an (un)deathly storm (7651455)

An (un)deathly Storm Part 1: The PCs find themselves seeking shelter in a remote inn during a parcularly stormy night. There are seven patrons here, along with the innkeeper. They seemed to be laughing and enjoying some sort of dart game when the PCs enter. The inn gets quiet all the sudden and the patrons seem jiery, looking at the PCs in alarm. Aſter a moment of silence, they relax and the innkeeper welcomes them. If asked about their reacon, they will get quiet again, and warn the party that there are unholy things out there in the dark this night. Patrons: normal humans/demi-humans. AC 10, HP 6. Innkeeper: 2nd level fighter: AC: 10, HP: 14 Event: Aack Aſter about an hour, a drunk patron will leave against the protests of the others. Almost immediately a scream will be heard. Peering outside of the door reveals two dozen zombies surrounding the inn. Three zombies are eang the patron in the road. The party has 1 full minute to prepare before the zombies surround the inn, aempng entry in the four doors. Along with normal supplies, the innkeeper does have a bag of nails and hammer. Aſtermath If the bale is won, the next morning the zombie’s trail is easy to follow out to a beaten path, leading to a large hill in the distance. The innkeeper (assuming he’s alive) will offer a reward of 50gp if the party invesgates and takes care of the menace. Part 2: Assuming the PCs followed the trail (easy to follow), they will come upon a dark cave entrance in the hillside, reeking of rot and decay. There is no light source coming from the cave entrance, but a trail of old blood and other body parts leads to the opening. 1: A horrible sight! Torn apart and half-eaten bodies of various animals are in this room. Body parts and blood cover the floor. Munching here is one zombie. 2: Sentries 7 zombies are in this chamber, and will aack anything not approved by ZaGatul 3: Hooks A half dozen humanoid corpses hang off of meat hooks here. 4: Failed experiments A pile of long dead corpses of humanoids and animals are in this room. They are failed aempts from ZaGatul to animate them. A green slime is mixed in, in the process of breaking them down. 5: Lab A large table is in the center of the chamber, which is illuminated by wall sconces. A corpse lays on the table, with body parts stched together. 6: Storage Several sacks and crates are here, filled with various foodstuffs. There are also 8 giant rats here who will aack anything that goes through the food. They can be avoided easily if leſt alone. 7: Skeleton guard 6 skeletons, wearing chain mail and armed with swords keep guard here and protect ZaGatul. They will aack anything on sight. 8: ZaGatul ZaGatul’s chambers are here, which include a bed, dresser, and desk. He is a 5th level necromancer wizard (AC 13, HP: 18, S: 8, D: 10, C: 11, I: 17, W: 13, Ch: 8). His spells are chosen by you, but typically has mage armor, animate dead, and other necromancy spells prepared. He wears a ring of the skull, which grants protecon on all saving throws against necromancy magic (either a +3 bonus, or advantage, depending on edion). Finale The innkeeper will be glad to be rid of ZaGatul and his unholy presence, and give the reward as promised. © 2015 Sacrosanct Games, all rights reserved Chielon Yang (order #7651455)

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Page 1: An (Un)Deathly Storm (7651455)

An (un)deathly Storm

Part 1:

The PCs find themselves seeking shelter in a remote inn during a particularly stormy night. There are seven patrons here, along with the innkeeper. They seemed to be laughing and enjoying some sort of dart game when the PCs enter. The inn gets quiet all the sudden and the patrons seem jittery, looking at the PCs in alarm. After a moment of silence, they relax and the innkeeper welcomes them.

If asked about their reaction, they will get quiet again, and warn the party that there are unholy things out there in the dark this night.

Patrons: normal humans/demi-humans. AC 10, HP 6.Innkeeper: 2nd level fighter: AC: 10, HP: 14

Event: AttackAfter about an hour, a drunk patron will leave against the

protests of the others. Almost immediately a scream will be heard. Peering outside of the door reveals two dozen zombies surrounding the inn. Three zombies are eating the patron in the road.

The party has 1 full minute to prepare before the zombies surround the inn, attempting entry in the four doors. Along with normal supplies, the innkeeper does have a bag of nails and hammer.

AftermathIf the battle is won, the next morning the zombie’s trail is

easy to follow out to a beaten path, leading to a large hill in the distance. The innkeeper (assuming he’s alive) will offer a reward of 50gp if the party investigates and takes care of the menace.

Part 2:

Assuming the PCs followed the trail (easy to follow), they will come upon a dark cave entrance in the hillside, reeking of rot and decay. There is no light source coming from the cave entrance, but a trail of old blood and other body parts leads to the opening.

1: A horrible sight!Torn apart and half-eaten bodies of various animals are in this room. Body parts and blood cover the floor. Munching here is one zombie.

2: Sentries7 zombies are in this chamber, and will attack anything not approved by ZaGatul

3: HooksA half dozen humanoid corpses hang off of meat hooks here.

4: Failed experimentsA pile of long dead corpses of humanoids and animals are in this room. They are failed attempts from ZaGatul to animate them. A green slime is mixed in, in the process of breaking them down.

5: LabA large table is in the center of the chamber, which is illuminated by wall sconces. A corpse lays on the table, with body parts stitched together.

6: StorageSeveral sacks and crates are here, filled with various foodstuffs. There are also 8 giant rats here who will attack anything that goes through the food. They can be avoided easily if left alone.

7: Skeleton guard6 skeletons, wearing chain mail and armed with swords keep guard here and protect ZaGatul. They will attack anything on sight.

8: ZaGatulZaGatul’s chambers are here, which include a bed, dresser, and desk. He is a 5th level necromancer wizard (AC 13, HP: 18, S: 8, D: 10, C: 11, I: 17, W: 13, Ch: 8). His spells are chosen by you, but typically has mage armor, animate dead, and other necromancy spells prepared. He wears a ring of the skull, which grants protection on all saving throws against necromancy magic (either a +3 bonus, or advantage, depending on edition).

FinaleThe innkeeper will be glad to be rid of ZaGatul and his unholy presence, and give the reward as promised.

© 2015 Sacrosanct Games, all rights reserved

Chielon Yang (order #7651455)

Page 2: An (Un)Deathly Storm (7651455)


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System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.


Chielon Yang (order #7651455)