analysis of music magazine contents page

Analysis of music magazine contents pages

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Page 1: Analysis of Music Magazine Contents Page

Analysis of music magazine contents pages

Page 2: Analysis of Music Magazine Contents Page

Analysis of magazine contents pages: Contents 1- NME Sept 2009

Page 3: Analysis of Music Magazine Contents Page


The column on the left of the page lists the bands and page numbers which shows the reader who is featured in the magazine and the page numbers help them find the page. It shows that there is a wide range of artists/bands which is appealing for the target audience and also the bands are in a red font colour which makes them stand out on the white background and it differs from the page numbers as they are in black as they are slightly less important.


The black banner at the top is like a background for the masthead which contrasts with the bold red and white masthead and this makes it stand out and clearly signifies to the reader what the page is about


The date is a important feature as it identifies how current it is and when it was published and for example it means that regular buyers and target audience can see whether they have missed out on buying the previous issue(s).


Like the masthead and banner at the top of the page, these white bold sub headings in the same font as masthead have black sub sections positioned underneath each one which contrasts making the sub headings stand out to the reader and the sub sections also contrast with the white background. The sub headings show the reader what the main areas of interest the magazine features.


These are positioned under the sub headings which shows the category it comes under, and it show the reader what the main articles/stories are and the page number it is on. The font colour is black- matching the sub sections which again contrast on the white background making it stand out, and the page number is in red font colour which indicates it is slightly more important


The masthead is the same colour as masthead- red and has a white outline which contrasts on the black banner across the top which makes it stand out, and ensures consistency with the front cover and colour scheme.


The main image is a mid shot of a member of the band The Big Pink who is pointing at a tour bus which relates to the article below about them starting more gigs in the UK. The image is edited so it looks like a photograph pinned up on a board which gives a unique and traditional feel. The image is quite inviting and friendly as the women is looking straight at the camera with a happy expression which makes the reader feel welcome.


This introduction by the editor adds some humour and comes across as friendly which makes the reader feel at ease and it mentions briefly some of the main featured articles. The sub heading ‘Touring special’ uses a disintegrated style font which associates with the music genre Rock. The sub heading and introduction is in white font which stands out on the dark background.

SUBSCRIPTION OFFERS- This shows a cheap deal they are doing for issues of NME to persuade the reader to subscribe. It includes the price, website, and phone number. There is use of yellow font colour on the key words which stand out on the dark background the other text is white which also stand out but less.

Page 4: Analysis of Music Magazine Contents Page

Analysis of NME layout/design features of contents page

List of bands and the page numbers showing who is featured in the magazine

Image of a member of the famous band ‘The Big Pink’ pointing at a tour bus- relating to the article below which is about more British gigs

Editors introduction to the magazine- mentioning the main features

Subscription offers- showing cheap deals and giving details of how to pay for it

Masthead and word contents- bold at top with date underneath

Bold sub headings with sub sections positioned underneath. Under each sub heading there is a brief heading and summary of contents with page number next to it

Page 5: Analysis of Music Magazine Contents Page

Analysis of magazine contents pages: Contents 2- Kerrang Nov 2008

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This introduction by the editor explains why Biffy Clyro is featured in this issue the magazine (main people on cover- image to the left). The way the editor writes and signs at end is informal and quite chatty which gives a more personal approach to the reader and makes it more friendly. The font colour is black making it stand out on the white background and also uses small font size so that it takes up less space on the page- allowing more space for the images and contents details.


The main image is a mid shot of the vocalist from the band The Bronx who is shown singing at a gig. The image is larger than the others on the page which indicate that it is the main feature of the magazine, and it gives the page number in the top right corner of the image and a brief description of article. The page number is in a larger and bolder yellow font style than the brief description which is in a white font colour and this makes it stand out more and signifies that it is slightly more important.


The images are dominant on this page which is appealing for the reader as it indicates that the magazine includes a wide range of articles and imagery. It also looks quite cluttered which associates with Rock. The images to the side and below the image of the singer from The Bronx show that the articles related to the images are less important as the images are smaller. They also have smaller sized font for the page number and brief description which confirms this.


