an unspoken love

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Written ByWritten ByWritten ByWritten By

 Arun Kumar G  Arun Kumar G  Arun Kumar G  Arun Kumar G 

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Thanks to all my Friends who helped and e Thanks to all my Friends who helped and e Thanks to all my Friends who helped and e Thanks to all my Friends who helped and encouraged me to ncouraged me to ncouraged me to ncouraged me to 

write write write write and complete and complete and complete and complete this B this B this B this Book ook ook ook 

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The Person who loves you can do anything at any time for just one Smile of yours.

 Even after knowing that you are not his Future.

That is what I call as Love.

The Best thing that a person can do for his Love is, to make her Happy!!! 

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AAAAnother fine morning, Ashwin was there in his office doing his daily work.

“Ashwin Raj – A Boy from Coimbatore working in well known IT Company in


Suddenly Chat screen pops.

‘Hi Ashwin. How r u?’  It’s a ping from Suchi, Ashwin’s friend working in IT 

Company in Chennai.

Suchi: Hi Ashwin. How r u? 

Ashwin: Fine. How are you? Suchi: 5n. Im coming to Mumbai next week n stay for a month for a project.Ashwin: gr8.Suchi: will confirm the schedule.Ashwin: k 

  The week passed and Suchi arrived at Mumbai. She accommodated in her

company guest house situated on the way from Ashwin office to home and her

office too is near to the guest house. After two days Ashwin met her on the way 

back to his home. They planned to go out that weekend.

Sunday came; Ashwin started from his home and met Suchi near her guest

house as planned. A Surprise! There was a cute girl along with suchi.

“Hi Ashwin, This is Akruti, my teammate for this project” Suchi introduced her

to Ashwin.

“Hi Ashwin”, A handshake from her with a cute smile.

“Hi…” Ashwin responded with a low tone as words are struggling to come out

from his mouth.

“Akruti Shah - The girl from Delhi settled in Mumbai with her Parents”.

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After the Introduction they visited some places and had lunch all together and

gone for Shopping Suchi purchased some dresses for her and at same time

Akruti also checking some dresses.

“Hey. Can you suggest me some dress?” Akruti asked both

“Take this white one. It will be perfect for you” Ashwin showed a White Dress

“Wow!!! Superb!!! It’s really nice” Akruti was excited seeing Ashwin selection

After shopping they parted in the evening.

Next day Ashwin called one of his friends Ishita.

“Ishita – The girl from Hyderabad settled in Ahmedabad along with her


He told her about the arrival of suchi and also told about the girl “Akruti” who

he met the other day. She was surprised to hear as Ashwin was very excited

while talking about Akruti.

After Three Days Ashwin received a call from Suchi and she told about the

invitation from Akruti for the Lunch for both of them this Sunday. But Ashwin

refused to come then Akruti took the Phone and invited Ashwin. When he

heard her voice he is not able to speak anything and simply said “OK”. She is

also very happy. Phone disconnected.

Ashwin called Ishita on Sunday morning and told about the invitation for lunch

and asked suggestion for some gift to give to her while going to her home.Ishita suggested to buy a bunch of Red Roses but Ashwin is not convinced with

the roses so he asked for some other suggestions and she told to buy some

Chocolates as Ashwin use to give chocolates to Ishita when he meets her but

still Ashwin is not convinced and finally he decided to go with Bunch of Red

Roses itself.

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He started from his home wearing his favorite Jean and T-Shirt. And gone to

meet Suchi at her guest house then they both gone to Akruti house. Ashwin

saw a Flower shop on the way to her home. He gone and asked for a Bunch

with 25 Red Roses but unfortunately he got a bunch only with 23 Roses. He

enquired for some other flower shops nearby but he did not find a one. So he

bought the Bunch with 23 Roses. Meanwhile Suchi was watching Ashwin and

asked him why he was so tensed and about the Red Roses also but he gave a

weird smile.

At last, they reached Akruti’s House. When he saw Akruti he was stumbled for

a second. She was looking Gorgeous, Cute and no words to explain. She was

wearing the White Dress which Ashwin selected in last week shopping in which

she was looking like an Angel from heaven.

Ashwin and Suchi can’t understand anything as the house was fully decorated.

And for Surprise that it was her Birthday. He gave the Rose Bunch to her. She

also got surprised by the Rose bunch and she asked him that he know any 

astrology as he came with bunch of 23 Roses. But he can’t understand why sheasked like that and then she told that it was her 23rd birthday.

What a Coincident!!! 

 Then all had Lunch together. Finally the deserts came it’s just a homemade Ice

cream which was prepared by Akruti. But apart from all other dishes Ashwin

feels the Ice Cream was a best preparation and appreciated her very much.

After Lunch Suchi asked Ashwin that there is nothing special in Ice cream but

why he has appreciated very much. But again Ashwin gave a weird smile

without telling anything.

 Then all three planned for shopping and then for a movie. First they planned to

go for a Hindi movie but as Suchi don’t know Hindi very much she asked

Ashwin can he translate to her but he told “NO” .

