analysis of japanese loanwords in culinary content...

Amalia Rahmayanti, Linna Meilia Rasiban, Renariah, Dedi Sutedi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ABS-ICOLLITE-20241 ANALYSIS OF JAPANESE LOANWORDS IN CULINARY CONTENT ON SOCIAL MEDIA INSTAGRAM

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Post on 04-Mar-2021




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Amalia Rahmayanti, Linna Meilia Rasiban, Renariah, Dedi Sutedi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ABS-ICOLLITE-20241


Gairaigo, also known as yoogo (words that come from western languages) and also called

as shakuyoogo (loan words). Even though gairaigo is said to be a yoogo, in the development

of gairaigo, it cannot be separated from the influence of foreign languages and changes in

the vocabulary that is taken from the structure in accordance with the rules of pronunciation

and writing in Japanese without changing the meaning of the said word (Sudjianto & Dahidi,

2019). For example: ユーモ ア 'yuumoa' (humor / humor) which derives from French,

ノート 'nooto' (note / notebook) derives from English,

イ ン キ 'inki' (inkt / ink) derives from Dutch, and

タ バ コ 'tabako' (tabaco, / cigarette) derives from Portuguese (Sawada, 1993).

The origin of words in Japanese consists of at least four types, namely: 1) haseigo

(invented/derived word), 2) fukugougo / goseigo (compound word), 3) shouryaku / ryakugo

(taking out some of the syllables from the original vocabulary) and 4) toujigo (an abbreviation

of the first letter written in the alphabet) (Sutedi, 2011: 46).


Social media are means, services, and communication that facilitate relation between

people with the same objectives or interests. (Garrett, 2007). One of the social media

that is being widely used by Japanese people is Instagram. According to data obtained

from StatCounter (Global Stats) in April 2019 - April 2020 Instagram is a social media

that is ranked in the top 5.



Based on an article from the imf-lab website

(2020) (marketing influencer on Japanese

social media,) Instagram is social media that

is widely used by Japanese people. The most

popular posts on Instagram are food-related


Source :


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Sawada (1993)

Kusrini (2020)

Sari (2018)

Ashari (2018)

“Nihongo Kyouiku no

Tame no Kihon

Gairaigo ni Tsuite”.

“The Formation of Loan

Words (Gairaigo) in the

Forms of Ryakugo and

Toujigo in the Automotive-

Technology News Column of

the Asahi Shimbun Digital

Website ”

“The Process of

Forming Gairaigo in

the Forms of

Haseigo and

Fukugougo “

“Analysis of the

usage of Gairaigo on

Twitter Social Media ”


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Qualitative descriptive method

aims to provide (describe) a situation or

existing phenomena as they are.

Documents used as reference material:


• English-Japanese Dictionary Japanese-

English Kotobank

• English-Japanese Dictionary Japanese-

English Weblio

And caption from Japanese Instagram posts

account culinary field content from:


MARCH 2020 JUNE 2020

No. Instagram Account Number of Posts Number of Vocabulary

1 Yamamoto Hiromi

(love_kitchen_salon) 28 post Haseigo: 9 kosakata

Fukugougo: 36 kosakata

Ryakugo: 5 kosakata

Toujigo: 1 kosakata

2 Kawai Mayuko (kawaimayuko) 18 post Haseigo: 4 kosakata

Fukugougo: 19 kosakata

Ryakugo: 1 kosakata

Toujigo: 2 kosakata

3 Oki Hayashi (hayashioki)

11 post Haseigo: 2 kosakata

Fukugougo: 13 kosakata

Ryakugo: 2 kosakata

4 Chef Takashi


9 post Haseigo: 1 kosakata

Fukugougo: 9 kosakata

Toujigo: 1 kosakata

5 Chikaraonma (h.chikara_cook) 4 post Fukugougo: 3 kosakata

Ryakugo: 2 kosakata

6 Koichi Sasada (chanko_chef33) 2 post Haseigo: 1 kosakata

Fukugougo: 1 kosakata

Ryakugo: 1 kosakata

7 Food Story (4you_sns) 1 post Haseigo: 1 kosakata

8 Mizuki【料理ブロガー・簡単レ

シピ】 (mizuki_31cafe)

1 post Toujigo: 1 kosakata

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Click Add Related Title Text Gairaigo Forms Used in Culinary Content on Instagram Social Media

The 74 uploads on eight accounts of Japanese users of Instagram social media, there are 115 vocabularies


(1) Haseigo form, there are 18 gairaigo words obtained and all of the vocabulary is haseigo followed by the

verb suru.

