analysis of double page spread

Analysis of Double page spread

Upload: hameshtailor96

Post on 02-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Analysis of double page spread

Analysis of Double page spread

Page 2: Analysis of double page spread

Analysis of Double page spread 1

The double page spread above follows most of the conventions of double page spread, one page is filled with a picture with a quote from the article going across the both pages. The article has a large first letter emphasising the start of a new article the picture has been airbrushed to focus on the singer, the background is blur out to show that he is the main subject. The column up in the corner is the factual area of the article where the new tracks are starred and all the factual information is given about the band which is being featured in the article. The pictures at the bottom have been airbrushed as well , the one on the far left has been airbrushed to make him look like he is looking into the distance far, far away, giving the mise en scene that he is exploring his talent and look for new ways to piece it together. The one in the middle has been taken so the band look like a unit, a well oiled machine. And the one on the right has focused on the singer to show how committed he is to their new album. In the corner of each picture there is a description of what is happening.This double page spread has not challenge the conventions in any way, but saying it has doesn't mean that the double page spread is not effective as it has used the conventions to their full potential.

Body of Article

Main Image


Page 3: Analysis of double page spread

Analysis of Double page spread 2

Above is a double page spread, the conventions which are followed are the full page photo, the photo uses the male gaze, she is Touching her face making her look submissive toward the reader, the image has also been airbrushed around the eyes to take out the wrinkles and emphasise the eyes. Her nose has been airbrushed, once again the wrinkles have been taken out, to give a more clean shape. Also the hair has been made brighter and more delicate, which give a much nicer look. The text starts with a big letter to show it is a new article. This double page spread has challenged the convention, the quote is on one page on the opposite side of where the article starts, however I think is more effective as it can let the image speak for itself instead of having the article do it for it. The absence of a factual section I thinks help the article as it almost gives it from the features point of view Instead of having a big title for the article it is just on a banner at the top of the page meaning that instead of the title being the first thing the reader sees it is the article giving the article more attention, making the reader wanting to read the article even more. So therefore even though the conventions are not used it is still a very effective article.

Main Image

Body of Article

Title of Article

Signature full stop

Page 4: Analysis of double page spread


From Analyzing Double page spreads I have firstly learnt that if I am going to use more than 1 image that I should put anchors for them, as if I was using 1 image the article is like an extended anchor for the image.

Secondly that If I use a woman model I should defiantly use the male gaze as it can lead to connotations of Maslow's Hierarchy of need and that I should also use airbrushing to drawn attention to the mise en scene of the picture and complement Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs in the photos.

I should also consider challenge the double page spread as these double page spreads I do not think they could be as effective as they could be , indicating me that I should look into how I could develop the form and conventions of these or challenge and change them all togather.