analysis of blde jamakhandi

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  • 7/26/2019 Analysis of BLDE Jamakhandi


    Analysis of BLDE Jamakhandi

    We are selecting ordinal regression which is the general form of multiple regressions and

    binomial regression.

    Reasons for Ordinal regressions

    1. Dependent variables are measured in ordinal scale.( Salary, leave, work, Physical

    work and pportunity!

    ". #ndependent variables are continuous, ordinal or categorical ($rea, %arital status,

    %onthly savings, monthly income, working place, mode of travel and residence!

    &. 'here is no muticollineraity between $rea, %arital status, %onthly savings, monthly

    income, working place, mode of travel and residence.

    . We will test effect of each independent variable on each order of the ordinal variable.

    )*ample+ impact of area on Physical work.

    ypothesis 1 Salary availability in 'ime

    Case Processing Summary




    salary availability in time Low 102 20.4%

    Medium 239 4.!%

    "ig# 1$9 31.!%

    rea &ural 10 34.0%

    'rban 330 ((.0%

    Marital )tatus 'nmarried 11$ 23.0%

    Married 3!$ .0%

    *y+e o, ,amily Nuclear 30 4.0%

    -oint ,amily 130 2(.0%

    or/ing +lace o, t#e


    Near to #ouse !! 1.(%

    Local 32( ($.2%

    utstation !( 1.2%

    Mode o, travel by t#e


    y wal/ 30( (1.2%

    *wo w#eeler !( 1.2%

    us & ot#ers 10! 21.(%

    wn #ouse 21$ 43.0%

  • 7/26/2019 Analysis of BLDE Jamakhandi


    &esidency ty+e o, t#e


    &ental 23$ 4.0%

    t#ers $0 10.0%

    Nature o, wor/ &outine 32$ ($.0%

    #allenging 1$ 3$.0%

    alid $00 100.0%

    Missing 0

    *otal $00

    Model Fitting Information

    Model 2 Log Li/eli#ood #i)5uare d, )ig.

    6nterce+t nly !30.3$!

    7inal $(.0!9 4.2(9 13 .000

    Lin/ ,unction8 Logit.


    #i)5uare d, )ig.

    Pearson (!.0(0 $$3 .000

    eviance (24.!$1 $$3 .01!

    Lin/ ,unction8 Logit.

    Pseudo R-Square

    o: and )nell .13!

    Nagel/er/e .1$!

    Mc7adden .01

    Lin/ ,unction8 Logit.

    Parameter Estimates

    ;stimate )td. ;rror ald d, )ig.

    9$% on,idence 6nterval

    Lower ound '++er ound

    *#res#old 3.$4 .!1$ 19.224 1 .000 $.11 1.9(

    1.1!$ .!00 2.19! 1 .13! 2.$3 .3!2

    Location )avings .0!1 .12 .409 1 .$23 .330 .1(!

    timetravel .3 .3(( 1.0(2 1 .303 .340 1.094

    ge .099 .11 .33 1 .$(2 .43$ .23(

    1.202 .21( 30.!33 1 .000 1.(2( .!

  • 7/26/2019 Analysis of BLDE Jamakhandi


    0a . . 0 . . .

    .04( .2!( .02$ 1 .!3 .(0( .$1$

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .024 .209 .013 1 .909 .3! .434

    0a . . 0 . . .

    1.!30 .4$! 1$.9!1 1 .000 2.2! .933

    1.2!1 .3!( 11.034 1 .001 2.03( .$2$

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .141 .33 .14 1 .( .$20 .!01

    .234 .343 .4($ 1 .49$ .43! .90(

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .(!2 .31( 4.((! 1 .031 1.300 .0(3

    .4$ .310 2.1!4 1 .139 1.0(4 .149

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .23 .192 1.$22 1 .21 .(13 .139

    0a . . 0 . . .

    Lin/ ,unction8 Logit.

    a. *#is +arameter is set to ?ero because it is redundant.

