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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number : 104214002








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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number : 104214002








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Student Number: 104214002

Approved by


Ad-f~Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M.Hum.Co-Advisor


August 30, 2017

August 30, 2017


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A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis




Student Number: 104214002

Defended before the Broad ofExaminersOn August 30, 2017

and Declared Acceptable



Chairperson : Elisa Dwi Wardani, S.S., M.Hum.

Secretary : Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M.Hum.

Member 1 : Harris Hermansvah Setiajid, M.Hum.

Member 2

Member 3

: Elisa Dwi Wardani. S.S., M.Hum.

: Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M.Hum.

~ I-"~j, ,



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And seek help in patience and prayers. (Al-Baqarah 2:45)

Surely, with every hardship there is ease. (Al-Inshirah : 6)

Be grateful for small things, big things, and everything in between.


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This undergraduated thesis is dedicated to


and my beloved sister, brother.


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First of all, I would like to say Alhamdulillahirabbil’aalamiin, all

praise is to Allah SWT, the Almighty and the Most Merciful, whose blessing,

guidance, and mercy have strengthened me along the hard path of my life so that I

can finally finish my thesis. In this opportunity, I would like to thank all of those

who have supported and guided me in the process of writing this thesis.

My greatest gratitude goes to my parents, for their endless loves,

cares, prayers, sacrifices, and supports. They have truly been the best support

system I could have asked for. They have ensured that I received the best

education and opportunities possible. I am really blessed to have them as parents.

My special thanks are dedicated to my sister and my brother, who have given me

loves, prayers and supports. I would like to thank my life partner for his

unremitting encouragement and for being with me through the good and the bad


My deepest gratitude go to my advisor Elisa Dwi Wardani, S.S.,

M.Hum. for her patience, guidance, advice, and solution in completion of this

thesis. I profusely thank my co-advisor, Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M.Hum.for

his kindness, criticism and willingness to correct my thesis and also his constant

encouragement and support throughout my study. I would also like to express my

heartfelt gratitude to my academic advisors, Modesta Luluk Artika Windrasti, S.S

and Anna Fitriati, S.Pd., M.Hum., as well as all the lecturers and staff, who guided

me to overcome all the problems and difficulties I encountered as a student.


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TITLE PAGE ........................................................................................................ ii

APPROVAL PAGE .............................................................................................. iii

ACCEPTANCE PAGE ......................................................................................... iv


STATEMENT OF ORIGIANLITY .................................................................... vi

MOTTO PAGE .................................................................................................... vii

DEDICATION PAGE .......................................................................................... viii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................. ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... xi

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................ xii

ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................... xiii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study ......................................................................... 1

B. Problem Formulation .............................................................................. 4

C. Objectives of the Study ........................................................................... 4

D. Definition of Terms ................................................................................. 4

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ....................................................... 6

A. Review of Related Studies ...................................................................... 6

B. Review of Related Theories .................................................................... 8

C. Theoritical Framework .......................................................................... 15

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY .................................................................... 16

A. Object of the Study ................................................................................ 16

B. Approach of the Study .......................................................................... 17

C. Method of the Study .............................................................................. 19

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS ................................................................................. 21

A. The Character of Children characters in The Railway Children ............ 21

B. The Influence of The Lower Socioeconoic Life .................................... 41

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ............................................................................ 42

BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................. 44

APPENDIX ............................................................................................................. 45


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NUGRAHENI, ROSIANA EKA. The Personality Development of The

Children Charactes as The Effect of The Lower Socio-Economic Life as seen

in Edith Nesbit’s The Railway Children.Yogyakarta: Department of English

Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2017.

This thesis focuses on the children characters named Roberta or Bobbie,

Peter, and Phyllisin one of Edith Nesbit’s novels entitled The Railway Children.

As the children characters in this novel, Roberta or Bobbie, Peter and Phyllis has

several issues that they must handle by themself. In this thesis, the writer relates

the lower socioeconomic life issues experienced by the childrens with their

socialization in the society where they lives.

In this thesis, the writer has two main objectives. First, describing the

character of Children characters Roberta or Bobbie, Peter and Phyllis. Second, the

influence of the lower socioeconomic life towards childrens’ personality


To achieve those objectives, the writer uses library research as the

methodology for this thesis. Library research is used because the data of this

thesis is written texts. The main source for this thesis is a novel entitled The

Railway Children written by Edith Nesbit. The writer uses psychological

approach to analyze the work.

The result of this study can be concluded as follows. Roberta or Bobbie,

Peter and Phyllis are the children who growup in a high socioeconomic life.Their

characteristics change from the high socioeconomic life to the lower

socioeconomic life. They live in the lower socio-economic life after their father

goes away and did not come back.It is a story of three children whose family falls

into hardship, must abandon their life of luxury and has to move from their high

class lives to lower class lives after the father goes away and does not come back

mysteriously, and the mother tells the three children that their father is away on


This story shows how much life change affects children and how well

children adapt with their environment, such as moving house and settling in new

environments, interacting with strangers and being forced to live in an economic

crisis. The mother tried to support the family economy with a job as a writer to

earn money.


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NUGRAHENI, ROSIANA EKA. The Personality Development of the Children

Characters as the Effect of the Lower Socio-Economic Life as Seen in Edith

Nesbit’s The Railway Children.Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris,

Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2017

Tesis ini berfokus pada karakter anak-anak yang bernama Roberta atau

Bobbie, Peter dan Phyllis dalam salah satu novel Edith Nesbit yang berjudul The

Railway Children. Sebagai karakter anak dalam novel ini, Roberta atau Bobbie,

Peter dan Phyllis memiliki beberapa isu yang harus mereka tangani sendiri. Dalam

tesis ini, penulis menghubungkan isu sosial ekonomi yang lebih rendah yang

dialami anak-anak dengan sosialisasi mereka di masyarakat dimana mereka


Dalam tesis ini, penulis memiliki dua tujuan utama. Pertama,

menggambarkan karakter karakter Anak Roberta atau Bobbie, Peter dan Phyllis.

Kedua, pengaruh kehidupan sosial ekonomi yang rendah terhadap perkembangan

kepribadian anak-anak.

Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, penulis menggunakan penelitian

kepustakaan sebagai metodologi untuk tesis ini. Penelitian perpustakaan

digunakan karena data skripsi ini adalah teks tertulis. Sumber utama untuk tesis

ini adalah novel berjudul The Railway Children yang ditulis oleh Edith Nesbit.

Penulis menggunakan pendekatan psikologis untuk menganalisa pekerjaan.

Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut. Roberta atau

Bobbie, Peter dan Phyllis adalah anak-anak yang tumbuh dalam kehidupan

sosioekonomi tinggi, Karakteristik mereka berubah dari kehidupan sosioekonomi

yang tinggi ke kehidupan sosial ekonomi yang lebih rendah. Mereka hidup dalam

kehidupan sosio-ekonomi yang lebih rendah setelah ayah mereka pergi dan tidak

kembali. Ini adalah kisah tentang tiga anak yang keluarganya mengalami

kesulitan, harus meninggalkan kehidupan mereka yang mewah dan harus pindah

dari kehidupan kelas tinggi mereka ke kehidupan kelas yang lebih rendah setelah

sang ayah pergi dan tidak kembali secara misterius, dan sang ibu menceritakan

ketiganya. Anak-anak yang ayah mereka gulung tikar.

Dalam cerita ini menunjukkan betapa banyak perubahan kehidupan yang

mempengaruhi anak-anak dan seberapa baik anak beradaptasi dengan lingkungan

mereka, seperti pindah rumah dan menetap di lingkungan baru, berinteraksi

dengan orang asing dan dipaksa tinggal dalam krisis ekonomi. Sang ibu berusaha

mendukung ekonomi keluarga dengan pekerjaan sebagai penulis untuk

mendapatkan uang.