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After a long discussion Akruti concluded that we will go for a ‘Tamil’ movie

which was newly released at that time. But Suchi asked Akruti how she will

understand Tamil. Akruti asked Suchi to translate but she was not ready for

that. Then Akruti turned to Ashwin asked

“Ashwin, Can you translate the movie for me?”.

Ashwin without telling anything he simply nodded positively. Suchi saw him

angrily but he again gave a weird smile to her. While this discussion was going

on 3-4 kids from neighborhood were playing in Akruti house and they called

Akruti as “Didi” and a kid called Ashwin as “Bhaiya” by hearing this Akruti face

was little bit changed. When the kids gone inside Akruti too gone in and came

out after sometime and the kids also came out with sad face and came near to

Ashwin and told

“We will not call u as Bhaiya again” and gone.

Ashwin can’t understand what was happening and even Suchi too.

Ashwin then left her home telling that he will meet them at the Shopping Mall

in evening as planned. While the way back to his home he called Ishita and

told her everything that happened and the plan for the movie too. Now again he

asked her to suggest a Gift to give to Akruti. She suggested to gift some Soft

toys like Teddy or something and Ashwin also accepted.

As planned he met them in the shopping mall in the evening and started the

purchase. Ashwin saw a Teddy Bear doll in approximately 4 feet height and he

purchased the same to gift Akruti. He made a gift wrap and kept that in the

baggage counter so that they both will not come to know and he want to give

her a surprise. Meanwhile Akruti and Suchi was there in Clothing section and

Ashwin also gone there Akruti was in confusion what to buy and asked Ashwin

a suggestion and Ashwin selected a T-Shirt in lavender color and gave to her

and Akruti also liked it in first look itself. But Suchi denied that it will be very 

big to her and it will not match her but Ashwin told that it will suit her

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perfectly. So they decided to trail that. Akruti gone to trail room and changed

the T-Shirt and Came out,

What a Surprise!!!

 The Size was perfect fit and the color also perfectly matching her. Akruti was

very happy and even Ashwin too. Finally they completed their shopping and

came out. Ashwin ran to the baggage counter and brought the gift and gave to

Akruti. She was surprised even before opening the gift. The gift was looking like

a small bean bag wrapped with gift paper as it was neatly folded and packed.

When she opened the pack she got really surprised to see the Teddy and she is

very happy as Teddy Bear is her favorite.

Ashwin thanked Ishita in his mind for giving the suggestion.

 Then as per the next plan they went to the movie. Ashwin sponsored for the

tickets and got into the theater. Ashwin took the first seat followed by Akruti

then by Suchi. The movie started and Ashwin was translating each and every 

word in the mixture of Hindi and English except the songs. He was totally concentrating in the translation and not watching the movie as he already seen

the movie along with his friends.

Ashwin eyes are not looking at the screen but only at Akruti face in the dim

light from screen. Suddenly in movie there was a scene where the heroine asks

the hero to marry her and Ashwin also translated the same

“Will you marry me”.

Suddenly a voice has come


It was Suchi looking at Ashwin confusingly and asked what he told. He told her

that he just translated the dialogue from the movie. And then the movie


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It was in the movie. It’s time for Intermission. All three gone out to buy somesnacks, Ashwin and Suchi took Popcorn and cold drinks while Akruti took

nothing and told that she will share the popcorn from Ashwin and again the

snacks were sponsored by Ashwin.

“Girls never take their purse out while a boy is there with them”.

Now the movie continues. Ashwin started his translation work and munching

the popcorn and sipping the drink in little gap but never missed a single word

to translate in between Akruti also shared the popcorn from Ashwin.

Sometime both their hand met together and struggled together in the popcorn


 There came a song so Ashwin got some more time to enjoy the Popcorn and


“Ashwin, if u don’t mind can I have a sip from your drink” Akruti asked.

Ashwin was struck for a while and his mind was toggling in between YES or

NO. Finally the reply came was positive.

He said “Yes”.

He extended his hand and Akruti took a Long Sip and gave the drink back to

him. Then he also took a Sip but he feels some different in the taste and he

don’t know the taste is of the drink or it’s of her Lips as there was only onestraw in the drink. But he liked the taste.


It’s the End of the movie. They came out from the theater and collected their

Stuffs from the baggage counter and gone to have dinner in a nearby 


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Again there was confusion in selection but this time in restaurant for selecting

the item in menu. Ashwin simply ordered for Roti and Sabzi but there is still

confusion going on with the girls for selection.

Finally Suchi ordered for Veg-Rice and Akruti gone with same item which

Ashwin ordered.

After dinner Ashwin hired an Auto-Rickshaw for Akruti and Suchi and they got

in and fled away to their homes and Ashwin came back to his home.

Next day Ashwin called Ishita and told her everything which happened the day 

before including the drink sharing. Ashwin was very excited while talking about

Akruti to Ishita and even She too excited by hearing this from Ashwin.

