analysis of advertisements


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Post on 11-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Analysis of advertisements
Page 2: Analysis of advertisements

This print advertisement is for the pop artists Mika’s ‘the boy who knew too much’ album released in September 2009. Mika as an artist stayed true to his genre of pop with most of his songs being self reflective whilst still incorporating joy and happiness.

The album title ‘The boy who knew too much’ firstly has childlike connotations due to the use of the word ‘boy’ this is expressed further due to the main image. The main image consists of a montage of images including a boy with his head in a book and a scary setting outside of the window, I believe this was the way to express inner thoughts possibly portraying the album as his collective thoughts.

The fact that the artists name is written in a futuristic font and both the album title and artist name are written in white again having futuristic deductions. This links in with the background image of outer space and could again be a representation of the artists thoughts and maybe their unconventional way of thinking.

When focusing on how this advertisement represents the genre from an audiences point of view, as the audience i was drawn to the bold colours straight away which for me is an expression of the fun side to the genre, but at the same time due to the unusual design I thought that it would be alternate pop that went against the stereotypical ideas of that genre.

As for the type of audience it would attract it would have to be a direct address due to the fact that the design is in no way simplistic and doesn't really convey one pure genre so people would have to previously know the artist to be interested in this advertisement.

Page 3: Analysis of advertisements

This print advertisement is for the UK Grime artist Wretch 32 debut studio album, that was released in the UK during 2008 prior to the artist signing with record label Ministry of sound.

The first thing as an audience you are drawn to is a medium shot of this artist presents the idea of his dominance straight from the start. The background image is of a high rise buildings that have been spray painted this along with the title of the album ‘Wretchrospective’ creates the feeling that he is making music to represent where he came from and it also connotes the down to earth and grounded attitude of the artist.

All of the writing on the advertisement is written in a square shaped font, this could be to represent the strength and masculinity of the artist and their music.

This advertisement adheres to the stereotypical representations of hip hop and grime as it clearly shows the view of them coming up from the ‘ghetto’ and making it big and keeps the whole power and masculine views of the music. The targeted audience of this advertisement would be mainly males due to the colour scheme of black and blue and also teenagers due to the type of music it is advertising

Page 4: Analysis of advertisements

This is the magazine advertisement for Ben Howard's album 'Every Kingdom'. It features all the conventions of a typical album advertisement, at the top of the poster is the artists name in big bold white writing, this makes it really stand out to the audience. Underneath that is the title of his album which is also in a white font and next to that it says 'the debut album' so this tells us its his first album and is an up and coming artist. At the bottom of the poster is all the details for the album, this is so people know when its out and it tells them that they can pre order it now. The poster is very plain and simple yet it is effective. The basic font represents the artists image as is he is a cool and calm artist.  The image is very simple but it focus's on image of the artist swimming alone in vast open waters.  The use of the cool blue colours of the water also represents the artist and his style. 

Ben Howard is signed to communication records which are an independent record label who sign a lot of independent folk artists. This advert would appear in smaller independent music magazines who focus on less know acts with a niche audience but it could also appear in NME as NME covers a lot of genres and niche audiences.

Ben Howard would have a niche audience as folk isn't a very mainstream genre but he would appeal to both genders but mainly to males aged 16 - 24. He appeals to a younger audience as he is only a young man himself and people can relate to him.  The majority of his audience would probably be in social category E as they are most likely to b students.  

This poster represents the artist and his image and his style. It is a plain simplistic design which represents his genre as he plays cool calm music, it also represents his style as he is a trendy young man who just wears casual clothing but it could also represent his
