anal fissure.docx

Anal Card Symptoms Remedies(Medicine) Colic and dryness in anal card Aloes Soreness of anus during menstruation Bryonia Soreness of anus during menstruation Lachesis Menstrual blood discharges from anus Bryonia Menstrual blood discharges from anus Graphites Thick, black clotted bleeding from anus Hamamelis Soreness of anus bleeding thick, blackish thread like Crocus Sativa Stool hard knotty with blood Alumen After stool burning on anus Gambogia After stool burning in anus Iris Vers Colic pain with intense burning Capsicum Intense contraction, cutting like feeling Ignatia Pain and contraction on coughing and sneezing Lachesis

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Anal CardSymptomsRemedies(Medicine)

Colic and dryness in anal cardAloes

Soreness of anus during menstruationBryonia

Soreness of anus during menstruationLachesis

Menstrual blood discharges from anusBryonia

Menstrual blood discharges from anusGraphites

Thick, black clotted bleeding from anusHamamelis

Soreness of anus bleeding thick, blackish thread likeCrocus Sativa

Stool hard knotty with bloodAlumen

After stool burning on anusGambogia

After stool burning in anusIris Vers

Colic pain with intense burningCapsicum

Intense contraction, cutting like feelingIgnatia

Pain and contraction on coughing and sneezingLachesis

Prolapse with tenasmus and dysentaryAloes

Prolapse with tenasmus and dysentaryMercCor

Oozing of blood from anus like abscessAmmonium Carb

Bleeding from intestines through anusCocain

Anus prolapse during micturationMuraticAcidum

Itching in anusRadium

Fissuress in anusSulphur

Constant heaviness on anusNit Acid

Constant heaviness on anusAsculis Hip

INDICATIONSR13 PILESHemorrhoids, itching, pains, bleeding, anal fissures, anal prolapsus, anal eczema, plethora.MODE OF ACTION OF MAIN INGREDIENTS:Acidumnitricum:Stabbing in the intestine, splinter pain, sensation of constriction during defecation with persistent pain after stool.Aesculus:Dryness and burning of external hemorrhoidal mucosa (dark red prolapsing hemorrhoids). Dull pains in sacral region, venous stasis.Collinsoniacanadensis:Venous congestion in the pelvis, obstipation, flatulence, hematogenichemorrhoidsGraphites: Constipation, glairy lumpy stools, flatulence, anal eczema, itching.Hamamelis:Varices, bleeding, hemorrhoids.Kaliumcarbonicum:Backaches, flatulence. Hard stools, burning anal node.Lycopodium:Meteorism, flatulence, dry stool with incomplete defecation. Hematogenic hemorrhoids with prolapse and anal spasm. General hypochondria and dyspepsia, constipation, abdominal plethora.Paeonia:Wet hemorrhoids, painful anal fissures.Sulfur:Remedy with extensive effectiveness, anal redness, itching, exzema, unhealthy skin.

Anal FissureTake a dose of Sulphur 200 CAfter a gap of 48 hours take a dose of Nitric Acid 200cI have been told that silicea 6C + 30C can be of help along with ratania and peonia.nitric acid 30c is used,Deep acting remedies for fistula are FLOURIC ACID,SILICIA,CALCARIA CARB,CAUSTICUM,KALI CARB,NITRIC ACID,Let's take a single dose of Sulphur 200C today.Silicea 6x Dose 2 tablets taken 3 times daily for a week and reduced to twice weekly therafter.Arnica 30c in the Wet Dose taken 3 times dailyNat Phos 6x Dose 2 tablets taken after every meal to keep the stools soft. This remedy will also help to reduce your weight up to 1kg per week. It will also reduce your flatus.Antibiotic Ointment to be directly inserted on a gloved finger into the anus after every bowel movement. This will stop that burning sensation that you complained ofFissure in ano and HomeopathyNote:Homeopathic Treatment requires strict individualization. Please do not take any medicine without consulting your physician/homeopath.Graphites 30:This medicine is appropriate for the following symptoms. Anal fissure that occurs due to dryness of skin and constipation requires this medicine. There is sharp pain in the anus after the passage of stools, which are hard, lumpy and difficult to evacuate. Straining to pass stools causes a rush of blood to the face. An important feature of this medicine is sad nature with a disposition to weep on hearing music.

Nitric acid 30:This is useful at the time when anal fissure is caused by dryness of skin. There is a sensation of a splinter in the anus with discharge of an offensive fluid or, occasionally, blood. There is severe long-lasting pain in the fissure after passing stools. Unlike Graphitis, there is a tendency for loose motions. For all these symptoms Nitric acid is an important medicine.

