analyse the ways spielberg uses the camera to create meaning in the film 'jaws

Analyse the ways Spielberg uses the camera to create meaning in the fim ‘Jaws’

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Post on 24-May-2015



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Page 1: Analyse the ways Spielberg uses the camera to create meaning in the film 'Jaws

Analyse the ways Spielberg uses the camera to create meaning in the fim ‘Jaws’

Page 2: Analyse the ways Spielberg uses the camera to create meaning in the film 'Jaws

This opening shot is an establishing shot.

We establish the scenes setting that is the beach.

The colour connotations are bright and colourful

This makes the audience feel the scene is happy and vibrant.

The boys red short connotes that there is a danger involving him.

People in the background are relaxed and so the audience feel that atmosphere.

Page 3: Analyse the ways Spielberg uses the camera to create meaning in the film 'Jaws

Spielberg uses minor details like there being no lifeguard to show the element of danger even more.

There is use of a tracking shot of the boy, giving us the impression he a main factor in this scene.

We also establish minor details that he does that become relevant later on.

Page 4: Analyse the ways Spielberg uses the camera to create meaning in the film 'Jaws

Here we have a close up of one of the main characters.

This allows us to see the reactions and emotions that he portrays and because of his status in the film the audience will be influenced.

Once again there is no lifeguard, consistent.

Dark colour connotations portray that he is very concerned compared to the bright colourful colours insinuate the joy and carelessness of the others.

We see his concerned and worried face due to the close up.

There is an element on juxtaposition between everyone else's emotions and his and the colour connotations.

Page 5: Analyse the ways Spielberg uses the camera to create meaning in the film 'Jaws

Long/ wide shot.

This type of shot allows us to see the vulnerability of the person in the see because it makes them look so minor but because they're in the centre and our focus is on them a major part of the shot.

The sea looks very calm and the colour of the blue sea back this up with the tranquil feel of it.

The point of view shot makes us feel like we are seeing what Brody is seeing.

Page 6: Analyse the ways Spielberg uses the camera to create meaning in the film 'Jaws

Both are splashing and that is something that is seen to annoy a shark.

Makes us think danger is coming.

Most shots of people in the sea are on their own, creating the sense of venerability.

Page 7: Analyse the ways Spielberg uses the camera to create meaning in the film 'Jaws

People walking in front of him creating a distraction that is frustrating for him.

Cuts closer to him every time.


Shallow depth of field is used making our focus be on him and his close up shot letting us see his emotion.

Shallow depth of field

Page 8: Analyse the ways Spielberg uses the camera to create meaning in the film 'Jaws

Use of false scare gives a dramatic and intense twist to the story.

Over the shoulder shot and a point of view shot from Brody.

Blocked by an extreme close up showing his main distraction from the sea.

Use of a two shot allows us to see both emotions and reactions as well as still being able to see the setting and back ground.

This scene uses fast editing between the different shots this builds the dramatic tension.

Page 9: Analyse the ways Spielberg uses the camera to create meaning in the film 'Jaws

This is a long shot, showing the children getting up in the background, it is not that obvious but still adds an affect.

Here is a medium close up of a two shot, seeing the reactions and the main focus of the conversation in the foreground.

The conversation topic in the foreground is relevant to what's happening in the background.

A two shot shows that a conversation is about to begin.

Page 10: Analyse the ways Spielberg uses the camera to create meaning in the film 'Jaws

Medium close up of a two shot.

A loving and reassuring gesture is opposite of what he was showing before.

There is a very relaxed feeling to the background shot.

The audience rely on the main character to show what's going on so by this they feel safe that everything is ok.

Page 11: Analyse the ways Spielberg uses the camera to create meaning in the film 'Jaws

The diegetic sound of the calming love song on the radio relates to the actions on screen

The innocence of the boy and the calmness of the couple are juxtaposition of what is going on in the sea.

The young boy I singing a nursery rhyme and wearing white which is seen to be the colour of purity, it makes the audience feel that everything is safe because of the boys input at that moment and the naivety of him.

Medium close up.

Page 12: Analyse the ways Spielberg uses the camera to create meaning in the film 'Jaws

Driftwood symoblises the death of the dog and that’s what's left of him.

Symbolises nature and the fact that this was natures doing.

Sharks point of view, tension builds up rapidly.

Non-diegetic sound of the famous music.

Page 13: Analyse the ways Spielberg uses the camera to create meaning in the film 'Jaws

Shallow depth of field allows him to be the main focus.

Contra-zoom is applied to this part of the scene to add dramatic effect and make him and his reaction the main point needed to get across to the audience.

Background of bright colours moves into the distant representing that the joy has now disappeared leaving the dull and depressing colours to show the mood of the scenario taking place.

Page 14: Analyse the ways Spielberg uses the camera to create meaning in the film 'Jaws

The bright yellow is now surrounded by the red blood symbolising the joy has been wiped out and destroyed by the danger.

Symbolism of the lilo being all that is left of the boy.

Its been ripped up and that is what has happened to the boy and his families lives.

Medium close up, making this the main focus and the main symbol of the scene.