After sometime Ashwin received a call from Suchi and she asked him

“Ashwin, what is going on in between you and Akruti?” 

Ashwin can’t understand anything

“No, nothing there in between us. But why you are asking like this?” 

She told that while they were back to their home the previous day Akruti was

talking and asking about Ashwin only all the way. These words made Ashwin

happy and confuse too.

Days passed and they have not met more than a week as Suchi planned to go

out along with her office friends.

One day Ashwin got a call from Suchi

“Hi Ashwin, I am leaving Mumbai tomorrow night. Can u come to drop me?”  

“Sure, what time is the train?”  

“It’s at 11:30PM. 

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Ashwin told that he will pick up her from her Guest house and disconnected.

Ashwin was little sad as he don’t know whether he will get a chance to meet

Akruti or not if once Suchi leaves Mumbai.

 The Next day night Ashwin gone to Suchi Guest house at around 10PM. When

he reached there he saw Akruti there and very happy but he didn’t express his


While leaving Akruti told that she too will come to railway station to send off 

her but Suchi told that it will get very late as the train is at 11:30PM but Akruti

was not ready to hear that and asked Ashwin whether he will drop her at her

home and Ashwin also nodded positively.

Suchi saw him, he again gave the same weird smile.

  They reached the railway station at around 10:45PM. Ashwin gone to buy 

platform ticket and came back after 30 minutes. Then Suchi got into train and

both standing outside waiting for train to start. The train moved and both

waved and gave a send off to Suchi.

After train gone both came to Suburban station and got into local train. All the

seats were occupied so they both stand near the doorway. The train moved

after sometime a guy came and stand near to Ashwin and his hand hitting on

Ashwin head. Ashwin told the guy to move his hand as it was hitting him but

the guy again hit on his head. Ashwin became angry but he controlled and told

the guy again to move his hand but while telling this the guy again hit on his

head. Ashwin became very angry and slapped the guy and a fight was started.

Akruti got shocked seeing this and tried to separate Ashwin meanwhile the

other passengers came and separated both of them and guy got down at next

station. Now Akruti became angry and not spoke to him. Ashwin told sorry for

this to her and consoled her.

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 The destination came where they have to get down. They got down and came

out from the station.

Ashwin asked for 2-3 rickshaws but nobody ready to come so they decided to


Akruti house is 15 minutes walking distance from station. On the way there

was some street dogs running and barking. Akruti was afraid and told that she

is very afraid of dogs even Ashwin too is afraid of dogs but he didn’t show his


“Don’t worry, I am there with you?” 

Hearing this Akruti holds Ashwin hand tightly. Ashwin was very happy and

thanked god for this chance and he thanked the dogs too.

Finally they reached her home and both exchanged their “Good Night”.

Ashwin started walking back to station with fear as he has to go alone crossing

the dogs but fortunately all the dogs were gone. He reached the station and

came to his home.

 That night Ashwin was very sad as he don’t know whether he will meet Akruti

again or not.

Next day he called Ishita and told about the previous day happenings. He was

very sad as he can’t see her and don’t have her mobile number too.

Ishita told him contact Suchi and get her number but Ashwin is not ready forthat.

 Two days gone and Ashwin received a call from a new number


“Hi Ashwin, How are you? I am Akruti”.

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Ashwin was very happy to hear her voice but he hides his joy 

“Hi… I am fine. How are you? How you got my number”  

“I got from Suchi, Is there any plan today evening? I have a surprise for you.

Shall we meet today evening?”  

“Sure. At what time? And where?” 

“Come near to my office at 6:30PM”. 

He asked what the surprise is but she was not ready to tell that and asked him

to come in the evening without fail.

Ashwin was very happy of getting call from her but very anxious to know the


He push the whole day by guessing about the surprise and at 5:30PM he

started from his office as it will take around 1 hour to reach her office.

Ashwin took an auto rickshaw and rushed to her office and reached sharp

6:30PM and Akruti too came out at the same time

“Hi Ashwin, How are you” 

“I am fine. How are you? What is the surprise?” 

Akruti pointed a new Black Honda Activa and told him that she got a new


Ashwin gone to flashback for a second.

Flash Back…

Ashwin is on the way to his office and messaged Ishita

“I got a new Bike”.

Ishita got surprised and called Ashwin immediately.

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“Hey, I saw a dream today morning around 5’o clock, I got a new Honda Stunner 

bike and one girl sat behind me but before I saw her face my friend waked me” 

he said

“Early morning dream becomes true and hope this will also become true ”. She


Back to Present…

“Today is my treat”. Saying this she gave her Activa key to him

“You drive, I will sit back”. She said.

Ashwin was really happy and jumping in his mind.

“No, I don’t, you only drive” he acted like refusing.

But Akruti forced him to drive so he accepted and they gone to a nearby Café

Coffee day.

“Café Coffee Day- A Lot can happen over a Coffee”.

 They sat in a two seat table facing each other.

Akruti ordered for a Cappuccino and Ashwin ordered for a Cold Coffee.

“Are you engaged?” she asked.

Ashwin got shocked and told “No… Why?” 

“Then why you are wearing the ring on your left ring finger” she asked.

Ashwin was wearing a ring on his left ring finger.

“Nothing. Just like that. I have not got a perfect girl for me yet”. He replied.

She gave a cute smile. Their order came and they started having.

“Ashwin, can I just taste your coffee” 

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Before getting the answer she took a straw and had a sip.

“mmm… It’s Nice” she told.

After sometime they parted and gone to their home. At night Ashwin called

Ishita and told everything and about the drive on the two wheeler also. Ishita

too surprised hearing this.

 The Next day gone as usually and in the evening Ashwin started from his office

at around 6:00 PM along with his Boss. His Boss usually drops him half way to

his home. That day his boss want to go somewhere which is near to Akruti’s


Ashwin was very happy and told that he will also get down at same place.

He got down and luckily her office is also very near to where he got down. After

his boss left he called Akruti.

“Hi Akruti, How are you? Are you in office?” 

“Yes, Why? What happen?” 

“I am near to your office”  

“What? Wait. I will come in 10 minutes” 

After 10 minutes she came down.

“Hi, How come you are here today?”  

“I came along with my boss and he dropped me here. Why? Any problem in 


“No. No... Not like that. Just asked” she replied.

 Then they both gone to coffee shop in her Activa as Ashwin was driving and she

sat back.

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 They reached coffee shop.

“I will take a cold coffee today” She ordered.

Ashwin scanned the menu card

“I will take Cappi Ni… Nirvana” he ordered.

Akruti was looking at Ashwin hearing the name and Ashwin gave a smile to

her. After sometime their order came and both started enjoying their drinks.

Ashwin was enjoying the cream which is on the top of his drink. In no time

Akruti took a spoon and started eating the cream from Ashwin drink.

“ha ha ha… It’s not required to ask you now” she told.

But Ashwin liked it to see her eating so he has not resisted. After completing

the cream she gave the drink back to Ashwin

“You liked?” 


“Then drink this too na”  

“No. you drink at least this” she replied.

After some time they started and came out from the shop.

“Hey I am coming to one of my client office near to your office tomorrow, shall we 

 plan for lunch together tomorrow?” he asked

“Sure. I am ready” she replied.

Ashwin was very happy and they parted. That day he tried to contact Ishita but

unable to reach.

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 The Next day morning while Ashwin was just to leave his home at that time his

boss called him and asked to come to his office. Ashwin was very disappointed

but he doesn’t want to disappoint Akruti so he has not informed her.

In afternoon around 12:30 PM he started from his office. He took an auto

rickshaw and on the way it started raining slightly. He reached her office at

1:15 PM and he called her. She came out.

“Where to go for lunch ?” she asked.

“Aroma, Its 15 minutes’ drive from here” he told.

As usual Ashwin was driving and Akruti sat back but today she hold his

shoulder for balance and Ashwin was not having his Backpack as he kept his

bag in his office.

“Why you are driving slowly?” she asked.

“There are so many ups and down” 


“I am talking about road” 

“No Problem. I can balance. Drive fast” 

“Then hold tightly” 

She holds his shoulder tightly.

 The Activa is flying now in 70-80 as there is no traffic in noon.

Finally they reached Aroma.

“I will go for a Special Thali. What about you?” Ashwin asked.

“Me too will take same” she replied

 They were chatting and completed their lunch.

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“Actually I was there in my office only today”.

“Then why you came here now in this rain?” 

“I don’t want to disappoint you” 

 The time was 3:00 PM and Ashwin got a call from his office.

“Hey, sorry, I he want to go urgently. You go to your office” 

“How you will go?” 

“I will take a rickshaw” 

He tried to hire a rickshaw but nobody ready to come. Meanwhile the rain

started again.

“Ashwin, you do one thing. You drop me at my office and take my vehicle to your 

office. And in evening you return to me”  

Ashwin thought for some time.

“OK” he told.

He was little happy because he got a chance to meet her in the evening also. He

dropped her at her office and he rushed to his office. In afternoon he called

Ishita and told her about the previous day happenings and about lunch also.

  Then he told her that he will be meeting her in evening also as he got her

Activa which needs to be returned to her.

In evening around 5:00 PM Ashwin received a call from Akruti.

“Hey, I am going to one of my friend’s house, she met with an accident some 

days back, so I am going to meet her” 

“How will you go? Your vehicle is there with me” 

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“I will go by rickshaw, after work you also come there and I will collect my 


She told him the address of her friend house. Hearing the address Ashwin got

shocked as the address was Alisha’s home.

“What is your friend name?” he asked

“Alisha” she told.

Ashwin was shocked hearing her name

“I will try to come there” he disconnected the phone.

“Who is Alisha? She is the one whom Ashwin don’t want to meet or even think

about. It was a biggest tragedy happened in Ashwin’s Life”.

In evening Ashwin intentionally started late from office so that he can’t go to

Alisha’s home. Around 7:30 pm Akruti called Ashwin and enquired.

“I am at Powai, got stuck in traffic” Ashwin said

“OK. Do one thing, you come near to my office and I will collect my vehicle from 

there” she said

Ashwin reached her office and Akruti was waiting there for him.

“Sorry yaar, got some urgent work, so I got late, how is your friend?” 

“She is fine, but should be in complete bed rest for 2-3 months” she said

“Ok, I have to go now, see you tomorrow” he said and they parted.

Next day Ashwin called Ishita and told about everything which happened

previous day. Ishita also knows about Alisha. Ashwin don’t know what to do.

Ishita told him to tell everything about Alisha to Akruti.

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 That evening Ashwin called Akruti and told her that he want to talk something.

She too said ok. They planned to meet in the evening. In evening Ashwin

reached her office sharp 6’o clock. As usual they went to the coffee shop.

“So, tell me, you want to talk something with me na” she asked

“Yesterday I intentionally came late” 


“Actually, I don’t want to come to Alisha’s home” 

“But why?” 

“We know each other earlier” 

“Good na, but then why you didn’t came?” 

“Earlier she stays near my flat only and she was working in my office only” 


“She once proposed me, but I said no to her, but still she was behind me, she 

even done some sort of black magic to me, but luckily I came out from that. I 

spoke to her parents too, but they supported her, but finally I told them that I am 

not interested in this and not to disturb anymore” 

“Oh! Really!!” She was shocked

“Yes. But after some days they shifted their house. And I know about her 

accident and I met her twice when she was in hospital as her father forced me to 

come to see her. But after that I avoided meeting her and don’t answer her phone 

also” he told the whole story to her.

Akruti was still not come out the shock. She was just starring him.

“Hello…” he shook her

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She came back to her sense.

“My small request. Don’t tell her that you know me” 

“Sure, I won’t tell her” 


“I am going to Delhi tomorrow” she told


“There is a function at my relative home, so I and my parents are going there tomorrow” 

“When you will come back?” 

“Next week” 


After sometime they started.

“Don’t worry, I will not talk to her about you” She said

“Thanks. Bye, Take care. See you tomorrow” he replied

 That night Ashwin called Ishita and told everything as usual. He was very sad

as he can’t meet her for next one week.

Next day he was fully upset as he can’t meet her. In the evening he got a call.

 To his surprise it was Akruti mobile number.


“Hi Ashwin, how are you” 

“Fine, Where are you?” he asked

“I am in Mumbai only, I have not gone to Delhi” 

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“Why? What happened?” 

“An urgent project came, leave got cancelled” 

“Oh. So sad”, but he was happy in heart.

“Can we meet today evening?” she asked.


In Evening unfortunately Ashwin got an urgent work and need to stay in office

late. He called Akruti.

“Hey, I got some urgent work and need to stay little late. I think we can’t meet 


“What time you will leave?” 

“I will start at around 9’o clock” 

“No problem, I also got some work and will start late” 

“Ok. When you will start?” 

“I will also start at around 9’o clock. Can we have dinner together?” 

“Sure, but I can reach there at 9.30 only” 

“No problem, I will wait” 

“Ok. Bye” he disconnected

Ashwin start from his office and reached Akruti office at 9.30 sharp. He called

her and she also came out.

“Where will we go for dinner?” she asked

“Same as last time ‘Aroma’, ok na?” 


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As usual Ashwin drove and she sat back. They reached ‘Aroma’.

“What you will have?” he asked

“I am not in a mood to have rice today, I will take Roti. What about you?” 

“Me too will take Roti. Sabzi?” 

“How about Paneer Tikka Masala?” She asked


 They chatted for some time, meanwhile their order came and they had.

“Deserts?” he asked

“Hmmm. How about Kesar Pista?” 

“I will have Butter Scotch” he said

“Then I will also take Butter Scotch” 

 They finished their dinner and came out. By that time it started raining.

“Hey, It’s already became 10.30 and it’s raining also. I will leave you at your 

home” he said

“Hmmm. Ok” she replied

On the way it started raining heavily and both got drenched. He dropped her at

her home and took a rickshaw to his home.

Next day was a very busy day for him and he came to his home directly. He

called her at night but her mobile was switched off. He tried multiple times and

he messaged her. He called Ishita and told her about that. He tried her to

contact her next day also but it was switch off. He was worried and don’t know

what to do. He called Ishita.

“Hey, Her mobile is still switched off. I don’t know what happened” he told

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“Don’t worry. Nothing will happen. Don’t take tension” she consoled him.

Next day morning he got a call. He was very happy as it was Akruti.

“Hello…” her voice was very low

“Hey, what happened? Why your mobile was off was last two days? Why your 

voice is very low?” he asked

“Severe fever for last two days” she replied

“What happened? Have you gone to doctor? Is anybody there with you?” 