(2) Fukugougo form, 81 gairago vocabularies are obtained.

The vocabulary is a combination of two or more words. And in one vocabulary, there is gairaigo which is

absorbed from the same language (example: English + English) while gairaigo is absorbed from two

different languages (example: English + French).

(3) Ryakugo form, 11 vocabularies are obtained.

In this form, there are vocabularies that experience word shortening or deletion, the first deletion at the end

of the word (geryaku), the second deletion in the middle of the word (churyaku).

(4) Toujigo form, there are 5 vocabularies obtained.

Of the 5 vocabularies, 3 of them are terms or words that are often used on Instagram social media when

communicating to exchange information or are commonly used but are still related to uploaded content.



3% 1% 1% 1%


Inggris Prancis Belanda Italia Portugis Spanyol


Types of Gairaigo Words Used in Culinary Content on Instagram Social Media

Of the 74 uploads on eight accounts of Japanese users of Instagram

social media, there are 115 vocabularies obtained. Of the 198 words

that have been obtained, the type of word that is most widely used is

the type of noun with a total of 167 words, the second is the verb of 20 words (18 of which are suru) and the last is the na-adjective. (な -

形容詞) with 1 word.

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Click Add Related Title Text The Meaning of Using Gairaigo in Culinary Content

Of the 74 uploads on eight accounts of Japanese users of Instagram social media,

there are 115 vocabularies obtained. Those who experience a change in meaning are: チ ャ レ ン ジ し ま し た

(charenjishimashita) which means "challenge / challenge" to "will try" in the form of

haseigo; and Golden Week which means "golden week" being "long holiday" in the

form of toujigo. It can be concluded that most of the vocabulary used in culinary

content on Instagram social media has not changed significantly.

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The most widely used form of gairaigo is the

Fukugougo form followed by the Haseigo form after

the Ryakugo form and finally the Toujigo form.

Fukugougo: Combination of two or more words.

The vocabulary that is a combination of foreign

languages and Japanese + foreign languages.

Haseigo: All of the vocabulary obtained is haseigo

followed by the verb 'suru'.vocabulary obtained is


Ryakugo: The end of the word (geryaku) and in the

middle of the word (churyaku).

Toujigo: Vocabulary that has a shortening of the

first letter written in the alphabet.

Most of the vocabulary used in culinary

content on Instagram social media has

not experienced a significant change in

meaning, as said by Sudjianto and Dahidi

(2019: 105-107) that each gairago has a

meaning according to its original meaning.

Users of Instagram social media accounts in

Japan often use gairaigo which is loaned or

comes from English. Also loaned by

European languages include French, Italian,

Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch which are often

used in this culinary field because of the large

number of menu names typical of foods

served from these countries.

Based on the types of words, of the 198

words that have been obtained, the most

widely used types of words are noun (名詞)

with a total of 167 words, the second is a

verb (ver) of 20 words (18 of which are suru)

and lastly na-adjective (な - 形容詞) with 1



115 vocabularies that

have been obtained from

a caption in 73 posts -

eight Japanese accounts

on social media

Instagram culinary


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Further research for language

learners Japan or for those who

want to do similar research,

particularly in the form of haseigo,

fukugougo, ryakugo and, toujigo

also kind words, the meaning of use,

and the origin of the language.

The vocabulary is a mixture of the two forms such as the word BLT バーガー

(BLT baagaa) a mixture of the forms

toujigo and ryakugo.

Retrieving data from an even more

varied source:

Media used

Field to focus on

Based on the research results and conclusions outlined above, the researchers recommend a few

things about this research, including: