analysis of 3 contents pages

Analysis Of Three Music Magazine Contents Pages By Gregory McLaney

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Analysis of 3 Contents Pages


Page 1: Analysis of 3 Contents Pages

Analysis Of Three Music Magazine Contents PagesBy Gregory McLaney

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Analysis Of Magazine Contents Page – 1NME Sept 2009

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Contents Page NME (Sept 2009) Analysis

Sub HeadingThe sub heading used ‘touring special’ is faded and has a photographic feel to it. It links with the image above it.

Contents ListingThe contents page listings such as ‘News’ and ‘Reviews’ show the reader what is inside the magazine and offers them all the contents of the page in one easy to read section. The numbers in red stand out and attract the audiences attention to a vital aspect of the contents.

Content Mast Head/BannerThe contents mast head ‘NME’ is the same as their front cover. However the ‘content’ text is plain white and in block capitals. This is to show the differentiation between the two making the ‘NME’ stand out more. Plus the banner with the date on shows the date the magazine was released and it links with the title and the contentsThe Main Image

The main image is of a tour bus and a female. The image has connotations of stars and gigs which links with the target audience of the magazine which a large majority of the NME target audience enjoy music festivals and gigs.Bands Are Listed In Red

With Page Number In BlackThe red shows the bands important and the editors choice to make them stand out and this creates a contrast with the black numbers. Readers will look at the red before they look for the page for the number so this creates the importance of the red text.

The Main Image StyleThe image has been edited to look like a photograph this is significant in creating an artist look style which may link with the target audience. Also the use of the photograph style looks like a sketch book.

Editors Introduction To Contents of MagazineHere is the editors introduction here it states what’s inside and what artists are inside. The audience read this to find their personal interest sections to read.

Previous/Future Editors of NME Are Shown With Website and Phone Numbers (Subscription)The subscription zone in the right bottom corner of the magazine offers the reader a chance to purchase the magazine every week and it also offers a special price if they want to do this.

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Analysis Of Layout and Design FeaturesThe masthead used with the contents header. Both bold fonts.

Here is a list of the contents in the magazine these are only the main features in the magazine hence the white bold title with a black/grey background to them. There’s the titles: ‘NEWS’, ‘RADER’, ‘LIVE!’, ‘FEATURE’ and they all have the same background and bold white font. They also all have sub heading content listings below them.

Editors introduction and highlighting information/insight to the magazine.

Here is the section of the magazineWhere the reader can have a choiceto subscribe to the magazine and receive weekly editions.

Here is the band index, it shows the reader every single band in the magazine and what page they’re going to be on.

The use of a subheading title is used it links with all the other colour schemes of the magazine to create a consistent style.

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Analysis Of Magazine Contents Page – 2Kerrang - Issue 1149 – 10/03/2007

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Content mastheadThe contents masthead used here has a similar grungy effect that ‘Kerrang’ uses throughout their magazine. The attitude connoting effect links very well with the target audience and stands out well against the background.

The Main ImageThe main Image used is of an artist that’s featured in the magazine. He’s in a medium close up shot. His facial expression conveys attitude and links with the genre of the magazine (rock).

Contents ListingThe contents here are listed with a title ‘THIS WEEK’ this links with the mast head of the magazine and the contents title it has the consistent ‘Kerrang’ grungy look to it. The contents listings have yellow bold subheadings with white listings these create a contrast with the background to stand out.

Editors Introduction To Contents of MagazineThis section of the magazine shows the editors introduction. This text includes a picture of the editor and an insight to the magazines content. Also, it includes the editors favourite aspects of the magazine and his signature.

SubheadingThis small subheading links with the main image. It says ‘Cracking a smile pro’ this is connoting the main artist as a professional.

Three content linked imagesHere are 3 images that are all linked with the magazine. They’re all different artist. The images all have a small subheading to attract the audience and a page number to lead them to the right direction.

Subscription SectionThis common feature of music magazines is evident here. It offers the audience a chance to subscribe and get their favourite magazine for cheaper.

Contents Page Kerrang - Issue 1149 – 10/03/2007 Analysis

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The mast head here is the same font that ‘Kerrang’ use throughout. It’s still block capitals and bold.

This is the listings of the magazine. All the listings are relevant to the magazines contents and they’re in the current colour scheme yellow and white. They’re also, both bold and capitalised to stand out.

This is the subtitle on the main artist it offers a slight insight to the artist to attract the audience.

Here is the editors introduction showing the audience highlights of the magazine.

Here is the section of the magazine that allows the audience an option to subscribe to the magazine.

Here is secondary images of the magazine that offer the audience an alternative band selection.

Contents Page Kerrang - Issue 1149 – 10/03/2007 Analysis

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Analysis Of Magazine Contents Page – 3Q Magazine – Issue 259 – Febuary 2008

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Contents Mast HeadHere is the mast head of the magazine. It has the consistent mast head ‘Q’ from the front of the magazine and the contents page header is simple, white, bold, and capitalized. The background is black which links with the whole colour scheme.

Main ImageThis is the main image of a well known artists. The image defiantly dominants the whole composition leading to the reader to knowing that artist is going to be a vital aspect inside the magazine.Magazine Contents ListingsHere down the whole left third are the listings of bands and magazine attractions. There are different sub headings and different colour backgrounds to show the more important options. Plus the all the colours link in with the colour scheme making the theme current throughout.

Highlighted Band Section With Page ListingsThis section of the contents page is called ‘Review The world’s biggest and best music guide’ this title attracts the readers attention and offers them a list of bands in the magazine with page numbers it also links with the image to the left of it. This all attracts to the reader to further read on and it all links with the colour scheme.

Date, Issue and WebsiteThe date is in bold at the top of the page with the issue number. Under that is the website where readers can find out more information, news and music gossip.

SubheadingThis is the subheading of the main image it offers the page where the main artists information is. It also stands out due to the white background and the black text which creates the contrast.

Contents Page Q Magazine – Issue 259 – Febuary 2008 Analysis

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Contents Mast HeadHere is the mast head of the magazine. It has the consistent mast head ‘Q’ from the front of the magazine and the contents page header is simple, white, bold, and capitalized. The background is black which links with the whole colour scheme.

Main ImageThis is the main image of a well known artists. The image defiantly dominants the whole composition leading to the reader to knowing that artist is going to be a vital aspect inside the magazine.Magazine Contents ListingsHere down the whole left third are the listings of bands and magazine attractions. There are different sub headings and different colour backgrounds to show the more important options. Plus the all the colours link in with the colour scheme making the theme current throughout.

Highlighted Band Section With Page ListingsThis section of the contents page is called ‘Review The world’s biggest and best music guide’ this title attracts the readers attention and offers them a list of bands in the magazine with page numbers it also links with the image to the left of it. This all attracts to the reader to further read on and it all links with the colour scheme.

Date, Issue and WebsiteThe date is in bold at the top of the page with the issue number. Under that is the website where readers can find out more information, news and music gossip.

SubheadingThis is the subheading of the main image it offers the page where the main artists information is. It also stands out due to the white background and the black text which creates the contrast.

Contents Page Q Magazine – Issue 259 – Febuary 2008 Analysis

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This is the mast head of contents page. It has the consistent mast head from the front cover and it has a simple, white header (‘Contents’)

Here is the listings of the magazines contents it’s split in to different sections to show different sources, bands and importance.

This subtitle is linked with the main image and offers the reader the page where the information on the artists is.

This is the section of the magazine that highlights the important main attractions.

This is the main image of the contents page it links with the information of the subtitle.

Contents Page Kerrang - Issue 259 – Febuary 2008 Analysis Analysis