an overview on data driven practices - jodie sangster, globaldma

Jodie Sangster, Chair, Global DMA An Overview on Data-Driven Practices DMA Awards Italia, 17 June 2015, Milano

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  1. 1. Jodie Sangster, Chair, Global DMA An Overview on Data-Driven Practices DMA Awards Italia, 17 June 2015, Milano
  2. 2. Bringing the world of marketing and advertising to you Bringing the world of marketing and advertising to you
  3. 3. N = 3,053 Panelists Explores the role of data-driven marketing and advertising across 17 countries from more than 3,000 practitioners. The Global Review - of Data-driven Marketing and Advertising 3
  4. 4. 92% say data is growing in importance to marketing and advertising 63.2% say spending up over last year 73.5% predict further growth The Rise and Rise of Data
  5. 5. Data is Digital. Digital is data
  6. 6. Talent and technologies What resources would help drive DDMA most
  7. 7. Customer-Centricity is driving DDMA Factors responsible for driving investment
  8. 8. Fragmentation Brand DATA-DRIVEN MARKETING Effectiveness Strategy User Experience DATA INSIGHTS Digital Media Intelligence COMPLY MARKETING Big DATA TECHNOLOGY CONTENT CREATIVITY Automation Attribution Multi-Channel Social Media User Experience Real Time Marketing Online & Offline Convergence Brand CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT Brand DATA-DRIVEN MARKETING CREATIVITY Big DATA Strategy User Experience DATA INSIGHTS Digital Media COMPLY Effectiveness TECHNOLOGY Intelligence & Offline Convergence NT ation Social Media on Multi-Channel perience Brand ntation me Marketing ntation Brand RIVEN MARKETING eness Strategy perience DATA S Digital Media Social Media CONTENT Automation Attribution Online & Offline Social Media CONTENT Brand content MEDIA Real Time Marketing Fragmentation Brand DATA-DRIVEN MARKETING Effectiveness Strategy User Experience DATA INSIGHTS Digital Media Intelligence COMPLY MARKETING Big DATA TECHNOLOGY CONTENT CREATIVITY Automation Attribution Multi-Channel Social Media User Experience Real Time Marketing Online & Offline Convergence Brand CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT Brand DATA-DRIVEN MARKETING CREATIVITY Big DATA Strategy User Experience DATA INSIGHTS Digital Media COMPLY Effectiveness TECHNOLOGY Intelligence & Offline Convergence NT ation Social Media on Multi-Channel perience Brand ntation me Marketing ntation Brand RIVEN MARKETING eness Strategy perience DATA S Digital Media Social Media CONTENT Automation Attribution Online & Offline Social Media CONTENT Brand content MEDIA Real Time Marketing Online & Offline Social Media CONTENT Brand content MEDIA Real Time Marketing Brand CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT Brand DATA-DRIVEN MARKETING CREATIVITY Big DATA Strategy User Experience DATA INSIGHTS Digital Media COMPLY Effectiveness TECHNOLOGY Intelligence & Offline Convergence NT ation Social Media on Multi-Channel perience Brand ntation me Marketing ntation Brand RIVEN MARKETING eness Strategy perience DATA S Digital Media Social Media CONTENT Automation Attribution Fragmentation Brand DATA-DRIVEN MARKETING Effectiveness Strategy User Experience DATA INSIGHTS Digital Media Intelligence COMPLY MARKETING Big DATA TECHNOLOGY CONTENT CREATIVITY Automation Attribution Multi-Channel Social Media User Experience Real Time Marketing Online & Offline Convergence Online & Offline Social Media CONTENT Brand content MEDIA Real Time Marketing Brand CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT Brand DATA-DRIVEN MARKETING CREATIVITY Big DATA Strategy User Experience DATA INSIGHTS Digital Media COMPLY Effectiveness TECHNOLOGY Intelligence & Offline Convergence NT ation Social Media on Multi-Channel perience Brand ntation me Marketing ntation Brand RIVEN MARKETING eness Strategy perience DATA S Digital Media Social Media CONTENT Automation Attribution Fragmentation Brand DATA-DRIVEN MARKETING Effectiveness Strategy User Experience DATA INSIGHTS Digital Media Intelligence COMPLY MARKETING Big DATA TECHNOLOGY CONTENT CREATIVITY Automation Attribution Multi-Channel Social Media User Experience Real Time Marketing Online & Offline Convergence Online & Offline Social Media CONTENT Brand content MEDIA Real Time Marketing Brand CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT Brand DATA-DRIVEN MARKETING CREATIVITY Big DATA Strategy User Experience DATA INSIGHTS Digital Media COMPLY Effectiveness TECHNOLOGY Intelligence & Offline Convergence NT ation Social Media on Multi-Channel perience Brand ntation me Marketing ntation Brand RIVEN MARKETING eness Strategy perience DATA S Digital Media Social Media CONTENT Automation Attribution Fragmentation Brand DATA-DRIVEN MARKETING Effectiveness Strategy User Experience DATA INSIGHTS Digital Media Intelligence COMPLY MARKETING Big DATA TECHNOLOGY CONTENT CREATIVITY Automation Attribution Multi-Channel Social Media User Experience Real Time Marketing Online & Offline Convergence DATA TECHNOLOGY CONTENT CREATIVITY
  10. 10. Data drives our thinking Data for companies big and small Data for personalisation & relevancy Data Protection
  12. 12. 85 MILLION VISITS 1 million paid subscriptions to Food & Family. 1.14 million Facebook likes. is a top 20 food website 85 million visits per year. The mobile site continues to grow at 100 per cent per year. Krafts email program reaches about 5 million opt-in consumers weekly. Driving sales growth
  15. 15. Downloads
  16. 16. Downloads Jodie Sangster Chair, GlobalDMA e t f [email protected] @jodiesangster
  17. 17.