecomputer OS

2. Class features

c. international exchangesBased on Tsinghua University’s broad platform for international exchanges, introduces international advanced course content, improves the curriculum system

Prof. YY zhou from UCSD: dependable systemFault, failure, and intrusionFault detection, debug, distributed fault detectionAvailability, fault toleranceSafety and secure

2. Class features

c. international exchangesBased on Tsinghua University’s broad platform for international exchanges, introduces international advanced course content, improves the curriculum system

Prof. Xiaodong from Ohio: distributed systemsBalance need and supplyHw cache with low latency & high hit ratioShared cache in multicoreData locality in DRAM

2. Class features

c. international exchangesBased on Tsinghua University’s broad platform for international exchanges, introduces international advanced course content, improves the curriculum system

Dr. Feng Zhou, Netease VP: system softwareDependable systemsOS programming for multicore

2. Class features

d. Brings up other university’s curriculum developmentMulticore techGoogle key tech

2. Class features

e. Promotes inter-discipline researchtimely-updated content broadens students’ knowledge vision, and promotes inter-discipline research

e.g., students from Department of Biology, Department of Chemical Engineering, Physical academy of North China are interested in high-performance computingThe course contributed to the cooperation several projects

3. Obtained awards

Excellent course in Tsinghua UniversityIntel excellent courseStudents’ encouragement is our largest power

“Listening to the course feels like drinking beer, I benefit much”“The content keeps track of the hot-spot research, and the degree of difficulty is grasped well, great! ”

4. Future work

Constructing text book

Improving experimental instruction