“Ya. I went. My friend is there with me” 

“How you are feeling now?” 

“I am fine now. Doctor told to take rest one more day. Will resume to work from 


“What about your food?” 

“My friend is there, she will take care” 

“Ok. Take care. Call me if anything required” 


“Take care” he disconnected

In afternoon he called Ishita.

“Hey, Akruti called this morning” 

“Oh. What happened? Why her mobile was switch off?” 

“She was suffering from fever for last two days” 

“How is she now? Is she Ok?” 

“Ya. She is fine now and will resume to work tomorrow” 

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“You go and meet her na” she told

“No yaar” he refused “It will not look good, her parents also not there” he told

“Ok. Your wish” 

“Ok. I will call you later. I got a call” he disconnected

 That night he called Akruti.

“Hey. How you are feeling now?” 

“I am fine. Will be going to office tomorrow” 

“Ok. Had dinner?” 

“Ya. What about you?” 

“Going to have” 

“Ok. Go and have dinner first. Will meet tomorrow” 

“Ok. Sure. Good Night” 

“Good Night” 

“Take Care” he disconnected.

Ashwin slept happily that night.

Next day gone as usual and Ashwin called Akruti in evening and they planned

to meet for dinner. He reached her office at 8.00pm and as usual they decidedto go to ‘Aroma’. They reached near the restaurant but the road was blocked

due to water clogging as it was raining heavily from morning. So they parked

the two-wheeler nearby and thought to walk. There were full of water and there

is no place to walk, public was walking in the water only but Ashwin don’t

want to get into the water as he was wearing shoe and same as Akruti too. He

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saw some hollow blocks and took some and thrown in water and he managed

to walk on that but Akruti was standing behind.

“Hey! Come on. Step on the Blocks” 

“No. I can’t. I will fall down” 

“Ok. Do one thing. Just hold my hands and come”  

Ashwin extended his hands to her. She holds his hand and walked on the

blocks. Finally they crossed the water.

 They ordered for dinner and by that time as usual they started their chat.

“So Ashwin, When you are going to get married?” she asked

“Not planned yet. It will take another 3-4 years” he replied

“Oh. Do you have any girl friend?” 

“No. If I have one then I should not be sitting with you here now” 

“Ha.. Ha.. . Why you don’t have? You are in Mumbai for a long time but still you 

have not got a girl friend?” 

“Yup! I have not got a girl as I like till now” 

“So! What type of girl you want?” she asked

“I don’t know how to explain” 

“What do you think about me?” 

“What !!!” 

“What you will say if I propose you?” 

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Ashwin was little confused hearing such type of questions but he doesn’t want

to react too much. But he was little happy hearing this but he kept his face like

he was disturbed.

“What are you talking? Are you serious?” 

“Tell me. What you will say if I propose you?” 

“I will think and tell you tomorrow” 

“Ok. No problem” 

  Throughout the dinner he was in confusion and don’t understand why she

asked like this. By seeing his tension.

“Hey! Don’t take tension. I was just joking” 

“Joke !!!” 

“Ya. Ha… Ha… I just want to see how you react. That’s all” 

“Great. I thought you are serious”  

After finishing the dinner they came out and Akruti holds Ashwin hand and

crossed the clogging. As usual he dropped her at her home and took a

rickshaw to his home.

 That night he tried to contact Ishita but failed. Ashwin was not able to sleep

properly as the scene was going out of his mind. He was very disturbed.

Next day somehow he managed and pushed the day. In afternoon he called

Ishita and told about the previous day happenings.

“I am going to propose her today” he said

“What!!! Are you sure?” 

“Yes. Let’s see what happens” 

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“Ok. All the Best” 

“Bye! Call you tonight” he disconnected

Ashwin reached her office in the evening and they gone to Coffee shop. After

their order Ashwin somehow gained some courage and said.

“Akruti. I…..” 


“I Like you” 

“What !!!!” 

“I….. I Love You…” 

“What!!! Are you serious!!!” 

“Yes. You only asked yesterday” 

“But I said I was just joking” 

“But I am not joking. I am serious. I Love You” 

 Tears started rolling down her eyes and Ashwin don’t know what to do. She got

up and just to move he caught her and said

“Hey. I was just joking” he said as he doesn’t have any option to console her


“What? Joked?” she thrown the key on him.

Ashwin laughed falsely and finally consoled her.

“Why you told like this?” 

“Yesterday you told the same thing to see my reaction so as I also done the 

same. But you reacted very much” 

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“I can’t love you. Otherwise I might have accepted your proposal” she laughed

“Can’t love means? I didn’t understand” 

“Nothing... Leave it. I was just joking” 

After Sometime both came out. Akruti gave the Activa key to Ashwin but he


“I will take a rickshaw. You go” he said

“Why? What happened?” 

“Nothing. I will go by rickshaw. You go carefully” 

“Ok. Bye…” 

“Bye” he hired a rickshaw and came to his apartment.

 That night he called Ishita.

“Hey. I met Akruti today” 

“Great. What happened then?” 

“I Proposed her” 

“What!!!! Really!!!! What she told? She accepted?” 

“No. When I said ‘I Love You’ she started crying and she got up and just to move” 


“As I don’t have any other option to console her, I told her that I just joked. Is it 

right what I have done?” 

“Yes. Because we don’t know what happened to her in past. If she started 

crying means there should be some reason behind that” 

“And she also said that she can’t love me but she didn’t tell why” 

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“Then surely there should be some reason behind that. First understand what 

her problem is” 

“Ok…” he said in low voice

“Ashwin… Are you ok?” Ishita asked 

“Ya. Why? What happened?” 

“You are not sad na?” 

“Don’t worry. I am not that emotional” 

“I don’t want to see you sad” 

“Ok… Don’t worry. Had dinner?” 

“Not yet. Going to have” 

“Ok. Go and have, we will talk later” 

“Ok. Take Care. Bye. Good Night” 

“Bye. Good Night” he disconnected the phone.

Ashwin was not able sleep that night and thinking about Akruti and what will

be reason behind her tears.

Next day was a very hard day for him. He has not called Akruti that day and

even when she called him he didn’t picked her call and just sent her a message

“I am busy, will call you later” even though he was free. That day he has noteven called Ishita also.

Next day gone as usual and Ashwin has become normal. In afternoon he got a

call from Akruti.

“Hey. Very busy yesterday?” 

“Ya. Sorry. Was not able to call you” 

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“No problem. Can we meet today evening? I want to talk to you. There is a 

surprise for you” she told

Ashwin thought for some time “Hmmm. Ok. But what is the surprise? Got 

another two wheeler?” 

“Ha.. Ha.. Ha.. No. You come and see” 

“Ok. See you in evening. Bye” he disconnected.

In evening he reached her office and was waiting for her. She came down after

sometime. She was looking very happy. She gave a smile which Ashwin has not

seen before.

“Hi Ashwin…” 

“Hi… Looking very happy. Anything special?” he asked

“Ya. I am very happy. Actually I called you yesterday to tell about this only but 

you are busy” 

“Oh. What happened?” 

“Wait. Will tell. Can we go to our usual place?” 

“Ok. Key please” he asked

“Wait. Today you are not going to drive” 

“Then? You will drive?” 

“No. One more person is coming” 

“Who? Your friend?” 

“Yes. But not just friend” 

He got confused “Then who?” 

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“Wait. Let him come” 



By that time the guy came. Ashwin got stumbled seeing him.

“Hi Ashwin” the guy told

“Hi…” it’s Ashwin

“Ashwin. This is Rohan. My…” Akruti introduced him


“My Boyfriend…” she replied

“What!!! Boyfriend!!!!”  Ashwin got shocked but didn’t react more. “You never 

told me that you have a boyfriend” he asked

“Actually. We both know that we like each other but my Ego didn’t allow me to 

 propose him same as him also” 

“Then how now?” 

“It’s all because of you only” she replied

“What! Because of me? I didn’t understand” 

“Possessiveness. You came to meet me daily so he got possessive and his ego 

lost” she said

“Great. But how” Ashwin asked with false smile

A small flash back….

A day before. When Akruti was in office.

“Akruti” Rohan called

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“Who is that guy comes daily to meet you?” Rohan asked

“He is my friend. Why? What is your problem if he comes to meet me?” she


“Tell him not to meet you hereafter” he ordered

“Why? What is your problem?” she asked

“I don’t like” he said

“But why? Tell me the reason” 

“You know the reason” 

“No. I don’t know” 

“Don’t act. You know” 

“I said I don’t know” 

“Ok. I… I Love you. I know you too love me” 

“What! No… Who told” 

“Hey don’t play. I know you too love me. but our ego didn’t allow to propose.

Today I killed my ego and proposing you. I Love You”  

Back to present…

“Then I also accepted” she finished.

“Great. Congrats. So he don’t want me to meet you anymore. Right?” he laughed


“Hey. No. not like that. The confusion is cleared now” Rohan said

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“Ok. Anyway. You people carry on. I think I am not required now” saying this

Ashwin planned to move from there.

“Hey. Wait. Where are you going?” she asked

“Where else. To my room. You people enjoy. Bye” 

“Ok Ashwin. See you later. Bye” both said

Ashwin came to his apartment but don’t know what to do. He called Ishita and

informed her everything happened.

“Leave it yaar. She might not be destined for you” Ishita consoled him

“I never get whatever I like” 


“He is not even looking that smart compare to me. Then how she….” 

“Love doesn’t come by look” 

“That’s true. Leave it yaar. It’s my bad luck. I liked her but indirectly I was 

helping her to get her love. It’s funny na?” 