    Test of Parallel Linesa

    Model 2 Log Li/eli#ood #i)5uare d, )ig.

    Null "y+ot#esis $(.0!9

    @eneral 31.((4 24.42$ 13 .02

    *#e null #y+ot#esis states t#at t#e location +arameters Aslo+e coe,,icientsB are t#e

    same across res+onse categories.

    a. Lin/ ,unction8 Logit.

    ypothesis "+ -eave availability

    Case Processing Summary




    Leave availability in time Low 149 29.!%

    Medium 2(( $3.2%

    "ig# !$ 1.0%

    rea &ural 10 34.0%'rban 330 ((.0%

  • 7/26/2019 Analysis of BLDE Jamakhandi


    Marital )tatus 'nmarried 11$ 23.0%

    Married 3!$ .0%

    *y+e o, ,amily Nuclear 30 4.0%

    -oint ,amily 130 2(.0%

    or/ing +lace o, t#e


    Near to #ouse !! 1.(%

    Local 32( ($.2%

    utstation !( 1.2%

    Mode o, travel by t#e


    y wal/ 30( (1.2%

    *wo w#eeler !( 1.2%

    us & ot#ers 10! 21.(%

    &esidency ty+e o, t#e


    wn #ouse 21$ 43.0%

    &ental 23$ 4.0%

    t#ers $0 10.0%

    Nature o, wor/ &outine 32$ ($.0%

    #allenging 1$ 3$.0%

    alid $00 100.0%

    Missing 0

    *otal $00

    Model Fitting Information

    Model 2 Log Li/eli#ood #i)5uare d, )ig.

    6nterce+t nly !0(.3107inal (.(2( 29.(!4 13 .00$

    Lin/ ,unction8 Logit.


    #i)5uare d, )ig.

    Pearson (30.!! $$3 .012

    eviance ((1.!! $$3 .001

    Lin/ ,unction8 Logit.

    Pseudo R-Square

    o: and )nell .0$!

    Nagel/er/e .0(

    Mc7adden .030

    Lin/ ,unction8 Logit.

  • 7/26/2019 Analysis of BLDE Jamakhandi


    Parameter Estimates

    ;stimate )td. ;rror ald d, )ig.

    9$% on,idence 6nterval

    Lower ound '++er ound

    *#res#old 1.32$ .94 2.90 1 .09$ 2.!!1 .230

    1.23! .92 2.440 1 .11! .31$ 2.91

    Location )avings .1(9 .12 1.(( 1 .1!4 .41! .0!0

    timetravel .1(1 .3(1 .19! 1 .($( .!(9 .$4

    ge .331 .13 3.($! 1 .0$( .00! .((9

    .010 .209 .002 1 .9(2 .420 .400

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .44$ .2!! 2.3!9 1 .122 .119 1.010

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .3!0 .211 3.242 1 .02 .034 .93

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .01! .449 .002 1 .9(! .!9! .!(2

    .140 .3! .13( 1 .12 .!!1 .(02

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .$21 .341 2.339 1 .12( 1.1!! .14

    .09 .344 .0$3 1 .!19 .$9( .$4


    . . 0 . . .

    .92 .31$ (.31$ 1 .012 1.409 .14

    .$1 .30! 2.!1$ 1 .093 1.121 .0!

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .04$ .192 .0$( 1 .!14 .332 .422

    0a . . 0 . . .

    Lin/ ,unction8 Logit.

    a. *#is +arameter is set to ?ero because it is redundant.

    Test of Parallel Linesa

    Model 2 Log Li/eli#ood #i)5uare d, )ig.