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A. Background of the Study

Literary works such as novel is the way to express the creativity in paper

through the experience using the senses; hearing, seeing, smelling, touching, and

feeling. Through the literature we may learn about the social life that we face

everyday. Literature and social life can not be separated. A Glossary of Literary

Terms states that novel is “an extended, fictional prose narrative about realistic

characters and events.” Some novels that are considered great literary works for

example "classic" novels. These works have become "classic" because they are

very well written and they persist all the time.

Character is very important in a literary work because if something

happens to the characters, the story in the literary works will be more entertaining.

We can also enjoy the story and can enrich our knowledge, also can understand

each individual's personality. Character is the basic thing we learn from others and

from the characters we can see how the personality changes due to family,

environmental, economic and conflict that are faced.

The writer chooses Edith Nesbit‟s novel The Railway Children as the

literary work to be analyzed because of some reasons. First, it is classic literature

about children. The story of this novel is also interesting, this novel tells about a

family life and the adventures of three siblings in solving problems. Phyllis, Peter

and Roberta, though she likes to be called Bobbie instead. With a high social


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things they need. Then their lives change after their father leaves and does not

come back mysteriously. They have to leave from London and move to small

town and live in a small house called Three Chimneys, located off in the country

near a railway station. They live in lower social economy class. Their life is

completely different from what they are used to.

“Don't you think it's rather nice to think that we're in a book that God's

writing? If I were writing a book, I might make mistakes. But God knows

how to make the story end just right--in the way that's best for us."

Do you really believe that, Mother?" Peter asked quietly.

Yes," she said, "I do believe it--almost always--except when I'm so sad

that I can't believe anything. But even when I don't believe it, I know it's

true--and I try to believe it” (1987:246-247).

The quotation above shows how strong a mother is in raising three of her

children by herself and educating them to be good persons, in order to accept the

situation and be able to adapt to the new environment and the new people they

meet.This book is nicely packaged and there are some moral values to the reader,

the adventure in the story written in this book always teaches a lesson.

Hurlock stated in Personality Development that “and individual‟s

personality pattern is the product of learning during the course of social

relationship with people inside and outside the home” (1974:19-20).

Based on the statement above, the writer chooses the topic of how the

lower socioeconomic condition influence the personality development of Roberta

(Bobbie), Peter and Phyllis as the children characters in the novel because there

are aspects of human life experienced in this literary work. The representation of

human life can be found in British novel entitled The Railway Children such as

happens in real life is a socio-economic change that affects the behavior and


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personality development of each individual. The writer tries to see and to

understand the influence of socioeconomic class that can change someone

personality through the novel. The characteristics of the children characters in this

novel has important roles. In this thesis the writer will analyze the characteristics

of the children characters one by one. First, the writer will analyze how the

children characters have to adapt the lower socioeconomic condition. Second, The

writer will analyze the lower socioeconomic condition influence the personality

developmentof the children characters in this novel that affect their personality

change to the environment.

The character development of Roberta, Peter and Phyllis takes a lot of

time. The Lower socioeconomics affects their thinking in making decisions of

every attitude they take. In this story their personality develops when they have no

money due to lower socioeconomic condition, This situation makes them not to

waste money to buy something that is not important. The lower socioeconomic

conditions make children's character as a major character evolves toward a better

one. They can overcome something they face bravely. They have to leave from

London and move to small town and live in a small house called Three Chimneys,

located off in the country near a railway station. It is a story of three children

whose family falls into hardship. The lower socio-economic condition in his

family, made Peter realize that he was the only son in the family and after his

father goes away and does not come back he felt that he was the leader of the

family and had to protect his family


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B. Problem Formulation

From the description of the background of the study, the writer made two

problem formulations to understand the novel as follows:

1. How are the characteristics of Roberta, Peter, and Phyllis as the

children characters revealed in the novel?

2. How does the lower socioeconomic condition influence their

personality development?

C. Objectives of the Study

Based on the problem formulations, this analysis has two objectives. The

first objectives of the study is to find out the characteristics of the children

characters are revealed in the novel. By identify the characters of Roberta, Peter

and Phyllis as the major characters. The second objective is to know the lower

socioeconomic condition influence their personality development in the novel.

D. Definition of term

Certain terms are often used in conducting a tudy. In this study the writer

uses some terms which are related to the topic of the analysis in this thesis in

order to give clear explanation and understanding, which are:

1. Character

M.H Abrams stated in his book A Glossary of Literary Terms, defines

character are “The person presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are

interpreted by the readers as being endowed with moral, dispositional, and


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emotional qualities that are expressed in what they say- the dialogue- and by what

they do- the action” (1981: 23).

2. Personality Development

Hurlock stated in Personality Development that “and individual‟s

personality pattern is the product of learning during the course of social

relationship with people inside and outside the home” (1976:19-20).

3. Socioeconomic Status

Socioeconomic status (SES) remains a topic of great interest to those who

study children‟s development. This interest derives from a belief that high SES

families afford their children an array of services, goods, parental actions, and

social connections that potentially redound to the benefit of children and a concern

that many low SES children lack access to those same resources and experiences,

thus putting them at risk for developmental problems (Brooks-Gunn & Duncan



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This chapter consists into three parts. First, review of related studies that

been done by another writer. Second, review of related theories. The writer uses

this review to analyze and answer problem formulation in the previous chapter.

The last one is theoretical framework that used to collaborate those review of

related theories and review of related studies in order to solve the problems of


A. Review of Related Studies

In this part, the writer consider some previous studies that have been done

by other researchers in order to support this study. There are two studies reviewed

in this study. Both studies that the writer used is taken from English Letters

undergraduate thesis of Sanata Dharma University.

The Railway Children by Edith Nesbit is a fictinal novel was published in

Great Britain in 1906 and First Charnwood Edition was published in January

1987. In this part of the study, the writer tries to review some related studies that

have some similarities in a topic discussion in order to support this study. The

undergraduate thesis which is done by Dewi Rachmawati (2008:4)in her thesis

titled “The Influence of Setting of Place Towards the Major Characters as

Seen in Edith Nesbit’s The Railway Children”. In her thesis objectives are about

the major characters, the setting of place in the novel and the influence of setting

of place . towards major characters‟ behavior. She analyze the major characters


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depicted in the novel. She focuses on the influence of setting that happens toward

the major characters. Three Chimneys and London are two different places with

very different condition. The life in Three Chimneys is harder than in London.

There are many unpredictable, interesting, and challenging things that happen in

Three Chimneys. However, those things may influence the children‟s

characteristics because it need their bravery and care (Dewi Rachmawati,


The second study is from Cynthia Laurensia (2014:5) in her thesis titled

“A Study on Sarah Lemon’s Self-Concept as an Adolescent in Mitch Albom’s

The Time Keeper”. In her thesis there are two problem formulated, first is about

the characteristics of Sarah Lemon and the socond is about the reflection of Sarah

Lemon‟s self-concept as an adolescent through her characteristics. Cynthia uses

Psychological approach as the critical approach because she focus on the self-

concept in which it is part of the study on personality. In the novel, Sarah Lemon

suffers from discrimination that is done by the peers in her school. She

experiences the same treatment from them since she was a child. Being treated as

an outcast, Sarah Lemon attains her self-concept as an inferior girl (Cynthia

Laurensia, 2014:57)

From those studies above. The first study by Dewi Rachmawati. The

writer uses the same novel The Railway Children, but uses different approach.

Dewi Rachmawati uses new criticism approach, meanwhile the writer uses

sociological approach. Dewi Rachmawati analyze about The influence of setting

of place towards the major characters meanwhile the writer analyzes about The


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lower socioeconomic condition influence the personality development of the

children characters in the novel, the writer focus on the capability of the three

major characters of the children to adapt the lower socioeconomic condition

which affect the personality development in the novel. Second study by Cynthia

Laurensia. She uses psychological approach because the focus of her study is on

the self-concept in which it is a part of the study on personality.