Ratanhia 30:Anal fissure is sometimes caused from constipation, stools passing out only after much straining. There is also a sensation of constriction in the anus. The fissure has severe burning pain, which persists long after the stools have been evacuated. The pain is temporarily relieved by cold applications. In case these symptoms are prominent in one`s life. He or she sho Homeopathic Treaments for Anal Fissures :-

To start the treatment (also intercurrent) Tuberculinum Kock,1M or 10M, fortnightly (6 Doses)With a sensation of splinters piercing into the anus; foul smelly discharge Acid Nitric 30 or 200, weekly (3 Doses)

Rectum feels as if full of broken glasses; burns for hours after passing stools Ratanhia 6X or 30, 6 hourly

Fissure due to severe constipation; hard stools with mucous Graphites 30 or 200, 6 hourly,

Constant smartness in the anus all the time; with much oozing Paeonia Q(Mother Tincture) or 30, 4 hourly,

Fissure due to dryness of all the mucous membranes of the body; watering from mouth or watering from nose or eyes Natrum Mur 30, 4 hourly

Stools come down with difficulty, with spasm of splinters, when partly expelled recedes back Silicea 12X or 30, 4 hourly.

Marked redness around anus with constant burning and urging to pass stools Sulphur 30 or 200, 6 hourly.

Take the remedy which is similar to your symptoms. No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.Curing without any side effects or Complications Thats the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine (Cures Par Excellence)Homeopathic treatment for anal fissureHomeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat anal fissure but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several remedies are available to treat anal fissure that can be selected on the basis of cause, sensations and modalities of the complaints. For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. There are following remedies which are helpful in the treatment of anal fissure:Aesculus hip anus, dry, aching; rawness and soreness is marked; burning sensation; itching and fullness; pain like a knife sawing backward; pain in anus about an hour after stool; burning in anus with chills up and down back.Causticum anal fissure which tend to dry up, have a dark-brown or purple edges; bleeding from anus after walking.Berberis violent burning pain in anus during stool; as if surrounding parts were sore, constant and frequent desire for stool.Graphites anal fissures which have recently occurred; caused by large fecal masses; irritability; frequent desire for passing stool is not often associated with anal fissures; soreness and smarting in the anus; aggravation of complaints from sitting and night; severe constipation with smarting of parts and fissure of the anus; the anus is very sore associated with knotty stool covered with mucus.Lachesis anal fissure with sensation as if little hammers pecking away in fissured parts; tormenting urging, but not to stool; itching at anus, worse after stool.Paenoiaofficinalis there is fissures with much oozing. Burning, biting and itching in the anus lasting several hours after stool; the anus is offensively moist and sore, smarts all the time.Sulphur helps when the anus itches and burns; but is relieved by cool compresses; the area around the anus is extremely red, usually from painless diarrhea; the person wants to have a bowel movement immediately after waking up early in the morning.Hydrastis anal fissure with burning and smarting pain in the anus and rectum after each stool; this pains lasts for hours after stool, hot sensation in bowels, pain in abdomen and giddiness is also associated with; nodulated, dry, hard stool.Ratanhia sensation as if broken pieces of glass were in the anus; anus burns after hours of stool; fetid, thin diarrhea; hemorrhoids burn; fissures in the anus, with great constriction; burning like fire; temporarily relieved by cold water.Sedum acre anal fissures associated with hemorrhoids.Platinum met anal fissures with crawling and itching in the anus.Petroleum anal fissures with diarrhea; herpes and small boils around at the verge of the anus.Ignatia prolapse of rectum with fissures and hemorrhoids; pains shooting upward after stool, even after a loose stool; pain in the rectum at the same hour each day, aggravation from walking or standing.Nitric acid sharp, sphincter like cutting pains in the rectum during stool; there is sensation of burning after stool; sensation of constriction in the anus.Silicea anal fissures caused due to constipation; stool is very hard, has to remove mechanically; sphincter ani seem tightly to resist the effort till suddenly stool passes.Homeopathic MedicationA homeopathic remedy is one that produces the same symptoms that the patient is complaining of. A minimum dose is in used, and relies on the body's regulation of self-healing to assist nature. The homeopathic approach allows for the treatment of conditions that are not treatable by traditional means. Remedies are relatively inexpensive, without side effects, and offer the possibility of a cure.Aloecan help when your rectum is sore, bleeding, and hot. Helps with the feeling of a constant bearing down in the rectum.ApisMellificais useful for external anal skin, which is bright red, burning, and itching.Calendulahomeopathic ointment is a most remarkable healing agent when applied locally. Useful for open wounds, parts that will not heal, ulcers, etc. Promotes healthy granulations and rapid healing by first intention.Collinsonia Canadensisrelieves pruritus in pregnancy, itching of anus, hemorrhoids with a sensation of sharp sticks in rectum, dry stools, and obstinate constipation. Commonly called Stone Root.Graphiteshelps to relieving constipation, knotty stools united by mucus threads, burning hemorrhoids with soreness, itching and anal fissures. A person who needs Graphites is often overweight, has difficulty concentrating, and tends toward developing skin eruptions. Commonly called Black Lead.NitricumAcidumis indicated for constipation with intense straining when there is with little or no bowel evacuation, and for violent cutting pains after stool passage which continues for hours. Also indicated for profusely bleeding hemorrhoids. Commonly called Nitric Acid.Nux Vomicacan be used for itching, painful hemorrhoids, a feeling of constriction in the rectum, and chronic constipation with ineffectual urging. A person who needs Nux vomica is usually impatient, tense, and irritable, and often has a tendency toward heavy use of stimulants, strong foods, and alcohol or drugs.PaeoniaOfficinalisis suitable for relieving anal itching, hemorrhoids, fissures, and ulceration's of anus and perineum, and burning sensation in the anus after passage of stool. Commonly called Peony.Pulsatillais indicated for hemorrhoids that itch, with sharp sticking pains. The hemorrhoids typically protrude, and improve after lying down. Warmth often aggravates the symptoms. This is a very helpful remedy for hemorrhoids that appear during pregnancy or around the menstrual period.Sulphuris indicated for redness around the anus with itching and burning, and for protruding hemorrhoids, which are accompanied by a feeling of fullness and pressure in the abdomen. A person who needs Sulphur typically may feel worse from warmth and bathing, and may have flatulence with a strong offensive odor. Commonly called Sublimed Sulphur.BM 242