The date and issue number are important features as they identify how current it is and when it was published and for example buyers and target audience can see whether they have missed out on buying the previous issue(s). Also they are in a white font contrasting with the box- making it stand out.


Like the masthead and box at the top of the page these yellow bold sub headings in the same font as masthead have black sub sections positioned underneath each one which contrasts making the sub headings stand out and the sub sections also contrast with the white background. The sub headings show the reader what the main areas of interest the magazine features.


These are positioned under the sub headings which shows the category it comes under, and it shows the reader what the main articles featured in magazine are. The font colour is black- matching the sub sections which again contrast on the white background making it stand out. Under the issue number and date there is a quote by a rock band member and page number.


The word contents uses a bold yellow font in a black box which contrasts and makes it stand out and shows what the page is about. It is also inconsistent with the front cover colour scheme which is unusual in magazines and this associates with Rock- individuality.


This shows a cheap deal they are doing for issues of Kerrang to persuade the reader to subscribe. It includes the prices and instructions on how to pay. There is use of white font colour which stand out on the red background.

Page 7: Analysis of Music Magazine Contents Page

Analysis of Kerrang layout/design features of contents page

The word contents- bold at top with date and issue number underneath

Bold sub headings with sub sections positioned underneath. Under each sub heading there is a heading and page number next to it

Editors introduction to the magazine- talking about main feature of magazine

Quote by Rock band member and page number

Main image- singer from the band The Bronx

Many images relating to articles featured in the magazine- with the page number and brief description in top right corner

Subscription offers- showing cheap deals and giving details of how to pay for it

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Analysis of magazine contents pages: Contents 3- Vibe Feb 2009

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The main image is a mid shot of the rapper Kanye West who has a arm coming over his shoulder holding a heart-shaped object (only bright colour used on page which draws attention) which may infer that the woman is trying to win-over his heart. The image dominates the page and the simplicity of the page attracts the target audience as he is a famous rapper and this relates to the genre of the magazine and they are likely to listen to his music. Kanye is looking straight at the camera with a a moody attitude expression on his face which associates with rebellion and the genre of Rap music. Kanye West is on the front cover of this magazine as well which indicates he is the main feature. Also Kanye is dressed quite smartly considering he is a rap artist and this connects with the colour scheme and magazine being elegant/classy.


The word Contents is in a large bold black font which is not in a straight line but is split up into three lines and contrasts with background which makes it original and stands out. Most Vibe contents pages display the word contents like this as well which ensures consistency and professionalism.


Like the word Contents above there are black bold sub headings which show the reader what the main areas of interest are featured in the magazine (features and fashion). The font used for the sub headings is fancy and stylish which again relates to the colour scheme and Kanye’s clothes, and also makes it look more interesting


These are positioned under the sub headings which shows the category it comes under, and it show the reader what the main articles/stories are and the page number it is on. The font colour of brief headings is grey- making them stand out to the summary of content which is in black and matches the sub headings. The page number is in a bolder font than the heading which indicates it is slightly more important.


The masthead is a large letter V which stands for the magazine name Vibe. It is always featured on Vibe magazine contents pages and is positioned in the top half of the page which keeps there magazines consistent and look professional. This also a sort of logo for Vibe and makes the magazine recognisable just by using the letter V. Most of the contents pages in Vibe magazine use a monochromatic colour scheme like this one as the V is grey which matches with the background colour and the black and white image of rapper- Kanye West. The colour scheme gives an elegant/classy look and makes the V stand out.

PHOTOGRAPH DETAILS-In the bottom right of the page there are a few lines of text which tell the reader the artists name, where and when the photo was taken, and who took the photo. This gives fans/target audience extra information which they may want.

Page 10: Analysis of Music Magazine Contents Page

Analysis of Vibe layout/design features of contents page

The word contents- bold at top

Masthead- large V standing for Vibe

Main image- rapper Kanye West with arm over shoulder holding heart-shaped object

Bold subheadings+ brief headings and summary of contents with page number

Photograph information