    Null "y+ot#esis (.(2(

    @eneral 44.1$4 32.42 13 .002

    *#e null #y+ot#esis states t#at t#e location +arameters Aslo+e coe,,icientsB are t#e

    same across res+onse categories.

    a. Lin/ ,unction8 Logit.

    ypothesis &+ Work satisfaction -evel

  • 7/26/2019 Analysis of BLDE Jamakhandi


    Case Processing Summary




    or/ satis,action Low ( 1$.2%

    Medium 240 4!.0%

    "ig# 1!4 3(.!%

    rea &ural 10 34.0%

    'rban 330 ((.0%

    Marital )tatus 'nmarried 11$ 23.0%

    Married 3!$ .0%

    *y+e o, ,amily Nuclear 30 4.0%

    -oint ,amily 130 2(.0%

    or/ing +lace o, t#e


    Near to #ouse !! 1.(%

    Local 32( ($.2%

    utstation !( 1.2%

    Mode o, travel by t#e


    y wal/ 30( (1.2%

    *wo w#eeler !( 1.2%

    us & ot#ers 10! 21.(%

    &esidency ty+e o, t#e


    wn #ouse 21$ 43.0%

    &ental 23$ 4.0%

    t#ers $0 10.0%

    Nature o, wor/ &outine 32$ ($.0%#allenging 1$ 3$.0%

    ;ducation o, t#e res+ondent ))L and below 1(9 33.!%

    P' & egree 2(0 $2.0%

    P@ & P#. 1 14.2%

    alid $00 100.0%

    Missing 0

    *otal $00

    Model Fitting Information

    Model 2 Log Li/eli#ood #i)5uare d, )ig.

    6nterce+t nly !32.49!

    7inal 9(.$0! 3$.990 1$ .002

    Lin/ ,unction8 Logit.


    #i)5uare d, )ig.

  • 7/26/2019 Analysis of BLDE Jamakhandi


    Pearson (4(.0! (3 .393

    eviance (!3.41 (3 .09

    Lin/ ,unction8 Logit.

    Pseudo R-Square

    o: and )nell .0(9

    Nagel/er/e .0!0

    Mc7adden .03(

    Lin/ ,unction8 Logit.

    Parameter Estimates

    ;stimate )td. ;rror ald d, )ig.

    9$% on,idence 6nterval

    Lower ound '++er ound

    *#res#old 2.1 .!1! 11.4(2 1 .001 4.3$ 1.1(

    .3!2 .!0! .223 1 .(3 1.9($ 1.202

    Location )avings .0!$ .12! .449 1 .$03 .33( .1($

    timetravel .422 .3(2 1.3(1 1 .243 1.132 .2!

    ge .12$ .12 .$32 1 .4(( .212 .4(3

    .3$2 .20! 2.!$9 1 .091 .(1 .0$( 0a . . 0 . . .

    .14 .2!9 .3(4 1 .$4 .40 .392

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .3 .211 3.1! 1 .0$ .03 .91

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .123 .4$2 .04 1 .!$ 1.009 .(3

    .403 .3!4 1.104 1 .293 1.1$( .349

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .144 .3!1 .143 1 .0$ .(03 .!92

    .34 .344 1.19 1 .2! .301 1.049

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .$29 .321 2.1! 1 .099 1.1$! .100

    .31( .311 1.029 1 .310 .92( .29$

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .230 .193 1.421 1 .233 .(0! .14!

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .339 .3(1 .!!2 1 .34! 1.04( .3(!

  • 7/26/2019 Analysis of BLDE Jamakhandi


    .101 .294 .11 1 .32 .4( .(

    0a . . 0 . . .

    Lin/ ,unction8 Logit.

    a. *#is +arameter is set to ?ero because it is redundant.

    Test of Parallel Linesa

    Model 2 Log Li/eli#ood #i)5uare d, )ig.

    Null "y+ot#esis 9(.$0!