B. Review of Related Theories

In this part consists of three main theories that are used in this study. The

first one is theory of character and characterization. The second theory is theory of

literature and the third theory is theory of personality.

1. Theories on Character and Characterization

Character and characterization are important in literary work. M.H Abrams

stated in his book A Glossary of Literary Terms

Character are the person presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are

interpreted by the readers as being endowed with moral, dispositional, and

emotional qualities that are expressed in what they say- the dialogue- and by

what they do- the action. (1985: 23).

Robert Stanton in An Introduction to Fiction describes the term of “character” as

Character is commonly used in two ways; it designates the individuals who

appear in the story, as in “How many characters are there?” and it refers to

the mixture of interests, desires, emotions, and moral principles that makes up

each of these individuals, as in “How would you describe his character?”


M. J. Murphy stated in, Understanding Unseen: An Introduction to English Poetry

and the English Novel for Overseas Students

Characterization is the presentation of the characters‟ personalities including

their attitudes, appearance, motives, and actions, which are created to be life


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like. This is order that the ideas of what kind of people they are in the story

are conveyed to the readers. (1972: 161-173).

Murphy mention nine methods of characterization in which an author can use.

The purpose is to make the character understandable to the readers. The nine

methods are personal description, character as seen by another, speech, past

life, conversations of others, reactions, direct comment, thoughts, and

mannerism (1972: 161-173).

2. The Relation between Literature and Psychology

Rene Wellek and Austin Warren stated in the book Theory of Literature,

psychology and literature are related one each other

By “psychology of literature”, we may mean the psychological study of the

writer, as type and as individual, or the study of the creative process, or the

study of psychological types and laws present within works of literature, or

finally, the effects of literature upon its reader (audience psychology)


From the statement above, the psychology of one‟s character can be found in

literary works such as novels. Concerning the object of ths study, the psychology

of literature that is used is the third type: the psychological aspects in the literary

works. This type described by Wellek and Warren.

There remain the question of „psychology‟ in the works themselves.

Characters in plays and novels are judged by us to be „psychologically‟

true. Situations are praised and plots accepted because of this same

quality. Sometimes, a psychological theory, held either consciously or

dimly by an author, seems to fit a figure or a situation. (1977:91)

3. Theory of Personality

Kurt Lewin stated in his book Dynamic Theory of Personality,

The psychological influence of environment on the behavior and

development of the child is extremely important. Actually all aspects of

child‟s behavior, hence instinctive and voluntary behavior, play, emotion,

speech, expression, are codetermined by the existing environment.



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Hurlock stated in Personality Development

The personality pattern can change in some areas and remain persistent in

others. Furthermore, change is not same with improvement. Change can be

either for the better or for the worst. (1976:108).

Change in the personality pattern fall into three categories

First,some changes are for the better and some are for the worse.

Personality changes for the better or for the worse reflect the kind of life

adjustments the individual is making at the time. A success improves self-comcept

and the person gainsgreater poise, self-confidence and self-assurance. If the

person fails or failure to come up to self-expectations the results are expressed in

antagonism, defensive reactions, depression, and many other behavior patterns

which lead to poorer personal and social adjustment (1976:120-121).

The theory above relates to the story in this novel. Children's character as

a major character develops and changes better because of their adaptation

behavior toward new environments and new people they meet. The development

and change of personality are guilty of their ability to accept circumstances and

make their characters learn about every lesson from every experience they get

from their environment. Each of them has a pattern of their behavior in dealing

with every situation facing them with thoughts that are better than before, because

of their family's socio-economic change, making them adjust to the environment

Second, some are quatitative and some are qualitative. Predominant

modes of behavior tend to become less conspicuous as the person grows older.

Undesirable traits become weaker and are overshadowed by strengthening of

more socially approved traits. In quantitative change, characteristics already


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present are reinforced, strengthened, or weakened. In qualitative change, an

undesirable traits is replaced by desirable trait. A person who has always been

careful of his money may become more or less careful as he discovers the social

reactions to stinginess and generosity (1976:121).

Because of the socio-economic condition of the family changes, this

affects the characteristics of each character of the children in this novel. Before

the lives of Roberta, Peter and Phyllis were surrounded by servants living with

them at their home, serving them all the time, living in luxury and wealth, they got

everything they wanted and all they needed, they lived in a big house with a warm

fireplace, Then one day they are forced to move from London to the Three

Chimneys and then live in the lower socioeconomic condition in a small house

with no servants. They do not get what they want as they do, nor could they ask

for help from the sevants to help and fulfill Their needs. They have to adapt to

lower socio-economics, and they succeed in adapting to the new environments,

making them realize that life in lower socioeconomic societies can also make

them happy and make them understand their environment and the conditions.

Third, some changes occur slowly and rapidly. Changes are regarded

slowly if they are barely perceptible, while rapid changes are raedily apparent to

all. They are slow because every change involves the breaking of an old habit and

the learning of a new one to replace it. Rapid changes are changes of short

duration and usually due to some artificial stimulation which temporarily causes

the person to forget his real self-concept and see himself as he would like to be.



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In the development of their character due to socioeconomic influences,

they need time to adapt and understand their new environment, because for them

their high socioeconomic life change to the lower socioeconomic life is not easy,

Roberta, Peter and Phyllis have many difficulties in adapting to their new

environment. The character development of Roberta, Peter and Phyllis takes a lot

of time. The Lower socioeconomics affects their thinking in making decisions of

every attitude they take. In this story their personality develops when they have no

money due to lower socioeconomic life, Peter steal coal near the railway. Besides,

life in lower socioeconomic makes their mothers busy writing to earn money.

Roberta as the eldest son should be able to help her mother to take care of her

siblings. Roberta, Peter and Phyllis should do anything and get whatever they

want in their own way without the help of the servants. Not having a servant

makes them more independent and do their own work.

According to Hurlock, there are some conditions or factors that are

responsible for personality change:

1. Phsyical changes

Change in the physical come from maturation, neglected, mental ilness or

injuries resulting from the person‟s life pattern. Unfavorable changes in

the person‟s physical condition, such as overweight or blindness often

result in personality changes because the effect of the perosn‟s self-

concept unfavorably. (1976:124-125).

2. Changes in environment

Changes in social environment produce change in the person‟s self-

concept and his characterisics behavior. The changes in personality depend

on how well the person is accepted in the new environment and how well

the environment meets his needs. There are four this to do to have

favorable effect on the personality pattern. First, by improving the status of

the person, he feels more secure and adequate. Second, the change must


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enable the person to be in equilibrium with his environmentin the sense

that the environment meets his need at that time. Third, the changes must

enable him to closer his ideal. And fourth, by providing opportunities for

broader social experiences with people with different culture background,

values and idelas can help the person improvehis goals and aspirations.


In the explanation above which is related to the story in this novel. The

environment is very important role in the personality development of Roberta,

Peter, and Phyllis. In this story there are three environments that make their

personality change, they moved because of their socioeconomic status factor,

from upper socioeconomic life to lower socioeconomic life, from London to a

small town called Three Chimneys and the railway stationwhere they meet many

strangers and interact with them, where they meet many adults/ They got a lot of

valuable lessons and new experiences that make their character better.

3. Change in significant people

When the significant people tries to adapt his pattern of behavior, his

attitude, values and aspiration, changes in his personality are inevotable.


4. Change in social pressure

Some personality traits are admired while some are disliked. A person tries

to change any personality trait to be accepted by those who are significant

to him. Strong social pressures encourage changes in certain aspects of the

personality. Traits which are likely to lead to social rejection, such as

shyness, greed, are more subject to change than those which are usually

admired, such as affection and generosity. (1976:126).

