
Roche Holding Ag: Funding The Genentech Acquisition The presentation given by Taylor Marsh and Janson Grussendorf consists of three parts, the introduction with the overall overview of the presentation and it was delivered by Taylor Marsh and second part was the analysis of the alternatives being available to finance this acquisition on the basis of different type of bonds of different currencies with different maturities and bank finance. Following are the key elements being overlooked as per my understanding of the case: There were two offers given by the company to acquire the remaining shares of the company at $89.00 per share in July 2008 but after six months, the company has revised its offer by lowering the price per share to $86.50 due to the pressure in the equity market. The price can be decreased to the range of $60 if the new product will show mediocre results but if the product would be a successful, the price per share can range from $95 to $100. There is a need to determine average price per share for this acquisition As per the mentioned $42 billion cash requirement for this acquisition transaction, the company can use the bank loan but this amount of bank loan will not be provided by a single bank. The bond issued for the different maturities, values and currencies was not provided with the breakup of the types of the debt being issued. It was assumed in the presentation that the bonds will be issued at par but it is important to note that with the new

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Post on 22-Nov-2015




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Roche Holding Ag: Funding The Genentech Acquisition The presentation given by Taylor Marsh and Janson Grussendorf consists of three parts, the introduction with the overall overview of the presentation and it was delivered by Taylor Marsh and second part was the analysis of the alternatives being available to finance this acquisition on the basis of different type of bonds of different currencies with different maturities and bank finance. Following are the key elements being overlooked as per my understanding of the case: There were two offers given by the company to acquire the remaining shares of the company at $89.00 per share in July 2008 but after six months, the company has revised its offer by lowering the price per share to $86.50 due to the pressure in the equity market. The price can be decreased to the range of $60 if the new product will show mediocre results but if the product would be a successful, the price per share can range from $95 to $100. There is a need to determine average price per share for this acquisition As per the mentioned $42 billion cash requirement for this acquisition transaction, the company can use the bank loan but this amount of bank loan will not be provided by a single bank. The bond issued for the different maturities, values and currencies was not provided with the breakup of the types of the debt being issued. It was assumed in the presentation that the bonds will be issued at par but it is important to note that with the new issuance of the bonds or increase in the value of the debt, the overall default risk of the business will increase and it will result in the increase in the cost of the debt in the new issuance of the bonds. Also, the bonds with higher maturity will have higher risk of default and will require a higher rate of return. This fact should also be considered. There is a direct link of the debt with the overall credit ratings of the company. The presenter fail to explain this link of the debt with the credit rating of the company and was not provided any explanation of the ways to maintain the overall credit rating to A while achieving the overall financing target. Finally, there is a need of debt mix by considering the average rate that will not harm the credit rating of the company. This average rate is then use to determine the overall capital structure needed in the shape of bonds, bank loan or equity finance.Considering all of the above facts and the length of the presentation, I will give a B to this presentation.