    @eneral (!.19 2!.311 1$ .020

    *#e null #y+ot#esis states t#at t#e location +arameters Aslo+e coe,,icientsB are t#e

    same across res+onse categories.

    a. Lin/ ,unction8 Logit.

    ypothesis + Physical work

    Case Processing Summary




    "eavy +#ysical wor/ at wor/


    Low 24 4.!%

    Medium 24( 49.2%

    "ig# 230 4(.0%

    rea &ural 10 34.0%

    'rban 330 ((.0%

    Marital )tatus 'nmarried 11$ 23.0%

    Married 3!$ .0%

    *y+e o, ,amily Nuclear 30 4.0%

    -oint ,amily 130 2(.0%

    or/ing +lace o, t#e


    Near to #ouse !! 1.(%

    Local 32( ($.2%

    utstation !( 1.2%

    Mode o, travel by t#e


    y wal/ 30( (1.2%

    *wo w#eeler !( 1.2%

    us & ot#ers 10! 21.(%

    &esidency ty+e o, t#e


    wn #ouse 21$ 43.0%

    &ental 23$ 4.0%

    t#ers $0 10.0%

    Nature o, wor/ &outine 32$ ($.0%

    #allenging 1$ 3$.0%

    ;ducation o, t#e res+ondent ))L and below 1(9 33.!%

  • 7/26/2019 Analysis of BLDE Jamakhandi


    P' & egree 2(0 $2.0%

    P@ & P#. 1 14.2%

    alid $00 100.0%

    Missing 0

    *otal $00

    Model Fitting Information

    Model 2 Log Li/eli#ood #i)5uare d, )ig.

    6nterce+t nly 09.03$

    7inal (3.$$ 3$.2!1 1$ .002

    Lin/ ,unction8 Logit.


    #i)5uare d, )ig.

    Pearson 0.!2( (3 .02

    eviance $.91 (3 .9$$

    Lin/ ,unction8 Logit.

    Pseudo R-Square

    o: and )nell .0(!

    Nagel/er/e .0!3

    Mc7adden .041

    Lin/ ,unction8 Logit.

    Parameter Estimates

    ;stimate )td. ;rror ald d, )ig.

    9$% on,idence 6nterval

    Lower ound '++er ound

    *#res#old 3.4( .!(! 1(.041 1 .000 $.1( 1.$

    .1!2 .!4( .04( 1 .!30 1.!40 1.4(

    Location )avings .20$ .134 2.34( 1 .12( .4( .0$

    timetravel .32! .3!0 .42 1 .3!9 .41! 1.03

    ge .21( .1!1 1.429 1 .232 .$0 .13!

    .1$( .21 .$14 1 .43 .$!2 .20


    . . 0 . . .

    .212 .304 .4! 1 .4!$ .!09 .3!4

  • 7/26/2019 Analysis of BLDE Jamakhandi


    0a . . 0 . . .

    .41( .222 3.49! 1 .0(1 .!$2 .020

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .0$! .42 .01$ 1 .903 .9!3 .!(!

    .0(1 .401 .023 1 .!9 .2$ .!4

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .!( .400 4.0$ 1 .030 .0!4 1.($0

    .012 .3(0 .001 1 .94 .(93 .1

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .241 .331 .$29 1 .4( .40! .!90

    .0!0 .321 .0(2 1 .!03 .0! .$49

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .413 .203 4.130 1 .042 .!11 .01$

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .144 .3 .14 1 .02 .$94 .!!3

    .13 .30 .319 1 .$2 .42! .$

    0a . . 0 . . .

    Lin/ ,unction8 Logit.

    a. *#is +arameter is set to ?ero because it is redundant.

    Test of Parallel Linesa

    Model 2 Log Li/eli#ood #i)5uare d, )ig.

    Null "y+ot#esis (3.$$

    @eneral (3(.2(b 3.49c 1$ .001

    *#e null #y+ot#esis states t#at t#e location +arameters Aslo+e coe,,icientsB are t#e

    same across res+onse categories.

    a. Lin/ ,unction8 Logit.

    b. *#e logli/eli#ood value cannot be ,urt#er increased a,ter ma:imum number o,


    c. *#e #i)5uare statistic is com+uted based on t#e logli/eli#ood value o, t#e

    last iteration o, t#e general model. alidity o, t#e test is uncertain.