5. Change in role

Role changes result in status changes within the group and someone‟s role

change because of a change in age. There condition that role change give

affecr to the personality pattern. First, someone is being prevented from

making a change when he feels capable of doing so. Second, the person is

forced to play a role he does not want to play. Third, a person is being

unprepared for a role change (1976:127).

6. Strong motivation

A person who has strong motivation can improve his personality pattern.

People are strongly motivated to change those traits so they can improve

their social relationship and get social acceptence (1976:127)


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In the case of Roberta, peter, and Phyllis, their character changes because

of the motivation of themselves to accept the changing circumstances in their life,

environment and economy. They have the motivation to adapt to their new

environment after their father leaves and does not come back.They try to adapt to

their new environment and interact with the people who live around them.

7. Change in self-concept

The self-concept is the core of the personality pattern and a change in the

self-concept can change in the entire personality pattern. Changing in

someone‟s self-concept needs great self-insight. A person must be able to

see himself as he actually is, not he would like to be . “Condition that

facilitate changes in the self-concept are the use of introspecton, an

analysis of why one thinks of oneslef in a particular way, a critical

examination of one‟s behavior, an objective comparison of oneself with

other to see of one is inferior, superior, or equal, self-disclosure to those

for whom one has respect and confidence as a way of gaining new self-

insight, changing from environment that fosters an unfavorable self-

concept.” (1976:128).

The Character of Roberta, Peter, and Phyllis changes when they

experience some problems in their new environment, they meet with many adults,

they solve their own problems in their way. Every problem they face makes their

personality develop and makes them think to finding solutions to every problem

they face.

C. Theoretical Framework

In this study, the writer uses somes theories that are used to answer all of

the problem formulations.. The first is the theory of Character and characterization

by M.H Abrams, Robert Stanton and M. J. Murphy. The theories are used because

they can help to analyze the Character and characterization described in the story

and to answer problem formulation number one which is to reveal the

characteristic of Roberta, Peter and Phyllis as the children in the novel.

The second related theory is the Theory of Literature by Rene Wellek and

Austin Warren, the relation between Literature and Psychology.


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The third related theory is the theory of personality. The writer uses the

third theory to answer second problem formulation and to analyze how the

characters of Roberta, Peter and Phyllis as the children show the capability to

adapt the lower-class socioeconomic life and conflict in the novel


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This chapter consists of three parts; the object of the study, approach of the

study, and method of the study. The object of the study is the novel entitled, The

Railway Children by Edith Nesbit. The approach of the study is the approach that

is used by the writer to analyze the novel and the reason why the approach is used.

The last part is the method of the study that is used by the writer to explain the

steps in analyzing this study.

A. Object of the Study

In this study, the writer analyzes the novel The Railway Children by Edith

Nesbit. It is one of the classic children‟s books and it is one of Edith Nesbit's

famous booksthat were very successful in England. In the new century Nesbit

dedicated herself to writing, completing such classics as The Railway

Children (1906). She is often thought to be the first modern writer of children

stories, though she continued to write for adults. In this edition this novel consists

of 270 pages and is divided into 14 chapters. This novel contains the message to

the charnwood reader from publisher, Edith Nesbit‟s acknowledgment to her dear

son, the other titles book list in the Charnwood Library Series.

The Railway Children is a children's classic novel which tells about

siblings, familywhich are consisting of Father, Mother, and three children,


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Roberta, Peter, and Phyllis. They have to leave from London and move to small

town and live in a small house called Three Chimneys, located off in the country

near a railway station. It is a story of three children whose family falls into

hardship, must abandon their life of luxury and has to move from their high class

lives to lower class lives after the father goes away and does not come

backmysteriously, and the mother tells the three children that their father is away

on business. In this story shows how much life change affects children and how

well children adapt with their environment, such as moving house and settling in

new environments, interacting with strangers and being forced to live in an

economic crisis. The mother tried to support the family economy with a job as a

writer to earn money, she wrote some books and tries to get her stories published.

B. Approach of the Study

In order to get a good understanding of the study on Literary work, the

writer uses sociological approach to analyze the personality development of

Roberta, Peter, and Phyllis‟ characters which is related to the contribution of

society around them. From sociologist point of view, the writer can see the

contribution of society in this novel where Roberta, Peter, and Phyllis lives in the

socioeconomic status have a great impact to their life.

Sociology is related to several fields known as the social sciences which

share the same subject, human behavior. Social science is the term used because

human beings are intertwining with others, what we do and hope is influenced by

surrounds us. There are many kinds of social sciences, psychologists, economists,


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anthropologists, criminologists, political scientists, historians, and sociologists

(1987: 7)

In The Study of Society by Peter I. Rose mentions that sociologists think of

society as a large complex of human relationship or interaction. The quantity of

the number can be varied, it can be millions of human beings or much smaller.

The sociologists will use a narrowly term to refer to the quality of interaction,

interrelationship and mutuality (1967: 16-17).

Auguste Comte the person who found and coined the word “sociology”

outlined the three approaches to study the society, theoretical, empirical, and

practical. The theoretical aspect is talk about the origins, structures, and functions

of the various elements of social life. The empirical aspect is more concerned with

what people can actually learn from observation, comparison, and

experimentation. The practical aspect is emphasizing the direct and indirect

application to social conditions of theoretical assumptions and research findings

(1967: 1).

Austin Warren in Theory of Literature (3rd

Edition) mentions that the

relation between literature and society is that literature is an expression of society,

means that literature is the mirror of the current social situation of the writer, their

experiences and their conception of life (Warren, 1956: 95).

Rene Wellek and Austin Warren in Theory of Literature states

that,Psychology can be used to interpret and evaluate literary work through

characters (1956: 90-91).


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C. Method of the Study

He writer uses library research as the method of the study. Most data were

collected from books, theories, journals, dictionaries, articles, undergraduate

thesis, which are used as the references of this study, and the writer also uses

other information source such as online sources that contained the review of the

story or related to the theory or approach used to analyze this literary work.

The primary source that the writer used in this study was the novel itself

entitled The Railway Children by Edith Nesbit. The secondary sources are some

books, such as The Mental Development of Child by Karl Buhler, Theory and

problem of social psychology, Dynamic Theory of Personality by Kurt Lewin,

Theories of Child Development by A. L. Baldwin, Theory of Literature by Rene

Wellek and Austin Warren, Understanding Unseen: An Introduction to English

Poetry and the English Novel for Overseas Students byM. J. Murphy, A Glossary

of Literary Terms by M.H. Abrams, and A Handbook of Critical Approaches to

Literatureby David Daiches,Personality Development by Hurlock.

There were several steps taken in analyzing this literary work. The first

step taken was reading the whole story in order to understandthe story and

determining the topic of the study: The Personality Development of Roberta, Peter

and Phyllis as children characters in facing the socio-economic life and the

conflict. The second step was formulating the problem of the study: How the

characteristics of the children characters are revealed in the novel and how the

characters of Roberta, Peter and Phyllis as the children show the capability to

adapt the lower-class socioeconomic life and conflict in the novel. The third step


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was searching the appropriate approach and the fourth step was applying

thesuitable theories which used to analyze the literary work. The fifth step was

analyzing the literary work and answering the peroblem of the study. The last step

was drawing the conclusion from the analysis.


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In this chapter, the writer tries to answer and discuss based on the problem

formulation. First,the writer shows the characteristics of Roberta, Peter and

Phyllis as the children characters revealed. In describing the major characteristics

in the story, Murphy‟s nine ways in determining their characteristics in his

understanding Unseen: An Introduction to English Poetry and the English Novel

for Overseas Students will be used. Another theory used is from M.H Abrams‟s A

Glossary of Literary Terms of character and characterization. The second problem

is todiscuss the major characters‟ personality changes as the effect of the lower

socioeconomic life in the new environment. The changes of personality of the

major characters will be discussed by using theory on personality of Hurlock‟s

Personality Development.

A. The Characteristic of The Major Characters

1. Roberta or Bobbie

Roberta or Bobbie is the important character in this story because she has

a big influence in the story development. She is the eldest of the three. According

to M. H. Abrams the characters are presented and expressed in what they say- the

dialogue- and by what they do- the action (1985: 23). In this part explains

Roberta‟s characeristics. She always cares about her family, she is the one who

closest to her mother.


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These three lucky children always have everything they need: pretty

clothes, good fires, a lovely nursery with heaps of toys, and a Mother Goose wall-

paper. They have a kind and merry nursemaid, and a dog who is called James.

They also have a Father who is just perfect, never being unjust, and always ready

for a game—at least, if at any time he was not ready, he always had an excellent

reason for it, and explained the reason to the children so interestingly.

“They kissed her and went. Roberta lingereed to give Mother an extra

hug and to whisper:

„it wasn‟t bad news , Mommy, was it? Is anyone dead


„Nobody‟s dead- on, said Mother, and she almost seemed to push

Roberta away.

„I can‟t tell you anything tonight, my pet. Go, dear, go now.‟

So Roberta went.” (1987:8-9)

“I never wanted things to happen to make Mother unhappy,” Said

Roberta. (1987:13)

It shows Roberta‟s attention towards her mother, she does not want her

mother to be worried and sad. She always wants to comfort her mother and makes

her mother happy, she is a very caring daughter to her mother. Roberta has a kind

and loving heart, she cares for family, and has a polite attitude in a new

environment. Roberta is also a responsible daughter, she helped her mother by

taking care of her siblings. Roberta teach her siblings to be responsible for

themselves so that they do not rely on others. This is how their personalities

change as the effect of lower socioeconomic class. No more servants who always

serve them every time as they get in high-socioeconomic condition.

“Wake up! wake up!” said Roberta. “We‟re in the new house—don‟t you

remember? No servants or anything. Let‟s get up and begin to be useful.

We‟ll just creep down mouse-quietly, and have everything beautiful


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before Mother gets up. I‟ve woke Peter. He‟ll be dressed as soon as we

are.” (1987:25).

Another characteristic of Roberta is brave. One of her bravery is shown

in the story in this novel is when she tries to save the train from an accident with

Peter and Phyllis. She has the courage and thoughtfulness to help and make a

right and good decision. She has a mature thought at a very young age. She is not

afraid of the decision she took to save the train from the accident with his siblings.

“Stand firm,” said Peter, “and wave like mad! When it gets to that big

furze bush step back, but go on waving! Don‟t stand ON the line,


The train came rattling along very, very fast.

“They don‟t see us! They won‟t see us! It‟s all no good!” cried Bobbie.


The two little flags on the line swayed as the nearing train shook and

loosened the heaps of loose stones that held them up. One of them slowly leaned

over and fell on the line. Bobbie jumped forward and caught it up, and waved it;

her hands did not tremble now. (1987:115)

As an eldest sister, Roberta really loves her siblings, she takes care of her

siblings very well, although she sometimes argues with her siblings, but Roberta

loves her siblings and cares for them. This can be seen from the following

quotation, when she worries about Peter when he decides to take coal from station


Roberta also has a resourceful character, Roberta learns new things in

the new environment very well, with resourceful character, encouraging her to

find the good way of every incident she faced. Roberta can control herself and she

knows how she has to deal with her family's economic problems and she

understand what's going on in her environment.


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We can see how resourceful Roberta, when she liked to think that

perhaps the old gentleman knew her Father, and would meet him „in business,‟ so

she secretly wrote a letter to the old gentleman asking for his help to clear her

father‟s name.

“Oh, yes,” said Bobbie; “I think everyone in the world is friends if you

can only get them to see you don‟t want to be unfriends.” (1987:156)

Roberta is also a kind hearted person, she treats the strangers whom she

meets with politeness and kindness. Roberta is motivated to do what she does

from ethics, morality and a sense of duty and responsibility and she is grateful for

the little things in life. She never even gave up with the lower socioeconomic

conditions. From the explanation above Roberta's character development becomes

better. The lower socio-economic life that experienced by her family makes her

responsible, disciplined, brave and capable of solving problems. She also always

helps her mother to take care of her siblings. Roberta never gave up on her lower

socioeconomic life, she was able to adapt to the lower socio-economic

environment. She understands her family's economic situation and can control her

attitude to be wiser in doing something. She always thinks first before doing

something. She thinks of the good and bad impacts of every action and decision

she takes.

2. Peter

Peter is also considered as the major character. He is an important role

because of the relevance of Roberta's character. Peter has a role that often appears

in the story. In this story was told that Peter wants to be an engineer when he


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grows up. He is the second child and the only son in the family. Peter is a smart

child, when he meets a foreigner who needs help, and he does not understand the

language spoken by the stranger and the stranger cannot speak English, then he

has a good idea to be able to communicate with the stranger so he knows where

the stranger comes from.

Then Peter had an idea. He pulled an envelope out of his pocket, and

showed that it was half full of foreign stamps.

“Look here,” he said, “let‟s show him these—”

Bobbie looked and saw that the stranger had dried his eyes with her

handkerchief. So she said: “All right.” (1987:93-94).

They showed him an Italian stamp, and pointed from him to it and back

again, and made signs of question with their eyebrows. He shook his head. Then

he show him a Norwegian stamp—the common blue kind it is—and again he

signed No. Then he show him a Spanish one, and at that he took the envelope

from Peter‟s hand and searched among the stamps with a hand that trembled. The

hand that he reached out at last, with a gesture as of one answering a question,

contained a Russian stamp.

“He‟s Russian,” cried Peter, “or else he‟s like „the man who was‟—in

Kipling, you know.” (1987: 93)

After his father left, Peter feels that he is responsible for his family. He

knows that stealing is a bad action, when he steals coal from the train station as a

sacrifice for his family, while his action is very dangerous for him. He do that just

to keep his family warm in the cold.

Besides, Peter also has a daring side, he is responsible enough to steal

coal from the train station at night. Peter is also still innocent, he thinks it is

alright to take some coal from the station because the coal is outside part of the


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heap. He do not think what he does is an act of stealing, he also does not mean to

steal it. Then he admits stealing is not good, and he apologizes for not doing it


“So I‟ve caught you at last, have I, you young thief?” said the Station


“I‟m not a thief,” said Peter, as firmly as he could. “I‟m a coal-miner.”


“Don‟t hold me!” Peter said. “I won‟t run away.”

Peter said:—

“I didn‟t think it was stealing. I was almost sure it wasn‟t. I thought if I

took it from the outside part of the heap, perhaps it would be. But in the

middle I thought I could fairly count it only mining. It‟ll take thousands of

years for you to burn up all that coal and get to the middle parts.”


Peter does not steal coal for bad intentions, Peter took coal to make a

fireplace because he does not have money to buy coal to warm the body in the

fireplace. His lower economic condition cause him to do so, but with such an

experience, a new lesson for Peter, as well as a very valuable lesson for Peter to

not take something that did not belong to him. Peter can also think better and

smarter to take a decision that not to harm others. It also makes Peter to be more

careful. Living in an environment where most people are adults, make Peter

interact with many adults and make him smarter and more courageous in solving


“Not quite. But did you do it for a lark or what?”

“Not much lark carting that beastly heavy stuff up the hill,” said Peter,


“Then why did you?” The Station Master‟s voice was so much kinder now

that Peter replied:—


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“You know that wet day? Well, Mother said we were too poor to have a

fire. We always had fires when it was cold at our other house, and—”


Another characteristic of Peter is heroic. It is proven when he wants to

save the train from an accident. He walked along the edge of the line, and heard

the telegraph wires humming over their heads. When they are in the train, it seems

such a little way between post and post, and one after another the posts seem to

catch up the wires almost more quickly than they can count them. But when they

have to walk, the posts seem few and far between.

But the children got to the station at last. Never before had any of them

been at a station, except for the purpose of catching trains or perhaps waiting for

them and always with grown-ups in attendance, grown-ups who are not

themselves interested in stations, except as places from which they wished to get


Never before had they passed close enough to a signal-box to be able to

notice the wires, and to hear the mysterious „ping, ping,‟ followed by the strong,

firm clicking of machinery.

The very sleepers on which the rails lay were a delightful path to travel

by—just far enough apart to serve as the stepping-stones in a game of foaming

torrents hastily organised by Bobbie.

Then to arrive at the station, not through the booking office, but in a

freebooting sort of way by the sloping end of the platform. This in itself was joy.

There were a great many crossing lines at the station; some of them just

ran into a yard and stopped short, as though they were tired of business and meant


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to retire for good. Trucks stood on the rails here, and on one side is a great heap of

coal not a loose heap, such as you see in your coal cellar, but a sort of solid

building of coals with large square blocks of coal outside used just as though they

were bricks, and built up till the heap looked like the picture of the Cities of the

Plain in „Bible Stories for Infants.‟ There was a line of whitewash near the top of

the coaly wall.

When presently the Porter lounged out of his room at the twice-repeated

tingling thrill of a gong over the station door, Peter said, “How do you do?” in his

best manner, and hastened to ask what the white mark was on the coal for.

In addition, Peter is an honest child, when he gave an idea to ask the

people of the village to give Perks a birthday present. Perk is a porter. He thought

sincerely of the idea for Perk‟s birthday, he had a good heart to appreciate others,

he gives the present sincerely. He is honest about what is on his mind and what he

said. He has an idea with the true intention because he wants to make the people

around him happy. So many people gave presents for Perks birthday party. All

people in the village happy in Perks birthday party because of the idea of Peter.

“Hooray!” cried Peter, suddenly, “I‟ve got it.” He jumped up and kicked at

the loose hay.

“What?” said the others, eagerly.

“Why, Perks is so nice to everybody. There must be lots of people in the

village who‟d like to help to make him a birthday. Let‟s go round and ask

everybody.” (1987:160)

Mr.Perks is a good man, so the people in the village love Mr.Perks and

they help Roberta, Peter and Phyllis to make a birthday party for Mr.Perks.

Roberta, Peter and Phyllis and the people of the village wanted to create a

moment that Mr.Perks never got, they wanted to make a precious moment for


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Mr.Perks and make him happy on his special day for Mr.Perks. Roberta, Peter,

and Phyllis told the villagers to come on Mr.Perks' birthday party as a sign that

they loved Mr.Perks. The people of the village helped Roberta, Peter and Phyllis.

Their intention is to make Mr.Perks happy on his birthday. Roberta, Peter and

Phyllis came to the villagers 'house to tell the villagers about Mr.Perks' birthday.

“Mother said we weren‟t to ask people for things,” said Bobbie,


“For ourselves, she meant, silly, not for other people. I‟ll ask the old

gentleman too. You see if I don‟t,” said Peter. (1987:160).

Besides, Peter is also a brave little gentleman. We can see how brave

Peter in searching the hound in the red jersey in the dark tunnel. He leads his

sisters, so the three went on into the deeper darkness of the tunnel. Peter led,

holding his candle end high to light the way. The grease ran down his fingers, and

some of it right up his sleeve. He found a long streak from wrist to elbow when he

went to bed that night. Although Peter is still innocent, but he was brave to take

risks from every decision and action that he did and He is not afraid to do what he

thinks is right and help others. All this, of course, is what a tunnel means when he

is in a train. But everything is quite different when he walk into a tunnel on his

own feet, and tread on shifting, sliding stones and gravel on a path that curves

downwards from the shining metals to the wall. Then he sees slimy, oozy trickles

of water running down the inside of the tunnel, and he notices that the bricks are

not red or brown, as he is at the tunnel‟s mouth, but dull, sticky, sickly green. His

voice, when he speak, is quite changed from what it was out in the sunshine, and

it is a long time before the tunnel is quite dark.


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The roar of the advancing train is now louder than the noise he hear when

his head is under water in the bath and both taps are running, and he is kicking

with his heels against the bath‟s tin sides. But Peter has shout for all he is worth,

and Bobbie heard him. She dragged Phyllis along to the manhole. Phyllis, of

course, stumbled over the wires and grazed both her legs. But they dragged her in,

and all three stood in the dark, damp, arched recess while the train roared louder

and louder. It seemed as if it would deafen them. And, in the distance, they could

see its eyes of fire growing bigger and brighter every instant.

It was not more than a hundred and fifty yards from the spot where they

had stood while the train went by that Peter stood still, shouted “Hullo,”

and then went on much quicker than before. When the others caught him

up, he stopped. And he stopped within a yard of what they had come into

the tunnel to look for. (1987:215).

Being in a lower socioeconomic class, made Peter realize that he is the

only son in the family and after his father goes away and never comes back he

feels that he is the leader of the family and has to protect his family. Previously

Peter is a spoiled boy, who always has servants to help him and do what he wants

and all what he needs. Being in a part of the lower socioeconomic class made

Peter no longer rely on his servant, he was able to live without servants around

him, he became an independent, responsible, clever, brave and resolved boy. She

also helped her mother by not bothering her mother. Peter could adapted to his

new environment, at Three Chimneys he mostly interacted with older people near

the railway, but it made him learn a lot from the people he met and he got so

many lessons from his experiences.


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3. Phyllis

Phyllis is the youngest in the family. She is always trying to be good. She

is also major character in this novel. She has a cheerful and active character but

she feels insecure. She is so cheerful, and always gets what she wants. Her

cheerfulness makes her life happy with her life. Phyllis is cares a lot about her

mother and her siblings. She always plays with her siblings. Phyllis always spent

time with her brother and her sister and it made her happy and cheerful. She's

never been in trouble, she always asks for help from the servant to help her.

Servants who always serve Phyllis anytime. Phyllis was accustomed to luxurious

living, with expensive clothes, big, comfortable beds, living in a big city. Phyllis

is cheerful with the luxurious life she had before and because of the luxury of life,

making Phyllis never think of living in a low social economy, living in poverty

and not having a sevant to help her. She is a very sensitive and easily forgiving

child. She is shocked by the different environments she had never experienced

before. Her insecurity, she felt when she has to move from London to three

chimneys. The new environment and the strangers around her make her feel


“Come,” said Mother, “we‟ve got to walk. There aren‟t any cabs here.”

The walk was dark and muddy. The children stumbled a little on the rough

road, and once Phyllis absently fell into a puddle, and was picked up damp

and unhappy. (1987:17)

“Oh, what‟s that?” cried the girls.

“It‟s only the rats,” said the cart man. And he went away and shut the door,

and the sudden draught of it blew out the candle.

“Oh, dear,” said Phyllis, “I wish we hadn‟t come!” and she knocked a

chair over. (1987:19).


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In addition, Phyllis has a brave character. When they are on the railway,

the people near the railway does not realize there is a coal mound on the railway,

the three children were aware of it, and if the train hit a coal mound there would

be an incident, and they did something to avoid an accident, Phyllis and her

siblings made the train stop because if the train does not stop there will be an

accident. The three of them searched for a way to make the train to stop, the train

would not see them till it got round the corner

“We must cut holes in the flags, and run the sticks through the holes,” said


And the holes were cut. The knife was sharp enough to cut flannel with.

Two of the flags were set up in heaps of loose stones between the sleepers of the

down line. Then Phyllis and Roberta took each a flag, and stood ready to wave it

as soon as the train came in sight.

And finally they managed to make the train stop and no accident, then The

praises they got from the station master because of their efforts to avoid accidents.

