analysis of cover, contents page and doublepage spread for rocksound magazine

The layout is very cluttered, with a lot of information on it which makes the cover very exciting to look at. The subject matter of the cover is big and bold and makes the cover look dramatic. The quote preview is very exciting and has many connotations for a new beginning or the band bringing out new music, tours or other details. “Brace for impact” connotes a violent movement. The Main Headline of the magazine has a good use of diction as it seems exciting and catches the eye of the audience. The masthead is very big and shows up well on the cover, the image on the front of the band does not fully cover the masthead and it stands out containing most of the subject matter for the magazine. The plug of the magazine could be the sample CD on the cover which could pull readers in and help them discover other music and also get the readers to have an interest in buying the magazine. There are also posters available in the magazine which could pull the audience to buy the magazine so they can put up the posters.

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Analysis of Cover, Contents Page and Doublepage Spread for RockSound Magazine

The layout is very cluttered, with a lot of information on it which makes the cover very exciting to look at. The subject matter of the cover is big and bold and makes the cover look dramatic.

The quote preview is very exciting and has many connotations for a new beginning or the band bringing out new music, tours or other details. “Brace for impact” connotes a violent movement.

The Main Headline of the magazine has a good use of diction as it seems exciting and catches the eye of the audience.

The masthead is very big and shows up well on the cover, the image on the front of the band does not fully cover the masthead and it stands out containing most of the subject matter for the magazine.

The plug of the magazine could be the sample CD on the cover which could pull readers in and help them discover other music and also get the readers to have an interest in buying the magazine. There are also posters available in the magazine which could pull the audience to buy the magazine so they can put up the posters.

Page 2: Analysis of Cover, Contents Page and Doublepage Spread for RockSound Magazine

The layout of the double page spread is also very cluttered and follows the layout of the cover as it has the band and a picture of the band in big and so it stands out. You can very clearly tell what the article will be about due to quotes in bigger and bolder text and the same use of diction in the pull quotes, such as: “The new sound of sacrifice.”

The photos of the band on this double page show tones of excitement and how crazy the band can be, which can give the audience a sense of excitement and the happy feel that is conveyed in this image.

The font of the text stays consistent throughout the article and some words are made in bold so that they stand out and usually convey the message of the article. Quotes are put in bold to add some humour to the article and so that the reader sees the opinion of a band member as usually fans have an interest in whom they are as a person.

Page 3: Analysis of Cover, Contents Page and Doublepage Spread for RockSound Magazine

The majority of the contents page has an image which could appeal to younger audiences as they would prefer more images over text. The text used isn't very formal which again appeals to the younger audiences so they understand more of the content. There is also a quote mentioned to keep the reader interested and pull them in to read the article that it may be in, the pages numbers are mentioned near the name of the article and the band so that way it is easy to go to that page and read the magazine easier. This type of layout stays consistent all through the magazine.

The text here is in the same font which also shows another component of consistency and it is clear with a colour scheme of black and white which both show very well on top of each other. The names of the bands are in a bigger size than the information of the article which makes the audience look for the bands first to see if they see any that they like and would like to read about.

The date and issue number are shown very clearly above the main features of the magazine, it also shown on the cover of the magazine.