    ypothesis + /olleague support

    Case Processing Summary




  • 7/26/2019 Analysis of BLDE Jamakhandi


    olleague su++ort at wor/


    Low ( 13.4%

    Medium 229 4$.!%

    "ig# 204 40.!%

    rea &ural 10 34.0%

    'rban 330 ((.0%

    Marital )tatus 'nmarried 11$ 23.0%

    Married 3!$ .0%

    *y+e o, ,amily Nuclear 30 4.0%

    -oint ,amily 130 2(.0%

    or/ing +lace o, t#e


    Near to #ouse !! 1.(%

    Local 32( ($.2%

    utstation !( 1.2%

    Mode o, travel by t#e


    y wal/ 30( (1.2%

    *wo w#eeler !( 1.2%

    us & ot#ers 10! 21.(%

    &esidency ty+e o, t#e


    wn #ouse 21$ 43.0%

    &ental 23$ 4.0%

    t#ers $0 10.0%

    Nature o, wor/ &outine 32$ ($.0%

    #allenging 1$ 3$.0%

    ;ducation o, t#e res+ondent ))L and below 1(9 33.!%

    P' & egree 2(0 $2.0%

    P@ & P#. 1 14.2%alid $00 100.0%

    Missing 0

    *otal $00

    Model Fitting Information

    Model 2 Log Li/eli#ood #i)5uare d, )ig.

    6nterce+t nly !31.$2

    7inal !13.23 1!.$1$ 1$ .23

    Lin/ ,unction8 Logit.


    #i)5uare d, )ig.

    Pearson (!9.!40 (3 .02

    eviance 0!.9!4 (3 .02$

    Lin/ ,unction8 Logit.

  • 7/26/2019 Analysis of BLDE Jamakhandi


    Pseudo R-Square

    o: and )nell .03(

    Nagel/er/e .042

    Mc7adden .019

    Lin/ ,unction8 Logit.

    Parameter Estimates

    ;stimate )td. ;rror ald d, )ig.

    9$% on,idence 6nterval

    Lower ound '++er ound

    *#res#old 1.$( .!0$ 3.! 1 .0$2 3.14$ .011

    .33 .!02 .!3$ 1 .3(1 .!39 2.304

    Location )avings .11! .12 .!$( 1 .3$$ .132 .3(

    timetravel .104 .3(0 .0!4 1 .2 .!10 .(01

    ge .024 .11 .020 1 .!! .3(0 .311

    .30 .209 3.13( 1 .0 .039 .9

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .1$0 .2!9 .20 1 .(03 .41( .1

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .3( .212 2.9!9 1 .0!4 .!3 .049 0a . . 0 . . .

    .00$ .449 .000 1 .991 .!$ .!!(

    .021 .3!1 .003 1 .9$ .2( .(

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .192 .39 .2$ 1 .(12 .$$0 .934

    .2$2 .341 .$43 1 .4(1 .41! .921

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .2$3 .314 .(49 1 .420 .!0 .3(3

    .030 .30$ .009 1 .923 .$(! .(2

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .020 .192 .011 1 .91( .39 .3$(

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .33 .3$! .!!3 1 .34 .3($ 1.039

    .39( .291 1.!$2 1 .14 .14 .9((

    0a . . 0 . . .

    Lin/ ,unction8 Logit.

    a. *#is +arameter is set to ?ero because it is redundant.

  • 7/26/2019 Analysis of BLDE Jamakhandi


    Test of Parallel Linesa

    Model 2 Log Li/eli#ood #i)5uare d, )ig.

    Null "y+ot#esis !13.23

    @eneral !2.92 30.44$ 1$ .010

    *#e null #y+ot#esis states t#at t#e location +arameters Aslo+e coe,,icientsB are t#e

    same across res+onse categories.

    a. Lin/ ,unction8 Logit.

    ypothesis 0+ opportunity to improve

    Case Processing Summary




    ++ortunity to im+rove Low 121 24.2%

    Medium 22( 4$.2%

    "ig# 1$3 30.(%

    rea &ural 10 34.0%

    'rban 330 ((.0%

    Marital )tatus 'nmarried 11$ 23.0%

    Married 3!$ .0%

    *y+e o, ,amily Nuclear 30 4.0%

    -oint ,amily 130 2(.0%

    or/ing +lace o, t#e


    Near to #ouse !! 1.(%

    Local 32( ($.2%

    utstation !( 1.2%

    Mode o, travel by t#e


    y wal/ 30( (1.2%

    *wo w#eeler !( 1.2%

    us & ot#ers 10! 21.(%&esidency ty+e o, t#e


    wn #ouse 21$ 43.0%

    &ental 23$ 4.0%

    t#ers $0 10.0%

    Nature o, wor/ &outine 32$ ($.0%

    #allenging 1$ 3$.0%

    ;ducation o, t#e res+ondent ))L and below 1(9 33.!%

    P' & egree 2(0 $2.0%

    P@ & P#. 1 14.2%

    6ncome o, t#e res+ondent elow &s 10C000 2$( $1.2%

    &s 10C001 to 20C000 11$ 23.0%

  • 7/26/2019 Analysis of BLDE Jamakhandi


    &s 20C001 to 30C000 ! 1.4%

    bove 30C000 42 !.4%

    alid $00 100.0%

    Missing 0

    *otal $00

    Model Fitting Information

    Model 2 Log Li/eli#ood #i)5uare d, )ig.

    6nterce+t nly 94(.$(

    7inal !1(.(!( 130.01 1! .000

    Lin/ ,unction8 Logit.


    #i)5uare d, )ig.

    Pearson !10.3$ 00 .002

    eviance 44.312 00 .119

    Lin/ ,unction8 Logit.

    Pseudo R-Square

    o: and )nell .229

    Nagel/er/e .2(0

    Mc7adden .122

    Lin/ ,unction8 Logit.

    Parameter Estimates

    ;stimate )td. ;rror ald d, )ig.

    9$% on,idence 6nterval

    Lower ound '++er ound

    *#res#old 3.234 .9$2 11.$40 1 .001 $.099 1.3(!

    .!20 .940 .(2 1 .3!3 2.((2 1.021

    Location )avings .400 .132 9.132 1 .003 .($9 .140

    timetravel 1.00( .33 .2(! 1 .00 1.3! .2$

    ge .103 .1!3 .31 1 .$4 .2$( .4(1

    1.0( .21! 24.443 1 .000 1.$03 .(49


    . . 0 . . .

    .299 .294 1.03$ 1 .309 .2 .!(

  • 7/26/2019 Analysis of BLDE Jamakhandi


    0a . . 0 . . .

    .049 .21$ .0$3 1 .!1! .41 .32

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .013 .42 .001 1 .9 .911 .93!

    .10 .40$ .1 1 .(4 .9($ .(24

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .4!4 .39! 1.4!1 1 .224 1.2(3 .29(

    .141 .3$4 .1$! 1 .(91 .!34 .$$2

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .!$ .323 .030 1 .00! .223 1.490

    .3! .311 1.$$0 1 .213 .223 .99!

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .(4 .201 11.24( 1 .001 1.0(! .2!0

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .0!3 .393 .044 1 .!33 .!$3 .(!

    .920 .30! !.939 1 .003 .31 1.$23

    0a . . 0 . . .

    .2$4 .439 .33( 1 .$(2 1.11$ .(0(

    .1(9 .411 .1(9 1 .(!1 .(3 .9(

    .$$2 .410 1.!11 1 .1! .2$2 1.3$

    0a . . 0 . . .

    Lin/ ,unction8 Logit.

    a. *#is +arameter is set to ?ero because it is redundant.

    Test of Parallel Linesa

    Model 2 Log Li/eli#ood #i)5uare d, )ig.

    Null "y+ot#esis !1(.(!(

    @eneral 9.41 3(.94$ 1! .00$

    *#e null #y+ot#esis states t#at t#e location +arameters Aslo+e coe,,icientsB are t#e

    same across res+onse categories.

    a. Lin/ ,unction8 Logit.