“Ashwin…. Are you Ok?” she asked 

“Yaa… I am 100% Ok. You don’t take tension; anyway she is happy that’s 

enough for me” 

“But I want you to be happy” she said 

Ok. As you wish. I will be happy only” 


“Ok. We will talk later. Bye” he disconnected

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Next day gone as usual but Ashwin was little upset because of the previous day 

happenings. In evening Akruti called but he didn’t picked up the phone. He

doesn’t want to get into emotions. In evening while returing back home he

called Ishita.


“Hi Ashwin, How are you now” 

“I am fine. Where are you now? Are you busy?” he asked

“Not exactly. Tell me. What happened today?” she asked

“Nothing. She called me but I didn’t picked up her call” 

“Idiot. Why you didn’t pick her call?” 

“No yaar. I don’t want to get into emotions unnecessarily” 

“Ok. So! You are not going to talk to her?” she asked.

“Not like that. But if I stop talking suddenly she will also get doubt na” 

“May be” 

“But at least for some days I am not going to talk to her” 

“Your wish” 

“Are you driving now?” he asked

“Yes. But Ear phone is there” 

“You reach home and call me. Don’t talk while driving” 

“Ok. Bye. Call you later” Phone disconnected

Next some days Ashwin didn’t call Akruti and whenever she calls him, he didn’t

pick her call. One week gone like this.

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Suddenly one day Ashwin received a call from an unknown number.


“Hey Ashwin…” 

“Hey Akruti! How are you? Why your voice is so dull?” 

“One Problem. I want to talk to you. Can we meet today evening?” 

“Ya. We can. But I got some work today” he lied as he didn’t want to meet her.

“Please… I want to talk to you. It’s very urgent” 

“Hmmm… Ok. I will come” 

“Thanks… we will meet in evening” 



“Bye” he disconnected.

In Evening he went to meet her and he found Rohan along with her.

“Hi… What happen? Looking sad…” Ashwin asked

“One problem. My parents planning for my marriage” 

“Good na. What is the problem?” 

“Hey. But they searching for some other guy but I will marry Rohan only” she


“Then tell your parents” 

“No. they’ll not accept” 

“Rohan… What about your parents?” 

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“They will accept. There is no problem from my side” 

“Then ask your parents to talk to her parents. Problem solved” 

“But… Will it work?” she asked

“Surely. Rohan.. ask your parents to talk to her parents tomorrow itself” 

“Ok” Rohan replied.

“Happy now? Everything will be fine” Ashwin consoled her.

“Ok. Why you didn’t called me for so long and you didn’t even picked my calls? Any Problem?” 

“No yaar. I was little busy so as I am not able to talk to you” 

“Hmmm. Got any new Girlfriend?” 

“No yaar. But what is meant by ‘New’ I don’t have any old too” 

“Nothing. Just asked like that” 

“Ok. I got to go. You people enjoy. Rohan, don’t forget to ask your parents. Ok.

Bye” Ashwin started.

From that day Ashwin stopped contacting her and didn’t respond to her calls

too. After some days she too stopped calling him. Months gone and Ashwin also

stopped thinking about her. Sometimes he talk about her to Ishita but not


After some months, he accidentally met Akruti along with Rohan. He just

pretended that he didn’t saw them but they both came to him.

“Hey Ashwin. How are you?” Akruti asked

“Hi!!! I am fine. How are you?” Ashwin pretended as surprised

“Ya fine. Why you didn’t picked my call?” she asked

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“I lost my mobile and took time to get a new SIM” he lied

“Ok. You know. I too lost my mobile and I changed my no too” 

“Oh… That is why it was telling switch off when I called you” Ashwin lied

“Hey! I got a surprise good news for you” Akruti with excitement.

“What? Your parents said ok for Rohan?” 

“Ya. And actually we got engaged too” she said

“Oh. Great. It’s really a good news” he said “but not for me” Ashwin in his mind. 

“So. When is the marriage?” 

“Feb 14 th ” she replied

“Oh… Great. Valentine’s day!!!” 

“Ya… Now it will be our marriage day” She holds Rohan’s hand

“Ok. You carry on. I will take a leave” telling this Ashwin moved from there.

  That was the last day that Ashwin met Akruti. He didn’t ask for her new

number and even he didn’t give his number too.

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6 Months Later

“Hi Ashwin” It was Akruti

Both accidentally met in Mall but for a surprise Alisha was also there with her.

Ashwin was stumbled by seeing both together.

“Hi Ashwin. How are you? Do you remember me?” asked Alisha

“Ya… but how come you both together” 

“Come on Ashwin, Akruti told everything and I too told everything to her. I am 

really sorry for what ever happened” Alisha said

“Ok. Forget it” Akruti interrupted

“Alisha…” there was a voice from behind.

It was Rajeev, Alisha’s husband.

“Rajeev this is Ashwin, Ashwin this is Rajeev-My Husband ” Alisha introduced

each other.

“Husband!!!” Ashwin was again shocked “But how… Rajeev…”  

“Love Marriage” Akruti said

Ashwin smiled at Akruti and Alisha.

“Ok. You people carry on. I got to go” saying this Ashwin moved from there as