BM 242


CompositionAesculus GlabD2+20C, Aesculus HipD2+20C, AloesD20+200C, IgnatiaD20+200C, PodophyllumD7+70C, SepiaD7+70C, Ferr MetD7+70C

Specific IndicationAnal (Rectal) prolapse is protrusion of rectal tissue through the anus to the exterior of the body. The rectum is a final section of the large intestine. Rectal prolapse can be either partial or complete. Specific symptoms includes unexpected release of mucous stool or blood from the anus. However, other conditions can also cause these symptoms. This is often associated with constipation, cystic fibrosis or some kind of parasites.

General IndicationThere are several factors which contribute to the development of anal (Rectal) prolapse. It may come from a life long habit of straining to have bowel movements or as a result of stresses involved in child birth. In very rare cases there may be a genetic predisposition in some families. Anal (Rectal) prolapse is a condition in which rectum drops down and turns inside out. In the early stage, the rectum stays inside the body but as the condition worsens it may protrude out through the anus. There is often weakness of the anal muscles and this may result in leakage of stools or mucous. This disease is quite common in women than men. The general symptoms includes constipation, diarrhoea, cystic fibrosis, parasitic infections and symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

Bio Combination No. 17


BM 106


CompositionAesculusD3+30C, Beta VulgarisD3+30C, Calc FluorD6+60C, Negundium AmericanaD6+60C, Paeonia OffD2+20C, RatanhiaD2+20C, Sedum AcreD6+60C, SulphurD2+20C

Specific IndicationEnlarged and engorged blood vessels in or around the anus, associated with pain, bleeding or itching. Blood is bright red, mixed in the stool or may be seen on toilet paper. Chronic constipation, piles during pregnancy and feeling of discomfort.

General IndicationHaemorrhoids (Piles)are very common. It is mostly more common in the countries where the diet has traditionally been more processed and low in fiber. The major factors are those things that causes the raise the pressure in the abdomen. This causes the blood vessels to swell and causes chronic constipation. Symptoms of piles after or during pregnancy and over weight. The haemorrhoids also have following symptoms, pain around the anus or rectum, itching of the anal area, bright red bleeding usually mixed in the stool but may be seen on the toilet paper as well. Feeling of lump at the anus, tenderness, severe pain before, during or after passing the faeces.

BM 2

Haemorrhoids& Anal fissure

CompositionAcid NitD6, Aesculus HipD4, HamamelisD3, HydrastisD3, Nux VomicaD4, PaeoniaD3, SulphurD4

General IndicationMay help in the symptoms of Haemorrhoids blind or bloody, anal & rectal soreness, burning, itching straining and stinging constipation and mucoid bloody discharges.

Bio Combination No. 25

Acidity Flatulence & Indigestion

Composition(Nat Phos, Nat Sulf, Silicea)6x

General IndicationGastric disturbances, acidity, flatulence, dyspepsia; acid, sour risings; feeling of weight in abdomen; bilious vomiting; flatulent colics; headache; jaundice.

BM 229


CompositionVerat AlbD6+60C, Bryonia AlbD6+60C, PulsatillaD6+60C, TerebinthinaD6+60C, Calc PhosD6+60C, Argentum NitD10+100C

Specific IndicationHyperacidity is mainly caused due to hypersecreation of hydrochloric acid and pepsin, which otherwise are normally present in the stomach. The specific symptoms include heart burn, belching, stomach cramps, nausea and bitter taste.

General IndicationThere are several juices produced by our stomach to digest the foods. Hydrochloric acid is necessary to break down the food particles in their minute form. Gastrin is a hormone responsible for stimulation of acid secretion, whereas, somatostatin suppresses acid secretion in the stomach. The excessive secretion of acid in the stomach leads to formation of ulcer. Further general symptoms include flatulence (burping and belching), heart burn, early repletion or satiety after meals, bloated feelings, vomiting of blood or blood in the stool and bitter taste in the mouth.

BM 134


CompositionArs AlbD7+70C, HydrastisD3+30C, MyristicaD7+70C, Nitric AcidD8+80C, PeriproctiticAbcess NosodeD20+200C, Rhus ToxD7+70C, PaeoniaD6+60C

Specific IndicationThere are many classifications of the fistulas used in medicine. Fistulas usually arise because of infections. The symptoms of fistula includes an intermittent or persistent discharge from the fistula. Swelling, bleeding, pain, skin ulceration and inflammation may be the specific symptoms.

General IndicationPhysical examination/findings remain the mainstay of diagnosis. The physicians should observe the fistula to determine its exact nature. There may have been an abscess in the past that has burst of its own accord or has been operated upon. Fistula may exude pus when squeezed, usually no pre-disposing disease is found. The general symptoms of fistula may include pink or red lump that may exude pus when squeezed, intermittent or persistent discharge, pain, swelling, discharge of pus and bleeding, weight loss and may be a change in the bowel habits.

BM 213


CompositionGraphitesD6+60C, Rhus ToxD6+60C, Natrum SulphD3+30C, Carbo VegD10+100C, Nat PhosD7+70C

Specific IndicationThe specific indication of faulty assimilation of food is the digestive disorder. Faulty assimilation may also be due to allergies, over exertion or slight food poisoning.

General IndicationEven in the healthiest people the digestive system often becomes disorientated. Though the following symptoms are very important but the basic problem should be investigated by the homoeopathic practitioner. General symptoms includes nauseatic feeling, constipation, pain in the region of ascending colon, abdominal distention particularly after eating meals, bitter taste, coated tongue, yellow complexion and the patient cannot bear tight clothing around waist.

BM 133


CompositionSiliceaD6+60C, Carbo VegD10+100C, Aurum MurD10+100C, Thuja OccD7+70C, Acid NitD7+70C, Ferrum IodD7+70C

Specific IndicationIntermittent or persistent discharge from the anal region. Past history of the perianal abscess. Pink or red small lump on the perianal region. Swelling, bleeding, skin excoriation may be the specific symptoms.

General IndicationA fistula in ano arises as a consequence of an infection of one of the glands that are located within the anal canal. Bacteria that are normally present in the anal glands begin to multiply and form abscess that burrows through the wall of the rectum and to the skin surrounding the anus. Some abscesses will rupture or break open spontaneously. The symptoms of anal fistula includes pain, bleeding, recurrent anal infections, soiling with pus and blood.

AesculusPentarkanGOVERNING VESSEL CONCEPTION VESSEL MERIDIAN OPENERACTIVE INGREDIENTSApisMellifica 30C, Arsenicum Album 30C, BarytaCarbonica 30C, Belladonna 30C, CalcareaCarbonica 30C, CicutaVirosa 30C, Conium Maculatum 30C, FerrumMetallicum 30C, LachesisMutus 30C, LycopodiumClavatum 30C, MercuriusSolubilis 30C, NatrumSulphuricum 30C, Phosphorus 30C, Pulsatilla 30C, Sepia 30C, TarentulaHispana 30C, ThujaOccidentalis 30CINDICATIONSFor temporary relief of hemorrhoids, gynecological issues, female discharges, male sexual issues, urinary, infertility, menstrual issues, digestive issues, weight loss, stomach issues, poor digestion, bloating, stress, twitching and jerking of limbs, weak legs, and gastric disturbances accompanied by stomach pain.