No one heard her. At least Peter and Phyllis do not, for the oncoming rush of the

train covered the sound of her voice with the roaring sound. But afterwards she

used to wonder whether the engine itself has not heard her. It seemed almost as

though it had—for it slackened swiftly, slackened and stopped, not twenty yards

from the place where Bobbie‟s two flags waved over the line. She saw the great

black engine stop dead, but somehow she could not stop waving the flags. And

when the driver and the fireman had got off the engine and Peter and Phyllis had

gone to meet them and pour out their excited tale of the awful mound just round

the corner, Bobbie still wave the flags. When the station is reached, the three are


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the heroes of an agitated meeting on the platform. Phyllis and her siblings bravely

took a very commendable action and they save everyone who is in the train. They

even make the right and clever decisions.

The praises they got for their “prompt action,” their “common sense,” their

“ingenuity,” were enough to have turned anybody‟s head.

Phyllis enjoyed herself thoroughly. She has never been a real heroine

before, and the feeling is really good. She does a heroic and very good action can

help something that is usefull to everyone. She doing it right with her siblings

with a great courage.

“You‟ll hear from the Company about this, I expect,” said the Station

Master. (1987:117)

Phyllis is a sensitive child, when Perks refuses to accept the gifts that the

children bring to him, she felt hurt by the words that Perks had said. With what

Mr.Perks said, Phyllis feels that Mr.Perks does not appreciate of what she does

with her siblings and the people in village who have prepared birthday parties and

birthday presents for Mr.Perks. Phyllis was very sensitive to what Mr.Perks had

said and she was disappointed at Mr.Perks' reaction. Mr. Perks is angry because

he feels people who give him birthday present as a charity for him.

“I don‟t care,” he said; “I won‟t stand it, and so I tell you straight.”

“I don‟t care,” said Perks, firmly, “not if it was a angel from Heaven.

We‟ve got on all right all these years and no favours asked. I‟m not going

to begin these sort of charity goings-on at my time of life, so don‟t you

think it, Nell.” (1987:169).

Mr. Perks shouts and angry that he thinks the birthday party and birthday

present are given to Mr.Perks from Roberta, Peter, Phyllis and the people in the


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village as charity for Mr.Perks and he was offended, Mr. Perks was angry and

drove all the people in the village from his home, he misunderstood his

assumption of a gift for his birthday. He has not understood and has not realized

the good intentions of Roberta, Peter and Phyllis, they give birthday present for

Mr. Perks and invite people in the village to come at Mr.Perks party with sincerity

and good intentions.

“Come out,” said Perks, “come out and tell me what you mean by it. „Ave

I ever complained to you of being short, as you comes this charity lay over

me?” (1987:170).

Phyllis thinks Mr.Perks would like Phyllis' birthday present, but in fact

Mr.Perks is angry, he is misunderstood what Phyllis, Peter, Roberta and the

people in the village were doing for him. Phyllis is very sensitive and she feels

very sad with Mr.Perks's reaction. Phyllis has no idea that Mr.Perks does not like

what she does, she does goodwill and because Phyllis love Mr.Perks and wants to

make Mr.Perks happy on his birthday. Phyllis feels that Mr.Perks does not

understand Phyllis' kindness to make him happy. Being very sensitive makes

Phyllis cry because of Mr.Perks reaction.

“OH!” said Phyllis, “I thought you‟d be so pleased; I‟ll never try to be

kind to anyone else as long as I live. No, I won‟t, not never.”

She burst into tears. (1987:170).

Then Mr.Perks realizes the good intentions of the children and people in

the village and he apologizes to them. Phyllis is very easy to forgive people, and

she also easily forgiving Mr.Perks. She does not hold a grudge, she also tried to


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understand the situation of Mr.Perks, That is what makes it easy to forgive,

because she understands.

“I knew you‟d like it when you really understood,” said Phyllis, brightly.


Besides, Phyllis is a loving, caring, and helpful person. She loves her

family, she only has two siblings, she just play with them. Phyllis love her mother

very much, she also understood that her mother is busy writing and she does not

want to disturb her mother, she understood how her family's situation has changed

from upper socioeconomic class to lower socioeconomic class. She loves the

people around her and helps those who need help, she will help sincerely and she

is also happy if others are happy. She is very caring with her mother, her siblings,

and the people in the village. She is also caring with her social environment, and

can interact with her social environment.

Just like Peter, when she lived in London with a high socio economic life,

Phyllis characters, she is a spoiled child. She is surrounded by neighbors to help

her to get what she wants and what she needs, she is unfamiliar with life without a

servant. She is forced to accept and must adapt to the lower socio-economic

condition, the lower socioeconomic condition that has make her to adapt to new

house and new environments. She learned to accept her family's lower economic

condition. It make her become brave, caring and understanding child. She also

learns from every lesson she experiences in the railway environment, she can

think better to decide a decision she takes. She helps her siblings in solving the



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B. The Influence of the lower Socioeconomic class Towards the Personality of

Roberta, Peter, and Phyllis

The places such asLondon, The Railway, The house of Three Chimneys‟

are the society where the characters live. In the previous discussion, the characters

of Roberta, Peter, and Phyllis that they experienced were shown. The fact that the

element of society or soscioeconomic status has never been absent in determining

the personality development or the characters of Roberta, Peter, and Phyllis shows

that society is also an important aspect that cannot be separated from any other

aspects, especially soscioeconomic status.In here, it clearly shows that society or

the lower socioeconomic life as ther socioeconomic status in this novel has some

contributions in Roberta, peter, and Phyllis‟ life, especially in their personality


“Got e‟er a candle?” said he.

“I don‟t know where anything is.” Mother spoke rather less cheerfully than


He struck a match. There was a candle on the table, and he lighted it. By

its thin little glimmer the children saw a large bare kitchen with a stone

floor. There were no curtains, no hearth-rug. The kitchen table from home

stood in the middle of the room. The chairs were in one corner, and the

pots, pans, brooms, and crockery in another. There was no fire, and the

black grate showed cold, dead ashes. (1987:18-19)

From the quotation above, it describes clearly the lower socioeconomic

condition of their life and the condition of their new house in Three Chimneys.

The lower socioeconomic class is far from their life in high socioeconomic class

in London. They must survive in a lower socioeconomic condition without a

father who usually supports their life.


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The lower socioeconomic condition as socioeconomic status affect

children's character in this novel. The relation between society and people or more

known as social relationship is a concept of relation in which human behavior is

orientation innumerable ways to other persons. People interact and respond to one

another in order to shape their behavior in relation to the behavior of others.

“They went round the house and round the house. The yard occupied the

back, and across it were stables and outbuildings. On the other three sides

the house stood simply in a field, without a yard of garden to divide it from

the short smooth turf. And yet they had certainly seen the garden wall the

night before.

It was a hilly country. Down below they could see the line of the railway,

and the black yawning mouth of a tunnel. The station was out of sight.

There was a great bridge with tall arches running across one end of the

valley.” (1987:26)

From the quotation above, it shows that their house is located near a

railway, where the house which is located near a railway is a poor area. Their

economic condition is poor, their mother does not have enough money to support

their family. That's the reason why they live near a railway, because the house

near a railway is cheaper.

However, the disapperance of their father and their lower socioeconomic

condition as their how socioeconomic status makes them to be responsible, grown

up and understanding of the situation and the environment. Based on the previous

discussion the lower socioeconomic life as the socioeconomic status is the

moment which triggers the series of the socioeconomic status issues experienced

by Roberta, Peter, and Phyllis. In this part the theory by Kurt Lewin stated in his

Dynamic Theory of Personality;


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The psychological influence of environmant on the behavior and

development of the child is extremely important. Actually all aspects of

child‟s behavior, hence instinctive and voluntary behavior, play, emotion,

speech, expression, are codetermined by the existing environment.


The theory used in order to understand the process and way ofpersonality

changes. The fact that Roberta, Peter, and Phyllis lived in the lower

socioeconomic status makes them to understand the situation, learn the new

lessons from their experiences and from what they see in their environment.

The fact that the personality development of Roberta, Peter, and Phyllis

begins from the socioeconomic status gives a good explanation about the

important role of the lower socioeconomic life and the environment in educating

the children how they grow up and can learn everything by themselves.

Hurlock stated in Personality Development

The personality pattern can change in some areas and remain persistent in

others. Furthermore, change is not same with improvement. Change can be

either for the better or for the worst. (1976:108).

The theory above relates to the story in this novel. Children's character as

a major character develops and changes better because of their adaptation

behavior toward new environments and new people they meet. The development

and change of their personality because of their ability to accept conditions and

make their characters learn every lesson from every experience they get from their

environment. Each of them has a pattern of their behavior in dealing with every

situation facing them with thoughts that are better than before, because of their

family's socio-economic change, making them adjust to the environment.


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The development of personalities of children's characters in this novel as

the effect of lower socioeconomic. Becoming poor make the character Roberta or

Bobbie, Peter and Phyllis to be better than ever. They have good intentions and

good hearts in facing the condition of their family. They have smart ideas to help

people in their environment. Roberta's previous character was undisciplined and

always quarell with her siblings, then turned into a disciplined character and keep

her siblings to help her mother. Roberta also became courageous in making a

good decision. Peter was previously a spoiled child and always asked for help

from the servant, then the character of peter changed for the better, he can do what

he wants without the help from the servant. He's a smart boy and has a smart idea.

Phyllis is the character of a spoiled child as well, then turns into a brave and can

do what she wants without help from the servant. Phyllis' character easy-to-

forgive it makes everyone loves her.


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The writer already answered the two question in the problem formulation

in the previous chapter. In this chapter, the writer would like to draw a conclusion

from the analysis that has been in Chapter IV. The writer used the main Theory of

Character and Characterization by Murphy, Theory of Literature by Rene Wellek

and Austin Warren, Theory of Personality Development by Hurlock.

All of those theories are supporting the analysis to reveal the

characteristics of the children characters and the lower socioeconomic condition

influence their personality development in the story of The Railway Children by

Edith Nesbit which used as the object of this thesis.

After analyzing the major characters‟ characteristics in the story and the

change of their personality, the writer finds that the children characters in this

novel changes are influenced by the lower socioeconomic condition as the

socioeconomic status. The major characters in this novel, Roberta, Peter, and

Phyllis has a upper socioeconomic life in London. They have good parents that

always support them and always give what they want and what they need. They

were forced to live in a lower socio-economic life after their father goes away and

did not come back. They were forced to move from London to a small town called

Three Chimneys. They learned to accept the condition and adapt to the new

environments with the lower socioeconomic life that they have never felt before,

and make their personality change for the better.


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The first character that changes is Roberta, she is a good sister and oldest

daughter, she is stubborn and often quarrels with their siblings. However, after she

moves to Three Chimneys, she become more mature, brace and responsible.

The next is Peter, the only son in this family. He is innocent and spoiled

but when he moves to Three Chimneys, he becomes more mature, care, brave and

smart. He feels that as the only son, he should be responsible to his family and

heis siblings. The lower socioeconomic life that make his personality change

becomes better personality than before.

The last character is Phyllis. She is the youngest child. She is very

sensitive and cheerful. The lower socioeconomic life make her personality change

become more understanding, caring, brave and mature. She does not want to

disturb her mother while her mother writing her books. She help her mother and

people around her who need her help. She also easily forgiving people.

From the explanation above, the point of this thesis that people with the

economic problems can develop and can change their personality become better

by adapting, accepting conditions, being grateful to what we have and doing good

to the environment and the people around us that makes life more meaningful and

easier to find a way out of every problem. Because every problem has a way out

and has meaning that we can learn.


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Abrams, M.H. A Glossary of Literary Terms. New York: Holt, Rinehart and

Winston, 1981

Bradley, Robert H & Robert F. Corwyn, Socioeconomic Status and Child

Development. Arkansas: Center for Applied Studies in Education, University

of Arkansas, 2002

Holman, C. Hugh & William Harmon. A Handbook to Literature, 5th edition.

New York: Mackmillan Publishing Company, 1986.

Hurlock, Elizabeth B Personality Development. New York: MC. Graw Hill Book

Company, 1974.

Laurensia, Cynthia. “A Study on Sarah Lemon‟s Self-Concept as an Adolescent in

Mitch Albom‟s The Time Keeper”. Undergraduate thesis. Yogyakarta: Sanata

Dharma University, 2014

Lewin Kurt, Dynamic Theory of Personality. New York and London: McGraw-

Hill Bokk Company.,1935.

Merriam-Webster Online: Dictionary and Thesaurus. (http://www.merriam- July 28, 2017

Murphy, M.J. Understanding Unseen: An Introduction to English Poetry and the

English Novel for Overseas Students. London: George Allen and Unwin, Ltd.,


Nesbit, Edith. The Railway Children. London: Penguin Popular Classic, 1995.

Rachmawati, Dewi, “The Influence of Setting of Place Towards The Major

Characters as Seen in Edith Nesbit‟s The Railway Children”. Undergraduate

thesis. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University, 2008.

Rose, Peter Isaac. The Study of Society: An Integrated Anthology. New York:

Rondom House, 1967.

Spencer, Allie, Lisa Pashouros, and Trina Halder. 2004. Education Resource Pack


July 28, 2017)

Stanton, Robert, An Introduction to Fiction. New York: Holt, Rinehart and


Stark, Rodney. Sociology: 2nd

Ed. California: Wadsworth Publishing Company,


Wellek, Rene & Austin Warren, Theory of Literature, Orlando, Florida: Harcourt

Brace Javanovich, 1977.


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Summary of The Railway Children

The Railway Children is a novel written by Edith Nesbit, a fictinal novel

was published in Great Britain in 1906 and First Charnwood Edition was

published in January 1987 anda children's classic novel which tells about siblings,

family which are consisting of Father, Mother, and three children, Roberta, Peter,

and Phyllis. They have to leave from London and move to small town and live in

a small house called Three Chimneys, located off in the country near a railway

station. It is a story of three children whose family falls into hardship, must

abandon their life of luxury and has to move from their high class lives to lower

class lives after the father goes away and does not come back mysteriously, and

the mother tells the three children that their father is away on business.

In this story shows how much life change affects children and how well

children adapt with their environment, such as moving house and settling in new

environments, interacting with strangers and being forced to live in an economic

crisis. The mother tried to support the family economy with a job as a writer to

earn money, she wrote some books and tries to get her stories published.Roberta

or Bobbie is the important character in this story because she has a big influence

in the story development. She is the eldest of the three.

Peter is also considered as the major character. He is an important role

because of the relevance of Roberta's character. Peter has a role that often appears


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in the story. In this story was told that Peter wants to be an engineer when he

grows up. He is the second child and the only son in the family.

Phyllis is the youngest in the family. She is always trying to be good. She

is also major character in this novel. She has a cheerful and active character but

she feels insecure, she is a very sensitive and easily forgiving child. She was

shocked by the different environments she had never experienced before. Phyllis

has a brave character. When they were on the railway, the people near the railway

did not realize that there was a coal mound on the railway, the three children were

aware of it, and if the train hit a coal mound there would be an incident, and they

did something to avoid an accident, Phyllis and her siblings made the train stop

They were forced to live in a lower socio-economic life after their father

goes away and did not come back. They were forced to move from London to a

small town called Three Chimneys. They learned to accept the condition and

adapt to the new environments with the lower socioeconomic life that they have

never felt before, and make their personality change for the better.